Now prove you mean business Mr Levy!

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, November 27, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I'd say we are have more than 3. Kane, Alli, Lloris, Toby, Vertonghen, Dembele, Eriksen.
  2. burnt Guest

    Where do we get these players yee are all on about , i don't dispute the fact we need another striker at least but where are they ... There's a serious shortage of quality players around at the moment i.m.o never mind ones available .. Look at the mancs for example , look what they had to pay for some unknown kid from France back in August .. look at the quality of the league overall at the moment considering the money spent , has it ever been worse .. There might be more money around then ever before but its been mainly wasted on overrated players because thats all there is available ....
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Vardy? Austin?
  4. big fran Guest

    Players available...!! If come the end of December we are still outside the top four or maybe just in it then your looking at berahino again and maybe embolo as a prodigy and possibly Austin as back up. If we are comfortably in the top four and not cut adrift you could be looking at a mane a lacazerette(at a struggling Lyon side and on the score sheet tonight), yarmolenko and maybe a witsel rather than a wanyama.
    You would have to believe that the reported 25m from the failed berahino move is still there plus sales of fringe players fazio 5m Townsend 8m Carroll 3m mason 8million would be enough to sign two players to suit the situation and goals we set come Jan 1st. Wouldn't like to see wholesale changes that would upset the group though. 3 players max.
  5. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    As far as strikers are concerned I think Spurs could do a lot worst than to go for a man who we have already previously faced this season.

    Step forward Stefano Okaka (of Anderlecht & Parma)

    For me, if we are talking about a realistic target who would

    • be happy to play 2nd fiddle to Harry Kane (in the short term)
    • fit perfectly into our system & style of play
    • offer the team a new dimension in the final with his particular set attributes
    • find it easy to adapt to the physical nature of the EPL
    • Affordable, with the potential to REALLY make a big impact at the club
    ...then i feel Okaka could be our guy.

    Look, i could go on, but I'm knackered and all honesty struggling to keep my eyes open let alone write all of these posts.

    In short though, I believe this guy ticks ALL the boxes as far as finding a QUALITY alternative to HK is concerned. He was HUGELY impressive in Spurs' games vs Anderlecht this year, giving our entire defence a stern examination, and helping himself to a goal in the process.

    Okaka looks PERFECTLY suited to the EPL, and although some may argue that at 26 years old, the Italian hasn't exactly set the world alight given the fact that he currently finds himself on loan in the Belgian top flight, I would say some players are late bloomers - while others require the 'right environment' in order to help them realize their FULL potential. With Forlan and Coutinho being two prime examples.

    Powerful, quick and capable of producing moments of sublime skill, Okaka could prove, if pursued, to be another VERY CLEVER piece of business.

    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    I think Levy's starting to backup his sentiments and the wishes of the coach. Best decision he's made was getting Poch, now let's let Poch make those decisions; on which players stay, go, or are brought in. To be fair, the likes of Bale and Luka all wanted to move they weren't invested in the club.
    With the core group we have now, Harry, Hugo, Eriksen and all really are invested in winning trophies with Spurs. These are the ones we need to hold on to! I was impressed on how Poch didn't want to do any panic buys, he has an idea of the culture he's developing here and knows which players are suited for it. Wouldn't mind seeing Townsend sold, if he doesn't clean up his act and work on improving himself.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  7. Its well documented Hugo is wanting Champions League football. I dont want to get to excited here on my Lillywhites, who I have followed for 50 years. For many years my Spurs have fallen over in the last few months and have fallen away. I forsee some very exciting times ahead but I am trying to temper my excitement and dreams. In the event Spurs finnish in the top 3 or should I dream even win the Europa Cup which would of course guarantee us Cl football the following year there simply would be no need for anyone to think about leaving for anyone else. The dream of watching our young guys, Ali, Kane, etc plying their skills around the Bernabeau, Camp Nou, San Siro just makes my mouth water. At this moment of time I just want to dream
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Levy is a clown who after sanctioning the biggest waste of 100m pound has somehow fluked his way to having what resembles the core of a decent side.
    But believe if anyone can screw it up its Ming!

    On another note the happy clappers swanning around with their told you so atitude should realise if they had had their own way we'd still be watching the likes of Paulinho, Soldado, Capoue, Holtby, etc and really hoping theyd find their feet soon with more patience.

    They were all cr@p as many of us got attacked for saying but have now been proved right!

    I am a lot happier at watching a Spurs side that give a sh;tt recently but i still feel we could do with 1/2 big players our bench looks very weak at times n we will lose all momentum if we get 1/2 long term key injuries.

