Is Top 4 Viable?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, October 27, 2015.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    With the Season well and truly underway and 'Project Youth' in full swing I'm looking at the League and Contenders and asking is Top 4 viable?

    There are 6 teams every season fighting for 4 spots and as I'm forever being reminded we are the poorest of the 6 and therefore should be happy around that mark.

    So for us to have a serious chance of getting what seems an elusive 2nd Champions League birth we are relying on 2 of the other 5 slipping up and having a bad season.

    I can smell blood from 2 sides this term and so should Poch and the Players. What we need is commitment and a ruthless streak.

    Liverpool aren't great they have a ropey defence a number of players bought for an ever changing old regime. They do possess some quality players in Benteke and Sturridge but they aren't yet in a flow or system and with a new manager they shouldn't represent too much of a threat this year imo.

    Chelsea are in a right pickle, its quite baffling (and hilariously warming) when you look at their squad and manager but there are some real issues going on there! They are in an uncertain place- Dressing room unrest, Manager flirting with the sack, Under performing players, Age, Injuries, Poor discipline all looking bleak.
    Chelsea can always click into gear of course whether through managerial change or just getting their act together but they look far from the side that strolled the league last year.

    Even the usual Heavy Weights have flattered to deceive thus far which gives me confidence (i know me confident about Spurs?).
    Very unspectacularly (bar Citeh) we've got on with business more draws than I'd of hoped and maybe than what we've deserved but all in all a steady start.

    We are in a more settled place now with a core of players growing together our consistent league finishes of 6/5th should be a platform we are building from not stagnating in, so with 2 big guns firing blanks we need to start showing conviction in our play and start capitalising.

    Talk of top 4 is easy and is a more a sound bite from the club than really putting it into action which makes me question and wonder sometimes how ambitious/driven we really are. I'm a true believer that if you want something bad enough and give it all you've got you can achieve more than what seems capable, but its all about taking charge and making it happen.

    No better time than the present or motivation so Poch and the Team should be seizing the initiative while we can.

    We need our Big players stepping up and the whole team up for the battle, Poch needs to be quicker to react in situations and be more flexible to differing opponents. But its about time we ended the excuses culture and delivered!

    Villa are there for the taking then 3 massive Derbies, come through them well and we'll be in a very healthy position what more motivation do they need?

    Top 4 is Viable this season its whether or not we want it enough!
    colificus and Spurporter like this.
  2. Yes we can!!. Totally agree that this is the best chance we will have of getting into CL. We can grab that 4th place . Chelsea and Liverpool aren't as strong as us at the moment. We must take advantage now by killing teams off as they are bound to improve What an end of season party that would be .COYS! !
    colificus and Felon82 like this.
  3. will Guest

    I always want the spurs to go above and beyond and am hoping we re enter the CL. But i think poch is in this for the long haul and given enough time (seasons) he can turn this time into a premier league winning side. But we cannot overestimate ourselves and so must be patient. I believe as long as we have poch we are destined for top for greatness given enough time and as ever the best spurs support
  4. Ses New Member

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    Thats a brilliantly true and bang on article!!
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. burnt Guest

    How does beating an injury ravaged Bournemouth whose keeper taught he was playing for us make such a diff to where you taught our season was heading on Thurs night ...

    By the way i do mostly agree with the o/p , at this moment in time anything is possible ..
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    This isn't off the back of the Bournemouth result its looking at the top 4 contenders and realising that 2 are weak and that we should be inspired by this to kick on and capitalise.
    The league is poor imo top 4 has never been easier so i want my Team to show some drive to actually achieve something this season.
  7. Smithy1255 New Member

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    Totally agree this is one of our best chances to get a champions league place a aspecially as our defence seems to be sorted, but unfortunately we can't score and we should of got one or two strikers as we can't leave it all to harry who apart from Bournemouth isn't scoring.
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. Ken New Member

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    Next 4 matches will determine Spurs has that CL credentials or are as usual pretenders. I feel Son will be badly needed if they want to get some good results in coming weeks. If they can come through the 3 derbies unscathed, they would have shown to everyone that their defence has improved leaps and bounds
    Felon82 likes this.
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    It is certainly true that top 4 looks like a possibility, which is a surprise for me, given our inability to buy a second striker for the squad in August.

    Two months on, Chelski imploding, Liverpool struggling, Dier and Alli and Toby putting some quality into the defence, it looks rosier for sure.

    However I'm a long suffering Spurs supporter and I know performances like Anderlecht are never far away.

    November will not only define our season, but more importantly give us a really good view of our depth and progress. We won all three of WH away and Chelski and the Gooners at home last we have to prove ourselves in back to back games against them.....COYS
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Felon82 likes this.
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Now lets not get carried away here, its all dependant on the manager and team stepping up and delivering while rival clubs are in a 2n8.
    colificus likes this.
  12. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    That's easy. The formula to invoke the above requirement is known over the years as "COYS!!"

    Besides its content, the article is well written.
    Felon82 likes this.
  13. colificus

    colificus New Member

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    Nice article. I absolutely agree. We have to take the chance this season, as next year could see a resurgent Liverpoo (sic) under Klopp, and Chelski might have one half of a woeful season, but wont have a full season at their current dismal level (especially if they replace Jose).

    It great to see a positive article here, and the team deserve it.

    I only fear that if we do not capitalise on other teams in the bid six failing, that we will find it much harder to grab the CL place next season.

    Felon82 likes this.
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Talk sport was alive with Ham fans talking up top 4 as a real possibility


  15. big fran Guest

    Think city and the goons look to be nailed on top four. The other two spots certainly look up for grabs given our recent form and the unpredictability of the EPL this given season. I have a hunch that utd will grind out third spot leaving us fighting with pool soton and possibly one from Chelsea Leicester and remarkably palace?? We need to be there or there abouts come Jan and add an extra 15-20 goals..
  16. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Three draws at home, relatively few chances created and therefore even fewer goals has meant that we have still to create a fortress at The Lane.

    All truly successful sides do that. We need to do that. We have a defensive base that is shaping up, but we are still lacking in fire power and pace.

    Villa should be put to the sword, and if Bournemouth wasn't to be a one off, that is exactly what We must do.

    As for the coming three league games, in truth, I can't gauge what Spurs side will turn up. Are we good enough for Top Four...that would be a case of exceeding expectations for sure.

    As always COYS.....

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