Pochettino vindicated

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Socrates, September 26, 2015.

  1. big fran Guest

    Credit to MP today with the tactical change in the first half which undoubtedly changed the outcome when switching eriksen for Son which stemmed the flow down our left side and got eriksen involved more.
  2. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    What a difference a couple of days makes, eh!

    A great result and performance against City, and suddenly Spurs are able to boast more SUPPORTERS than they were after their recent defeat - such is the fickle nature of the average fan. :rolleyes:

    Only a few of days ago, Pochettino and his team were being labeled all sorts, from all sorts, and attacked from all corners.

    Today, he is being acclaimed, and suddenly people are beginning to recognise just how much potential this, particularly young, Tottenham squad possesses.

    How long will this foresight, enthusiasm and sense of pride last?

    Ah, oh, probably only until the UNEDUCATED (in football, terms),EMOTIONALLY DRIVEN and SHORT-SIGHTED Spurs fan suffers another disappointment, and in turn, has their character (and commitment to supporting the club) tested!

    But, hey, like the saying goes ' you can lead a fool to understanding but you can't make them think, nor believe'...

    I would say the team (including coaching staff)/ club made me proud yesterday, but the truth as we ALL know it, is that I am ALWAYS proud to be a part of this club. During the good moments, and the more challenging.

    My belief in the team, faith in the manager and gratitude to The Chairman is as unwavering, as it is absolute!!!

    Perhaps this is why I sat watching with tear filled eyes, as our young boys continued their development, and displayed their progress, in reducing one of the best (and most expensive) sides/squads in this country/ europe to a mangled mess.

    I often have said that money does NOT necessarily equate to success, and this seasons results thus far, and our own SUPERB display yesterday, in the midst of adversity, SHOULD serve as a reminder of this.

    Listen, and listen carefully - This is a young side, no matter how talented, that is STILL developing/evolving. They are FAR from the finished product, and have MUCH more room to grow and improve. It is likely that there will be disappointing results, and performances in the future.

    Yet, you have the opportunity to use this display, and ALL the others like it, as a reminder of exactly what this group (including the manager) is capable of, going into what I KNOW is going to be a bright, and exciting, future!

    The biggest disappointment, for me, about the Arsenal game was NOT that Spurs lost a match to a fierce rival... It was NOT even that we tripped at the 1st hurdle of a cup competition, subsequently missed out on a chance of silverware.

    The biggest disappointment, for me, WAS that this young side missed an opportunity to taste victory (early on) against one of the best sides in the country, and the biggest clubs in the world.

    I saw the C1 Cup tie as a chance for the plethora of young talent within our ranks to GROW individually, and collectively, by claiming a scalp as big as Arsenal's, and therefore cultivating a belief in themselves and the team/squad that would serve them well for the roads ahead.

    But as it happens, considering the personnel that was on the pitch for both teams (but ESPECIALLY the opposition), and the nature of the display/result, the victory against City should aid their development in a MUCH more significant way.

    At a goal down, and with their backs being slowly edged towards a wall by an impressive City side, this young group of players (both in age and experience) responded with a defiance, courage and resilience which has been the hallmark of Mauricio Pochettino reign, so far.

    The succession of late wins last season... The EMPHATIC comeback wins against both Arsenal and Chelsea last year.... The cup run to the final at Wembley.... The bold new philosophy of acquiring, and promoting from within, quality young talent.

    These are qualities, attributes and concepts being instilled within this team by the EXTREMELY impressive, young Argentine.

    The key word there is young, because just like the team, Pochettino is STILL learning and developing too!

    He needs just as much time and support, as your prepared to afford the players/ team. As far as young coaches go, I believe he is up their with the VERY best!

    I read somewhere the other day that THFC should enjoy having the services of Hugo Lloris. Well, if that much is true, the same should also be said about the committed, self-assured, ruthless, astute and fiercely ambitious manager we currently have a the helm.

    Look, I was saying that there were 'exciting times ahead' after each of our 1st 4 games of the season, when we hadn't even registered a single win. So I'll be damned if I stop saying it now!

    The MAIN reason I sat teary eyed, yesterday, as I watched our young boys demolish the blue half of Manchester was, honestly, because I saw my vision gradually becoming a reality, and with that, got a glimpse of a wonderful future...

    Exciting times!!!


