NLD means Nothing to MP

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, September 23, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Regardless of the Arsenal team, the Spurs staring Eleven was unacceptable for a North London Derby. It showed a complete lack of understanding of what a North London Derby means to the fans.
    Fazio has shown to be a poor defender ever since joining the club. Why on earth was he starting this game?
    Lloris had to start. One of the best keepers in the league. In the World. In a North London Derby sat on the sidelines. Ridiculous. Absolutely pathetic.

    Kane worked hard and if his scissor kick had hit the back of the net the roof would have come off White Hart Lane. Sadly it didn't and in all honesty, Spurs huffed and puffed but couldn't have blown the roof off a matchstick house.

    Last season I often talked about Spurs having a weak strength in depth and tonight we saw that that issue has not been addressed.
    I like Tom Carroll. He works hard, he tries hard but he just isn't a Premier league player. I hate to say that but it's true. Fazio isn't even Championship standard. Trippier disappointed me and it leaves me wondering why Yedlin is out on loan. Poor management.

    Rose linked up well with Chadli at times and it was from the left we got our goal and at that point we did start to play some decent football. Eriksen was busy and tried hard but the team was incoherent.

    I don't like losing to Arsenal. But I don't like losing when the team picked is not up to the job.

    The manager will argue that he had to think about the game on Saturday versus City. We now have to win that game to vindicate his decision. Lose and the questions will be asked again.
    Jonesy, Bazza47 and leeman like this.
  2. Tonight poch rested our 1st team's back 4 + goalkeeper and it resulted in Flamini scoring two goals against us!!!! No brain surgeon needed to work that one out! Poch's post match summary was a complete joke!
    leeman and Mattj78 like this.
  3. 71yid

    71yid Member

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    We need another striker and quick. Kane will score again in time but desperately needs support. Same old Spurs though, an opportunity wasted n too much tinkering with the side...particularly in defence. Im afraid it will be another home defeat sat v City...just a case of how many they will score.
  4. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    Every single one of us would rather beat Arsenal at home in a **** cup and lose to City at home in the league, than lose to arsenal at home in the league and let's face it probably lose again to City in the league. Mismanagement everywhere and it depresses me. I have grown up supporting and loving this club but now with Kane out of form there genuinely is nothing I can identify with at Spurs. There's no work ethic, no team spirit, and no effort. To not roll over a poor arsenal side who were there for the taking is pathetic, to actually lose is f*cking awful. Nobody understands the club anymore. It used to be about glory, about cup triumphs, about beating bitter rivals - not going out at the first round to our sore rivals at a whimper, playing a second string side against arsenal is unforgivable. The two, this season three, games we play against them define our season, and leaving them with 1/6 points left me delighted last year. This year, a cup game in the cup we reached the final of last year and is arguably our best chance of a trophy - and team selection f*cks that up. As much as you can defend individual aspects of the club - the managers, the players, the owner - the club itself is at fault so all parties must take responsibility. Honestly, I am so f*cking done with Spurs right now. Levy needs to get us f*cking relegated so we get rid of ENIC, bring in a company that gives more than two sh*ts about the club, fund Mitchell and take the '****' out of Tottenham Hotshit. Just f*ck right off out of my life you sh*tty little w*nkers that run our club, and include in that the sh*te we've brought in since Bale left, and this manager who I have always supported but now cannot see the importance of our biggest games of the season. F*cking done with your complete and utter bullsh*t, Tottenham. The game is supposedly about glory, well f*ck off and earn it.
    Mattj78, leeman and Felon82 like this.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    It was poor team selection and was almost a given before kick off, Poch continually plays a blinkered system with whoever he can shoe horn in regardless if the players suit or are any good in it.
    I get rotation and balancing act but FFS if you do make changes- alter the formation/game plan to make up for the lack in quality surely? And also if your not going to take the game seriously why knacker out Kane, Eriksen etc for the whole game with Citeh on the horizon? Don't get Poch at all.
    The performance was limp and not remotely derby like imo.
    1 less excuse i spose for when it comes to the buisness end of the season.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. leeman New Member

