Pochettino - prime candidate for first manager to be sacked

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, May 14, 2015.

  1. Brentspur Guest

    Unfortunately we are exactly where we should be. The progress we have made from our 90's team is vast! I know we have slipped back in the last few years but we happened to stumble across a team containing Van der Vaart, Modric and Bale.
    I'm as frustrated as any Spurs fan - The mid season promise after beating Chelsea has trickled into a truly turgid ending.
    I feel this summer will really be pivotal to our long term future. We need to shift as much deadwood as possible and sign players that truly fit the system we are trying to implement. This may take a couple of transfer windows or maybe more but this is the time where we really have to get it right and build a solid foundation. One assumes Paul Mitchell will have identified targets with Poch, so we will have to wait and see. Get behind the team and then we can judge next season if we haven't progressed. That's my opinion anyway.
  2. It's hard to gauge spurs at the minute. Are we tired? Perhaps, especially after 55 games so far. Tbh I had pretty much written this season off, top 8 was how I saw it but I didn't expect a cup final. I agree with the general opinion that we have had a turgid and somewhat defeatist attitude over the last 6 games but I honestly believe that Poch will get it right. We simply can't keep sacking managers after 1 season. Ask yourself this, what is our best 11? I really don't know, other than Rose, Lloris, Kane and arguably Bentaleb I wouldn't say any of the others have had a "standout" season. We have too many "squad players" and no "personalities" in this squad. A few seasons ago we had Modric, Bale and Van Der Vaart, now we have players that can't impose themselves on a game. Where are the leaders? Where is our passion? We can't have a squad as young as ours without having an outfield general marshalling the play and leading by example, we have too many players that go missing when the going gets tough, we were bullied by Stoke and we got what we deserved. Poch has to be given a chance to get the players that fit his so called philosophy and only then can he be judged imho. We need a Captain and 2 commanding central defenders, hopefully we get what we need, sell who we don't want, and we keep the key players we already have. Going to be an interesting summer.
  3. Brentspur Guest

    Absolutely spot on
  4. RMK

    RMK New Member

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    To be honest, I welcomed his appointment, especially after seeing how attractively he got Southampton playing. However, he's got nowhere near to repeating that style with us (in fact he's hardly improved upon AVB's painfully ugly displays that bordered on a form of torture), and I've quickly grown tired of Poch's failure to ever adopt a plan b, his maddening over-reliance on certain knackered/under-performing players (stand up Ryan Mason and even Christian Erikesn) and the way he banishes others to the outskirts of the squad (Dembele, Stambouli, etc), the heinous joke that is our defence (incredible to think MoPo was an international quality defender too), his bizare and unfathomable initial choice of Kaboul as captain (and I'd argue dumb-arse decision to later opt for Harry Kane), and I could go on...

    This isn't the 1970's. Managers are no longer afforded the luxury of 4, 5, 6 years to eventually stumble upon a vaguely successful team. These guys are paid obscene sums, so much money that off the back of 1 contract they need never work again, and for that comes a certain expectation - an expectation that your team isn't going to play such utter useless **** as has been the case in far too many games this season, bar V Chelski and the Woolwich Arsenal.

    Sorry, but I'd be putting the call in right now to the likes of Frank DeBoer, Jurgen Klopp, Diego Simeone, etc.
    Felon82 likes this.
  5. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    It isn't his squad, fair point. He did however sign Fazio, stambouli, Davies. He had an entire summer to sign players. Failed to do anything in January.
  6. Mr. Greaves Guest

    I found this article to be one of the most realistic appraisals of our situation that I have read in a while.

    Potchettino doesn't do it for me and we tread water, at best, all the time we have him. We font have a great squad and we haven't done badly this year, but with just the smallest hint of good management it could all look so much more encouraging.

    Potchettino is no beginner - 6 years of management before he came to us, but his legion of mistakes are amateur hour. From the decision to sell Sigurdson and rely only on Eriksen for creativity, through selling our Captain to leave us totally without leadership, through appointing Kaboul as Captain, through the mishandled the Fiorentina / West Ham / Fiorentina / Chelsea match sequence onto the 4 centre back disaster ( and all the bizarre selection and substitutions along the way) all point to him being an IDIOT who doesn't have a clue and is making it up as he goes along - it isn't working but he can't change itcss he is clueless and he can't even fall back on previous success as an indicator that he does, in fact, have a plan that can work.