    PS. Merson, (Jamie) Redknapp, (Robbie) Savage, Charlie Nicholas, Felon, Matt and the rest of the doubters, naysayers, and misguided/uninformed critics - Shove THAT result in your cake holes!!!! :cool:
    Last edited: September 28, 2015
    Spurporter likes this.
  3. podspurs Guest

    Great post ramos and i agree with every word. i also believe that this is the beggining of a special team that will win trophies and some fans should show some of the same commitment and pride as the players themselves.
  4. guesty Guest

    the Monaco question is.......can the players that come in show that they can fit into the team that won against City.
    by that I mean slip in without being noticed. without trying too hard and messing it up.

    one key to a successful team is that its reinforcements can come in and the teams game doesn't change.

    It's clear the same team won't play against Monaco....so let's hope those watrching from the sidlines were watching closely as to how their position was played.

  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    And here i was enjoying my monday, good weather, spring in my step from an excellent display from my team on the weekend and then see my old mate Ramos telling me to shove the result in my cake hole.
    Wouldn't you say thats a bit misguided?
    If we are playing football like we did on Saturday even if don't bag 4 or lose you wont hear me complaining, but this is 1 performance in an ocean of stagnant dull sloppy displays.
    Im all for it if this is the corner turned.
    But unlike a number of contributors on here im not going to talk up the average or live in a dream world, i give credit where credit is due and Saturday it was.

    Celebrate the win by all means Ram but take a dig at me over it are you sure mate?
  6. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I'm positive...Look, fella, if truth be told, it's because we're friends that i took it so easy on, ya!

    To be completely honest, I was half tempted to tell you to shove that result in somewhere ,altogether, different, entirely...

    Look, I can't expect you to love this club as much as me, or even show your support in the same manner, but for me, I think it's fairly apparent that you spend MOST of your time displaying a complete LACK of faith in the team, management and hierarchy...

    And all that faith requires is belief.

    Which in turn begs the question: Why do you bother profess to support something that you have VERY little belief in?

    You've basically admitted it yourself: You will ONLY back, support or state your pride in the club/team WHEN they win or play well.

    YOUR WORDS - 'If we are playing football like we did on Saturday even if don't bag 4 or lose you wont hear me complaining'

    Well, what kind of supporter is that? I'll tell ya. A fragile, half-hearted one who ONLY sings when they win!

    Me, I love this club like a child! Wholly, deeply and unconditionally.

    REGARDLESS of whether they get an A or an F in their exam, I AM PROUD to call them mine, and I let it be known.

    Infact, when they DON'T do so well, that is when I state my pride in them the MOST, as that is the time when they will require my encouragement, faith and support the most!!!

    That does NOT mean that I can't suggest ways in which they can improve or succeed next time, by offering CONSTRUCTIVE advice, etc. It just means that I will NOT spout MINDLESS NONSENSE or/and give them a kicking whilst their down!

    You say that the performance against City was '1 performance in an ocean of stagnant dull sloppy displays' but Spurs have probably been the better side in ALL of the games they have played this season and have played some LOVELY football in the process.

    The 1st 60 mins against Stoke was excellent, as were displays against Everton and Crystal Palace. We dominated against both Utd and Leicester, and ran riot against City. Sunderland proved a tough nut to crack, but we won, and did so in style with a fine goal.

    But hey the fickle fan has ALWAYS carried with them a SHORT/ SELECTIVE MEMORIES...

    Listen, my friend, do what you want, say what you want. But how you have the brass neck on ya to then come on here and ask The Ram if he's sure about whether your deserving of his comments, is simply beyond me!

    If you REALLY want clarification/ justification on the matter, all you have to do is read the VAST majority of YOUR comments about the club spanning over the last 2/3 years.

    PS. After the Arsenal game I noticed you decided to revert back to your 'Lets blame Levy' mode. Are you planning on giving the same man credit after the last result, or is it as I suspect, that that you ONLY possess a one-eyed, ignorant and unbalanced view on the man.

    After all, if your going to blame The Chairman for on field performances and results, SURELY you have to praise him too, right?
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Like i said Ram i dont 'care if we lose if we play like that' you selectively missed that one.

    Ive supported Spurs my whole footballing life and im quite happy not winning but only if you can see the team are giving it their all, on Saturday they did that.

    But even you have to admit Ram that the last 2/3 years have served up some of the most spineless lackluster performances weve seen in a very long time have we not? With wage thieves, half hearted strolls, scandalous 'defending' and generally lacking in any identity or purpose?

