Progress, Transition or same old ....?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, May 9, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    What a truly dreadful performance. No effort. No skill. No desire. No excuses. Well, other than our season has long been over and we have nothing to play for.

    But that is not the point. We have seen the odd spark of optimism this season. Beating Chelsea was wonderful, beating the Gooners a joy. But aside from that we have been poor throughout this campaign. I predicted 6th and that is where we look like finishing but it is not the position that concerns me. It's the performances.

    Okay, we can look to the fact that Pochettino was left with a bag of ...... , but let's take a closer look at this season and Pochettino's first season at the helm.

    He came with a very suspect managerial record. He did okay at first in Spain and then was sacked. He did okay with Southampton but Koeman has done better with much less and dealt well in the transfer market. Southampton and Spurs are currently sat together in the league and I am certain that very few Saints fans will have missed Pochettino this term.

    Eriksen saved us in a few games this season before Kane set on fire. But in January he had the chance to sign new players. Everyone with any intelligence could see we needed a striker and at least a central defender to command the box. But no, all we got was that Poch was happy with his team.
    Did he really expect us to swallow that utter nonsense? I think he did, because I don't think he is a strong manager. Sorry, head coach.

    He allowed Lennon to leave but kept Townsend and Paulinho. He signed Fazio and Stambouli.

    And then we had the chance to offload Adebayor and levy decides we can't sell to the Spammers. Why? He now sits around doing bugger all thanks to the brilliant Businessman that is Daniel Levy.

    And now levy is going to play so called hardball over Lloris. What?? He will sell him anyway!!!!!!

    We have lost 12 league games this season, the same as 2008/2009 with 2 still to play. Anybody who makes Kaboul captain is simply not a person with a football brain. It was just a ludicrous decision.

    I understand that we should give Poch a full season to show what he can do with his own players. But , oh, hang on, hadn't he just had that???

    Let's give him time but I have seen very little to make me think that Spurs are on the up. In fact, we are not even in transition, we are going in the new direction levy talked about when he sacked Redknapp. And it is not forwards.
    Felon82 and notnats like this.
  2. Jeff Guest

    I totally agree with every word in this article. Surely, surely the problem is the Chairman? He has now hired and fired about ten managers in a little over a decade. What's the common denominator here? Other than Harry Redknapp and (surprisingly but happily) Tim Sherwood, it's been one loser after another. And as soon as Redknapp and Sherwood started showing what they could do, he sacked them. And appointed ...AVB and the current man. The result has been the kind of football Tottenham have delivered this season: no strategy, no shape, no plan, no fire, no creativity, no flair, no goals, no hope.

    Bill Nicholson must be turning in his grave.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  3. Paul Shelf Guest

    Woeful performance from the whole team against Stoke today

    Can't see next season being much better - unless a billionaire owner replaces Levy/ENIC
    Massive shake up throughout now required
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  4. boat Guest

    Our goal at the start was champion's league? Is what baffled me was why we didn't have a proper crack at trying to win the europa league to get qualification.
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. Derick Guest

    Lets be fair we pooed our paints the team has lost heart, the players are tossing and turning including the boss.
  6. Veritas Guest

    Pochettino and the club have failed miserably over the past two months. He's been out managed and the players have been outplayed and have been allowing themselves to be bullied.
  7. ihe New Member

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    Isn't it about time we stopped this self-delusional stuff about Poch. If that many players are that bad how come we managed to sack a manager halfway into last season and still get 69 points out of them.

    There are 3 possible conclusions.

