I love this Spurs team so f**king much

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Socrates, January 24, 2016.

  1. Peter Guest

    Poch keeps speaking of maturity and the needing to build on it. Thats what is gonna take us through. Yeah weve lost games from being in the lead or drew them, but its a young side. Mistakes will happen !! but you can see that we are learning from our mistakes quickly this season.
    Defending of set pieces especially corners or crosses seems to be our weak point. If we can eradicate that i think we have a chance of the league
  2. ALF CONN Guest

    Yep, it's a great time to be A Spur!! It is so lovely that we are, at last , all moving together in the same direction. From the Boardroom, to the players, to the tea lady and us Loyal supporters, we are as one!
    I am loving the football and the team spirit and togetherness that can be felt from the terracing....we are Tottenham Hotspur!! Really looking forward to stuffing the Woolwich Wanderers when they come to
    The Lane. Onwards and Upwards! The future's Bright...it's Blue'n White!! COYS!!!
    Everywhere we go...
    Doublespur likes this.
  3. Guy Guest

    People like you really don't get it. We are damn lucky to have Daniel Levy, get over yourself and your shitty negative opinions.
  4. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Interesting.....so despite the Gooner link, if it was a case of being the only money we were going to spend, yep I'd do it....
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Oh dear the Levy lovers are out in force, this man is a clown. He has made so many howlers I've lost count. And he's fluked his way into this position we sit now, because it could so easily have been a car crash after the squandered Bale money and poor choices of managers.
    I'm happy and positive about the team I'm seeing play at the moment but that cannot be said for numerous seasons under Levys 'leadership'.
  6. Dublin Spur Guest

    @Big Mal

    I am sure that I don't have to tell you that there are certain posters on this board who have two rules regarding Levy: 1. If something goes right Levy cannot possibly gain credit. 2. If something goes wrong, the blame has to rest with solely with Levy. Your points about LVG are noted, and in spite of the comments about how LVG was Levy's first choice, who can say that LVG would not have been as equally successful as MoPo had he not come to Spurs?

    The Levy haters have been amazingly quiet for the past few months, but all that is required to wake them snarling from their hibernation is any comment that remotely resembles even the most grudging admiration for Levy. I recall with Felon in particular, how he made Levy the villain in the Berawhocares transfer spat. Somehow or other, I am waiting for Felon to to remind us all how Levy tried to sign this dud too, though of course he will not be quite so forward in telling us how he thought that Levy was a total waste of space in failing to sign Berawhoknows and how he managed to do everything wrong.

    And BTW, you are right in your allusions to people who have no knowledge of how to run a business.
  7. spur-since64 New Member

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    totally agree with big mal and dee re- levy and enic. How any true spurs fan could possibly slag the man off after what he is doing for this great club of ours is beyond me. Ive been supporting spurs since 1964. ive suffered relegation, losing cup finals, getting hammered by 5,6,and even 7 goals. Ive never seen us win the league or the european cup(cl). Ive felt the pain of selling our greatest players and replacing them with mostly sub standard players,and like john said in his comment i was always saying"oh well maybe next year?"...Well i believe that NOW is that next year, this is OUR year . ok we may not win the prem or the fa cup or El but we will finish in the top 4 and im convinced that within the next year or 2 we will become a force in world football, back where we rightly belong. We have the best manager and back room staff in the prem. Some of the best players in the prem. The best academy,best training ground, and soon the best stadium, not forgetting the greatest and most loyal fans in the world. So thank you mr levy and ENIC for making all true spurs fans a tottenham hotspur to be proud of.
  8. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I am not sure if Dier ever played left CB. He, I think, has a wrong strong foot for it.
    I'd need more playing to assess Wimmer. If you play Wimmer, who will be on the bench? Veljkovic? Fazio? Fazio should not be sold until his replacement is acquired.
    Would like to see Veljkovic starting against Colchester City, although most likely Fazio will start, so Wimmer can take on Norwich rested.
    Last edited: January 26, 2016
  9. Big fran Guest

    From what I've seen of Wimmer so far I've been muchly impressed. As a left sided central def its obvious he was signed as cover/competition for JV so its natural for me he will slot in there alongside Toby. The reports of his imminent departure after only six months are ridiculous.
    Versus Colchester given the JV injury I'd be reluctant to play any of our first line centre halves and would look to take a peek at veljkovic and or Carter-Vickers and partner with Fazio or Ben Davies.
    Nomadico likes this.
  10. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Do i need to?