    Them sort of performances i can't applaud its not because i 'only sing when we win' its because they don't deserve the Shirt for such pathetic displays.

    As for praising Levy he keeps the accounts in check, other than that he is the biggest problem at Spurs and has been for some time, you've only got to look at post bale Sale to see a catalogue of errors have you not? Or was it all part of the 'master plan'?

    You seem to think i hate spurs or something?
    I dissagree with how Levy goes about the footballing side of things, with plenty of valid reasons that even the staunchest of Levyites can't argue with.
    I can't put up with lackluster overpaid passengers who are more interested in their hair do or next move.
    I cant put up with clown after clown in charge who just embarrass the club.
    And im annoyed that to talk of or want Trophies is almost deemed a dirty word amongst our 'positive' fan base, can you explain this in all your wisdom?
  8. Mick

    Mick Member

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    I cannot not accept that Daniel Levy is the biggest problem at Spurs. I myself have criticised him during last transfer window. However their is an old saying careful what you wish for. As far as I am concerned the current owners are doing a good job at the club [ consistent high league finishes / state of art new stadium being built] and they are Spurs fans do we want to see some American/Far east owners at the club who would not give a jot for our history. Of course mistakes have been made but the Bale money was not deliberately misspent. At least the money was put into the team and now it is being recycled again by selling Soldado etc and buying a new crop of hopefully better players. We have a young exciting team are financially stable so we should be positive
  9. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    The ONLY thing I'm prepared to say about Levy, as we've had this conversation PLENTY of times in the past and I have little desire to have it again right now, is that whether he has been right or wrong (in hindsight) with the decisions/choices he has made, EVERYTHING he has done, has been with the clubs best interests at heart!

    Of that, I have ABSOLUTELY no doubt...

    Listen, Felon whilst I am NOT calling you a liar as far as your assertion that your post are a reaction to what you have seen on the field of play, how exactly do you explain this:

    Comment made on the 27th June 2015 (before a ball had even been kicked) regarding Tottenham Hotspurs hopes for the new season. You wrote:

    'Dnt hold yer breath Fran mate, every window is the same what could/might have been.

    Citeh will be looking to make a statement, Scum with Cech already look an iOrmproved side, Chavs have quality in depth and are solid, United will buy quality (even Lloris which weakens us) Liverpool are putting dough in, and then theres us buying nobodies again!

    The quality just isnt there in our side to mount a serious challenge at anything way too many average players, weak links and passengers.

    We need some Bold movement with 4 quality additions not prospects/hopefuls but garanteed consistent performers, else again we will just be making up the numbers next season.'


    What about your comments on the 29th July, in response to the question Can you still win the kids? (written by our very own Matt) You wrote then (AGAIN before a ball had been kicked):

    'Have a proper look at our squad it is so massively average out numbering any true talent that will or can push us on its embarrassing.
    Every1 loves a home grown through the youth team player but lets not let it cloud our judgement Kane is the only 1 of the current crop to step up and deliver, Mason & Bentaleb are bang average, Alli & Pritchard look promising but its all ifs buts and maybes.
    And the problem is that they dont have enough solid consistent experienced players around them to pull them through or lead by example.
    Ive said it before Spurs are not some Utopia that will win cups/league/or compete regularly in the CL with out spending some money.
    Il await the were not Leeds, we cant compete, Bentalebs promising, were financially stable, our off field success, growth in the american market brigade to come out swinging but facts are facts!
    Too much Turd polishing zero Deliverence. As it stands I can garantee you another fruitless season ahead with ease. Average Poch and his Average side. All designed by Average Enic and the proven failure Ming the Penniless.'

    LOL....As eloquent as ever, eh!

    Need I go on???

    You see, you wrote all of this BEFORE Spurs had completed their transfer dealings, and therefore did NOT seemingly care about the fact that we were in a PROCESS of building (and still are for that matter). All that mattered to Felon was voicing his feared-based nonsense about what a bad state the club were in.

    Where was the optimism, belief OR faith that the club were going to make the necessary adjustments and progress?

    Where was the balanced view, open mind OR just plain common sense to highlight the fact the transfer was NOT closed, we've got a EXCELLENT core of young, exciting, talent - who with a couple of CLEVER (not necessarily expensive additions) additions we could have a bright future?

    Lets be honest, it's NOT really your style to be positive, optimistic and/or uplifting (about 'your club') in the face of (relative) adversity is it, though, Felon? ....Except for when they play well or win.

