We made it too easy for Chelsea

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, March 1, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Winning against Chelsea on New Year's Day and the 2-1 win against Arsenal have been high points of our season. Sadly, both of those results could be worth nothing at all come the end of this season.

    Away from Wembley , Liverpool won and Arsenal won leaving Spurs looking at a tough job to finish in the top 6, never mind the top 4. We began this week believing that the Champions league or at least a trophy was in our sights. We end the week facing the very real possibility of not being in Europe at all next season.

    And for me, we made life too easy for Chelsea this afternoon. We had a lot of possession in the first half but were limited to shots outside the area. When Kane got forward , the midfield seemed to be miles away.
    Chelsea set up in the typical Mourinho way. They kept men behind the ball and we were clueless to get past it.

    The defending for both goals was laughable, as it was on Thursday and today shows just how big the job is that Spurs have to join the premierships elite. In fact, with a 1 or 2 season move away from the lane looking likely, things start to look increasingly grim for the White Hart Lane club.

    I still believe that we have the right man to take us forward but I feel very sorry for the fans that were sold very short today. Passing the ball around in small circles is all very well, but today we were naive and lacklustre.

    It was interesting that when a picture of Levy was flashed up on the board on the 83rd minute, there were jeers from the Tottenham end of Wembley.

    As much as I don't like Levy, now is not the right time to turn on him again. I will save that for a later date!!

    Spurs did try hard but we just didn't do enough and that is not acceptable in a cup final.

    The season started with concerns over our performances, only for us to be tantalised by some great victories and then in the last week to find ourselves perhaps further away than ever from success.

    Pochettino will bring players through our youth team, but we now must face the reality that we could yet again lose our best players in the summer and enter another season of "transition." Transition that we can no longer accept.

    I am sad to say it but I think tough times lay ahead. Fortunately we are all too used it.

    What happens next is anyone's guess but I can't see glory, glory nights being returned to us any time soon.
  2. Jonesy Guest

    Same old Tottenham - bottle it when it matters. So weak defensively, it really is getting embarrassing at the back. When did we last keep a clean sheet? Feel sorry for Lloris, I'm not sure how long he will stick around for. Poor defence in front of him.

    Levy needs to back MoPo in the summer and buy a couple of world class players (oppose to buying lots of bang average ones). Chelski make me sick... We are so far behind them.

    Season over in March, again.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. burnt Guest

    Horrible end to a horrible week .. Didn't do an awfull lot wrong really , just gave our now coustomary couple of goals away .. I felt we,d prob need to score 3 to get anything out of the game but it was never going to happen for a second time against a Mourinho team .. He doesn't make the same mistake twice .. We make them twice every match it seems .. lol .. love him or hate him he certainly knows how to win .. How many other managers would stick a centre back in midfield in a cup final .. lol , how would our fans react to a manager that does such a thing .. Redknapp summed it up perfectly “ Mourinho doesn't care much for the beautiful game he only cares for a winning one ” ...
  4. CHRIS Guest

    Are you high??
    We played great football and held the ball brilliantly!
    Yes we had poor success, but chelsea is not a easy team ..
    We had great pace and we controlled the game - it's the capitol one cup and it's all up to a couple off 22-23 yr lads, we'll be there, just not yet.
    Maybe it doesn't look as bright as it did in the beginning of last week, but look how far we got with Poch in 1 season - next season we don't have to worry about european competitions and we will hopefully go to a top 3 or and take some English silverware.
    bruski, notnats, Ramos43 and 2 others like this.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    No cutting edge whatsoever a performance damper than the weather.
    A lot of possession typical lack of quality, aimless safe passing from the midfield, lack of threat from Chadli and Townsend, a very isolated Kane and again some shocking defending.
    Look to the bench for inspiration? Our 3 MVPs and highest paid player barely pushing for let alone warranting a start.
    The first goal beggars belief 4 defenders half heartedly all ball watching and jumping at the same ball only for it to not be dealt with under any pressure and it land to terry totally unmarked and unchallenged.
    We threw the Europa league away for this and also the league. Here we go with the transition lines yet 2 windows have passed and we've still bloated squad of nobodies that's been added to with more nobodies. The defence is not good enough from a quality and managed point of view, the midfield if not able to out run the opposition has nothing and if it weren't for Eriksens flashes of quality, Kane's form and Hugo we are a painfully average team at best.
    The club lacks leadership, Direction, Bottle, but most of all quality in numerous positions.
    Whittled down we've had a few decent results a couple good performances the rest has been disjointed forced play. We should've sold the stock piled dross in the summer and January and we should've strengthened our team in the summer and our position January as well.
    We didn't and levy yet again has not backed his manager, what does this mean? Players like Hugo n Eriksen will be out the door before Poorlinho Soldado Lamela Adebayor you name it.
    This isn't a transitional its a waste of time as no pro activity in the market is being shown.
    Depressing game, depressing team Levy, Enic & Baldini out no leadership. And if Poch doesn't have the ability to drill a defence then he can go too as our defending isn't remotely professional.
    Spurporter likes this.
  6. wiseone Guest

