Have Spurs left it too late?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, August 25, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    One week today and the transfer window will be closed at 18:00. I am of the opinion that the transfer window should close before the season starts but I doubt it will change as its all about the money.
    We have known since the start of last season that we are light up front. Kane burst onto the scene and a new hero was born, but it was till apparent to everyone that we needed more firepower. Everyone it would seem apart from Daniel Levy.

    £18 million, £20 million and today £22 million. All three bids have been rejected by West Brom and it now appears that they have started a bidding war that will take the players price well above the £20 million that was first suggested as an amount for Berahino. And, in the current climate you can't really blame West Brom. The big clubs now try to buy anyone that teams in and around them go for to simply make sure that they stay at the top of tree.
    It is now believed that Manchester United are expected to launch a bid for Berahino in the next 48 hours, rumoured to be around £24 million.
    If United start bidding, Spurs are going to get blown of the water and then we are left clutching straws.

    So, if we lose out on Berahino, where do we turn in the remaining days of the window? I have said before that we could do a lot worse than Charile Austin but there is an issue there too. QPR don't want to lose their main man and have placed a £15 million price tag on his head, but rest assured they will be watching Spurs closely and if they offer any more for Berahino and lose out, QPR will ask for more money.

    The whole transfer policy at Spurs defies belief at times. We need players but every season, Levy leaves it to the last minute as he tries to get value for money. Well, he isn't going to get value for money now. I like Berahino but paying over £20 million? Maybe we could do a swap deal but I can't see Tony Pulis wanting Adebayor.

    I am starting to see a scenario whereby Adebayor stays at the lane and has to be given a squad number because we have not been able to buy anyone and if this happens, Mr Levy must step down.

    I know that many of you support levy but surely in this instance, everyone can see that he is making Spurs an absolutely laughing stock.

    We need a striker. Maybe two. If we fail to do business soon, this season could be about the bottom four, never mind the top four.

    Watch this space.....
    Hotspur24 likes this.
  2. MrGimper Guest

    I can't see why Levy does it.... he expects to get top dollar for our flops yet wants to get quality for peanuts.
    Is Saido really the player to improve us? Austin's goal ratio is twice as good as his.

    My view... take a cheeky punt for Dwight Gayle of Palace, he'd cost pocket change.
  3. Peter Ag New Member

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    Spurs have been inept in this transfer window and our squad is beginning to look very average and we are boring to watch.

    Even our transfer targets are not top drawer any more. With the Berahino saga dragging out, why not just change tact and go for Charlie Austin?

    Not impressed with midfielders that we have been linked with either. Cabaye would have been a great buy but we are linked with midfield enforcers none of which look as good as players we have moved on without giving a chance, (Holtby, Stambouli, Capoue)

    There is a common thread to disastrous transfer windows and that is Levy. The sooner he goes the better.
    Chriscp81 likes this.
  4. Gary Guest

    I understand Levy has an option on a striker from my local pub team, cos he's cheap!!
  5. papillon Guest

    Levy wont leave and Adebayor WONT be given a squad number. Spurs will pick up a striker, even if it's not from West Brom and defensive midfielder before the window closes.

    Football is a business. Spurs rushed out and overpaid for Soldado, Lamela and Paulinho. You can splash the cash, but you could still pick up a complete dud.

    PS. Levy wont go because he is MD of ENIC and has the complete confidence of ENIC's major shareholder, Joe Lewis.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. papillon Guest

    There is NO chance of Levy leaving. The ENIC shareholders (Lewis & Levy) are Spurs fans, but they are also hard headed businessmen. They will not throw THEIR money around. Spurs is being run as a business; the resale valuation of Spurs is always uppermost in their minds. They want success because they are fans, but more importantly success will push up the resale valuation of Spurs.

