The man we missed at Leicester... (Its not who you'd think)

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by James McC, August 22, 2015.

  1. joker Guest

    Does anyone actually watch Spurs games here or do they have a script that they adjust purely on the results.

    The full backs provide the width and do this all the time why do people keep talking about width and wingers?

    How many genuine wingers do any of the top 6 sides use?

    People criticise the manager about being inflexible which is rubbish. The system is the sytem and won't change we wont be adopting the archaic 442 which I can only assume is what those moaning about the system actually want.

    The system is a tried and tested one used by nearly every top team in the PL and in Europe. We play with a back 4, a double pivot then 3 forward players behind a central striker. The system is fluid the front 4 are all able to interchange at will. Last season Eriksen, Chadli and Kane of the front 4 all got into double figures in the league, Lamella dissapointed with his return.

    Patience is required Levy has decided that we are going to move forward using youth, given the ages of the players that were shipped out and brought in. This means that we don't have the amount of experience a lot of teams have. This will lead to inconsistent performances while the kids mature, you might as well accept it or watch another team for the next 4 years.
  2. joker Guest

    He just gave an interview. It is you that has decided to call it a "man under pressure interview".

    I don't think he is under any pressure at all. The majority of supporters I come into contact with share this view.

    This is only 3 games into his 2nd season, we have got rid of about 8 pros during the summer. We have shed most of the experience we had and have replaced this with youth.

    We went into the season with 1 striker this is an issue and the manager can't be blamed for this. I would hope by now that even the not so bright fans would realise that changing manager all the time doesn't help. I wince every time I open a blog and hear all the idiots calling for the manager to go. It would make more sense if we had a top squad of experienced pros that were underperforming but we haven't I think he over achieved finshing above Liverpool last season and would expect a top 6 finish and nothing more with the current squad even with a few additions.

    People need to be realistic this is reality not championship manger or pro evo.
  3. If you like me have watched Spurs games for a very very long time, you will know when we are fool's gold, and when are a the real deal. Sadly we are the former right now!
  4. Guest 1 Guest

    While trying to find positives out of the current situation is commendable, it is important to remain realistic and open with the current situation. The fact of the matter is that the team is too narrow is its game plan and does not have width. It creates very few chances. and if this was a one off or twice or three times or even sometimes you can rationalise it, but when it is the norm then that's a problem. The team overachieved last year mainly because Kane overachieved. If he does not do the same this year where would the chances come from by playing the same type of game? Width could come by ensuring that the game plan involves using the entire width of the field and not just trying all the time to go through the middle which is easily defended against. The game plan also puts unnecessary pressure on the central defenders. There are very few teams in the premiership that consistently produced such inept and boring performances and all these teams do not buy top quality players. It would be nice to see your team play good football at least sometimes. The club does have very good players, certainly much better ones than most other teams and thus with a better strategy and game plan, Spurs can and should do much better. If something does not work why persist with no change either in personnel or style of play? People who bother to comment, do so because they care and thus negative comments should not be dismissed but evaluated and appreciated.
    Jonesy and Felon82 like this.
  5. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    The thing that was missing today.....well difficult to know where to start, but one thing is certain and that is if our star man from last season doesn't find the net for 11 consecutive PL games, we will struggle.

    From November onwards Harry was the key man. Everybody knows how vulnerable we will be/are without him delivering and so it turned out to be in the three games so far this season. Throw in no clean sheets and 4 goals conceded in 3 games and it adds up to a very poor but wholly predictable shite start.

    Poor selection and/or set up and it is starting to look like we've a crisis on our hands. Poch needs to get his backside in gear and get the team together (not sure he's capable mind), or we'll be in for a poor season.

    All the prattling about by Levy on the transfer front is really hurting now, more than in any of the recent seasons.

    For me there is a general lack of feel-good around at the moment - I'm not at all surprised though, just frustrated.