    I seriously wonder at the positivity that some express, that next year with his "own players" the situation will improve. Do they not see the mistakes he makes?
  7. Mlw Guest

    I've read all comments and I agree with them all, but 44 years of watching our glorious Spurs ( the ups and downs ) who in the right mind would want to be a spurs fan... But we all are and we love them.
    I HOPE POCH GOES ( that's how I feel ) reasons being are very simple we play with no passion no heart, all the players seem lost ( key stone cops comes to mind ) lamela or Townsend are left wingers "play them there " Lennon should never have left we have two of the fastest right backs in the prem, but do we use them to our advantage ( NO ) near enough every player from the middle of the park play out of position. If we had out and out wingers Robbie would be banging them in. I'm sorry but I just don't get poch tactics ( if any ) transition is easy start at the basics then you build from there just like Harry did. With the players we have now and a manger like tony paulis we would get in top four but would love to see Carlo angelotti with us but it will never happen. POCH is a stop gap and he will be gone very soon. Sorry if I upset anyone but I'm just not happy with what I see on our glorious pitch ( I mean the game not players ) like I say we have players but his strange tactics are killing any progression.
  8. Exactly, he inherited a mediocre and unbalanced team and with Baldini still at the club was Poch given any option on those 3 players any way? Poch wanted Schneiderlin but we took too long and I think I remember Hernandez being another we missed out on, I don't think Poch had much say last summer. January was always going to be a low key affair, we needed game winners at that point not squad fillers who are the only available players mid season. If Spurs are serious about rebuilding properly we need to get rid of the DoF who has a proven track record of buying duds, very expensive duds at that. Let the manager and head of scouting identify the players......it worked for Alex Ferguson and we all forget he was nearly sacked after his first year or so at Utd, it takes time to get it right but I agree it's bloody awful at the moment.
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    The people who contribute here are, for the most part, genuine Spurs fans. What gets shared here is our own individual and personal view, as fans, on what we want for The Spurs.
    For me that means that when I sit and watch week in, week out, I form a view as to whether the team, the individual players, the manager are good enough to deliver what we want to see from our team, dominated in no small part by our past history of playing the beautiful game the right way.
    My view is that we have a handful of decent players, many average players (a real worry), some freeloaders and a manager who, by any criteria I use to judge him by, hasn't impressed me at all this season, apart from the Chelski and Gooner performances.
    If you mix these components together, add some Levy sauce, you get a recipe for falling short of what we the fans want to see from our Spurs.
    That's not being wingy, moany....it's being honest. I'm genuinely concerned about the amount of "transition" our club has to undergo, in order to compete with the best.
    Perhaps we punch above our weight, but I know, we know, how we want to see our Spurs play and we're not even close at this point in time.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  10. Pat_Marshall92 New Member

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  11. Barnetth Guest

    I just don't know wher we go from here. Wait for the transition that may never come and sack the manager and then back to where we were post Harry. Everything we seem to try isn't quite working, so who would you turn to next?
    The performances at the end of the season have been awful. If this was Sherwood, we would all be ripping into him as he was the easy scapegoat last year. Looking back, he wasn't so bad after all.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    See Dnipro have made it into the Europa Lg Final, we can't even make the semis with our squad of internationals.
    We should be way ahead of Dnipro in that competition but we put reserve teams out so we can concentrate on failing everything else.
    Mattj78 and Spurporter like this.
  13. Mr. Greaves Guest

    I think a better use of Potchettino's time and energy would be to be thinking about how to make a his team play well in beating Hull whidt making it look like things are planned, rather than giving us his unasked for and, frankly, not very insightful, views on Gareth Bale and Real Madrid - two entities that he is highly unlikely ever to manage.
  14. Jonesy Guest

    This piece may appear negative to some. However, Poch or any other manager at our beloved club while under the leadership of Lewis and Levy will be shown the door if there are a string of poor results - it's a fact.

    I would love to see some much needed continuity and for it to work out with Poch and Co, but it will always be dependent on the results - and rightly so.