    Unfortunately there are lots of fans who think they could run the club better than Levy who do not have the ability to run a jellied eel stall or organise a p*** up in a brewery.
  7. jamescoys Guest

    Sadly we are going to be embarassed by failure in the transfer market by leaving it too late. Berahinho is learning the game and 25 million is over the top.Kane needs experienced players alongside him and I would have liked Yarmolenko for a couple of seasons to give us pace as well as assists and goals.We know why this has happenned but I hope we dont get another shambolic Dempsey and Dembele deal to try and appease the fans,Anyway we have a much more serious issue in that the manager cant see his best team, is tactically unaware and we are now boring and Kane dependent.Jd rather watch Bournemouth and come to think of it they have a few players and a manager we could use. We all blame the defenders regularly but there has not been a combination yet who have played as a defensive unit showing they have been drilled in that art.Surely they are not all bad but they Vertoghen Fazio Davies have all got worse in the spurs graveyard.
  8. Tony Guest

    All Spurs fans know this, Daniel Levy trying to leave this to the last minute is going to cost us again and again. If there is one thing Spurs should do this year it's get rid of Daniel Levy, Joe Lewis and ENIC.
    Then and only the may Spurs hit their true potential.
  9. Lester Guest

    Bottom 4?

    Perhaps a bit dramatic.

    And how do you suggest Spurs get rid of their owners?
  10. Hotspur24 New Member

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    I believe Berahinio is probably and justifyably holding out for a Man Utd offer way above what we can offer. We have been linked to more strikers and midfielders than barney had soldiers!! Unfortunately, as this transfer windows gets closer to closing, all our so-called targets prices get inflated beyond belief. We have pulled rabbits out of the hat in the past V der V as an example, but im worried we are going to panic buy, and end up with some complete duffers. Its the nature of the premier league now where the top 4/5 are getting richer by buying up all the talent and thus potentially strenghening their position. It looks like Stones will be off to chelski now. You will get your bargains, but generally money talks, and we cant compete???? I wouldnt be against chancing Charlie Austin as his prem record is better than berhinio, but i fear his price is too much for Levy. Lets face it, if we signed Messi and Ronaldo you get the feeling they would be playing for Brentford or Stevanage the following season!!!! Lets hope we can pull an 'arry' rabbit out of the hat. COYS!
  11. Caspurs Guest

    I cannot believe there are any Levy supporters left after this debacle. Levy has a rap sheet that is growing every season.
    1, Doesn't invest in the squad when third and 12 points ahead arsenal in 2011
    2, Continually leaves transfers late ? only one success was VdV, failure = Mutinho
    3, Has poor record of supporting managers with signings, often opting for third choice (substandard) targets.
    4, Plays hardball during negotiations resulting in anger, alienating clubs sometimes causing the break down of transfers. Brinkmanship is a negative hostile approach to business.
    5, 9 Managers in his 15 year tenure = incompetent, impatient.
    We are now going backwards as a team which is what THFC IS, the stadium is secondary and if we are mid table by the point the stadium arrives we shall find it hard to fill it to capacity.
    This is a joke and Levy should be made aware of his failings by the fans, not allow him to pass the buck by sacking another manager when the root of the problems Spurs have can only be attributed to Levy !!!!!!!
    COYS Forever !
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  12. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    I honestly feel for Pochettino. He has identified several areas where the squad needs improvement, in public. If the club can't secure these players, that isn't the managers fault. The way we play, or are supposed to under Pochettino, is impossible given the current personnel. So Pochettino has adapted to get the best out of what we have.

    Incidentally, regarding a striker, anyone see that Soldado kid score at the weekend for Villareal? Scored more league goals than Messi and Ronaldo this year, he's surely well worth a shot
  13. Now i've been following this shower since what Gazza days 2 1 v Luton you check and tell me when that was, i've knocked up 200 plus home and probably 75 aways including Europe inc mid week single drives up to Newcastle, Bolton, Barnsley (Ginola solo goal ect on my todd). The thing is i've got not much money but i believe in this club, hell the Spurs sometimes bring a whole different meaning when your on back something to follow. The problem is this. I have never witnessed a manager banish proven quality players into the reserves cos he doesn't get on with them. Its pathetic and i'm telling you 8 /9 thats us this year, the other mangers think Poch is pathetic as do all of Tottenham. The sooner we are rid of this idiot the better. COYS
  14. Gerrard Guest

    We should buy a centre mid, winger and striker. Lets say Cabaye, Mahrez (From Leicester who scored against us) and Austin. The defence is fairly solid i think but i would sell Fazio.
  15. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    His father-in-law......defo going nowhere
    Mattj78 likes this.
  16. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Well Matt it will defo be panic soon.....MU are light of a striker, so goodbye Berahino. Too expensive anyway. Austin....might have to be. Maurez ..... In our dreams.
    Levy playing with his bits will cost us, but then what's new.
    Everton was one of our three good performances last season.....Saturday doesn't look like an action replay.

