How the word Transition relates to Spurs

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, April 17, 2015.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    With the season whimpering to a finish we again are looking towards the summer window needing to shift dead wood, upgrade and strengthen in defence/midfield/attack and hold on to our best players while balancing the books.

    Last summer’s window saw us shift a bit of dead wood but the majority of players brought in basically joined the dead wood that we didn't flog on the bench resulting in literally no upgrade at all and more passengers stealing wages.

    New manager, new players, new system, the dreaded word Transition is always brought up.

    TRANSITION - the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.
    Oxford Dictionary
    So it essentially means a period of change, now we see lots of change in managers, players, directors of football etc this is very true.

    Then it's a case of changing from one state or condition to another, we certainly go from one state to another no ducking that. But does our condition really change?

    We head into every window with the same problems, by the end of the windows we've never sorted them, we head into almost every other season with a new manager, we finish every season having not achieved our goals with the same excuses, we have the odd stonker of a game and we have many a stinker. But whether there's new staff etc it all remains the same.

    I feel this is down to extremely bad management of the club, net spend or no net spend there has been big money made and spent but where's the progress last few years? There never seems to be clear strategy to what we're doing, who we're buying, what we need, how they fit etc it's constantly up in the air with far too many Cooks spoiling the broth with differing agendas when it comes to player recruitment. The Club never seems to learn or fix these constant issues.

    Surely a Transition should have the main goal of going somewhere? Not stagnating?

    What we need is some clear bold decisions from Poch and all the backing he needs for the actual players he wants to execute his philosophy this summer. There's so much dawdling where we're concerned, why we cling to serial underperformers with low influence and half-hearted poor attitudes is beyond me. We need players on board with ambition/hunger and end product ready to take this club up to the next level.

    Either way Poch is going to have a good window if he wants to be at the club long term because there are plenty of question marks about him at the moment and a continuation of this recent brand of 'football' we're churning out and next season he’ll be looking at the chop if we continue in this vein.

    And guess what? The Transition will all start again.
    notnats, Spurporter and Mattj78 like this.
  2. ALB Guest

    Agree with the article but surely what would help is to do our business at the beginning of the window, not at the end when we are already 4 or 5 games into the season and we pick up players who haven't really tried for their club as they knew they were going to be moved on. Identify who we need and buy them. Waiting till the last minute hoping that we can save a bit of money is a false economy!
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Excellent article. Good points, all valid. I think that Spurs could head in the right direction but only if certain things change and as the article explains, those things are unlikely to change so transition it is. Again. Yet again.
  4. Cuffy75 Guest

    Okay, most of this is true. But we can't be talking about giving Poch the axe next season if things don't change. As a Spurs fan, I understand we all want to see success and trophies, all fans at all clubs do. But we have to be realistic. We are not in the same league financially as Man's City & Utd, Chelsea or Arse. So to break into the top 4 would be a real fantastic acheivement. Possible maybe, but pretty darn hard. Let Poch have 3 or 4 transfer windows to build his squad, lets have a season or two without the Europa League, lets get the stadium built, and get the extra revenue in. All clubs buy players in the hope they work and hit the ground running, and all clubs have deadwood, it is only because we love Spurs and came name every squad player that we realise how many of those don't contribute, but we are not alone. I hope Poch can buy some British players and bring through some more youngsters. The likes of Charlie Austin, and Alex Pritchard in the squad next year would be preferable to Paulinho & Adebayor. COYS
  5. When Poch was asked if he needed a bigger squad he replied 'No, I need a different squad' This says it all, he needs time with players he wants - why bring his players in and axe him, we gave him a 5 year contract, for once lets give the manager/coach time!
  6. big fran Guest

    I'm all for transition but a) managers need to be given time to see it thru and b) as I said on a previous post this job is more of a revolution with the amount of players that need moving on and or come round to the managers way of doing things!
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    And I agree about a revolution, this is by no means a 'Poch Out' post its more a give Poch what/who he needs to protect him.