    Listen, if that's how you purport to support the club, fair enough, but if you were to ask me, I would just call it MINDLESS, COUNTER-PRODUCTIVE, SCAREMONGERING.

    Those 2 quotes I took from some of your old posts are barely the tip of the iceberg. I could of chosen from PLENTY more examples of your style of support. ;)
  10. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Back to matters on the field and Erik Lamela finally looks to be beginning to make the MENTAL adjustments to his game, I said were required, in order to become a success in this league.

    Technically and physically, I have ALWAYS believed that Lamela possessed the tools to be a star here in England.

    But MENTALLY he seemed to lack the INTELLIGENCE needed to make the most of his particular skill-set.

    For example, Erik was an adept dribbler of the ball/ball carrier during his time in Italy. Often he would brush past his opponents in Seria A with a burst of acceleration, as if they were even there and look EXTREMELY impressive doing so.

    This was a trait he brought with him, and held onto, at Spurs, attempting to perform this trick indiscriminately of who was opposing him.

    Well, sorry Erik, lad, but 'This Is England', and on these shores, the refs will usually let little tussles go by the wayside, and you my friend don't quite have the upper body strength to outmuscle the lies of Song, or Kayoute.

    My suggestion both to him (via twitter) and on here was to become a pass & move player, and use his burst of acceleration (predominantly) in OFF the ball movements, or in situations where he found himself in space on the pitch.

    Another thing which Erik a A LOT did, during his time in Italy, was look for the ball to feet, which is fine when you can brush past your opponents at will, but if you can't get away with doing that, then you NEED to add variety to your movements if you are going to be productive, here.

    Again, I suggested he should make more runs in behind, and also use the players directly around him, regularly.

    Well, judging from his last few performances Sunderland (away), Crystal Palace and Man City, Lamela seems to be taking heed of The Rams words!

    He was superb on the weekend. I believe having a hand in 3/4 goals. His delivery from set-plays was CONSISTENTLY good all game, whilst he played with a hunger and commitment both in OFFENSIVE and DEFENSIVE situations, that influenced GREATLY the rest of the team.

    But I believe it was the intelligence and maturity (in regards to expression and tactically) which was the biggest difference to the Argentines game.

    Don't believe me, see for yourself:

  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Thing is Ram my stand point comes from having seen this repeatedly happen year after year its not hoped etc.

    I could delve into your past Ram where you've talked up everything that moves if its linked or bought by Spurs and believe me i've been a lot closer to reality than you have my friend. (Kaboul obvious choice for captain hahaha)

    You talk of fickle etc yet 1 good performance in an ocean of dull stagnant sloppy displays and your all over it, wetting yerself like a 12 year old girl at a justin bieber concert.

    I think we should wait a while before we start getting ahead of ourselves aye?

    Like i said im perfectly happy as long as were playing like we want it. Coasting through games and Seasons is not acceptable, yet you seem to think me negative for this opinion which imo is ridiculous.
  12. zinzanzee Guest

    Anyone who is unhappy with how we have played post Bale era must be to young to remember what it was like supporting the mighty SPURS in the 20 years before it. Finally we have a group of young players that seem to be developing as a whole. We have a manager that can get young players to realise their potential and keep the older heads grounded.

    We now have a team that can defend. This has been our weakness over a number of seasons. Ok everyone wants to see us play in a manner befitting of Tottenham Hotspur. I honestly think that this will come. Have some faith and patience. It is better to have success in this manner as we will all be there from its foundations. COYS.
    Mick likes this.
  13. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Absobleedinglutely......one swallow doesn't make a summer and don't forget our many poor performances at the Lane in recent weeks/months/years even.
    Felon82 likes this.
  14. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Merson, (Jamie) Redknapp, (Robbie) Savage, Charlie Nicholas, Felon, Matt and the rest of the doubters, naysayers, and misguided/uninformed critics - Shove THAT result in your cake holes!!!!

    I preserved the above in the dedicated file. Will retrieve first when Spurs make CL and then after EPL title win, perhaps.
  15. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    But Spurporter CL is apparently impossible to all of the 'Positive' fan base?
    And anyone that wants it or trophies is 'negative' aren't they?

    Amazing how im lambasted for wanting these things and then those that do it use the very thing i want as a dig.