    1. Poch is doing ok, the players are that bad - which means Sherwood was a freaking genius and AVB (who I despised) wasn't that bad.
    2. The players are not actually that bad. Which means the problem is Poch.
    3. The problem is Poch.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  8. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    The effort was pathetic and realy hard to watch, no real purpose to our game other than to knock the ball around a bit. Aimless football from a team thats finished the season early. We will probably finish a predictable sixth but for me the season and for tbe manager, its a fail. We brought Poch in during a time when this club needed strenth, stability and a winning mentality. Instead we took a massive gamble on a rookie coach with a very poor record. Why FFS ? the risk was way to high and now so too are the consequences. Look at how Soton finished last year and look at us now. We can all hope and pretend that Poch will get better and become the manager that this great club needs but managers with this mindset rarely change and with Poch he is what he is. Its been bad decisions and mistakes all season that have now snowballed into a season where we all know that weve been lucky to finish as high as sixth due to some special individual performances and our real level is closer to mid table. That the best/only reason to keep Poch as manager is because weve sacked too many is going to set this club back to mediocrity at best. History always repeats itself over and over, we will give Poch one more year and sack him.
  9. wooks Guest

    We tried that with AVB.

    Look there's a pattern. Prematurely sack the bloke who has done pretty well because you think he can't take you to the next level.

    Jol, Redknapp, Sherwood.

    Hire a guy (usually foreign) to take you to the next level but turns out to be a dud.

    Gross, Ramos, Santini, AVB, Pochettino
    bruski likes this.
  10. alan cox New Member

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    Worst Spurs side ever. The only answer is for the club is to cut loose from Levy/Lesis and be sold to Qatar. No skill or Class players one can easily sell at least 10 players of the current (if there are any idiot buyers)
    squad. Give a one way ticket to Poch. Today it´s a nightmare being a Spurs fan. Feel sorry for all those who travel to away matches. Fans should do like Newcastle fans stay away from next home game as a protest.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  11. alan cox New Member

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  12. bells Guest

    My main concern is the lack of fight, desire and will to go out and try and win a game of football. In bygone times chaps played football because they genuinely loved the game, they could get more money doing most other jobs.

    Now, it would seem that players only motivation is money. If the manager can't spend the week before a game preparing and getting the players heads right during the two hours of training each day before they creep off to the bookies or the golf course, give a rousing team talk about the history of the club, the greats that played for us and what it means to the fans. Then the next step should be, if you don't give a monkeys about the fans, if we lose it doesn't hurt and you auto tweet how sorry we were it wasn't our day blah blah blah, then players should only be paid if they win. I am convinced that would see a great deal more passion and desire. Not because the fans but because there pockets are being hurt.

    Spurs have an attitude problem. The players feel they are all big time Charlie's, that attitude starts with the likes of Adebayor and is now rubbing off on the likes of bentaleb. Yes it's probably all paper rubbish, but this Kid is on 8 grand a week, a pittance for a footballer, he wants 40k a week. Money, money, money. Give me more, more, more....... He is on a long term contract already, the team are playing poorly, go out and Earn your money first then get the rewards, rather than bleating on about how poorly paid you are.

    The players signed over the last few years have been abysmal, Fazio, was a rubbish player in Spain, maybe they decided that there is a vortex and good players in Spain like Soldado come and turn to tosh, so let's try a really bad player through that vortex and we will have the next Ledley King. Fazio would struggle to get into a Championship side he is dreadful.

    Another summer of rebuilding, trying to flog the over paid lazy rubbish and trying to fend of interest from better teams for our two or three genuinely good players. Sadly, I see us losing one top player, replacing him with a cheap option, managing to get rid of some dead work, missing out on our main targets as they won't swap their best player for 3 of our rubbish ones a Mars bar and a curly wurly. Then on deadline day after luckily winning our first few games with deflected shots and mis kicks the powers that be will recognise we have a worthy squad and do nothing and watch us self implode as always.

    Can't remember the last time I could be bothered to watch match of the day, we are in a dismal space at the moment, a couple of years ago it was about minding the gap, that gap is getting wider and wider.
    bruski, Rturo2, Felon82 and 1 other person like this.
  13. Lemmy Guest

