England' Rose on the Rise

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, April 14, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    After much criticism both last season and in some quarters this, it is amazing to now read reports of Danny Rose being a £10 million target for Manchester City!!

    In fact, our very own manager thinks he has been the best English left back this season which is high praise indeed.

    I admire his efforts this season and he has improved but is he really that good??

    Pochettino said:
    'Danny has been the best English left back this season. I look at the stats and other players in his position. I also look at his performances, which have been great. But that's my opinion.'
  2. burnt Guest

    Has deff improved to be fair to him but prob more so in an attacking sense . Wouldn't pay any attention to them daily rags , 99.9% is horse **** speculation .. Us and every other club will be linked with prob a million ins and outs now over the next few months , same **** diff year .. As far as been the best English lefty this year , he's prob up there but there's other reasons for it rather then him been anything great .. Cole retiring , Baines badly out of form , Shhaw always injured , it doesn't leave much competition really .. lol , Arry used to tell us on a weekly basis Assou Ecotte or what ever his name was , is the best left back in the league ..
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. burnt Guest

    No getting away from the fact he's been a main stay in a team with one of the worst defense,s in the league ..
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Feel free to send Kolarov the other way
  5. Del Guest

    He's probably the only positive thing we can talk about from Spurs **** performances right now lol
  6. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Hey, I would like to say that I'm surprised by Rose's form this term, but I think we all know that would make me a liar!;)

    The kid is coming along an absolute dream and I definitely agree with Poch's sentiments when he says he has been as good as anything in his position, in the EPL.

    As I have ALWAYS said, Danny has ALLthe physical and technical skills to become a TOP LB. The ONLY question for me was could Poch help him improve the mental side of the game.

    You know, some people actually thought The Mighty Ram had lost the plot last year when I stood alone in my belief that Rose WAS good enough to play for THFC, and all he needed was competition and a bit of guidance.

    Lets hope those same people spare a thought for wise old Ramadan, eh, as they bare witness to the SUPERBLY CONSISTENT displays Danny has been churning out for the vast majority of the season.

    Now, I'm NOT getting carried away here, The Rose-bud is far from the finished article, and is still prone to the odd act of madness/ rashness.

    But what Spurs now have is a REAL talent at LB, who if he continues developing at this rate will be attracting interest from more than just those who reside in Manchester.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  7. Richard Guest

    I can't fault the commitment of Rose but for me, his distribution for the amount of possession he gets in attacking positions is extremely poor for a player who don't forget started out as a winger. When we need composed defending he can be rash and yes he is capable of contributing with the odd goal but he fits the bill of a lot of players we have at the moment who are simply not good enough to help us with our quest for a top four spot.
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. burnt Guest

    How are we so **** if all our players are so good .. You,ve championed everyone from the magnificent 7 to all of last years signings to all the youth players and everyone else yet here we are with the biggest squad and worst side we,ve had in 10 years .. Your either a wind up merchant or your insane .. Its no wonder spurs fans are called deluded by others ..
  9. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Andrew Robertson who plays for Hull is a much more promising talent than Rose imo, should Hull go down id be offering them Davies in return.
    His control of the ball while running at pace is excellent and he has great awareness and delivery when in attacking situations exactly what our system needs.
    Richard likes this.
  10. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Rose is Spurs best stopper. If he wants to sit on the bench he may consider switch to MCFC. This way they could fulfill domestic player % requirement, while Danny could get more cash...
    There is a possibility for Rose to revert to last season form next year, so I wouldn't be surprise if offer taken seriously.
  11. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Perhaps, we should remember that Rose was getting stick last year on the back of ONE iffy season, which was largely hampered by injury.

    The year before at Sunderland the fans (and coaching staff) loved him, and whenever I saw him play he was often very good.

    Yes, he still has a few chinks in his amour, but this is a kid who appears willing and committed to making the most of an impressive set of tools....(o_O)

    Quick, strong and aggressive, his time playing in midfield also means he is technically sound, identifies good positions to get himself into in advanced areas of the pitch... and he is also possesses quite a good leap.

