PLAYER RATINGS: Burnley 0:0 Spurs

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Socrates, April 5, 2015.

  1. Socrates

    Socrates Member

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    Fans around the country tuned in today to what was arguably the worst game of football ever played as Burnley and Spurs contested a drab, uneventful and soul-destroying performance.


    Vorm – 6 – He dealt well with the little that came his way. Can’t complain with a clean sheet.

    Rose – 6 – Didn’t offer much going forward but was solid defensively.

    Dier – 6 – Much like Rose, a solid defensive performance with not a lot to write home about.

    Chiriches – 5 – Did fairly well considering he had to play out of position in a makeshift defence in the second half. He did however misplace the odd pass, which is always a risk when you’re a defender.

    Walker – 4 – Was the weakest of our defenders today and frustratingly ruined one of the few half chances we had in the first half.

    Mason – 3 – It doesn’t bode well when your only highlight is a back pass that nearly cost us the game.

    Bentaleb – 3 – About as anonymous as his midfield partner today. The usual work rate and energy he provides was nowhere to be seen.

    Paulinho – 3 – Similarly to Mason, it’s worrying when the only highlight worth mentioning is a pitiful shot dragged aimlessly wide.

    Chadli – 3 – Offered nothing (there’s a pattern developing here).

    Eriksen – 3 – He’s been on poor form for most of this calendar year and today was no different. He had the odd glimpse of quality here and there but he didn’t impact the game in any meaningful way.

    Kane – 4 – With absolutely no service it’s hard to lay the blame at Kane’s feet today but he didn’t set the world alight.


    Davies – 6 – Deserves credit for slotting in comfortably at centre back.

    Lamela – 3 – Did little of note.

    Townsend – N/A – Was only on the pitch for 7 minutes, not sure if he even touched the ball.

    A performance that has revealed a lot about the mentality of our players. With seven games to go, a lot of them have already got their head on the beach. We’re going out with a whimper.
  2. Del Guest

    Excuse my French but they are ****ing useless I'm getting pissed off with the **** that I'm watching absolute laughing stock and I couldn't care less where we finish now they don't deserve to be payed and I don't know what game poch was watching but subs were too late and didn't change a thing Spurs totally once again blew a big opportunity to gain points over Southampton and Liverpool can't wait for the season to end, well the players seem to already have absolute disgrace!!!!!
  3. Desperado Guest

    Embarrassing performance. That includes the manager. Too many players coasting. Shameful
    Felon82 and stevethespur like this.
  4. Phil O Guest

    Thank God for a real review, can't argue with any of the scores given. BUT. Would have liked to have seen a score for MP.

    For the record, my score for Poch- 3

    That was embarrassing to watch/endure. No team work, no heart, no leadership, no sod all.

    I know Kane has been the top man, but please please can someone tell him to stop taking on two, three players every time he gets the ball....

    We have bought: Fazio, Dier, Vorm, Davies, Stambouli & Yedlin this year. Dier isn't ready for a full season(as demonstrated today), Fazio is a liability, Vorm will only get in when Loris is injured, Davies is ****(though best player today, says a lot), Stambouli isn't trusted & I'm hoping yedlin turns into something good as Walker has gone down the toilet...

    Boring, Boring, Boring today..
  5. cdj Guest

    This manager has produced two fantatsic displays that will live long in the memory but a huge amountof dross to go with it. Our away results have largely been pinching last gasp wins in games we have been outplayed, Swansea, Hull, Villa, Leicester and even to a lesser extent QPR. We are no better than under Sherwood in terms of results, goal difference and certainly not in the football we play. Today was simply a joke. No width, no ambition and little or no football. Paulinho playing, or should I say being on the pitch for the 90 minutes summing up the ineptitude of a manager who has never and will never do anything. Tottenham are at best a team that will finish 5Th to about 8th and will never be more than that. Kane was only given a chance in the 12th league game and mostly due to how poor the others strikers were. This team and manager are not in the same league as the current top four and unless things change do not threaten to be. It is more likely our better players will leave. Look at his buys, they cannot even get into this side!
    Deggsy56, Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Don't understand the moaners on here, we've never had it so good. It's the best squad we've ever had.
    We're 'competitive' what do people expect from a club of Spurs size we should be thankful were even afloat.
    Pochettino is the greatest coach we've ever had and he's clearly working wonders.
    I hope we don't do too much work in the summer as in this side it's obvious we're going to grow to be a dominant force in Europe just look at Mason and Bentaleb the envy of every top 4 side and I'm happy/thankful were nailed on for the Europa League as its done wonders for our Club Glory is on the horizon I'm sure.
    Think Soldado, Lamela & Paulinho will come good given more time they've not become sub standard over almost 2 seasons.
    The future is looking brilliant
    stevethespur likes this.
  7. stevethespur Active Member

