Will Daniel Levy fail Pochettino?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, December 29, 2015.

  1. Josh k Guest

    Agree wholeheartedfly with that. Long would fit Poch's system like a glove. Heart, skill, relentless determination. A chaser of lost causes.

    Long, Austin, Wanyama, maybe a dependable back up for Hugo and we are set to seriously challenge. Time for Old Scrooge Lewis to front up, cos we'll never get a better opportunity than the one that's presented itself right now.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  2. Deggsy56

    Deggsy56 Active Member

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    None that we can afford! Shame we couldn't have got Lukaku when avail. No chance now. Berahino? Suddenly lost form. Remy chose Chelsea over us and now a reject. Don't want these players thx. Very few available in Jan.
  3. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Berahino never lost form, he just refused to play for WBA,give him his move and he will play,I just hope he selects us,as for Austin I'm not sure he has the fitness for the style of play Poch demands,Ighalo would be nice but I cant see Watford letting him go...
    Spurporter likes this.
  4. Big fran Guest

    The sandro story from barca is growing but with only 2 goals in 17 league games I'd stay clear. If you can't grab goals in that set up then forget about the premier league for me.. especially with a buy back clause.
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  5. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    I hope this story has no legs,his goal return is very low,why would Barca put a buy back clause if he is that bad...
  6. Big fran Guest

    Just an insurance policy from their point of view. Pretty standard these days for barca so they don't have another situation like with fabregas and pique buying them back for x amount of millions.
    Similar clause for defelou of Everton. Win win for barca. Madrid have one for morata also.
    Nomadico likes this.
  7. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    May be we should do the same with our players!!!!
  8. Big fran Guest

    Probably will become more common place in yrs to come. Sold crouch for around 50k and bought him back for near on 10m!!
    Nomadico likes this.
  9. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Who ever we go after we will end up paying over the top,every club is aware of what we need and will make us pay,maybe we should take a chill pill and go with what we have until the summer it is a huge gamble I know,but last season we had only Kane in the goals, this year we have other's so it is not just him,it would be very nice to have fresh blood but not at any price,what are your thoughts???
  10. Big fran Guest

    Personally I think if we could get Austin and persuade him to sign even though he wouldn't necessarily start every match but would get good game time and win trophies but also sign berahino we would have the firepower to comfortably finish in the top 3 if not win the damn thing which is only my opinion. Austin due to his contract situation could be available for as little as 8m I believe otherwise he leaves for free. Berahino what 15-20m probably. So in total 23-28m investment to reach the promised land what price would we put on that??? Bare in mind fazio is all but gone for around 5m and townsend could be a decent make weight. There could be scenarios where all 3 could play together and would have cover all across the attacking front four.
    Nomadico likes this.
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Not only should we be looking at someone who can cover for Kane but someone who can play alongside him.
    That's why I think we should look at Shane Long.
    Nomadico likes this.
  12. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Do you think we can get Long??I would prefer Berahino to Austin,but all 3 would be a dream,maybe Levy would back such a deal.....
    Mattj78 likes this.
  13. Big fran Guest

    Let's be fair to Long he's a good honest hard working pro buy has an abismal goal scoring record and at 28yrs is he gonna get any better. Is he gonna have Kane looking over his shoulder to keep him on his toes? If Kane was out for a period of time could he step in and score the goals at the ratio of a natural cf to steer us to top four. The answer really to all the above is no I'm afraid.
    Nomadico likes this.
  14. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Following all the blog's and threads around it seem's every one has a idea who we should and who we should not sign,to be honest all of us wish the best for our great club and it matters not who arrives he will be aware of the history of this club and what is expected of him,let us all just trust the Boss to do the right thing..COYS
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    It would be a Long shot if you'll pardon the pun! I'm still not convinced about Berahino. He held to try and join us but I wouldn't be surprised if he just jumped to the highest bidder. I don't think football is a major concern to him. He's got talent but I just see another Adebayor and we don't need that.
    Felon82 likes this.
  16. Big fran Guest

    Not sure where a lot of the nonsense about berahino has come from tbf. Yeah he got a drink driving ban which is obviously not great in any walk of life or profession but not any more so a footballer than a zookeeper !
    Was late for training last week whoops (probably got fined and presumably paid it to charity).
    Made it be publicly known he wanted to leave wba to sign for what he perceived to be a much bigger ambitious club going somewhere (that will be.....oh yeah us:)
    Hardly the bad boy of football is he really.
    Many good footballers and many world class ones come with egos and off field problems - Ronaldo,Maradona Cantona Di canio rooney Rafael VdV anyone.
    Apart from that you get a player that has a very accurate goals to chance/shot ratio,adds pace and trickery in the final third which we need,versatile and great potential to get better. Looks like he enjoys playing with Kane doesn't have a big shot agent and has his own charity foundations already. No brainer for me especially probably at a reduced fee from the last window.
    Spurporter and Nomadico like this.
  17. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Who would refuse a young Adebayor? For half of young Ade current market price? No one.

    Spurs are not only looking for Harry's partner. Levy needs a more or less adequate Kane replacement. Such replacement must be acquired BEFORE Harry is sold. IMO there are 4-6 transfer windows left before that, if not less. Time has to be used to buy and develop the new striker.

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