Pochettino has got the striker he wanted!

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by George S, May 29, 2014.

  1. George S

    George S New Member

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    Mauricio Pochettino is apparently on the look out for a new forward to ensure his time with Tottenham Hotspur is a success and it seems he has already found his dream forward.

    Daniel Levy will be delighted to know it won’t cost him a penny either as the new forward that Pochettino is after is already in the Spurs squad.

    Target man already in place

    I am not talking about Roberto Soldado or Emmanuel Adebayor. The man the Argentinian has always craved is in fact our very own Harry Kane!

    The England under-21 forward did in fact enjoy a successful end to the season and very nearly scored more Premier League goals overall than Soldado.

    And according to the Daily Telegraph, Pochettino is a fan as he was interested in bringing Kane to Southampton in January and now, just six months later, he finally has the man he craved.

    Telegraph’s Matt Law states:

    “He (Pochettino) is already a fan of Harry Kane, having tried to sign the 20-year-old for Southampton in January.”

    Sources say….

    As previously mentioned, Levy will be ecstatic that he won’t have to go out and buy a new hotshot forward for our new manager because the man he wants is right at the clubs doorstep.

    It could even be suggested that the reason Pochettino moved to White Hart Lane was to fulfill a lifetime ambition of being able to work with Mr. Kane and it has been suggested the England U21 striker was involved in tapping up ‘the Poch’.

    Although sources at the club refute those claims, it seems certain that the lure of Kane was the deciding factor in getting our new Argentine manager and I am certain he is looking forward to building his team around the Tottenham youth graduate.

    The future’s bright, the future’s Harry Kane lilywhite!
  2. HKane Guest

    The Hurry Kane is awesome, and he has proven it at every level that he has ever played out. I've been championing that kids name for the last couple of years now but because he isn't quick, and doesn't have a rocket of a shot, he isn't popular among managers.
    But he is smart, and has the control and skill to beat players, he is confident, well grounded, and is spurs through and through. It's about time he got to play the whole season and Levy gets his money back on LOLdado, and sell that lazy and greedy **** Adebayor.
  3. Yidango Guest

    He does have a rocket shot and is well known for scoring a high number of goals from distance...
  4. stevethespur Active Member

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    Think we all hope harry keeps progressing and i hope he stays and gets the chance but we still need a top top striker in for the new season. Are there comparisons between saints ricky lambert and kane, both lack pace but know where the goal is and poch got the best out of lambert. Coys.
  5. gary fox Guest

    You are taking the pee arent you? Kane is slow and hasnt got quick feet, essential to get the ball under control and get shots off. He is reasonable in the air and works hard......but so was Mark Falco. He is back-up at best or championship level. He scored a few end of season goals but missed more than he scored. He is not the answer yet and probably never will be. Nice lad though.
  6. gazza Guest

    If ever a blog is a true wind up and piss take, this is it. Kane is good but never will be better than that.
  7. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Kane is a DECENT young player but will NEVER be the kind of natural/gifted finisher capable of REGULARLY leading the line for a club like Spurs. Seeing Kane as a ideal fit for a young, progressive S'hampton side, and making him your no1 (or even no2) striker at a club like Spurs are two VERY different things.

    I feel Spurs have a better LONG-TERM prospect hiding, somewhere, in the youth academy, called Souleymane Coulibaly. I think there MUST be question marks over his work-rate, attitude or link-up play, because as a finisher he looks in a COMPLETELY different league to Harry Kane

    Last edited: May 29, 2014
  8. spurson Guest

    This article is stretching it a bit. Although Kane does show good promise and I hope he is in the mould of Sherwood. But time will tell but he does look like an intelligent player and getting into space, awareness of goal, etc. Pochs will definitely improve this kid as a player,
  9. sam-spurs Guest

    Nice player Kane and I'm sure he has a great future ahead of him and great that he's come through the youth programme, but I really can't believe mopo would leave Southampton for spurs and Harry kane was the deciding factor..?
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. big fran Guest

    Are we ever gonna see coulbilay or coulthirst for that matter because I suspect we wont
  11. Holsten Guest

    Kane is not a very good striker at all,what are you on,please add more substance to your article
  12. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Just done a bit more digging on Coulibaly and although he is a clearly a VERY talented finisher, his OVERALL game needs a LOT of work.

    Struggles with his back towards goal, general technique is average and he is VERY selfish anywhere around the the box (just to highlight a few of his apparent deficiencies)

    To be honest, I suspected all of these things might of been issues, because, like I said, the kid is a excellent finisher.
  13. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    The lure of Kane the deciding factor! sorry George but you must be taking the piss.Really enjoyed watching Harry's progress last season and hope to see more. we still need a top striker to take us to the next level. Lukaku would be immense.
  14. G.wilson Guest

    Kane is average at best never going to be a first choice striker if he is then we are in trouble before we kick a ball this season back up at best and not a very impresive one at that
  15. Smessi Guest

    Coulibaly is shite. Absolute ****. Very surprised he didn't get released.

    People who don't watch him and haven't followed the younger lads cling on to his reputation after one tournament. The boy will never make it.

    Save this post and call me up on it if you like.
  16. Roy Guest

    Can we get this talented youngster who by looks is a natural striker - into the Europa cup squad 2014-15. Havn't been excited about a spurs striker since Defoe, our last natural striker especially the 5 in Wigan game. This kid has something and now needs to see if can get into next level and best place to ply trade and gain toughness is in early Europa stages. What potential talent here.
  17. DomTFC Guest

    I agree with Gary Fox and Ramos, Kane is a decent young player, I will add he is developing but is clearly not starting quality, some day he will be, he is not a clinical finisher, we should be aiming to have a strike force like Liverpools at the start of last season I said Pool would be in the top four again partly due to having the best strike partnership and that it would push Spurs to 5th or 6th, and there's no way Poch came to the Lane to fulfill his dream of coaching Kane that's honestly laughable.
  18. Nik Guest

    Seriously? Squad player at best. And lets not overstate his youth here, the bloke will be 21 before season starts. Same age as our player of the season 13/14.

    Id move him on.
  19. Coby Guest

    Kane is a downer, looks like one and plays like one. This has to be some sort of sick joke. 'Striker he craved' no, striker he might've been able to afford, I'm sure with a blank check book poch has bigger and better targets and if he doesn't god help us all
  20. Cedric Guest

    Looks like some people don't know what satire is on this blog! I've played as striker at a high level and believe me, Kane has a few good traits about him. He'll be a top 8 player no doubt but maybe not make it at Tottenham. I like having good lads that have the club at heart in the squad so i hope he can stay as a back-up for a couple more years

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