    Come on lads....start wearing that famous Cockerel with pride. COYS
    Jonesy likes this.
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Were off to a severely mediocre start, we cant beat stoke or leicester and we lose to a supposed 'rival'.
    Ive been accused of being overly negative last couple of years but its because i could forsee us sleep walking into this.
    We have been steadily going backwards dismantling a good team into a boringly limited side that lacks swagger style identity and any genuine ambition.

    Plenty of appologists insist top 4 is a totally unrealistic goal even though in recent times this has been achieved twice and missed by a point, so much so they are over the moon with 6th.
    They applaud a total lack of ambition in the transfer market, talking up 'prospects' like weve hit the jackpot coz weve signed the next ..[insert] the reality is a prospect is more likely to flop or make mistakes than win a game consistently so what is Levys master plan? Fill the team with them (in the hope of making lots of money from them, nothing to do with success on the pitch)

    Poch is just what Levys been after a yes man that does what hes told, reads scripts for press conferences, doesn't ask for nor can attract any big players and will work with short change hes given.

    Mediocrity is well on its way and new stadium or not heavy investment will be needed to get us back amongst the top 4 with no CL no trophy ambition and a half empty stadia due to inverted boring error prone football.
  7. Poch clearly lacks tactics and knowing which team to pick, and as a result there will be a lack of results because our body language is all wrong, that can only result in the sack very soon and rightly so!!!!!
  8. Rovazzz Guest

    Levy shouldn't have hired Pochettino in the first place. I don't understand the logic behind signing this fraudulent manager and his back room staff of bozos. This afternoon Spurs were played out the park by a very organized and well managed LC. Maherz is a man enjoying his football--Davies didn't have a chance in he11 covering him. So it's lame to put the blame on him for Spurs poor result. Don't fool yourself because if Danny Rose was fit he would've had trouble too.
    Rainieri exposed Poch this afternoon and it's only a matter of time before Levy gives him his walking papers because he's no tactical genius he's been touted as. Three down and 35 to go.
  9. Rooster20 New Member

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    Agree that we missed Danny Rose. I have given up on Lamela, I hoped he would come through but frankly he is weak and unintelligent. What Poch was doing playing Dembele against a team that was defending in numbers is beyond me. Thats a recipe for slow backward play. Changes are needed but I fear that Poch won't stray from his beloved 4-2-3-1. In the end though COYS!
  10. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    We've definitely been missing Danny Rose and I would have liked to see him come off the bench today although im not sure how his injuries are going or why NPB didn't bring him on in a second half that was begging for some dash in attack and god forbid, some width. However our head coach saw Carrol and Bentaleb as our game changers instead. I also think we are missing Danny's determination and fight, the guy leads by example and lifts the team. I didn't think our FBs were as bad as some, Walker had a decent game and looks close to fit, Davies had a tough and torrid game against a form player and wasn't that bad but still I would have liked Rose on for a spell.
    Its criminal that we don't have Lennon to call on who is the one player who can come on and open up some space and stretch the defence by running at them or around them, he may not be the best winger in the world but with his speed, skills and experience he is the ideal impact sub and someone who can change a game. On a positive note young Alli took his goal nicely and looked sensational.
    It is only early in the new season and we haven't seen our best but FFS, Moppetto needs to look at what is not working for this team and show some adaptability, anyone who thinks that his job is safe or not at least questionable is deluded. This is Spurs and we wont to see the team play he Spurs way.
  11. HotchPoch Guest

    Limited manager. Limited system with a Limited budget. We are absolutely painful to watch. 1 dimensional keep ball nutless football. It's early into the season and there maybe players to be bought and/or the players we have bought used ? There are long-term goals at play here so calling for Poch's head may be asinine but this is Levy stooge after all. Not backed with the correct players of the required caliber and he'll be out if he continues to serve up this unTottenhamlike gruel.
    Jonesy likes this.
  12. Kearyrk New Member

