Pochettino - prime candidate for first manager to be sacked

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, May 14, 2015.

  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    So here we are again – the end of season slump. The days in early January of revelling in the fact that we were in all three cup competitions and in with a shout for the top four seems so long ago. Now, we can’t wait for this season to be swept under the carpet and for the new one to begin.

    But like a nasty habit, it seems that we have somehow mutated into Liverpool fans - in that we address our current failings by convincing ourselves that next year will of course be our year to shine! And to justify this claim - we will, and have, used words like transition, implementing a philosophy and time to adapt as a toxic tonic to keep this false hope alive.

    That’s not to be said that Pochettino doesn't need time, but this medicine of excuses we have chugged back - in order to heal our wounds of what is a torrid Tottenham we support right now, will only come good if next season is a blinding success.

    So as poor performances, at present, put huge pressure on Poch for next season – will we finally break out of the transition phase and be a transformed Tottenham? I’m afraid, the signs suggest not!

    Still stuck in phase one

    It’s no secret that we are expecting wholesale changes at Spurs next season. Pochettino has already said that Spurs need around five incoming players – while we’d also expect there to be a mass clear-out. However, what history has proved for us is that acquiring players, handpicked by the manager, are not always a certainty, while deadwood at the club is also harder to shift than we’d hope.

    These ‘five players’ coming into the club will once again need time to adapt and gel – just like the seven signings of summer 2013 were said to have needed. In comparison, the players aimed at the exit door are not just deadwood, but high-profile deadwood. This means that it’s very unlikely that clubs will want to part with the money that Spurs (Levy) will want for the likes of Soldado, Chiriches, Capoue, Adebayor and Lamela.

    Even if all the above does to go plan in relation to buying and selling – there is no guarantee that a Spurs squad shaped in the mould of Pochettino will hit the ground running. Does this mean another transition season is on the cards? Maybe so, as the overhaul of any squad needs time and patience – but this time around, our time and patience is wearing very, very thin indeed!

    Success, style and solutions – the demand is higher!

    Even though the 2014/15 campaign has been Pochettino’s debut season at the club, it has not been without criticism. Defenders of Pochettino will say that this season is one of transition, but in order for a season to be a positive transition – improvement over time should be key, but if anything - our performances have gotten worse!

    The most disappointing aspect from this current season is that there has been little sign, or even no signs of Spurs picking up Pochettino’s philosophy. If Spurs were losing games, but showing evidence of a pressing-game or free-flowing attacking football, maybe we’d be permitted to be more optimistic. But as neither aspect has been present this season, the demand for it next year will be somewhat overwhelming.

    If the 2014/15 season was all about the players proving themselves at the club, then next season is all about Pochettino proving himself to be a good enough manager. If the Argentine is given the players he desires, then he will have no excuses if certain demands are not met, those being; a challenge for the top four, consistent performances, a defined style of play and solutions to opposition tactics e.g. a plan B.

    With expectations higher from fans and Pochettino’s own requirements met, if there is any whiff of fan discontent, or if our side are languishing in mid-table as we hit the winter season – who’s to say that Levy won’t pull the plug on the Poch project – in a similar vein to managers past?

    Is it AVB all over again?

    A stand-out superstar in the squad; inconsistent performances; certain players not wanted by the manager and fan discontent over negative football– this sounds all too familiar. The vibe surrounding our football club holds the same resonance to how we felt with Andre-Villas Boas in charge.

    And the similarities do not stop there – as it’s true that much opposition to the Portuguese’s first season in charge was met with the argument that, during his second season (after bringing in the players he wanted) we’d see the fruits of his labour –if given time. Just as both managers first seasons had only small successes to celebrate - their second is also set to mirror one another, as it will consist of a major revamp – and increased expectations from fans.

    These similarities should be worrying for Spurs fans, as it would lead us to believe that, once again, we are only a bad run of form, or a season-shattering thumping away from having Pochettino face a similar fate to that of our previous continental coach.

    So what does next season bring?

    Weighing up much of this evidence, the current conclusion is that similar to previous discussions, the transition may never end at Spurs. Whether it is through buying and selling of players, or the hiring and firing of managers – the cycle doesn’t just look to go on and on, but it looks predetermined.

    The demand for second season success exists all across football, but it was only in the 2009/10 season, with Harry Redknapp, that this aim became reality for us. Since then we have plodded on, but unable to prove that perseverance does, in time, lead to glory.