    As for people mentioning Timmy, do me a favour, the bloke was naive and aspired to be the next media darling. Bleating on about his win % etc etc.... What a tool. Over one of the shortest reigns and hardly a meaningful comparison to the other managers - board of hearing it. The least he could do is win the FA Cup, and then roll over and give the green light for Benteke to arrive at the Lane!

    Mattj78 likes this.
  15. HotchPoch Guest

    For me I can see Poch staying If
    • Levy sells or loans out all of the dead weight around the place as early as possible
    • Levy is given the targets by Mitchell/Poch and actually goes for them seriously ( no joke/derisory bids then come back with the next best thing) .
    • Kane after playing his 1st full Prem season and then the under 21's this summer somehow still continues his rich vein of form he had 6 weeks ago.
    • Walker is replaced or grows a brain somehow. (If Gallas/Dawson/Lennon had'nt been covering his ass he'd be long gone).
    • Quality & experience in DMF is bought in (not Mason) to help Bentelabs game.
    • Quality & experienced CB is bought in and Jan is a bottler and Kaboul is not consistant enough. If we want Dier is to learn anything, its not to be a premenstrual , jump out of tackles, primadonna , clog wearing embarrassment.
    • Some ****ing pace about the place.
    • Erickssen to grow a pair and wear them more often. Same with Chadli. Take some Karate/Jujitsu lessons during the summer or something. They should be clocking up much more yellows and driving the team fwd.
    • Dembele gone or release the ball quicker. Wish he'd stop trying to back his arse onto as many players nuts as humanly possible before losing possession.
    • 4231 with inverted front fwds as a option not the defacto formation for 90+ minutes every ****ing week.
    • For Poch to stop talking like his arse is being tickled with a feather whilst reading the highway code.
    • We take 4>6 points off the gooners and or Chelsea/Westham and don't get relegated.
  16. RMK

    RMK New Member

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    It's hard not to compare Poch to Koeman. And though both are now trying to avoid the Europa League like the bubonic plague, it's clear who has impressed the most this season - the boss whose side all the so called experts and pundits and paid professional football watchers predicted would get relegated due to the mass selling off of their name players. Yes, it's Koeman who has got everybody's attention with how he's handled playing style, brought in new players, worked with the more experienced heads, tactical know-how and ability to change things up, etc.

    After Sherwood was let go, I reckon we should have gone for Frank DeBoer...
    Mattj78 and Felon82 like this.
  17. gary fox Guest

    Our form this year has been patchy but look at how we played v Chelsea and Arsenal at WHL. We are also the youngest team in the League, the fittest and most hardworking, so Poch is getting the foundations laid. Our poor recent form is
    down to lack of options in the squad as the same players are chosen week after week. Players with no future are frozen out which seems fair enough. Redknapp had the luxury of 3-4 world class players; AVB had to work with Baldinis choice of players: Sherwood had a good win record but also the worst loss record and didnt win a cup game. Poch has a strategy but only has 10-14 players who buy into it. Thats why he needs time to buy wisely, pick the right youngsters and dump Baldinis deadwood.
  18. azas Guest

    In answer to your question no your opinion has no significance as your a fickle fan. If it wasnt for Kane blah blah blah.....if it wasnt for bale....if it wasnt for Costa....if it wasnt for Aguero. Do u see where i am going with this. It isnt our attack thats at fault its our defense. Once we sold bale and modric we were always going to struggle to re-build as we dont have the money to compete and when we do the selection has been terrible. Spurs are better off sticking to developing players. I wasnt bored when we beat chelsea..or arsenal...or the 3-2 liverpool game. In fact there are alot of games i didnt get bored in.
  19. azas Guest

    i was actually reading with interest until u said diego simeone....have u watched atletico madrd play? Do u think its exciting?
  20. WeRShite Guest

    What team have you been watching this season because it certainly ain't
    spurs from your description of our fast free flowing play!
    We've been utterly shite and boring to watch and to cap it all have shipped in nearly 60 goals too!
    Anyone who thinks pochettino has been a success this season is a mug who is obviously happy to watch us just go through the motions year after year whilst the BIG clubs actually sign world class talent and win trophies!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 16, 2015

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