Pochettino's shortcomings damaging our season

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by josh_b, April 5, 2015.

  1. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    I would like to start that by no means am I included in the Poch out brigade. It would be a completely naïve and impulsive decision to get rid of our promising young head coach.

    However I do still believe that we could improve with more staff coming in. We have suffered against teams like United, Chelsea in the final, Manchester City; we have failed to break down stubborn teams like West Ham, Burnley and Stoke and this is why we won't finish in the top four.

    There is a problem with the setup that comes about because of Pochettino's position; and the lack of work made to combat these weaknesses.

    Pochettino is a COACH, not a MANAGER

    Coaches develop players. They improve aspects of their games, they make players better. Managers select the best team out of those available in an effort to win the game. They set up their teams in difficult fixtures to come away with points from games. The only time we have seen this is Arsenal away and it worked perfectly; we may not have deserved a win there but we were somewhat unlucky not to get one, as a miskick from Lamela led to the cross from which Oxlade-Chamberlain scored.

    In every other game, the team has set up to play Pochettino's way - this is idealistic in the extreme and not pragmatic at all.

    Coaches such as Mourinho, Van Gaal, Wenger, Guardiola and Ancelotti from abroad - they regularly adapt their teams' formations, tactics and play style according to the opposition and the way the game is going.

    Look at yesterday, for example - Mourinho changed from a 4-3-3 to a 4-4-2 and back again for their second goal, to combat the two banks of four that Stoke set up, and it worked.

    Come to today, Burnley set up predictably in a 4-4-2 and we never came close to breaking through.

    Look at United away, we play the same 4-2-3-1 and it simply doesn't work - Van Gaal was astute enough to recognise how to break us down and they did so three times without reply.

    Look at Chelsea in the cup final - they combated the threat of Kane and Eriksen, limiting their effect on the game - they nullified any threat we had so they only had to score one goal to win, which they were always going to do with the class they had.

    The solution
    I would say, bring in an assistant manager who can advise Pochettino on how to set up the team against varying opponents.

    We won't get the top four because the teams vying for it are able to win against weaker sides regularly.

    The argument against Arsene Wenger for our rivals is that he never beat top teams - yet they got in the top 4 anyway because they won almost all of their games against teams below them.

    This is what we must seek to achieve, as our results against top four teams haven't been that bad this year - but it is the dropped points against weaker teams that has cost us dearly.
    notnats and stevethespur like this.
  2. nick Guest

    I agree with much that you state. Since 1991, yes 1991! We have had money making chairmen at Spurs, and the quality of our playing staff has been reflected in their dealings.

    Until Levy and Lewis sell up, nothing will change.
  3. Sweech Guest

    We've been playing some of the youngest starting 11's and youngest squads in the Premier League this season.

    Naturally you'll drop points due to putting youth development over actual results, I never expected a team comprised of a bunch of 21-23 year olds to accomplish a whole lot in a league as tough as the English Premier League. In fact I think what they have accomplished is extremely commendable.

    You either opt to give youth a chance and develop them or you strive for results. It's nearly impossible to do both.
    bruski and Remy Uwilin like this.
  4. stevethespur Active Member

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    Awful game to watch today, looked like we just went through the motions and settled for a dull draw from the outset. Why weren't our attacking players out there from the start ? Soldado upfront with Kane, Townsend/Lamela on the wing, or both ! Game cried out for Dembele imo ! We are Tottenham Hotspur and shouldn't have approached this game in the way we did. Paulinho alone probably cost more than the entire Burnley side ! Dont understand the thinking behind todays display at all. Coys.
    bruski likes this.
  5. Spurs fun Guest

    A very good article which correctly identified the main problem this season. I would also add Levy's inability to appoint a good manager. I suspect he has the record of appointing the worst managers. All come with a philosophy that neither includes scoring goals or playing good football as an end!
    stevethespur likes this.
  6. Jackal Guest

    Wake up will you? Can you see there is lack of proper play from Spurs.