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    Awful display yet again! I agree with everything said from the spurs bloggers above. Our display tonight was pathetic, its getting to the point where i can't even be bothered to watch them. Carrol, Townsend, rose fazio just not good enough. Spurs look beatable all over the pitch.really pissed off with pochittino. Spurs m8 not bloody Southampton. Play your strongest side against the Arse nal common sense to any spurs supporter!!!
    Jonesy and Mattj78 like this.
  7. Del Guest

    well I've gotta say I'm all for giving 2nd string players a chance and to be fair we did have large chunks of the play but before a ball was kicked and I saw fazio partnering wimmer at CB I thought oh no with the likes of ox,Sanchez,Walcott on the pitch it was obvious what would happen! If it was any other opponent then yeah maybe play them together but not against the scum??? To be fair I didn't think wimmer had a bad game but fazio just takes the piss he's even been given a squad number he is way to slow gives the ball away all the time! Again I don't think poch realises no matter wat cup or league game we play Arsenal we have to field our strongest team at just beat them but nope this wasnt to be? What I really noticed tonight is the pace difference between us Arsenal have got that electric pace which we so badly miss we don't really have any1 who gets in behind so when we attack everything is in front of the opposition defence to read it!! So frustrating but hey ho bring on city
  8. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Some things never change,eh...One of those things being that, I can ALWAYS count on you guys to write some emotionally driven, sensationalistic, GUFF after a disappointing result...

    I mean come on guys, really...You might as well go & get your diaries from your beside tables, open them up, and post the content of it, on this very website! :rolleyes:

    Yes, I'm sure many of us will agree that we perhaps could of fielded a stronger team, but I'm sure (or at least would hope) that we can also see why Pochettino decided to use his squad considering injuries, fatigue, fixtures and squad harmony.

    What ever happened to showing a bit of dignity in defeat, eh??? Look, it's bordering on the embarrassing, now!

    It was a close game, in which BOTH managers RESTED players, and the contest was separated by a very good finish from Flamini.

    How about giving the devil his due, and moving on instead of writing some COMPLETELY UNBALANCED GARBAGE like; 'The NLD means nothing to MP'.

    In that case, I suppose it meant nothing to him last season when we took 4 points of them home & away?

    Infact, it meant so little that, Pochettino decided to play his ONLY out and out striker, AND risk what he would of considered a VITAL member of the team/squad in Eric Dier just days before an 12:45pm kick-off against Man City?

    He SOOO DOESN'T care...What a load of old TOSH!!!

    Does that mean Wenger doesn't care, either???

    Personally, I couldn't give two wipes of a 'Badgers behind' about how much the NLD means to Pochettino, as long as he cares about winning games of football for THFC and helping put the club where an ambitious supporter like myself feels it belongs.

    Emotions have only a little place in football management. And whilst I might NOT always agree with some of the choices the manager makes, I do NOT want the man in charge of my football club to make decisions based upon what some uneducated, fickle, football minds think.

    The truth is, Spurs are probably 2/3 players short of having the depth of squad to challenge SERIOUSLY for 4 cups at the moment, so an early exit from 1 competition is likely to benefit the squad/team in others.

    With only the EPL and the Europa League to focus on before Xmas, those concerned can now place all of their attention on climbing up the league table, and qualifying from a very difficult group, in Europe.

    Once the transfer window opens, it will allow the club to assess it's options and strengthen where appropriate in order to hopefully sustain a 3-pronged attack at both domestic and European level.

    Now, as disappointing as losing a game of football, and being knocked out of a cup, is, perhaps it's time to look at the bigger picture, rather than focusing so intently on what is fundamentally (at times) quite an immature rivalry between 2 football clubs!

    Listen, I want Spurs to win EVERY game they compete in, regardless of whether we're playing Arsenal or Argyle. It's as simple as that!

    And I have no doubt Pochettino feels the same...