    Big Mal, Dublin, Guy, all rather heated about my personal and quite valid dislike for a particular someone.
    Im sorry it cuts so deep, times can change though theres always next year or the year after that....
  11. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Now every body has vented there spleen concerning ENIC and Levy,can we now get back to the team we ALL love SPURS..
    Now Townsend has departed it just leaves Fazio but with the injury to Vert's I think he may be kept on at least until the summer,I hope Wimmer can do the job he looked ok after he came on against Palace,also we have Dier in case,Mason should be back up and running so we do have cover for all,We are still being linked with every striker out there from 5mill up to 38mill,I am sure we have learned our lessions with the Bale money that any player up around 25-30mill is a no no in Jan may be the summer when we buy player's for the CL,Yes I DO think we will get there this season and maybe finish above the toilet licker's up the road..COYS
  12. Big fran Guest

    Interesting one on the Andros Townsend move to hear him say he will be pushing to play either CF but more to the point left wing. IMO he's never been played as a left winger enough and for a run of games and spent the majority of his time of his stalling career as a left side attacker which he obviously doesn't see as his position. Neither do I to be honest but wish him all he best and hope thee us a sell on fee,add ons and a first option buy back clause because the boy has talent,pace and a lovely left leg. Sadly his time at spurs has passed after much promise, false dawns and his inability to fit into a system preferred by Poch and or adapt. Good luck Andros!
    Nomadico likes this.
  13. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Fran,I do not think he knew where his best position was!!Yes he has talent but he tended to be a one shot pony,he would not listen to Poch or any one else in the team,I wish him well but unless he learns to listen he will go no where..COYS..
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Shame about Townsend for whatever reasons it didn't work out.
    Personally i think he has lots of talent and i hope he reaches his full potential.

    Now wheres the Striker/reinforcements we need???
    Jonesy likes this.
  15. Big fran Guest

    Seems to me he felt his best position was left winger I'd agree. Looks like he will be given playing time for the Toon in that berth he prefers and perhaps match his traits more.
    Nomadico likes this.
  16. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Spurs just freed 70 000 per/week as Adebayor signed with Crystal Palace fulfilling his desire to remain in London.
    Another reminder to those who are Daniel Levy fans of past blunder he has done. Well, now it can be forgotten! Oh, no... Levy still has to pay 30 000 per to cover the remaining contract balance until season end.
    Last edited: January 26, 2016
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    I wonder if Palace fans are happy to sign Ade,now he has another bucket of swill to put his greedy nose into,he will score a few yes,and then he will show them the true Ade,Greedy,Lazy,and worst of all he will ruin there dressing room,as a Spurs fan I'm happy he has at last departed,but this person is a disgrace to football,Palace will regret it..COYS..
    Bazza47 likes this.
  18. guesty Guest

    you can probably guarantee he will have a great rest of this season. look for a new contract. get a new contract. be goods for 4 months....then the trouble will start
    the best thing Palace can do is enjoy this next few months and then get rid
    Nomadico likes this.
  19. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    DL Diary Entry January 26th.....
    Lovely Jubbly....got £12m for that Greek lad for my, oops our new stadium pot, and saved loadsa wonga offloading that horrible African man whose name I can't bear to write here. Grrrrrr
    Need to check when that transfer window thingy closes as I, oops we, might be able offload another few for the stadium pot.
    Apparently the fans are expecting me to raid my, oops our, stadium pot to buy a striker as cover for that lovely Harry lad. Personally I think that Portuguese lad whose name escapes me, just back from injury, he's good enough, isn't he.

    Tongue in cheek it may be..or maybe not. The proof of the pudding will be revealed in the next and very few days......mmmm

    Last edited: January 27, 2016
    Jonesy and Nomadico like this.
  20. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    With the window soon to close the question on our mind's is will he or will he not sign the striker we really need;if the past is a guide then he will wait until the very last hour and then blame lack of time to get the deal over the line,we accept this as we have no choice,we will vent our anger on here for a few day's or at least until the next match and then we continue the banter,when we get top 4 all is forgiven if not then we rue another season of EL and Thursday/Sunday match's.at the moment we have the best defense in the PL,we sit higher in the PL point tally than ever,a manager who has a plan that's working,and at long last a stadium being built,Will Levy kiss all this good work down the toilet??Reply to N17 WHL Att Mr D Levy...

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