    As said above, the pressure is well and truly on for Poch – and if there are no signs of improvement on the pitch – there’s no reason to be surprised if he is the next manager to face the firing line at our club. But after persevering with what has been an uninspiring first season - and if he’s unable to prove, next year, that there is any method in his madness, are we really left with any other choice?
  2. Men Guest

    There isn't the slightest chance Pochettino will be sacked, he is here tp transform the club and has been backed by Levy in ostracising players to force them out the club.
  3. Nickyboy180 New Member

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    I totally agree with the sentiment I don't think Poch has the tactical prowess to be a top four manager, maybe in the future, he maybe better as a second in command, because he doesn't seem to have a plan B
  4. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    Great article, from a **** viewpoint! Poch won't go. It isn't his squad, nor his players - moan all you like that he didn't bring anyone in but I theorize that Levy has told him he can only buy with money gained from selling - given nobody wants our deadwood, he is short of options in terms of transfers.
    One other thing - you say we haven't adapted the Poch style - and yet how many times have we been here this season praising our boys for scoring a late winner due to improved fitness levels? Lamela also - sticking up for the kid again, I know - but defensively and physically he has improved vastly from last year, along with his work rate. The slump is due to playing around 60 games this season - without the quality to rotate effectively.
  5. Robsok

    Robsok New Member

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    Should never had sacked Tim Sherwood for another AVB, and when they say that he is creating Spurs, you need to remember that Tim Sherwood had less than Poch and remains the best manager in getting the highest and wins than any manager at WHL history

    So to say that Poch needs more time is a joke as if it was not for the fans pushing him to get HK into the side then we would be looking at going down this year

    Look at the goal difference as that speaks for itself
  6. Kieron Guest

    This sort of sh*t is why our club is an absolute joke. Forums like this are forever picking out bad points and asking for our manager to be sacked.
    Isn't it about time we had some stability? I even remember when redknapp was here, people were asking him to be chopped 2 years in. Look at our squad, it's full of other managers players/baldini failings and of course homegrown players. The signings we done last year I think it's clear to see that the likes of Ben Davies, stambouli and vorm weren't players poch wanted as none of them have really had a run in the team and I think in recent press conferences he's been staring that HE should sign the players.

    Instead of slating our manager, how about we back him for once. I love Spurs, just disappoints me that our fans are so fickle and little b*tches
    josh_b likes this.
  7. azas Guest

    hmmmm i have to say this article is almost 100% negative. Which is easy to do when we are in a purple patch. We have only had one manager who has managed to get a year 2 since redknapp (avb) and that manager had no success in the prem. Poch does have success in the prem and he is the first manager to be given a 5 year contract since.....well i cant remember the last one. But it speaks volumes about the support poch has in the club. Personally i see positives and there are times where we have produced high pressure and passing football...just not consistantly. And this is the major problem. How to develop consistancy. This is a mental aspect and one which i am sure will be a factor when we look at targets. I for one wont be getting too negative until poch has had at least 2 years under his belt. This season has gone exactly how i expected it to. And i expect us to be closer to the top next season. If we arent then i will jump on the bandwagon. Until then i will be supporting poch and THFC
  8. big fran Guest

    Personally don't think he is near to the sack just yet. Although its tedious boring and mindnumbing we will prob get top six which is pretty much our budget and probably on target. His other remit was to bring thru the youth which he has although I don't think mason and bentaleb are good enough. The summer will be to trim the squad and hence the wage bill will fall promote more youth and top six again the target!!
  9. TriniSpurs Guest

    The author is quite correct by saying there has been no gradual improvement or evidence to suggest that a philosophy I staking shape / being developed. In fact, we look like we have gone backwards since Christmas. Understand the need for time, but the very good managers don't necessarily need it - cue Ronald Kooman. I'm afraid Poch is a worse manager than AVB in every sense. Try comparing their records and you'll see.
  10. The negativity shown on not just this article but previous weeks is a joke. Poch will NOT be sacked, reading this is like listening to the Spurs show pod, always negative!
  11. azas Guest

    what a load of sh*t. How can u say we haven't developed? What exactly was our style under Sherwood? If you have watched spurs ALL season then u should of noticed the fact that when we play well we play fast flowing football.....we press high.......we seem to have more energy in games (late goals)....and we have done with it with one of the youngest squads in the league and 5 home grown players regularly in the team. We are also the only club to have 3 players with over 10 goals. What we have missed is consistency....something we have missed for a long long time.
  12. TriniSpurs Guest

    You really are sharp aren't you? Sherwood had half a season so he was not the point of reference obviously. When was the last time our point total at this stage of the season was so low? 53 goals conceded and counting? Does having the only team with 3 scorers in double figures equate to progress - ask Chelsea, Arsenal, Manu, City L'pool their opinion? we have not played fast flowing football since the Arsenal game at the Lane. I have watched all games this season by the way.
  13. james coys Guest

    The squad of players that spurs currently have are not worthy of a top 4 finish. We do not compare with Arsenal Chelsea and the 2 Manchester clubs. Liverpool are also ahead and Southampton and Swansea are not far behind. Compare Swanseas squad and manager with ours objectively.I wont go over the Bale money fiasco but I will point outhow poor the following signings are Fazio slow and a liability Davies poor positional play and slow Stombouli-why did we buy?
    Pochetino has got away with it to date because of Harry Kane and Eriksen getting us out of jail.With no Kane we will be in big trouble and could be a mid table side. There will be much talk of buying players of repute but we wont attract them. Depay is a good example.
    The point about the sale of deadwood being difficult is accurate and by the time they are sold the good signings will have gone.
    I dont think Pochettino will be there at the end of next season because since he came the defensive strategy has been a shambles, the midfield partnership under the guise of promoting youth is not good enough, and inverted wingers of low ability was shown up as well as no supply to Kane renders him ineffective.
    Be prepared for the firstdefeat to Bournemouth bringing the sack.
    Why can we never identify the problems early and they are plain to see and go out and solve it early.
    Mourinho saw what was neede and signed them early. Baldini wasnt needed.
    Felon82 likes this.
  14. azas Guest