    Finally Nice but Dim is becoming a real worry. Another couple of results like the first three and we will be recruiting again....do you reckon Glenn would take it...

    Mattj78 likes this.
  17. Kearyrk New Member

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    West Brom know we are desperate and will let the figure rise and rise for Berahino. Don't get me wrong he's not even an exciting signing as he's only played 6-8 good games and now he's worth 25m?!? Levy, although very quiet on the media front loves all the 'tough negotiator' and 'master manipulator' tags he's earnt with transfer dealings. Yes he's earnt Spurs money but he's squandered just as much down the years. Aside from the millions wasted on inept players I'd hate to think of the pay off amounts shelled out to Santini, Jol, Ramos and Villas Boas. The system of having a head coach with players basically bought for them just hasn't worked for us at all. The salaries and pay off figures dished out to Pleat, Arnesen, Commoli and Baldini wouldn't have been low numbers. Redknapps reign had a director of football nowhere in sight and although most of 'arry's' signings were questionable to say the least his period in charge was our most successful for many years. He was the manager and no player (except for Van Der Vaart) came or went without his say so. So if you bring in a decent manager who buys his own players we do ok Daniel.

    With the new stadium investment proving a heavy burden on finances I think all true fans would respect it if money was tight but if it is the case then just come out and let us know. We're now all fed up to the teeth of watching expensive wasters on high wages in Spurs shirts doing nothing for the club season after season. We all know who the wasters are so if Pritchard, Alli, Carrol, Winks, Trippier, Wimmer, Onomah etc are ready then bloody give them 8-10 games. They certainly can't be any worse than what take to the field now.

    I believe it's Joe Lewis who Levy answers to so the question of 9 managers in 15 years must have arisen. We've tried the young, up and coming manager, we've tried the old experienced manager, we've tried the foreign, next big thing manager and we've tried the ex hero player manager. Aside from 3 seasons under Redknapp none have worked out really and why? There is a real lack of professionalism, steel and hardness about our football club from top to bottom. I'm not sure how long ago it began developing but every other club views Spurs as a 'nice club' a 'soft touch' but who can be beaten easily and will always let you down. This is deep rooted into the club and we can't seem to shift it on or off the field.

    Until we rid this stigma and get a chairman/owner, manager and captain who instill a hardened, professional, winning atmosphere and all believe that playing and working for Tottenham Hotspur is an honour and privilege nothing will ever change. I firmly believe players have ruled the roost at Spurs for over 20 years and have ended up being bigger than the club.

    Time for you to let someone else have a go Mr Levy
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  18. big fran Guest

    Berahino is ideal for what we need but we need to get the deal over the line asap. We have an advantage over utd in that we have players they want with affordable wages to match. I fear tho a striker isn't enough as we are a mid n winger short also.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  19. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Berahino would be stupid to opt for MU. He will be on the bench most of his time as LVG has other options. Now Alli looks like a Kane's helper, so Saido might think twice about leaving WBA.

    We cannot afford a competitor to Kane. All we can hope for is a depth striker. We will get one by the window end.
    I my opinion Levy knows what he's doing. You may not like what he does, but it's not the reason to discredit him. He owns the club, hence he is not obligated to reveal his thinking process. And would leave it at that.
    In retrospect it is obvious that it has been a mistake to let Sherwood go. For what Levy wants HC to do i.e. use internal resources of young players and cheap signings, Sherwood was fine.
    Last edited: August 26, 2015
  20. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Daniel Levy does NOT own the club. Joe Lewis own the club and Levy is his minion. So yes, he should tell us what the hell he is playing at.

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