    Levy has done a good job managing finance over here @spurdon
    Obviously, Spurs is lack of ideas, wing backs not sticking to the touchline, the lack of movement for simple 1-2 play.

    I say bring in proper coach, one with proper tactics and wing play. I've seen Villareal play, I must say we must play like them
  7. Jim Guest

    Spot on! Best article on here for a long time. I would, however, go one step further and say Poch isn't the right person for the job, mainly due to your points. He isn't seting the team up for the opposition we're playing. I also agree with the above comment, that Soldado or even Adebayor should have started with Kane, that Townsend and Lamela should have started. I'm not sure what made Poch start Paulinho but it was clearly the wrong decision. That guy is reason enough to get rid of Baldini. Just shocking.

    Occasionally I've thought he might be on the right track, like after the Chelsea or Arsenal games at home. But it's been a false dawn each time. Reaching the League Cup Final was after beating lower league teams each round except Newcastle who are awful so that wasn't a great achievement.

    I don't see the point of trying to make the Europa League if we aren't going to try and win it. Might as well duck out now and take advantage of the mid week rest like Man United this season and Liverpool last and build on the promising youth coming through by giving Pritchard, Caroll and Fredricks a go. Need to sell Paulinho, Lamela, Soldado, Adebayor and some of the defensive deadwood like Chiriches and Kaboul and pick up a quality CB and striker.

    I suppose there is an argument to say another manager may not give the youth as much of a chance like Poch has, so it's a bit of a catch 22 but I can't see next season being any better. He concerns me. Maybe an experienced assistant would help.

    It's frustrating, but then when isn't supporting Spurs.
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Poch has been carried by 3 players this season. All teams depend on their best players but there's a massive difference to getting the best out of your top players and being carried.
    Only Spurs could have the Leagues top Goal Scorer and Arguably best Goal keeper and have after 31 games a goal difference of +5.
    Poch's buys have been poor, team selection poor, rigid formation poor, defence abysmal, he's got next to nothing out of the top experienced players, threw the Europa, Was tactically beat in the League cup final with ease, and gave up on top 4 with a Whimper today.
    We've squeaked results we shouldn't have and people have said its 'resilience' he's done nothing with our highest earners and experienced players then been lauded for 'sticking with youth'.
    Massively 1 dimensional, no where near good enough to take us forward or attract any genuine next level players. Wonder how many more squad players wel buy this summer (pochs 3rd window) to shape his own team.
    notnats and stevethespur like this.
  9. stevethespur Active Member

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    Alot of good points there i cant disagree with Felon. Poch has to answer his critics by building a strong, attractive, and brave footballing side. I think he'll be there for the start of next season but he certainly has to pull his socks up and have a major rethink or it aint gonna be much longer ! If it had been an end to end game today full of entertainment and creative endeavour, and we'd lost the match, then i would think 'what a great game and the spurs way is in safe hands'. We didnt at any stage today give it a real go, Poch may well need a word in his ear about our club motto:"to dare is to do". We did have alternatives on the bench, in fact the bench looked better than our starting line up, why didnt we set out to win this game ! Baffled. Coys
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Exactly Steve...is it me or is Poch sadly lacking a few football brain cells....so so bad...
  11. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    You know I sat down today and really looked forward to seeing if we could beat the banana skin, 3 points, 56 total, 5th spot, only to suffer watching them play like they've never met, mix in the Brazilian and the Rumanian from the start and my and every genuine real Spurs fan's Easter Day was totally f****d....
    stevethespur likes this.
  12. Scooterboy New Member