    Last edited: September 24, 2015
    dnoll5 and Mick like this.
  9. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    And where does an ambitious supporter feel we belong exactly?
    14 years. One trophy.
    Soon we will be in a new stadium.
    More revenue.
    ENIC have stated that the wage structure will remain the same.
    Bold italics. Black letters.
    Revenue up. Great.
    How much difference will it really make?
    Very little. What will happen is we will still be able to challenge for the top four.
    By the time we are in the new stadium, Alli, Lloris, Son.... Do you truly believe they will still be st Spurs?
    Because if you do, your coffee must be bloody strong!!!!
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Del Guest

    What's wrong with argyle they are my home town club lol?
    Ramos43 likes this.
  11. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Matt- I'm NOT going to argue/debate with you (right now) for these two, VERY, good reasons:

    1. We have done this enough times to know how, exactly, its going to end (with me victorious).:cool:
    2. Because I have NOT got the faintest idea what you are going on about (in your last post)!!!
    What I will say though, is we are on a 5 game unbeaten run in the league - so, maybe it's time to get some perspective, or get a grip, or, perhaps, just get both!
  12. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Hey, I NEVER said there was anything 'wrong' with Argyle...But that does beg the question as to why you choose to follow Spurs when Argyle, as you say, are your 'home-town' club?

    Mattj78 and MT1882 like this.
  13. big fran Guest

    I'm gonna bk poch here a little bit (gulp). In modern day football managers do have to prioritize competitions and juggle big squads to keep players fresh and more importantly interested (you never know when a squaddie will need to be counted on. Isolating groups of players can bite u on the ass when suspensions injuries fatigue and loss of form hit as proved detrimental in one or two seasons under Harry.
    The problem here lies as painful as maybe the goons have a stronger starting 11 and on tnites basis a stronger second 11 also. Its as simple as that and the outcome almost inevitable. That's football.
    My problem is that I think the order of priority from a spurs fans perspective is wrong. The Carling cup should be no1 as its a trophy were capable of winning. The top four 2nd Europa 3rd and fa cup I'm afraid last!
    Mick and Ramos43 like this.
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Does anyone actually believe that we're now going to give the EPL, EL or Fa Cup a real good go now and bring home something to genuinely cheer about?
    We should be renamed Tottenham Coaster FC
    Mattj78 likes this.
  15. 71yid

    71yid Member

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    Hate to say it but im gonna anyway....another trophyless season down at the lane. Still u cud always look at the situation in the north east wiv Newcastle and Sunderland strugglin respectively!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  16. Del Guest

    1. Argyle are **** lol and why I follow Spurs all my life because they are in my blood,heart and I love the club so I think that should answer that question for u
    Mattj78 and Ramos43 like this.
  17. podspurs Guest

    Totally agree with ramos realy good post. Poch picked a good team considering tbe depth of our squad. All the players need games you cant play the first team to death. The disrespect for our club from some section is and i agree with ramos embarrasment.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  18. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    As I say, I would like to Spurs win EVERY and ANY cup. The Audi Cup, the Fa Cup, hell - given the opportunity I would even like to see Spurs (or members of our squad) participate and win the bloody Davis Cup, given half the chance!

    But lets be honest, eh, out of all the cups Spurs qualified for at the beginning of the season, how many of us would CHOOSE the C1 Cup as our preferred choice of silverware?

    Listen, I'm no snob when it comes to seeing Spurs headline major sporting events, and a day out at Wembley, in a cup final, is certainly one of those, but, lets not kid ourselves, here, the opportunity to win the League, finish in the top 4, win the EL and/or lift the FA cup ALL carry significantly greater rewards.

    Defeat is NEVER the preferred pill to swallow but I wouldn't go reaching for the razor blades just, yet!

    Whilst going out yesterday is VERY disappointing, I DO believe that it is ultimately for the best at this stage of our development.
  19. Ceejay Guest

    After seeing the team selection was concerned that we were dicing with death especially against the Stink
    In it to Bin it comes to mind, if you don't want to go any further in the Cup competition, why not go the whole hog and field a majority of resetves, that at least shows your true intent.Don't hide behind a false hope attitude as true Spurs born and bred supporters only want one thing when it comes to playing Arsenhole..... Blood and guts and giving them a right old stuffing !
    Wasn't ever going to be with that team selection so hard to swallow, even a result against City won't take the bad taste out of my mouth .
  20. Thomas Guest

    Do you believe it? If you don't, is there any point watching Spurs any more this season because we went out of one cup competition?

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