THST "apologists" for THFC

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, April 10, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    My first article for this site was about the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust and it certainly created a lot of debate with opinions split across Spurs fans.
    I am therefore interested to read the article in the last week from Theboyhotspur.

    My original article talked about the fact that the THST never really seem to bring any good news to the fans. I questioned if they were really "fit for purpose" and they responded by replying openly on Twitter and this very site.
    Since then, I have joined the trust as a non paying member to see what it is they do and I have to say that I found exactly what Theboyhotspur found. A lot of bravado, much bluster but not a lot else.

    Let me first look at theboyhotspur's point about THST appearing as apologists for the club. If you look at the THST website and search the minutes of previous meetings, you will see very little substance and a very common phrase along the lines that " the club will look into this matter." Topic after topic is met with the same response.
    The club will look into the matter but provide no timescales, smacks of nothing but bluster. Surely the Trust has a duty to request the club provide firm timescales for information to be released?

    If we take the new stadium as an example, THST have asked for transparency from the club on this matter. I don't know if it's just me, but I can't say I have seen much transparency.
    For example, why have we not yet been told where the team will be playing whilst the stadium is constructed? The answer needs to come from the club, but are the Trust really doing enough to get these answers for the fans?

    Recently, we have heard that things are changing for the better in relation to the Stub Hub. That is not , as the Trust would have us believe, a success or a victory for the fans of THFC. The only victory will be the day Tottenham and Stub Hub have no association at all.
    Stub Hub allows people to watch games at a great expense but even worse at the expense of those fans who would dearly love to get in to White Hart Lane to witness their heroes.
    If the Trust is working on behalf of the fans, why does the Stub Hub still operate in association with our club? Maybe the Trust and the club would like to comment on this?

    Theboyhotspur goes onto question why it takes 7 trust members to attend the so called 'board to board' Meetings.
    Only the Trust can answer that but judging by the lack of real answers we get, 7 members seemingly have little sway in getting the answers the fans want.

    At the risk of being political, it strikes me that what we have are 2 sets of white collars working together whilst the fans suffer.

    The stadium. In over thirty years of supporting Spurs, I can't recall a time when the atmosphere was so poor at the Lane. No banners, no singing. Will it all end in fans being literally 'struck dumb?'

    The success on the pitch? Since 2001 we have one trophy and 2 4th placed finishes with one exciting run to the quarter finals of the Champions league. So where is the success? What truly are the plans to achieve the success the majority of fans crave?

    I would ask fellow fans to read the latest minutes of thee March 2015 'board to board' meeting. Can you see real answers or simply signs of happy little handshakes?
    As I said earlier, the idea that we, as fans, have suddenly gotten a better deal on tickets due to THST is, in my opinion simply not the case.

    In my original article, and ensuing communication with THST, I accepted the work of THST and that they are trying hard to get answers, but I do get the feeling that they need to try harder.

    We as fans are not seeing anything but THST apologise for THFC and that is not good enough.
  2. Dessyspur Guest

    The more who oppose THST the better they are a disgrace and do not represent real fans
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. Ants Guest

    At the end of the day... the club will always do whatever they like, with or without pressure for THST.
    So its a bit unfair to start criticising them. How can you expect THST to have the answers like where we will play once WHL is knocked down, when the club themselves don't even know.
  4. Tommy Harmer Guest

    As one who has attended three Trust meetings and taken an interest in their work for some time I find your post a little sad. I find people like Martin Cloake and Katrina Law to be hugely committed to both Spurs and their supporters. In my experience they have very carefully separated themselves from the club, and challenged on every issue about which supporters express concern. They are highly thought of by other clubs supporters, and by the FSF, where their input is central to the campaining thrust that FSF have developed. I would like you to respond with some specifics about exactly what you want done, and how you expect them to set about achieving it. I would also ask you if you volunteered to stand for the board at the last AGM? I rather suspect that you are a bit like TBH who moans for England. Answers please, or shut up!!
  5. GH10 Guest

    I think saying this about our own fans (THST) is bang out of order and shows a lack of class.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Our own fans? Really? I struggle to get tickets for games because Stub Hub sell them to people who can spend hundreds without thinking about it.
    THST work hard and you are missing my point entirely. What I want to see is THST putting more pressure on the club to provide answers.

    If you read the article, I am discussing a blog on another site and I am simply asking that THST grows some balls.
    Read the minutes on THST and show me what they have really achieved.

    As for your question regarding did I stand, no I didn't, but if you saw the abusive messages that I and theboyhotspur have received from so called members of the trust, you may well appreciate why I wouldn't wish to be involved.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    If you read and understand my post, I have not said that the THST fail to ask questions. What I am saying is that they fail to get answers. That is not necessarily their fault, but what it raises is whether they are being forceful enough.
    A supporters trust should not just ask questions, it should ask and demand answers.

    As fans we fail to see the full minutes of meetings, we see bullet points which time and time again provide n answers.

    Again, if you actually READ my post, you will see that I do respect what the trust do, but when they block my posts on Twitter and the chairman responds in an aggressive manner, perhaps you may understand why I question their real agenda.
  8. Kady1 New Member

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    This is a very serious and very real issue. Like the majority of fans I speak to in the cafés in Tottenham High Road and on the terraces, there is a huge feeling of dissatisfaction tempered only by a love for the club.
    At the heart of this is the performance of the Board led by a domineering Chairman who has made a serious of serious misjudgements.
    If you considered a Chairman of any other major company that had to repeatedly replaced their Chief Executive ( the Manager ) of the operations, who sold their best assets and then invested in poor quality replacements, who appears to have made a dogs dinner of the ground replacement ( so how is the club handling the temporary position - far from agreed I think ), who appears to treat the fans with contempt. I've followed THST with interest, I don't know the individuals so cannot comment on their sincerity but I am concerned that they are clouding the very serious issue of how this club is run and why it could be run in a far better way. The reality, I believe, to achieve this is for a change of Chairman.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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  10. johnnyhrvat Guest

    Divide and rule!
    We (the fans) are certainly divided and Levy certainly rules.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.

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