We simply have to win from here on in!

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, March 20, 2016.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So the results of others have not gone as well as we would have liked with both our main rivals having won.

    I was praying Everton would put Woolwich out of the race and that the Eagles would at least hold Leicester but this was not to be and now it is on us to respond.

    We have slightly wobbled as of late (Villa aside) while having dropped out of all cups in what can only be presumed in favour of the League Title pursuit.

    Before we play Bournemouth we sit in 2nd place trailing Leicester by 8 points (with a game in hand) and 3 points ahead of Arsenal (same amount of games)

    Leicester pld 31 pts 66
    Spurs pld 30 pts 58
    Arsenal pld 30 pts 55

    All season everyone and their dog has had the attitude that Leicester can't seriously win the title and that at some point they would get found out but they just keep winning.

    They have 7 games to go a possible 21 points on offer which would give them a maximum of 87 points.
    We have 24 points available giving us a maximum total of 82 points.
    Scum also have 24 points available giving them a maximum total of 79 points.

    Now although not impossible it is highly unlikely any side will finish with a perfect 7/8 game run, especially looking at the fixtures and just the bonkers way the League has been this year.

    None of us expected to be here, or were realistically even entertaining a title push at the beginning of the season but now it's here we have to make the most of it.

    By my reckoning 4 wins from Leicesters last 7 will be too much for Arsenal to keep with and would see us needing to win 7 of our last 8. (I know which position I'd rather prefer)

    Its not over until Subo sings!

    Some massive games ahead that we can't make excuses for, we can't say we played better, or had most possession, were unlucky, they had 11 behind the ball, he's still learning etc this chance may not come round again for a long time!

    With a favourable run in its Leicesters to lose, but if we are to have a say in this Title race we simply have to win from here on in.

    Nomadico and Bazza47 like this.
  2. Big fran Guest

    With all the will in the world I just cannot see it felon. This was a big week for us and I was hoping that we would win our two nice fixtures v villa and b'mouth and Leicester would wobble v a toon under new management and a tricky tie at selhurst park. They wobbled but unfortunately for ourselves took Max points.
    From our remaining games I'd expect us to draw at stoke, beat man utd home and lose one by the law of averages to either soton Chelsea or Liverpool giving us a total of 77 maximum .
    I cannot see Leicester given there form getting less than four wins out of there remaining favourable games giving them minimum of 78. Its just a case of too little to late and running out of fixtures.
    The slow start to the season cost us dear. The two goal lead to stoke wasted. The late equaliser away at Leicester. Chances missed at home to Everton. A shocking flag on the opening day at old Trafford. Just not had the rub of the green where as Leicester had it in abundance. Fair play to them.
    The only way we win it is if the foxes have a massive collapse and we nick it on goal diff
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I fear your right Fran, as I said it's Leicesters to lose.
    And looking at the fact that they've only lost 3 games all season how likely is it they'll lose 4 of their last 7?
    We need at least 6 wins from 8 and a dose from lady luck to take it to the wire imo.
    Jonesy likes this.
  4. Catcher Guest

    The game for me that cost us the title was the Huth winner against us at the Lane 0-1 we out played all match and that set piece goal was a real sucker punch, it truly was a six point game., but we can only keep hoping Leicester drop points !!!!! COYS
    Bazza47, Mattj78 and Jonesy like this.
  5. johnnyhrvat Guest

    We cannot win the league without help from others - we can only do the best we can and keep chasing. There is not one game left that I think that we cannot win, but whether we will win them all is doubtful. Take each game as it comes and there are no excuses - no EL to blame and no hard-luck stories. Mentality is key - we can do this and the players need to believe.
    Nomadico and Bazza47 like this.
  6. Jonesy

    Jonesy Well-Known Member

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    Game at a time and clearly we must win today. I will be there, getting behind the team!

    Inevitably, there will be some twist and turns but having looked at where Leicester are now, we need some freak results/form change. Unfortunately the Foxes now have the characteristics of title winners - grinding out 1-0 wins when playing poorly. For example, just look at the game on Monday, only 1 shot on target (at home), 3 points in the bag FFS. If we are honest, we have not been ruthless enough on this front - especially at the earlier stages of the season. As Fran says, too many silly points dropped!

    Poor results at home to the Barcodes, Leicester, Everton, Pool, Stoke and held by the goons - are the games that could ultimately cost us. Moreover, we should/could have taken maximum points from these fixtures.

    In any case, if we secure CL football and finish above that lot down the road, then we have to be satisfied; it will certainly be "progress". And, if (big "IF") we have an outstanding run and win all of our remaining games... let's just see where that leaves us! U just never know ;-)

    Bazza47 and Mattj78 like this.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Whether we win or finish second, there has been progress this season and the young squad will only benefit from the experience and be stronger next season.

    What must happen is that this doesn't become a season of what ifs, but becomes a season that is a spring board for surmounted title challenges every year. That now has to be the aim.

    To achieve this, certain things need to happen:

    1) No first team players to be sold this summer.
    2) A commitment in the transfer window to strengthen the team.
    3) The signing of Pochettino on a new long term contract before the Euro's.

    Do I trust Levy to do those 3 things. I think you know my answer.
  8. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Sad but true Catcher. Even a draw that night closes the gap by 3 - that is one win........if, if, if only 'eh....
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    It's our own fault, in a sense, as you point out in those slip ups at home....how we lost to Newcastle ffs....or the Stoke draw...FFS SQUARED
  10. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Se can only concentrate on our own games and stop worrying about Leicester. It's theirs to lose.

    We needs goals and performances from players that have not, until now, delivered. Lamela, Chugger Chadli and Son need to come good. Share the load, compensate for a loss of form here or there, even run your b******ks off Chadli - surprise me, surprise us. You owe us that.

    Let's not be distracted by the Foxes playing poorly and winning, rather focus on playing out of our skin for two months. Give only of your best lads, that is all that we ask of you.

    Last edited: March 20, 2016
    Nomadico and Felon82 like this.
  11. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Mmmm....what are the odds you'd give Matt....
  12. Lets look on the bright side: OK so we are unlikely to catch Leicester but we are now 10 points ahead of Citeh so qualification for Champions League group stage, without having to go through the annoying qualifying phase is virtually assured. (Unless Citeh win the darned thing this year which seems highly unlikely)

    Plus we should be able to make some decent signings with that on offer. eg Marcus Rashford looks a great prospect so surely he will want to go to a big club to fulfil his ambitions (arf arf arf wouldn't that be a wonderful turnabout!)
  13. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    Rashford? Not a chance.

    Speaking of transfers, I'd take Ashley Williams, Mitrovic or Perez, try and banter West Ham off for Payet (imagine!!) But I'd take William Carvalho or Weigl from Dortmund if he'd come! I'd also be tempted to take a look at Henderson, Smalling if Utd don't make CL, Fernandinho off City, then try and take players back from China - Martinez maybe, Ramires would be a decent fit, then Remy in the summer as well?

    4 of those wouldn't be too bad!
  14. I was joking re Rashford. I wouldn't take any Newcastle player, they have a mercenary attitude, no loyalty to the cause. Maybe Poch could get Pelle or Sadio Mane on board? Pelle would thrive with the better midfield creators we offer. Imagine being able to rotate Kane and Pelle - more magical than Penn and Teller!

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