In the past we would have lost again, but this Spurs team is different

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, January 16, 2016.

  1. Jonesy

    Jonesy Well-Known Member

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    Indeed. I said in the summer we should have gone for him while Azza went the other way...

    Dithered in the market again! £6/7m would have done it. A sound player; knows the PL, strong, quick and one hell of a shot!

    Live and learn. COYS
    Felon82 likes this.
  2. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Bazza I take my hat off to you,with out doubt you score A*Plus for your math's..COYS..
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. Big fran Guest

    Um hearing Frazier Campbell could be available....
  4. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    That is an early April fool joke Big Fran, isn't it...
  5. guesty Guest

    I stick by my thought that we won't panic buy. Pochy will not upset the squad whoever comes in (in any position) you can guarantee Pochy will have done his homework.
    Berahino......does Pochy have the same view of him (at the price WBA want) now after what he's seen of him this season?? ...attitude wise?? ...or will he think yeah he's a young proven PL forward...and I can manage his attitude. ...we shall see. ...but for me its around £10m.

    Lamela is well ahead of his performances prior to this season so I see something in there that is improving. whether he should start....well for me that depends on the oppo. ...but talk of him only being one-footed is madness. he has the ability in one foot that most have in two. Pochy is improving him and I can only see him getting better.
    Nomadico likes this.
  6. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Would the addition of Pelle for Townsend, Mirallas for a few mill and Moussa Squared from the Cottagers help us push on to even better things, with some of the lads going to Fulham on loan for the second half.....
    Nomadico likes this.
  7. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Guesty, he is indeed greatly improved, and I love one footed lefties, being one myself, but there has to be an end product for me...running around and covering, tackling is great, however for me he must start adding assists and some goals to justify inclusion. With only a third of our goals likely coming from our main striker, others need to start stepping up.....soon as well...COYS
    Nomadico likes this.
  8. johnnyhrvat Guest

    For me it's not the money we paid for him it's the fact that he occupies one of our 10 outfield starting positions that is a real let down. Someone mentioned the chance he wasted against Leicester, in fact there were two identical chances and he went in half heartedly both times when he saw a challenge coming in. He squandered a great chance when we had five up with only two defenders against Sunderland when it was still 0-0, that could have been decisive in the game. He also was passed the ball near the penalty box in this game, made a first-touch return pass and the whole crowd groaned - he just had turn and would have opened up the defence - no vision. His clever flicks and dribbling rarely work to our benefit and his apparent hard work is running around like a headless chicken.
    From what I have seen of Onomah so far he looks far better already than Lamela will ever be.
    Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  9. Big fran Guest

    GUESTY pls could you pls elaborate on berahino's attitude.
    And tell me why you think he is worth only 10m the same as benik adobe who scored only ten goals in the championship. 1m or so less than 29 yr old Steven Naismith. Three times less than wilfried bony and benteke and around the same price as Ross McCormack..
  10. Big fran Guest

    Levy calls call Jeremy Peace to discuss signing berahino..

    DL: hi Jeremy is Daniel here sorry about all that nonsense in the summer but were looking to buy your star player again.

    JP: OK its just business ain't it bud. You must really Like this boy eh. You know all about his attitude don't you tho I must warn you. Only the other week he turned up to training 2 mins late and forgot his gym shorts. Cheeky sod even said he wants to leave cos he has aspirations of playing CL football and forcing his way into the Euros.

    DL: Kids eh who'd ave em. Don't even know they where born lol.
    Yeah Pochy really likes the boy and we only have one striker and fighting on all 3 fronts.

    JP: So your gaffer likes him does he ?mmmmm! Won't be cheap then.

    DL: Yeah he thinks he is a massive talent who can add the goals to seal us top four and maybe the title and a cup or two. Can play a few positions and can only improve with us. We really like him.

    JP: You will be looking to pay top dollar then yeah.!?

    DL: oh aye you know me my mate when I like a player its no holds barred. Was thinking a good 10m. What ya sayin??(phone goes dead) Jeremy? Jeremy? Are you there Jeremy? Cheeky sod he's gone.. Marlene get me that Steven Naismith's agent on the blower.. And ring that Frazier Campbell while your at it..
  11. mdb Guest

    If Bony was sold now I doubt he'd make the £30m he was bought for....simply because he doesn't play much.
    The same for Berahino.
    Attitude wise....let me clarify....on the pitch attitude doens't bother me...strikers should have that something about them. self bloody mindedness. ...but off the itch, if not selected, you should show some respect to a club 9and fans) who pay your wages. you shouldn't go off in a huff. ....yes it seems he was unsettled...but many players are....but the majoirty just get on with their job.

    ......okay.....£15m....but cetainly not £25
  12. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Fran/Bazza, Do you have any opinion on this guy "Yedder"from what I can find out he hit's the goals and could be what we are looking for,not sure of the price....COYS.
  13. Big fran Guest

    Yes he's sharp quick and looks a decent player from the bargain basement. He is an out and out CF and only 5ft 7 so not likely to be a first team player if the link is true. Would be more of an impact sub I would think. Will probably be missing every other Jan for African nations cup no doubt.
  14. Big fran Guest

    You don't think he's got on with his job?
  15. guesty Guest

    clearly something has happened....because if he was worth £25m he'd surely be starting every game for WBA
  16. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    don't know him.....sorry
  17. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I think Son can do a job. He has a few goals when he has played and hasn't been given enough game to say he hasn't adapted.
    Let's see him start 5 or 6 games and see exactly what he can do.

    Let's face it folks, we persevered with Sol Dud O for 3 bloody seasons and Son hasn't even had one and folks are writing him off!

    We need a striker. Everyone except Levy knows that.
    Nomadico and Bazza47 like this.
  18. Big fran Guest

    Ur joking aren't u Matt!!? Has everyone gone mad on this site. We are four points off the summit of the league still in two other comps and people saying let's give that Son a do up front he may do a job nothing to lose is there. What about Shane long hes half decent and runs a lot. Jeez!
    Felon82 likes this.
  19. Jonesy

    Jonesy Well-Known Member

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    Long offers a bit of value; grafts, good attitude, PL experience and fits the Poch "philosophy".

    However, he ain't the most prolific in front of goal!
    Nomadico and Mattj78 like this.
  20. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I am confused. Didn't this board read numerous reports that WBA officially informed Spurs, Stoke and Newcastle that Berahino will not be sold this window? Why SB is still considered as an option here? I thought Levy went promptly elsewhere. Am I wrong?
    Nomadico and Mattj78 like this.

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