    Funny lot you 'bigger picture' people.
  16. Burnt Guest

    Well if the Prem clubs keep playing like they are at the moment in Europe , its going to be a hell of a lot more difficult to get a Champs Lg place over the next few years because there will only be 3 places and rightly so i.m.o .. They,ve been brutal over the last couple of seasons and its telling a story about the self proclaimed best League in the world .. Suppose when you see the rubbish been served up by the clubs at the top of our League week after week then we shouldn't really be surprised , and to think of the money been spent by these clubs , nearly a billion by Prem Lg alone this summer ..
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Oh what a beautiful morning,
    Oh what a beautiful day,
    Chelsea n Arsenal both losing,
    Everythings going our way !

    COYS !
    Spurporter likes this.
  18. big fran Guest

    Think one or two got carried away after the derby defeat last week(understandably) to a point. In equal measures one or two get carried away after hammering city(again understandably) but let's be honest as well as we played-very well in fact that is the first big performance since what Chelsea last new new year ?? The signs are looking good but we are far from the finished article. We've been here before no? There will be ups and there will be downs. Defeats I can take as long as they are not capitulations like under avb and TS so credit to MP on that score. The football has not been great under MP to be fair apart from the odd game here and there but by the same token it is improving as his own players have come in and players moved on.
    Let's keep grounded and realistic top five again with the spending power of the big four is a great finish. Do we want more.. Of course.. We all want the top four or a trophy and we are capable of doing so this season with the squad we have but will need a lot of good fortune as we had v city,we will need players to punch above thier weight,maintain form and stay clear of long injuries and suspensions..
    Mick likes this.
  19. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Felon82, you, and those who share same views, are very important part of fan base. It's alight to be a pessimist. There would be no positivity without negativity. Brothers can be different. COYS!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  20. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Ah, that's more like the Felon I know! Misguided, bitter and full of it...It's good to have you back, mate.;)

    Listen, I think Iv'e proven my point...

    And as far as me 'wetting myself', as you like to put it, over the manner of that '1 performance', well, once again it appears you have got the wrong end of the stick, my friend.

    You see, if you read my posts PROPERLY, you would notice that I CONSISTENTLY and FREQUENTLY state things like:

    'Today, he is being acclaimed, and suddenly people are beginning to recognise just how much POTENTIAL this, particularly young, Tottenham squad possesses.'

    'Perhaps this is why I sat watching with tear filled eyes, as our young boys continued their DEVELOPMENT, and displayed their PROGRESS, in reducing one of the best (and most expensive) sides/squads in this country/ europe to a mangled mess'.

    'Listen, and listen carefully - This is a young side, no matter how talented, that is STILL developing/evolving. They are FAR from the finished product, and have MUCH more room to grow and improve. It is likely that there will be disappointing results, and performances in the future.'

    'The key word there is young, because just like the team, Pochettino is STILL learning and developing too!'

    Need I go on? :rolleyes:

    I would hardly say these are the words of a man who is getting carried away by 1 result/performance.

    Oh no, these, my friend, sound like the words of a man who is VERY much aware of where his team/club are at the moment, and is also VERY much enjoying the process he finds himself/ them in.

    Besides, I've been impressed by MANY of the teams performances (some of which, unfortunately, haven't lasted the full 90 mins, or resulted in wins) this season.

    So how about you take your nonsense (talk) to someone who it might actually wash with because we (should) ALL know by now that The Ram will make short work of it!... It is as simple as that!

    I must say though bringing up my comments about Younes Kaboul ONLY makes you appear even MORE desperate and silly, considering the topic of this debate.

    And yet I welcome your idea to find a post of mine that I can not FULLY justify, because there simply isn't one that exists.

    You see, because when I write, I do so with a DEEP UNDERSTANDING and EXTENSIVE KNOWLEDGE of the game (which YOU well know) so unlike some, I am always mindful of the statements/ assessments I make!

    Lets make another thing crystal clear, fella: wanting to see your team win trophies has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the integrity, loyalty, love and support you show/display when, and if, they ever come up short!

    Nobody wants to see to their club do better than me. But it's because I DO want the best for my club that I would NEVER slate/criticism them, recklessly, in public, or anywhere else for that matter.

    As I have said before, it's EASY to claim pride when your 'child' is doing well, but it is when they are NOT doing so well that a declaration REALLY matters!

    PS. I think he might be talking about some of those I have mentioned previously.;)

    Last edited: September 30, 2015

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