    There are ???s over Poch at the moment and the Vultures are ruffling their feathers.

    A bad window, followed by a bad start and fan frustration will boil over its the nature of a results business.

    2nd season people will be looking for improvement, this wont happen if the quality of players isnt upgraded and only 1 guy will take the fall.

    It is clear to anyone with half a footballing brain we are weak defensively, we lack any form of width and pace, and Kane needs support up top. Basic requirements clearly evident need addressing!

    We have a number of surplus that could fund a lot of this even if taken a hit on, plus we have a few loanees to return to fill in the gaps.

    But its clear strategy needed, players ready made to step into positions in the team who are ready to deliver what they are bought for that will in turn make the philosophy tick.
  8. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    We either spend in the transfer window on players the MANAGER wants, not who Baldini or Levy want, or we will not achieve top four or silverware.
    Currently we are at least 6 to 10 years away from being a regular top four team. And along the way we will go through many more " transitional" phases.
  9. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I cant believe baldini is still even at the club what an utter clown!

    Anyone who had a hand in the last 4 windows needs the spanish archer imo!
  10. big fran Guest

    Definitely he needs a good first window to afford him a chance of reaching the January one and I also agree that the club really do need to realise that they will HAVE to take a cut on the players that have flopped. Its how long it takes them to bite the bullet and if they will even do so. The earlier in the window the more chance poch will have to shape a squad.
  11. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Spurs will have to take a loss to clear deadwood off the way. It is not Pochetino's job at current set up. It is not Mitchell's either. May be Baldini is kept for that function, who knows... I do not expect that task AND new recruitment occur BOTH in upcoming summer. At best Levy could only unload some lads, while likes of Lamela, Davies, Stambouli will be kept. Kaboul, Paulinho, Vlad, Adebayor will be offered, but their sale will be dragged down to last day, so no new purchase may be possible, unless good British players from lesser clubs could be obtained prior. The latter is almost impossible to do as all better EPL clubs will be looking for them. As our HC says in every interview "it is difficult..."
    The only possible good outcome of current situation that would allow any sensible transition Felon is talking about, is if Academy can help (do we have any hope there for a player or two?) or we recall our home grown loaners so we can maintain a required number of domestic talent to promote any acquisition of foreigners.
    Last edited: April 17, 2015
  12. Deggsy56

    Deggsy56 Active Member

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    The first change has to be getting rid of BALDINI surely !!!
    Felon82 likes this.
  13. JONESY Guest

    Baldini the chief broker - he mustn't play a part in any future deals. Lamela, Chiriches and Stambouli etc etc - being serious, jog on Franco! Such shocking players and basically poor fall back purchases. For example, Lamela (because we dawdled with Willian and didn't get the deal over the line (plus an easy option with his contacts at Roma)), then Stambouli (because we failed to nail Schneiderlin, compounded by David Brent completing Liverpool's early raid on the Saints - lesson for Levy this window).

    Yes, it is obvious we don't have the financial muscle of Chelski, Utd, City and the goons - and I'm bored of hearing it to be fair. We can be shrewd in the market and as Felon points out, develop a STRATEGY, with a clear vision and a plan of action that aligns with Poch's "philosophy". This is a must if we are to acquire the right mix of players and want to embed some much needed stability in the dugout.

    Re. the squad, the defence needs a shake up... Chiriches, Kaboul, Fazio can go; and if Rose has his head turned and the offer is right, then sell. Purchase a centre back who is proven and most importantly a strong leader (e.g the attitude of Daws, without his raw pace!); look at Dier, Walker, Davies, Verts, Yedlin - get to grips with them on the training field, decide on the back line and drill them. As for midfield, there will be some realistic options; Wanyama, McCarthy, Milner (not my cup of tea, but fits with Poch's style and he always puts a real shift in), Mirallas, Schlupp, Konoplyanka, Bolasie etc. Up top, targets should include the likes of Benteke, Ings, Rodriguez, or Austin and start to give young Pritchard a chance. And finally, the most important business, retain the services of Hugo, Eriksen and Harry.
    Felon82 likes this.
  14. Guest Guest

