Team news for the visit of the Toon

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, December 13, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Well, until last weekend, Newcastle really were a laughing stock. No direction and no idea. So when Liverpool arrived at Sy James Park, there was only ever going to be one winner. But then, as the legend that is Jimmy Greaves said, "it's a funny old game." And my word was it funny. A 2-0 victory later and Newcastle arrive at the Lane this afternoon with some extra confidence.

    I do however expect Spurs to win and win comfortably. If we play the high pressing game that we can, we should be able to take 3 points and take 4th place.

    No game is easy and Newcastle will make it difficult. We can't just try and play the possession game. We must play at pace and with a high pressing mentality. Against Monaco it was fantastic to see the players come in and really press and play some superb football. What they also did is let the manager know that if they get the nod, they will give everything and that is the mentality that Pochettino is instilling in this growing Spurs squad.

    Dembele is out and after Thursday's performance I would give the nod to Carroll. He got around the pitch superbly and linked the strikers and midfield together beautifully.
    I felt Bentaleb was far too fancy when he came on and he is a liability with his passing at times. He is skilful, but I don't see him as a starting player in the league.

    Lamela may start after his hat trick and Kane will be back after his much needed rest.

    3 points are needed today. Another draw may see certain quarters moaning about too many draws again and with results so far this weekend, it is time that Spurs took advantage and put out a statement of intent as we head into the busy festive fixture.

    As ever, come on you Spurssss!!!!
    Nomadico likes this.
  2. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    It would be nice to see Carroll get the nod he earned it against Monaco,Bentaleb looked out of sorts Thursday may be because he has been out for a while and a little rusty, Poch needs to work with him before giving him a start,I expect a hard match but a win and 4th place........

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