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    I think there is a simple contrast here. Arsenal, chasing second spot go out and have the belief (unfortunately) to smash a good Liverpool side: we, on the other hand, knowing that a win sees us chase 4th spot, go out with a strange formation and play like we're on holiday. No passion/belief/creativity. Giving up with games 7/8 games left in the season is unforgivable and MP IS NOT a tactical genius and clearly cannot motivate a team of mainly average players to fight for the shirt. Trouble is we, as fans, tend to make excuses for overpaid and undertalented players/officials to the extent that we condone under achievement. It is a disgrace and they should all be ashamed of themselves.
    Felon82 likes this.
  13. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    I remembered back to the MU debacle and wondered how Nice but Dim motivated the team on that day. Poor English, so he must struggle. For Gooners and the Scum the lads don't need to be motivated. Burnley away...Mmm. I listen to him and it's hard work and I've worked with Spanish speakers. The players are not without blame. Eriksen has been poor, lightweight even. Add to that the likes of no hopers like Paulinho and Chiriches, poor from Mason and Bentaleb and the usual dross from Chadli.....see simple. COYS
  14. Fickle Hater Guest

    I agree strongly with the article but can't bring myself to agree with the comments that have followed.

    Although the today was drap and lifeless performance, people calling for Poch's job are the exact reason we are in yet another transitional period as a club. We need continuity and the manager to be backed. For those of you who are calling for our 'experienced' talents to play and for Poch to get the best out of, how many of you would have slated the man for playing the likes of Soldado and Adebayor?

    Paulinho had a poor enough game in truth but he has some decent displays in such cameo appearances as Leicester where he made a huge impact when coming on? Very easy to slate these players and our coach, the hard thing to do is back them through thick and thin which we should be doing as fans. In truth we will not see Champions League next season but you must be deluded to think we deserve to be there or if you were certain we would achieve that coveted 4th spot this season?

    Too many keyboard warriors on here for my liking. I think you should all get behind the team and have some faith for the future project that is in place, it will all come together in time. Stop complaining, Poch has done a fantastic job and he was definitely the right appointment by Levy!

  15. I can't believe what I'm reading, I agree with most of the artical but the comments are laughable to say the least! Poch out??? Some people need to take a good hard look at the squad he has had in his FIRST, yes FIRST season in charge - our football (other than today) has improved dramatically and the feel good atmosphere around WHL is back, I have been a season ticket holder for 25 years, by these comments I imagine you are all armchair fans! The future looks bright but he needs more options within his playing squad to change games, if Kane isn't doing it he looks around to see either Soldado or Adebayor, may as well leave Kane on, this is where Mitchell comes in, there's a lot of **** needs shifting but I think for this season Poch should be praised not outed!
  16. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    So that we are clear here.
    (1) I am no armchair supporter. 55 years a fan, regular at the Lane since the 60's, season ticket for 15.
    (2) Paulinho is total ****. Cameo my a**e. Embarrassing. Do what I do. Watch his EVERY contribution - 90% negative. £17m, £75k pw....ffs
    (3) Poch - really not sure. Poor communicator, slow to change, one plan, doubt if he can motivate anybody.
    Don't say get rid, but for me I question whether he's not up to managing a difficult club like Spurs
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Im not sayin Poch Out (just yet) but what i have said in previous post/s is based on solid observation not blind faith and excuses.
    Hes so 1 dimensional its painful and even his 1 and only formation/tactic doesnt work very well.
    People may point to the fact he hasnt got his players- yet all that have been bought under his tenure have mainly sat on the bench how is that knowing what he wants and building his own side?
    Anyone with half a brain could see plenty needed shifting in the summer and all Mr Philosophy did was dither.
    Its now an even bigger job this Summer shifting a larger stock pile of mediocre players and yet a rebuild starting again meaning this season was a waste and next season will all be about players settling if much change at all.
    Club lacks vision on the pitch massively!
    Bazza47 likes this.
  18. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    This article hits the nail on the head. Poch is not a manager he is a very good coach. As fans we are now in the position of not wanting to sack yet another manager and continue this cycle on the managerial merry-go-round, I think its fair to say we all want Poch to succeed and lift this club back to where it belongs but TBH I always thought this man a novice and a very high risk appointment and so far as we near the end of his first season I still have the same concerns and many of those have been confirmed. I think he's done enough to buy himself one more season and the opportunity to get in a few of his own players and build on this year but this is Spurs and we know what happens if we slip.

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