    Poch isn't a world class coach, same level as avb and definitely mid table coach out of his depth at spurs, dier at cb isn't realistic, kaboul frozen out definitely stupid, we needed his experience against florentina and poch likes to shoot himself in the foot with his weak starting selection, mason in a final absolutely questionable, two disappointing losses, really shows posh has nothing more to offer.
  7. abd Guest

    The previous posts embarrass me and most Spurs fans - what game were you watching? Chelsea in case you have not looked at the league table are the best team in England and we held our own against them - 2 deflected goals is all that beat us - was that Dier and Walkers fault? Should they not challenge - it was always going to be a tough challenge to win today, we gave it our best, bossed possession and never gave up. Mourinho is a master at winning things - we lost to a tactical genius - a great manager.
    bruski, notnats, The Cockerel and 3 others like this.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Bossing possession is pointless if you do nothing with it, we barely worked Cech at all.
    The 1st goal is awful defending a common trait in an unorganised limited skilled defence.
    We threw the Europa away with a whimper, a competition that has been totally detrimental to our League campaign in favour of this competition, just to have a lot of safe possession.
    That's the Gripe at no point was the kitchen sink being thrown at chavs it was easy for them.
    Season over in a week, best players closer to the door keep clapping.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Jonesy Guest

    Well said Felon.

    The first goal was criminal; zonal marking, really? Always man to man when a free kick is coming in from that area. The back line is clueless at times and the first goal could have been avoided.

    A bit of experience needed at the back, and certainly don't mean Fazio.

    I do feel that the manger needs time and an opportunity to bring in some of his own players; not Baldini's!

    Back to the PL - COYS.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  10. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Not as high as you!! We held the ball really well, yes, but played at speed? We hardly worked the keeper. Chelsea didn't have to break sweat.

    We had lots of possession but did nothing with it! We tried hard. Soldado tries hard but delivers nothing.
  11. burnt Guest

    That false god of modern day football , mindless possession crops its ugly head again .. Waste of time is all it is .. Most teams that play Chelsea feel they bossed possession or at least matched them but never get anything from the game .. Its a nonsense really .. All that matters is goals , scoring and not conceding if possible .. Unfortunately for us we,re rubbish at both ..
    Dace, Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  12. stevethespur Active Member

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    I dont think we're far off being a good team, things didnt go our way today against a mega-rich Abramovich funded side and a great coach in the Portugese genius, i didnt see zouma being played as a DFM. At times they had three centre backs in there as zouma dropped back with Terry and Cahill, they showed us great respect and nicked it really ! Lets not destroy our players and club because we lost to one of the very best on the planet. Our guys will be gutted tonight, lets get behind them for the QPR game and make a push in the Premier. When i was younger the revered Hoddle/Perryman side was relegated to the old 2nd division. We're a million miles away from that now and though it might feel like it today the club has moved forward in leaps and bounds ! Mourinho showed us alot of respect today, lets do the same for our own beloved club. Coys.
    bruski, The Cockerel, Tizzit and 2 others like this.
  13. Nobby Spurs Guest

    Agree with ABD on most points

    When we have Billions to spend like Cheatski then we can can compete on there level! what do we expect? we matched them in the first half with basically academy players and a bit of quality bought in that didn't cost too much! the first goal came from a soft free kick that the biased officials gave to them for there first goal and the second was a jammy deflection! we played on Thursday which gave them the advantage! lets weight up things before slating what happened today! it wasn't our day and with Mourinho the c u n t saying we are divers before the game it only influenced the officials to give them the decisions! why wasn't Costa booked for slapping Bentaleb in the face in front of the so called ref? we were playing against 12 men. Mourinho is just a bully and no great manager. im proud of how we played without creating many chances because Cheatski defended in numbers(parked the bus mourinho c u n t) and stopped us playing! doesn't he usually moan when teams defend? but for them it's different! got no respect for the Tw at! play fair and win fair but with him it's win at all costs even if you have to cheat. Coys!
  14. burnt Guest

    It all depends on your opinion i suppose .. If you look at the young fellas in the team you could be thinking they,re decent players with lots of potential but if you look at the other teams around us and ask how many of our lads would get into their sides it paints a sorry picture im afraid .. I think we are very ordinary side to be honest , no better than Hammers or Swansea or any of the mid table sides , certainly think we belong more to that group then the group above us at the moment .. On top of that you have to acknowledge this is a really poor league at the moment and 99% of the performances by clubs involved in European competitions this season have backed up that opinion ...
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  15. Andrew79 Guest

    I can understand the emotion of some on here following a cup final loss, but we acquitted ourselves well against the best team in England. The best team by some distance too, with one of the most tactically astute managers in the history of the game.

