Now prove you mean business Mr Levy!

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, November 27, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    In June 2014, in fact on the 9th of June, Ramos the wise advised of how certain players were going to be like new players for Tottenham Hotspur football club.
    He said in the article titled Tottenham Hotspurs, Americas Team;

    Felon82 likes this.
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    In Another comment from the 'always right' Ramos, he explained to us all just how good Kaboul is. Please try not to laugh as he did really say the following in the article, Argentine set to replace outbound Younes Kaboul;

    "Nobody wants to see a fit and firing Kaboul more than me, as I believe, when he is both these things, he is one of the best C.B's in the EPL"

    I'm sure Sunderland fans would agree with you Ramos.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Ramos has said both me and Felon have imagined his comments.
    Well, let's head back to August 26th 2014 and the article 'likely and unlikely candidates to captain Spurs.'

    Ramos the wise, was certain only one man fitted the bill. In our imagination? I think not as I quote from the great man himself:

    " Personally I'd leave Kaboul with it. He is good enough to play every week, knows the club and it's expectations as much as anyone , and seems highly respected by those within the dressing room."

    Now, do correct me, but Kaboul was at the heart of everything bad about Spurs at that time and was far from being a leader of men.
  4. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    You also look at when people say things but then also when they don't.

    After our awful performance against Stoke City at WHL on November 9th 2014, Younes Kaboul, still captain, the man Ramos told us was one of the very best in the EPL was shocking and clearly had no respect from any of his team mates, contrary to Ramos' comments that I have quoted.

    The media gave him average scores of 3, this site gave him a 3. And did Ramos come out and say, actually I was wrong about him?

    Nope. But only I talk out of my A@%e.
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I really can't be bothered looking for more quotes as there are bloody loads of them!

    I will continue to write my articles on this site and no doubt people will disagree with my posts and my opinions. And that is fantastic, because that is what blogs are all about.

    We all support Spurs, some of us are pessimistic, some optimistic and some blinkered but I wouldn't have it any other way.

    I will always write my opinion. I will always get things wrong.

    But I enjoy writing the articles and the banter between fellow fans.

    As ever, and what is the only thing that matters......Come on You Spurs!!!!
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Just off topic-

    After my pace evaded me and i couldnt play football to the level i was satisfied with anymore i took up boxing a sport i always had an interest in but never really tried until recently, and have enjoyed every moment since learning the sweet science.

    Being a lot more into the Boxing these days id just like to say well done to Tyson Fury tonight, the underdog and media clown went to (one of the greats) heavyweight champs back yard and boxed brilliantly to claim the title against all odds.

    Well done that Man big respect.

    Sorry about that but gotta show love for a Brittish world champ!

    Back to Football and i hope we can give the supposed 'Champs' a systematic beating aswell .

    COYS !
  7. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I mean REALLY...Are those the best quotes you could find Matt? ...Err, because if they are, I'm sorry to inform you dear sir, but you have managed to prove ABSOLUTELY nothing!

    So, I have said a FIT and FIRING Younes Kaboul is amongst the best in the EPL? Well, he is. The problem for Younes over the last couple of years is HASN'T been FIT or FIRING!

    Consistency has been the issue for the Frenchman, as have a number of other issues i.e. confidence, injuries, which in turn have had knock-on effect, on things such as (mental attributes) decision making, concentration and awareness. These are things that I have touched upon NUMEROUS times in the past, but obviously you and some others CHOOSE to conveniently ignore that.

    Don't be fooled though, under the right management (i.e Big Sam), who will be able to identify these things AND remedy them, (like the Ram could given half the chance) Kaboul is STILL able to perform at a very high level.

    He proved that on Monday night with Sunderland, at Palace, when he put on a excellent display to help Sunderland to a win, a clean sheet and also earned a MOTM award. He was also their best player vs Spurs earlier on in the campaign AND helped Sunderland to ANOTHER clean sheet today.

    Listen, I could go on - you know I could - but I won't...

    Instead, what I will say though is, if I have caused ANY offence, Matt, I APOLOGISE...

    Look, your entitled to support Spurs how you wish, and if the love that I claim to have for you guys is as real as The Ram is, I have to show that I appreciate and embrace that!

    Truth is, mate, you have had a MASSIVE role to play in building and sustaining this forum, and although we have had our duels (which I no longer have a desire to engage in), this place wouldn't be the same without your s%£!... I mean, without, you. ;)

    So again, forgive me, my friend...Sometimes my passion for the club leads to me reaching for a sword to defend it with vigor! ...Even though I have come to find that club I love, does NOT require defending....

    It just needs more love (and all that it entails)...

    With that being said, how about we put an end to all of this NONSENSE and focus our energies on the much more important task of supporting a club we both care about deeply, eh...;)

    Mattj78 likes this.
  8. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Amen to that!!!

    Come on You Spurs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Just amused right now. One of mates reckons he loves the way I bite at Ramos. He says it entertains him and thinks we should have a monthly podcast with Ramos as the voice of calm reason and me as the over passionate, reactive voice.
    Made me smile!!!

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