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    We are so hard to watch at the moment. We play like a serie A team but without the defensive nouse. We still have no leader, no strength and no backbone in the team - things we've been craving for years. We had brief hope of a young, hungry team between December and the middle of Feb last season but was short lived. After beating Arsenal we believed we were great and our season derailed yet again. Getting rid of Pochettino isn't the answer but he really doesn't have a back up plan if things aren't going well on the pitch. His interviews are bizarre and never makes any sense. Apart from a handful of games in his Spurs career I'm still waiting to see this hard working, hard pressing, exciting style of play. Lamela has had his chances now, he just isn't this great young talent we're all hoping for. He's an average player at best. He's not quick, he doesn't make assists, he's never a threat, he doesn't score goals but seems to spend ninety minutes giving the ball away and attempting to dribble through opposition players. We cleared the decks of a lot of wasters in the summer but still not improved the first eleven at all. We've signed a few players but only Alderweireld starts? If Trippier is better than Walker then play him. If Wimmer is better than Vertonghen then play him. We didn't need to strengthen the squad we needed to strengthen the starting eleven. Kane hasn't started well at all and although Eriksen didn't play he hasn't really done anything of real note since February last season. He's meant to be our creator and do the unexpected but has to do far more for me. Hope I'm wrong but I foresee another dull season with a couple of decent results but no real progress
  13. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    You're right on the money....sad to say, but so very true. If Kane and Eriksen don't fire, we're nowhere.
  14. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    I've watched various parts of the weekend football action, seen a number of teams and apart from MC they are all potentially less favoured than us....

    I don't know about you but whenever I reprise the weekends game I see so many teams that quite simple play a different game to us. Pace,commitment, capable players who cost a song who don't command £75-100k per week and cost a fraction that Erik the Halibut cost us.

    We've purchased various players and played only one. They've contributed to the squad, but not to the first team. We didn't play Njie, Lamela instead, but Chelski played Pedro a few days in and he scored.

    We are simply painful to watch. I've been a supporter for over 5 decades, so I'm used to our lack of success, but we've always been good to watch and we all know when we're falling short of playing the game in the Tottenham way, with or without success.

    Quite simply we are awful to watch. It's part Nice but Dim, part Levy, part the Players, but for certain sure unless somebody does something soon we are going to be so deep in the brown well as being awful to watch.

    Felon82 likes this.
  15. Kearyrk New Member

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    That's the general want of all Spurs fans - we just want a team to be proud of, one we enjoy to watch and one that excites us. I've been a season ticket holder for nearly 25 years and no Spurs teams have infuriated and bored me like the ones have since Bale left. Every other team seems to run harder, try harder and be more determined than Spurs do. We pin our hopes on Kane as he's come through the ranks but he's still got it all to do. Through all the bad times at least we had a Bale, a King, a Berbatov, a Ginola, a Sheringham, a Klinsmann. There's nothing like those in this current squad. All I see now is a group of players who don't really give a monkeys whether we win, lose or draw.
    Last edited: August 23, 2015
    Felon82 likes this.
  16. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Agree totally...where's the player worth the entry price...
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. Kearyrk New Member

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    There isn't one player at Spurs who I'd pay to watch at the moment. The attitude stinks on the whole and as soon as someone rids the players current arrogant mindset that Spurs are lucky to have them the better. I think we need an overhaul from top to bottom in terms of strong leadership and to rid the current acceptance that continual failure is ok.
    We never seem to do the right thing. Whenever we're on the cusp of something good we lose our top players. Why? Another annoying fact is that when we lose a top player they are never replaced properly. Look at the history...Gough was replaced by Fairclough, Hoddle replaced by Metgod, Waddle - not replaced, Gazza - not replaced, Klinsmann replaced by Chris Armstrong, Barmby with Ruel Fox, Ginola - not replaced, Campbell with Bunjevcevic, Carrick replaced with Zokora, Berbatov with Pavlyuchenko, Modric with Dembele, Van Der Vaart with Sigurdson. None of those replacements can lace the boots of what was before them. In fairness to Levy he has backed all his managers with money and they've all wasted millions. My problem and worry with Levy now is that all his appointments turn out wrong and why will Pochettino be any different

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