    No, we didn't replicate the New Year's Day performance at the Lane, but we also didn't get smashed like we did at Stamford Bridge. We conceded two deflected goals in a cagey game and were by no means overrun against a team that man for man is better than us in almost every position.

    They fluked a deflected goal just before half time (and yes it's galling that the racist scumbag Terry got it) - but we were just as good as them in the first 45. Costa typifies Chelsea - a great player, but dirty, awkward, with an edge (Terry, Matic, Ivanovic and Mourinho himself are also in this category).

    This was always going to be a season in transition - and if we finish sixth (as I think we will) and with a runner-up spot in the League Cup that's a fine return. This is the Premier League and we have no chance of finishing in the top two - Chelsea and Man City's billions put paid to that. We are still battling with Man Utd (biggest club in the world), Liverpool (huge club) and Woolwich Wanderers (who can spend £40m on players) for 4th.

    Our players are learning, and will learn more from today. But we shouldn't ignore the progress: we've taken 4 points off Woolwich this season; three points off Chelsea; shared the spoils so far with Man U - and 4 points off Wet Sham - that's far better than the AVB and Sherwood era.

    Today was a staging post, not a false dawn - and certainly not a reason to be downhearted #COYS
    bruski, The Cockerel, Tizzit and 2 others like this.
  16. Nobby Spurs Guest

    Cheatski have bought trophies that's all, it would be the same if Rochdale got bought out by a billionaire! they will always be classless scum and nothing like the great club we are! Coys.
  17. Jim Guest

    They will obviously be delirious with winning the game and beating the team they hate so much for no apparent reason, but if Spurs were top of the league, with all that money, spent and available, world class players, great manager, looking like getting into Quarters of CL, I'd be pretty embarrassed by my team today. It's already been said they were basically playing 3 CBs to mark Kane out of the game but world class players like Fabregas and Willian were playing defensive midfield.

    The defending of the first goal was poor but nine times out of ten we bloke Terry the Racists shot, and Costa's shot is straight at Lloris. Or blocked away. Besides Hazard shooting just wide, what did they offer? We hit the bar, they scramble crosses away, they were clinging on for half an hour.

    We aren't great, we have deficiencies, some players not up to the job, but there is no need for the negativity. I've been quite negative this season, I'm not completely sold on Poch, but we were not awful today, we made some poor choices, final ball could have been better and we were sloppy at times, but we were better than Chelsea today, just without the luck or a couple of quality players like they had.

    I'm not going to be magnanimous in defeat. They were negative and not even particularly good on the break.

    Proud of the effort and performance in the main.

    Maybe the Premier League really is poor if they are going to win it.

    bruski, Rob G, Tizzit and 1 other person like this.
  18. Nobby Spurs Guest

    For everyone that is lording Mourinho, he learn't his trade from the most fair, gifted and talented manager that has been about and that is a certain Bobby Robson! he would not teach an urchin like Mourinho to stoop to such low levels to influence the officials because he had decorum and decency! that's why i can't stand Mourinho! it will look good on his record in years to come but i hope they say how he influenced officials!
  19. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    I for one thought we were fantastic. Given we've played twice in the space where Chelsea haven't played at all, that is. There wasn't really much cutting edge, admittedly, but luck just wasn't with us! We didn't defend awfully as some of you make out, we were verryy unlucky with two deflections and on another day Eriksens first half free kick is two inches lower, finds the top corner and it is a completely different ball game.
    Also worth saying Soldado did alright for himself when he came on, got himself involved. Good to see.
    We will only improve, with a young squad this Wembley experience will go a long way to contributing to the next one. We've come so so far, Pochettino has a squad he didn't pick any players of and by god have we surprised ourselves this season. For a 'transition' season, 7th place (No Europa League next year!) And a Wembley final would be impressive, no?

    Oh and Mourinhos comments controlled the refs all game. Constantly gave Chelsea decisions that were 60/40 in our favour
    bruski, Chap, Ramos43 and 1 other person like this.
  20. Cheshuntboy Guest

    2-0 wasn't as bad as I'd feared (and expected), but the so-called 'progress' under Pochettino has escaped me. Burnley had a few good results a while back, and Leicester smashed Man U at home (and knocked us out of the FA Cup!), but mediocrity is their default position, and - Chelsea and Arsenal at home apart - it's ours as well. We've been mediocre in the PL, mediocre in the EL - you get my drift? I don't WANT Pochettino to get the sack, but I really don't think we're improving under him - he was the foreign flavour of the month when we appointed him (interviews through an interpreter - how cool was that?), but Southampton haven't missed him, and we're stuck with him because what little credibility Levy retains would finally vanish if yet another of his appointments was canned. Onwards and downwards under ENIC!
    Felon82 likes this.

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