POLL: Who is Tottenham's Most Frustrating Player?...

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by James McC, October 12, 2015.


Who is Tottenham's most frustrating player?

  1. Mousa Dembele

  2. Erik Lamela

  3. Andros Townsend

  4. Other...

  1. James McC

    James McC Member

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    Very few things in life can get you quite as frustrated as Tottenham Hotspur.

    Last weekend’s 2-2 draw with Swansea just a week after the demolition of title-favourites Manchester City is the epitome of that; just when they get your hopes up, Spurs are sure to knock them right back down again.

    However it seems that certain characters within the Spurs side have developed an uncanny ability to rile up our oh-so-loyal support in a way that others simply cannot. Those players often bare the brunt of the backlashes that inevitably ensue.

    But who is Tottenham’s most frustrating player? There are a few candidates for the prestigious award…

    Mousa Dembele

    Nobody slows down a fast-flowing counter-attack quite as efficiently as our Belgian centre midfielder. The fact that Dembele has surpassed 100 appearances in all competitions for Spurs (racking up an impressive 118) shows the level of commitment that has been shown to him, and so the talent is clearly there. However, the synaptic delay that Dembele seems to suffer from does have the ability to reduce me to tears, especially when he’s just come off the bench and is already playing like he’s run a Dele Alli-style marathon match. The ball seems to be at his feet for an age – something that Mauricio Pochettino’s style of football has caused us to deplore.

    Erik Lamela

    How could we go on without mentioning one of the famous seven? In my opinion, Erik Lamela has personified Tottenham Hotspur in the past two weeks; with a spellbinding Man of the Match performance against Man City before being pulled for an early substitution away at Swansea. The moments of brilliance are like golden nuggets in the dirt, but it is the hope that kills us – the hope that Lamela will put together a string of more than 2 above average performances consecutively.

    Andros Townsend

    My personal choice for the award, due to the sometimes hilariously poor decision making on Townsend’s behalf. It’s just one overhit cross too many for me; as Andros tries desperately to recreate the form which saw him break into the England squad before the Summer’s World Cup. We Spurs fans are only human, and so there’s only so many times we can watch Townsend bomb down a corridor, cut inside on his left foot before unleashing a wild effort which eventually comes down with snow on it. It gets frustrating.

    Every Spurs player is frustrating in his own way. We’ve all tutted and shook our heads at Harry Kane ignoring teammates and going for goal in an attempt to reignite his form from last season, and when Christian Eriksen’s corners fail to beat the first defender we can’t help but curse.

    No player is immune (except Hugo, everybody loves Hugo), but some players have the knack of making our lives all the more “Spursy”.

    And I suppose that’s why we love them.
  2. Casper Guest

    Agree with the list..though have ven found Lloris's kicking in recent games frustrating
  3. Colin Thfc Guest

    Could be a few really, Dembele(takes an age and too many touches before deciding what too do and doesn't pass forward) and Chadli(can't cross and beat the first man) are the most frustrating for me closely followed by Townsend(shoots way too much) and Lamela(getting better but still not good enough yet)! these guy's have obvious talent but the sign of a good player is one that consistantly picks the right option at the right time like Deli Alli who seems to have the composure and awareness and picks the right option consistantly at the age of 19! read somehere Dembele is on his way?
  4. Andy Guest

    Walker, Townsend and Lamela are the most frustrating.

    Walker and Townsend are both quick but lack a football brain.

    Lamela always wants to cut inside for the sake of it even when there are better options.

    I wouldn't call Townsend a proper footballer.

    How Townsend and Walker get picked for England shows how clueless Hodgson is as a manager and how average the England team is at the moment.
  5. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    He has no clue when to pass or when to shoot. He needs to pull a "George Costanza" and do the opposite because "if every instinct he has is wrong, the opposite must be right."
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Dembele for me due to the fact he has all the ability in the world plus power n pace to go with it yet justs coasts through games totally unwilling to take responsibility, he should boss midfields but hes just content in being safe and tidy.
    He seems to play like scores don't matter, time doesn't matter, points don't matter, leagues/trophies etc
    I find him more infuriating than others simply because of the god given talent/atributes he posseses but will never maximise.
    bruski likes this.
  7. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    Well said. There are possibly hundreds of boys with his ability who simply didn't get a lucky break. Pity he doesn't realise this and graft....if not for us then for his legacy.
  8. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    When I saw the survey at the top I had no hesitation in picking Andros...what surprised me was that he was way behind Moussa....heh ho.
    I've always felt that pace on the flanks is key, as well as praying that MP sees the light and plays him wide left, off the bench, for effect. Otherwise he will continue to be my MFP.
    Let's hope the right Spurs turn up on Saturday, against a Liverpool side buoyed by Klopp mania. Could be very interesting to see what effect he has. We must come out of the blocks strong, like the Gooners or Chelski last term.
  9. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Its a massive game for all sorts of reasons they are an on par rival in terms of league positioning/player recruitment etc. Its a massive opportunity to put the boot in while theyre down and nullify the possible spring board new manager/klopp effect.
    We need to start laying down a marker of our intent to kick on and as Liverpool and Chavs are faltering we need to have a hunger to capitalise in these situations.
    Plus Its time we gave liverpool a bit of pay back for recent results.
  10. big fran Guest

    For me moussa dembele easy!! Not because he slows things down that don't bother me. Its because he has the ability to do so much more. He could be world class no problem in the mould of Yaya toure.
    Even at the level he's at he us still our best mid. Wins most of his tackles/headers. Rarely gives ball away. Can play in tight areas of the pitch. Can pass. Can dribble. Positionally very good. Quick on the recovery and cover. Just plays within himself !!
    Felon82 likes this.
  11. guesty Guest

    easy.....Dembele. great player who just looks like he's coasting about the pitch. he can be sooo much more.

    It simply can't be Townsend as he isn't good enough to be frustrating. I don't expect much and I don't get much.
    Same with Chadli.

    Lamela has shown me more defensively recently than I expected so that somewhat outways the attacking side (which I think is also improving).
  12. With £5Bn Premier League TV deal taking effect next season (+£500% up from the current one), then this season is make or break for Fazio, Chadli and Townsend, and as well as a few other fringe merchants, because we like other clubs will have much more purchasing power to buy more effective players. That's why the Premier League tv deal put the 'fear of god' into the Real Madrid, Barcelona and Bayern Munich presidents.
  13. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    We will still be acting like Paupers
  14. guesty Guest

    I think we will still be trying to convince CL quality players to play for a non-CL club.
    and thats before we talk wages! ....which IMO I think we, as a club, are right to keep good control of.
  15. TTID Guest

    I agree with this quote. Dembele is at an age where he should be coming into his peak and has more experience than Townsend who for me still has time on his side and at his best (which I'll concede we don't see often enough), can be a game changer. IM (prob uninformed)HO :(
    Felon82 likes this.

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