    Yes i am sharp Trini thanks for letting me know an irrelevant opinion. Before Poch was Sherwood so he is the main source of referene isnt he? Yes Sherwood had a good win percentage. But our style...well we didnt have one. It was all a bit of a mess. Improvement and progression can be seen by different variables. Yes we havent got as many points as this time last season but we are starting to have an identity...albeit flashes.....of how we play. We are also playing with 3 more youth products in the team compared to last year. And yes by having goals shared more equally between players shows we are not so reliant on one aspect of our game and are developing different areas. In our case its the wings that have improved. When was the last time lennon scored 10 goals in a season? Ultimately this all boils down to your point of view of progression...what u see as progression. Ultimately getting more points is the main goal but there are also other indicators which i have already mentioned which lead to getting more points. The re-building task poch has is huge but we have made strides towards it this season. And i disagree the last performance which showed the style we need to be playing at all the time was last seen when we lost to liverpool. Which was the next game after arsenal.
  15. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Another window like the last 4 and Poch will be gone by January.
    This Transition should've started in the summer with bold movement.
    It's been another year wasted dawdling, anyone that actually understands football could tell you who needed to go and 2 of them were made captain and vice captain.
    The shopping list was put out and our great chief and leader with the aid of his trusted DoF presented Poch with cheaper poorer alternatives and propped us up with more deadwood and scared boys.
    Poch is by no means blameless as he is clearly a puppet and isn't exactly a big pull across the globe.
    Brought in to get the best out of our more settled players and give youth a chance he succeeded in failing to do anything with the senior players, the buys that weren't performing have mainly regressed/disappeared except, our MvP who runs around like an even more intense headless chicken. Then having failed with these he's had to replace them with academy graduates as they're the only ones willing to put a shift in, to think people slated Tim for this yet they laud Poch for it.
    He was introduced with a promise of high press attacking football, what we have mainly had is disjointed, turgid, gritty, aimless football.
    His 1 formation and tactic is rigid, frail & exhausted, the defence has been a total embarrassment and would be even worse if not for Lloris. No one could have predicted Kane's season so this has been more than fortunate for Poch and 1 thinks this will be more difficult to repeat next season. We've squeaked many a result with a last gasp individual moment when having been outplayed by even relegation fodder.
    There's been no visible philosophy from Poch he's been carried by individuals who all look like their heads are dropping/turning.
    The throwing of the Europa was ridiculous, just to get tactically schooled in the league cup, the 2 windows of none improvement, the nose dive end of the season when the top 4 has never looked so shaky, finally he's not progressed the team 1 bit he's managed to secure less points with a more settled team than a mid season managerial change campaign.
    So for me it's been a massive fail from Poch this season and this summer is pivotal to his survival in the hot seat. He needs to grow a pair and demand money and quality else he like the others is a dead man walking.
    notnats likes this.
  16. coys8989 Guest

    At least Lennon was tireless tracking back, made a goal or two and scored a goal or two. Replacing sideways Lamela should be the start of the rebuilding process.
  17. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    After completion of the stadium, no sooner. No one cares at board about top 4 anymore, as club cannot afford financially to strive to it. The day stadium was approved finally (Feb 20) made huge difference and team co-incidentally got off the track soon after. So there will be no changes for quite some time up until stadium work continues, then there will be years when debt has to be paid off. Therefore, Poch should get below top 10 in order to be consider to get canned. I think Kane, Lloris and Eriksen (the only players teams above Spurs may want) will leave ( but not next season ) because 10-15 million purchase limit plus own academy as a recruitment formula will make THFC a solid low top 10 middle-table FC and they may not want to have a career at such club. 6-7 years from now Spurs will be what others in North London are.
    Worst of all this terrible strategy (called transition) is the best available. Levy is good at it. Leave him and his protégé alone!
    Last edited: May 14, 2015
  18. WeRShite Guest

    Don't we have the right to our opinion then or is your opinion the only one that matters?
    Sorry but the truth is that we are absolutely shite and have been since harry left.
    We are playing the most boring sleep inducing negative football I have ever seen at Spurs and if it wasn't for Kane's goals we'd be about 16th right now with nearly 60 goals conceded this season.
    Our squad is full of absolute wasters who don't deserve to wear the badge and we're managed by another waste of space who achieved bugger all before coming to us and will never win a thing ever.
    If ancelotti leaves Real Madrid this season we should do what we can to get him and get rid of Pochettino!
    Felon82 likes this.
  19. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    A lot of the people on here seeing all the positives and giving the patience/bigger picture speeches, are the same ones who said we hadnt bought poorly and that given time Soldado and the likes would all fire once settled.
    Hows that patience worked out again??
  20. meb Guest

    all the pro Poch people can spout all they want.
    With him in charge next season with HIS players brought in, we'll
    still be ****ing boring to watch

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