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    Coach and players should donate this weeks pay to a suitable charity or they may be charged for taking money under false pretences ! Awful from Spurs today, looked like we were already in Australia playing Sydney FC. Thats the least Premiership game i've ever sadly witnessed. Coys.
    Deggsy56 and notnats like this.
  8. Marvyn Guest

    Poor again why do we not play with natural winger on their correct side feeding balls in to sold ado and Kane with Ericsson playing as a floating number 10 bring in dembele for bentalb who is ****.cant wait for more of the same dross next season who needs quality strickers
  9. cdj Guest

    Lamela, Paulinho and Soldado to come good is this Baldini writing in disguise? Mason and Benteleb getting into the Arsenal or Chelsea teams? I am afraid it is idiotic in the extreme. The three imports above have cost us 73 million, try getting half that back, no chance. The only possible reason they will be Tottenham players next year is nobody else will want them even at hugely reduced prices.
    Saracco and Bazza47 like this.
  10. burnt Guest

    Was it really that much diff then a lot of our performances this year .. For me the main diff in this was the goals .. We didn't conceed our customery 2 but suppose that was as much down to them as us .. I know a lot of people rave about Erikson and to be fair he is one of our best , but hey thats not saying much but he's a light weight luxery player i.m.o .. Hasn't done a tap last 7 or 8 games and if we remember cogrrectly he was anonymous for the first 7 or 8 games , thats half a bloody season .. Not goopared to others i.m.o .. Saying all that it was a feat for us to keep a clean sheet for a change ..

    Got to say tho , im with Felon on this one , as a self proclaimed great man once said “ I've never been so proud of the lads and I've never been so optimistic about the future ” ..
  11. Chris #2 Guest

    in my book :
    Chiriches – 4 (always risky business having this guy in defence)
    Eriksen – 4 (looked ok when he was on the ball, but wasnt on the ball enough)
    Davies – 4-5ish (6? - really? Threw away several balls, allmost let Ings go on an easy clear-ball)

    One of the most boring games I have seen for a while btw - mainly due to lack of initiative and energy from the Spurs, and poor passing from a number of players.
  12. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Oops....didn't mean to like, no disrespect but he was taking of the wee so bad.
    Felon82 likes this.
  13. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Poch gets less than 3. Starting with **** like Chiriches, Paulinho.....then unable to change it up, add some width, take off Mason and Bentaleb earlier. Dembele on and Townsend at HT. Totally Fecking Clueless. Nice but dim.....
    Felon82 likes this.
  14. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Well, Poch did better than Pellegrini. Man for man he must have had a better XI than that for the sky blues.

    COYS, it's a football...
    Last edited: April 5, 2015
  15. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    The only thing I'm gonna say on this subject is that the Tottenham Hotspur starting XI shouldn't be a shop window. Which, unforrunately, it was
  16. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Or an academy for inconsistent 'potential'
  17. butler Guest

    That game proves what I thought all season no heart no guts no desire to weak thank God vertonghan wasn't there pulling out of challenges as normal . Davis and chiraches were no worse than anyone else actually Davis looked better then most of our normal centre halfs . For everyone who slaughtered redknapp were are we now two top 4 finishes playing good football and that prick levy sacks him and before everyone starts I know he took his eye of the ball in his last season but he more than earned another 1 at Least . Then voldermort brings back a director of football baldini what a joke he is couldn't pick his nose let alone pick out a top player the one thing I do no is we are further away from top 4 spot now then ever there was talk of title challenges with redknapp without Kane and eriksson goals there could of been talk of relegation fight this year .
  18. Del Guest

    Couldn't agree more we've had 3 decent performances against Everton,chelski and the scum all season that's it! I miss the redknapp era especially the way we played and I hate to admit it but we are so far behind arsenal it's unreal in terms of quality of player and football I'm jealous!!! Levy recently said were continuing attractive attacking entertaining football under to move into the new stadium wiv well where and when have we played that this season were slow,were predictable, we have no genuine width, we are completely unbalanced,we can't defend ,we don't create chances, midfielders don't score enough! We don't have an identity in our play and to me were are a club developing everywhere else apart from on the field football wise! Shocking!
    bruski and Felon82 like this.
  19. johnnyhrvat Guest

    JV was anonymous as usual so I suppose he should get his regular '7' - fair dues to him though for the fact that we kept a clean sheet.
    We must have set a record for the number of sideways and backwards passes in this game. If you just look at the time it took for us to take throw-ins and the lethargy of the players involved it showed that there was no desire on show.
    It all left me admiring the qualities of Vlad (I jest not), who was our most creative player - well he played one decent pass (forward), which was one more than any other Spurs player. It was Vlad, or the already dry paint behind the TV that were the highlights of a Sunday afternoon's viewing from Turf Moor.
  20. aussie mal Guest

    felon 82 must be kidding spurs were c..p Sydney fc will flog them lamella chadli pauhlino must go as they have no idea and no heart . I think they need a total rebuild and please buy some wingers to feed harry
    Felon82 likes this.

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