    There is no mystical "next" level the club simply don't have or won't part with the money to temp next level players in. They have nothing to offer, no CL prospect for a decade at least (after stadium debt repaid) If Spurs can keep their revenues at around the sixth highest level and occasionally raise cash from selling their best players then a finishing positioning between 8th-6th might be possible It makes me so angry the idiots who keep thinking Spurs are likely to break into to top 4 ! It simply won't happen deal with it. Man U Man C Chelski will always finish in top 4 . Ars and Liverpool have significantly more finances than Spurs and Ars are now coming out of debt repayment mode . They already have a wage bill 50% above Spurs and that is only going to grow. Liverpool are increasing capacity now and will pull further ahead financially over next few years. So to sum up Spurs need a miracle to finish in the top 4 (with two of the rich clubs making catastrophic errors in the same season) or go to the "next level" for at least the next 10 years , sad but true.
  14. Lee butler New Member

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    Thais ain't anything new this is typical spurs the first 3 lines of the article sum up spurs. no heart skill or desire we are run buy a business man with a foreign policy that doesn't work . The best we have been was with the last English man we had in charge we was two or three players short with redknapp now we are 10 . It's not only a player clear out we need it's the board too .
    Felon82 likes this.
  15. jamie horan Guest

    We will be saying the same old bollocks next season unless the club changes from top to bottom all levy does is hire average managers
  16. Del Guest

    Wrong system,wrong players,wrong people buying the players and wrong manager! The team hasn't made any progress at all the defending in every game is a joke then we hear the same excuse after every game! We haven't got a plan b! Again too many average players playing why can't the manager jst chuck in the youngsters for the last few games?the season was over for us ages ago I truly believe (botchettino) hasn't got a clue and he inherited a decent squad at Southampton and jst had a lucky season! Our clubs a joke and the only people hurting and can really see what's going on is the fans!!! Frank de boer in this summer!!! Plz!!!
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  17. Rick Lawson Guest

    All the above sum up the position Spurs find themselves in ,with levy in charge we will not progress as he does every thing on the cheap ,poch has no idea as we play the same team every weak make the same subs and make the same statements after every match clearly cannot compete with top teams as again our record suggests and with light weight players like mason bentelebe lamella playing every week the future looks no brighter,transfers have been abysmal and although it appears poch was not responsible for all of the latest influx of second rate players he must of been for Fabio Davies and stamboulie who we were told was the next best thing to sniederling but doesn't get a kick can't see any change for next season as we will not be able to attract good players and with talk of Pritchard Ali being in the ranks along with the other dross champions league football is just a dream and reality is fighting to avoid the championship
    Felon82 likes this.
  18. Nobby Spurs Guest

    This mediocracy comes from the top(Levy and Enic) and spreads through the whole of the club, it is the called Levy cycle now, it will not change what ever manager we get in as we have all seen with the managers we have had(10 in 14 years).
    1. Levy gets in a cheap foreign coach, a yes man not a top manager because Levy wants control of things
    2. Levy brings in cheap players or unsuitable players that doesn't fit a system and just buys cheap players that creates an unbalanced team(look at all the same type of stopper type midfielders we brought one after the other) with no importance to buy a creative midfield general type.
    3. Manager doesn't play the players brought in because he didn't want them, players become disgruntled, manager becomes un-motivated, de-valued and this transfers to players, staff etc and results suffer, pressure increases.
    4. Manager gets sacked through poor results or other reasons, Levy stays in his cosy job and and we are back to square one looking for a new cheap yes man manager.

    It will never change whatever manager we get because he will not be backed properly in the transfer market to get the proper players the manager needs because Levy/Enic won't pay the going rate! we will be the same as long as they are in charge and that is the truth, 20 years and we can't finish above Woolwich once! Levy should be resigning asap.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  19. Hotchpoch Guest

    Why he didnt substitute Chilriches shows what an absolute donkey of a coach he truely is. Its evidently clear the players think the same and are waiting for the next managerial appointment. No team has 20 out of 25 players not trying not competing. But i suppose when you go into every game playing this flawed one dimensional system, knowing that it will lead to concede at any time i'm not at all suprised.
    Felon82 likes this.
  20. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    He gave up on the league a long time ago, I feel.
    On another note - people's are moaning here about Poch not learning from his mistakes - and yet, how many times has Kaboul played? Poch got the best out of him for one game vs Arsenal, where he was immense, saw him go to sh!t and he hasn't played since! You can't be so selective
    Mattj78 likes this.

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