It's nearly time...What's your starting 11?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, July 29, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Summer has come, possibly gone and may even pop back for a week or two, but the football season is nearly upon us already!!! In 10 days time, Tottenham will kick off the new season at Old Trafford against an almost unrecognisable Man United compared to last season.

    The transfer window still has time to run, but what are your thoughts on the starting 11 for that game based on the current squad? And what are your hopes for the season ahead? Is it top four challenge again, or is your choice a bit of silverware to polish?

    Here is my starting 11 ( which may well be controversial) and hope for the season:

    Lloris, Dier, Vertonghen, Alderweireld, Davies, Bentaleb, Alli, Pritchard, Rose, Kane plus an unknown as yet striker but I would risk Soladado with 2 up front.

    Of course, I am relying on the hope that Poch wakes up from his draconian dreams and plays a 4-4-2.
    I would push Rose into midfield because he showed last season that his strength is going forwards and I think he could be a real asset. I like the look of Alli and Pritchard and if we are going to focus on youth, let's play it.

    My hopes for the season? I still don't think we will finish in the top four. But that would be my hope along with an FA cup victory.

    As ever, Come on you Spurs!!!!
  2. Siggy Guest

    Only ever going to be a 4-2-3-1 for Pochettino, although would like to see a 4-3-3 at some point.

    Lloris; Trippier; Vertonghen; Alderweireld; Rose; Alli; Bentaleb; Lamela; Chadli; Eriksen; Kane!
  3. Lenny Guest

    Tripper - Dier -Alderweireld - Vertonghen
    Townsend - Alli - Chadli
  4. S Kelz Guest

    Tripper - Dier -Alderweireld - Vertonghen
    Dembélé, Eriksen
    Lamela, Chadli
  5. Jonathan Mix Guest

    Trippier - Alderweirald - Vertonghen - Rose
    Benataleb - Mason
    Pritchard - Eriksen - Chadli
  6. Jim Guest

    I don't understand your team at all or what you are baseing it on. Dier isn't a right back, Winner is untested in the Prem, neither Alli or Pritchard ( who is injured for a while as well) and you've not picked Eriksen nor Chadli, two of our better players next season.

    You need you show your workings because this team makes no sense.

    For what it's worth: 4-2-3-1

    Lloris; Walker, Vertonghen, Alderweireld, Rose; Dembele, Benteleb; Chadli, Eriksen, Lamela; Kane.
  7. S Kelz Guest

    Tripper -Alderweireld - Vertonghen - Rose
    Dembélé - Eriksen
    Lamela Chadli
  8. CHTP Guest

    I'm with Siggy on this. Depending on firm, our first team has to be:

    Lloris - Trippier/Walker, Alderweireld, Verthongen/Dier, Rose/Davies - Bentaleb, Mason/Ali- Chadli, Eriksen, Townsend/Lamela - Kane

    I'm still hoping we'll sign an experienced goal-scoring, box-to-box midfielder, a tricky and productive winger and a skillful forward to give Ali & Mason, Townsend, Pritchard and Chadli and Kane & Soldado some additional competition. That and finally get rid of Adebayor, Carroll, Chiriches. I'd also like to see players such as Onomah, Veljkovic, Yedlin and Carter-Vickers sent out on good loans to top Championship or Prem teams.
  9. Benny C Guest

    No Toby or Eriksen?? Were you drunk when you did this? Dier at RB he didn't exactly set the world alight last season in that position. Rose is developing nicely at LB and Davies was not up to it last season. Your team is pretty terrible IMO. Given the options available!!

    For me it would be 4-2-3-1


    Trippier/ Jan Toby Rose

    Bentelab Alli

    Chadli Eriksen Pritchard

    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. Minnesota Marc New Member

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    If Pritchard is not available....then perhaps Mason/Dembele
  11. phil.o Guest

    trippier- toby-van-rose
    bentaleb-eriksen(benteleb to be holding)
    chadli-dembele-pritchard(would all play fluid roles)
  12. Dublin Spur Guest

    As I was watching this transfer window, I was very concerned that Dier might be frozen out. I am absolutely delighted to hear that he is being paired with Bentaleb as DM. I frequently tell people that I am yet to be convinced the MoPo is the genius that many think he is. I also tell people that I would love nothing better than to be proved wrong by him. Maybe... just maybe, this is the start of it.

    I have been thinking all through this window, that with the exception of Arse, all our competitors in the "Big 6" were opening up a gap to us (at least on paper) but suddenly, I see this as a game-changer. This could well be the equivalent of converting Bale from fullback to winger. I am probably wrong which would be no surprise I am sure, but I have been waiting a year for MoPo to do something that is both clever and radical. And if this is what I have been waiting for, than the only thing remaining for him to do, is to regenerate Lamela as the wunderkinder he was just a couple of years ago in Rome.
  13. Loris
    Trippier toby jan rose
    Bentalib alli
    Lamela ericksen chadli
  14. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Okay, okay, so the sarcasm and tongue in cheek flew over the heads of some people. Blimey, sometimes people, do jump in without taking a second to think!!!

    So, just for the record, my 11 would be:

    Lloris, Trippier, Vertonghen, Alderweild, Rose, Eriksen, Chadli, Bentaleb, Pritchard, Alli, Kane.


    To be honest I would give Pritchard a shot and play Lamela in the other stuff. I would actually prefer it we sold the useless piece of....
    Felon82 likes this.
  15. Jay Guest

    If they stick with a 4-2-3-1


    Trippier - Alderweireld - Vertoghen - Rose

    Alli - Dier (doesn't matter who is the DM)

    Pritchard - Eriksen - Chadli

  16. Dublin Spur Guest

    The one thing you can be sure of in these amateur blogs (not a criticism - just a statement of fact) is that everyday someone somewhere will apply some sort of superlative that this is the worst thing he has ever read.

    I've always wanted to ask, is the opinion based purely on personal taste or have they really read that little to begin with?
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  17. Ian New Member

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    we aint got a challenging team till we get an ''animal'' in midfield running the game everywhere we go ! and actually theres not one even nearly available !
    nobody likes playing against the boy from stoke what would he be like in a quality side ? But I tell ya we aint going nowhere without a strong dominant
    guy in midfield , Just take a look at the top 4 , Utd have signed theirs and the other 3 have theirs, we have no one remotely like that !
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  18. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Don't worry, I take little offence in reality. I have had quite a few things thrown at me in the past and I have always said that is fine.
    Anyway, moving away from the 'few' I do think that if we are going to have youth like, Yedlin, Alli, Pritchard, then they have to be given a chance.
    Just a little reminder of what someone called Alan Hansen said a few years ago. " you can't win anything with kids." What an idiotic thing to say. I mean, I wonder how that ended up?
  19. Ian New Member

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    hey will people STOP selecting townsend , you will only encourage him !!!! get rid he,s an embarrassment
  20. Costanza Guest

    Pretty much picks itself apart from the CM spot next to Bentaleb.. Hopefully we bring someone with quality in who will make that decision easier. This would be my team as the squad stands

    Bentaleb- (Mason/Ali/Dier?!)

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