    But we all know we wont be buying anyone in January and burn out will come in may.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. burnt Guest

    Okaka looked a handful against us for sure but a quick look at the stats shows some nightmareish figures ... His goal scoring record is brutal , you'd be disappointed if your midfielders were producing these figures ... As for Vardy , if i had suggested signing him at the start of the season having scored 5 goals last year @ 27 years old im sure it would have caused a forum meltdown .. Now what he's achieved so far this season has been fantastic and fair play to the lad but he's got to show over time that he's not a flash in the pan .. Bet you would have loved Michu a few seasons ago to name one .. Big gamble i.m.o considering he wouldn't come cheap now .. Big Charlie Austin would i.m.o be the best bet out of these 3 , a powerhouse who should fit the system and did well in his only season in the league but if these are the best names we can come up with it again shows how difficult it is to find players of the standard required never mind been available .. Lets hope Mr Poch and Mr Mitchell have a few aces up their sleeves and they might find us the next Harry Kane somewhere ...... Then again there's only 1 Harry Kane ....... C.O.Y.S .......
  10. burnt Guest

    Surely its no worse then the hundreds of mills pi55ed away by both Manc sides and Liverpool over the last few years .. Its not an easy job ye know ...
    Mattj78 likes this.
  11. Wulfyn Guest

    "In the tenure of Daniel Levy, he has consistently sold our best talent, usually to the detriment of the squad and the prospects for the club on the pitch."

    That's just not true. There are 3 great players we can think of that we wanted to keep that Levy sold. Bale, Modric, and Berbatov. All three made it clear they wanted to leave. All three were kept a season longer than when they first seemed likely to go. All three were sold for massive fees. VDV wanted to return to Germany, and ABV didn't really want him either so that one is not on Levy.

    Who else have we sold that we really wanted to keep? Livermore? Huddlestone? Naughton? Defoe (twice)?

    What Levy has done badly is his purchases. Bale, Modric, and Berbatov were all exceptional scouts, but acquired a long time ago. Lloris is a stand out good purchase from more recently. Eriksen is also good (as is Chadli), but I have sympathy for those thinking that 2 out of 7 isn't a great record. The jury, I think, is still out on Lamela.

    With Mitchell on board that seems to have changed. Our purchases this summer were excellent. I agree that January and the summer will be a test, but every transfer window, every game, every training session is a test.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  12. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Hopefully it is just the beginning because after 14 years of false starts and false dawns at roughly the rate of 2 managers a season, it is about time the chairman got something right.
    If he gets it wrong this time maybe you could have a go Ramos, presuming of course that is that you are not already on the 'inside' of Mr Levy?!
  13. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    A certain someone would still have Kaboul as the 'obvious choice' of captain.
    And Stambouli pulling the strings
    Mattj78 likes this.
  14. burnt Guest

    Jeez lads i taught yee had boarded the optimists train , has it been derailed all ready ......
    Mattj78 likes this.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Agreed. Ramos is always right even when he's wrong!
    He said Kaboul deserved to be captain and was a strong player. He described Stambouli as a player who could pull the strings and would come good.
    He now seems to be saying that we are doing well just as he predicted!!!
    As I said, humility is a great thing. He even said Paulinho was a great player who needed time.
    But of course, we are always wrong and he is always right.

    The difference is that I, on many occasions, have held my hands up and said, do you know what, I got that wrong.

    Ramos will never do that because he can't be wrong. His bravado would be ruined if he ever admitted getting something wrong.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    On another note. Well done Jamie Vardy.
  17. burnt Guest

    Its a bit like the man in the casino who always picks red and tells all and sundry about all the times he's right and how great his knowledge is about the game but all the times the ball landed on black seem to be completely erased from his mind .......
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  18. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Well, who took the jam out of your doughnut then, eh, Matt?.. lol

    Listen, my friend, your claims about MY (supposed) statements are CLEARLY proving to be as informative, insightful and informed as your blogs! :rolleyes:

    Like I ALWAYS say mi amigo, ANYONE can spout a load of old cobblers about ANYTHING. But whether they can actually back it up with PROOF or something REMOTELY resembling substance, usually tends to be another matter, entirely...

    So, how about you put up, or shut up, my dear, Matthew - and actually prove ANY of the things you have claim I have said (in your last post) are true and find some quotes (in their entirety) of mine and re-post them for us all to see.

    If you DO decide to take me up on the challenge (WHICH WE BOTH KNOW YOU WON'T,... AS WE ALREADY KNOW YOUR ATTEMPTING TO TALK OUT OF SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN YOUR GOB)...please make sure you post ENTIRE quotes as well as the title where you found said quotes. Just for purpose of accuracy and transparency, ofcourse. ;)

    Goodluck, now...:D

    In other news though, I just wanted to state how impressed I've been with the form of a certain Christian Eriksen, who, for me, is playing the most consistent football, in terms general influence during games, of his Spurs career to date.

    Yes, it, still, CAN take him upto 7/8 attempts to beat the 1st man from a corner. But make no mistake, the Dane is playing a MASSIVE role in the good form Spurs are currently experiencing.

    The whole team is loving life at Spurs, under Poch, at the moment which is resulting in us seeing the committed, cohesive and classy performances we are witnessing at the moment.

    Long may it continue...
    Last edited: November 28, 2015
  19. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I'm not "attempting" Ramos, I'm actually very good at it.
    You are indeed right, I can't find full and conclusive posts although for some read on your comments only go back to one in May 2015 and then jump to 2015 which makes it s bit hard.

    Due to your disgusting comments , I will write no further posts on this site.
  20. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    ..... Just kidding!!! As if I would want to provide you with any more satisfaction. Sob......

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