One of our own with get out of jail card

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, January 10, 2016.

  1. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    First off that was a penalty every day of the week, he starts with his back to the ball then turns towards the ball with an outstretched arm knocking the ball out of play, ive seen reds for less. Happy to see players rested and thort we played quite well even if we were lacking a target man up front. Also agree with some that altho Carrol is no Modric or Silva he is a useful player that can spread the ball around and pick a pass, look he's not first team but he seems ok with his place and continues to improve. It was good to see a few players get some time on pitch and id like to see the same approach for the replay.
    Nomadico likes this.
  2. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    I do not think Poch will play the same eleven for the replay,but it depends on what happens on Wed,we have 2 games before then,both we need to win,I just hope we have the striker in that we need who ever it is.COYS
  3. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    Just regarding some issues brought up - what options are there for a second striker?
    I have three ideas that almost certainly won't happen but I'm interested to have opinion:

    Falcao on loan

    Unlikely as they are, they all fit as second striker options viable in terms of price for a janaury purchase. They don't fit the system too well, but each is clearly a talented player and whilst Falcao is unproven in the PL, he's an experienced striker and isn't a bad player to bring on after 70mins or start for cup games. Torres, whilst aging, has PL experience and used to be very good, so if we can get him for a 6-18 months, even as cover, it'd benefit the squad and think how much Kane could learn from them lot.

    Remy is self explanatory.

    Halfway through the window, and the only player we've signed is youth player Shilow Tracey from Ebbsfleet. Not exactly great business so far!
  4. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    To be honest Josh I can not see us getting any one in,WBA have just said none of there player's are for sale so Berahino is out at least until the summer,if we do get any body it will be from out side the UK ,with Levy you never know

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