    Tottenham signing Mauricio Pochettino on a five year contract only last summer, was a sign of maturity where previously Tottenham's reputation for the fickleness and short-termism of fans and management has made the club a national joke. A club that apparently can't handle setback or disappointment without wanting to start all over again. Well, that isa the version of the club found on websites where obsessions abound and the same old hobby-horses get ridden year in and year out by the same relatively few people. The reason why most supporters seem to avoid them, so irritating and plain daft are the boards, blogs and rumour-mills about departures and signings that seem 95% wrong most of the time.

    Transition is no big deal. Why not use the word 'change'? It is the aim of any club, surely, to undergo low-level change both within and between seasons. In a transfer window, one or two departures, and one or two arrivals, there being two of these windows every year and lasting months. They are not for the entertainment of people with a low boredom-threshold, who want big news, when in any club most of the time there is no particular news worth reporting. Players who didn't depart in the last transfer window, but who still don't get to play or perform reliably, know they would do better elsewhere and may just need a fresh start, and therefore are in the frame in the coming transfer window. Some will be sold at a loss, others will be sold and the club will make a gain — helped in our case by Spurs taking academy players seriously and in the process making a financial gain because it amounts to within-the-club promotion.

    Pochettino has done well so far, since his arrival in the World Cup summer of 2014 and given the odd start to this season for all involved. Spurs made a good choice for head coach. And his support team was taken on. Spurs also signed someone else who is good at player-spotting and transfers, who satisfyingly we never hear from as he just gets on with his work. When in doubt, always aim to be adult about things.
  15. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Good article Felon and yes the dreaded transition word does pop up a bit and is probably a bit over used. The article does raise the question are we really in a state of transition where we are actually changing from one state or condition to another or are we in a continual state of flux where nothing ever really changes ?

    Revolution is a mighty word, a great upheaval, a complete and radical change. Personally I don't see Poch as the revolutionary type and I don't think he was brought in to oversee any great or radical changes to the club and its policies.
    He was brought in to oversee the policy of bringing in youth and their development to senior level and to also shut the feck up and get on with it.

    Seriously, we all know how the transfer policy works. Sell before we buy. The club will labour long and hard to move on the deadwood in order to recoup their investment and this year we have some beauties to ship out.
    Ade, Paulinho, Soldado and Chiriches just to name a few.
    Should we cut our losses just to get them off the books ? yes! Will we? no!

    Getting rid of these turkeys is gonna take time and that, and as usual will give the chairman time to stall on all new players brought in at the last minute.
  16. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Bad hearing, memory loss and dementia are also signs of maturity not to mention gout.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  17. Dace Member

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    Good article.
    Total agreement with the sentiment that the transfers should be completed in the first couple of weeks, with the transfer window deadline being ignored.
    As for unloading Ade etc, I personally would decide on the players we are never going to use, tell them and removed their squad numbers. I would also ring fence then so there sale/no sale has absolutely no impact on the squad. Take Ade as an example, we are going to pay his wages this year regardless, so no squad number, train at home or find a club. With him out of the equation bring in who Poch wants and give them a squad number, yes we will have a squad of registered and non-registered players but we are essentially doing this anyway with players getting paid whilst never playing.
    Build a squad of players that will try every game !
    As for the EL, we need it, I understand out dismal record on Sundays after a Thursday game, but if we are ever going to have true aspirations on a CL campaign we need two competitive games each and every week.
    We could have a 'development' squad for EL and LC games, youth, players needing game time and players coming back from injury, whilst Poch can has a full 15/17 players for the PL. Any improvements in players aka Kane, will see them move 'squads'.
    In regards to the EL and Sunday games, we have Thursdays off for a while now and are playing some of the worst football I have ever seen, so perhaps the problem is not all the EL, just a thought.
    Deggsy56 and notnats like this.

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