    BAE use to infuriate me (a bit of an exaggeration but you get me drift) with his tendency to allow the opposing winger at least 5 yards to get his cross into the area. Well, with Rose that much less likely to happen.

    Listen, Danny is young, British and talented, so unless Man City are prepared to OPEN the bidding up at the £15m plus it would take to goout and buy someone who could walk into the team and do better, I think Spurs should refuse to even go to the (neg) table.

    I don't, necessarily, know if Rose has 'improved' GREATLY in terms of making a load of changes to his game, as much as he has become MORE CONSISTENT this year.

    Watching him now, I expect at LEAST a 7 out of 10 from the attack-minded LB, whereas before you had no idea what you was going to get. So, perhaps, that's the biggest compliment I could give to him.

    Mauricio Pochettino is known to sit down with players and pinpoint areas of their game where he feels they can develop. No doubt this, as well as the confidence he has received by the HC, and his own performances, are contributing to the excellent season Danny is having.
  12. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Sadly though because he is doing well, we will sell him as we always do!!!
  13. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Listen, Matt, if Rose, one day, underlines his desire to down tools and leave the club by going on strike (like Bale, Modric, Carrick and Berbatov) I will drive him to the airport myself!

    As a club/ manager, when a player shows such disregard for the supporters, team AND their contract, the ONLY thing to do, is seek to get the best possible price for them.

    The board DON'T sell our best players UNLESS they make it absolutely clear they have no interest in wearing colours that most of us would be proud to don.

    It's a catch 22, but, at the end of the day, we should just be pleased that should these circumstances arise, that we have a Chairman who is equipped to get us the BEST possible deal, and reinvest proceeds into attempting to restrengthen the team.

    Tottenham Hotspur Football Club DESERVE players who are proud, honored and committed to represent/ing it...

    Never forget that.
    Spurporter and Mattj78 like this.
  14. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I do agree but we need to stop being a production line for bigger clubs to sign the players that can help us be a top four team. At present I still see us being a long from that, but I fully agree that the players have to be proud to play for us. Sadly, very few of those types exist these days. Or should I say, they exist until they get agents and then they lose the ability to use their own brains.
  15. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I DON'T think the issue is selling - providing you are able to get good money for the outgoing player - but more about recruitment.

    Every team, bar the mega rich and/or successful, are selling clubs. Might not be fair, but it's true.

    That does NOT mean a 'selling' club can't be successful. It just means that they have to be clever and have a plan about how they reinvest their money.

    A great example of this is Atletico Madrid who have sold Forlan, Falcao, De Gea, Felipe and Costa in recent years, but continue to enhance their reputation due to being shrewd with their dealings in the transfer market, having an excellent development academy and a bright young manager who has a CLEAR idea on how he wants his team to play.

    What Spurs and Paul Mitchell have to do is make sure the majority of their signings can either come in and contribute significantly almost instantly. Or bring in players whom with a bit of time, patience and support can go onto to become world-beaters.

    Look, it's never particularly pleasing to see your better players being sold, but providing the recruitment is good, and you have not only have a broad knowledge of the market, but a CLEAR idea on the areas of the team that need strengthening and also the TYPE of player required to fit into your system/style of play/league then it CAN actually help push your club forward.
    Last edited: April 15, 2015
    Spurporter and Felon82 like this.
  16. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Surely it would help to remove Baldini?
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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  18. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    And here in lies the problem, our recruitment!

    Ramos has a very good point about Atletico as their model has worked, but it is because they sell their best players and replace with ready made quality of the same level- Spurs spunk 30 mil on Lamela etc.

    Poor recruitment
    Mattj78 likes this.
  19. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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  20. big fran Guest

    Hope so Ramos and preferably target young british players or ones with good EPL pedigree or up and coming foreigners with a good grasp of English who can be nurtured and improved. Players such as stones James McCarthy Jay Rodriguez cabaye miralles ings berahino schaar wimmer (two or three from this list make me a happy chap) and more unlikely one from schneiderlin benteke depay be even happier.
    Mattj78 likes this.

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