Kane again covers for Spurs' deficiencies

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, March 21, 2015.

  1. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Some good points recently about Danny Rose and although I don't think he's a complete LB or that he ever will be I really like the guys commitment to the team and his courage on the pitch, id like to see more of that same fire in the belly shown by a few others. Yes he's constantly out of position bombing forward but that's how the manager plays him. There's no doubt that he's grown in confidence this year and is becoming more and more effective going forward and when needed can put in a decent tackle, so again, why not put him on the LW in front of Davies ? these two working in tandem on the left could be devastating, both can cross and both can defend. I donk think anyone could really say that Chadli or even Townsend have, or ever will make the LW there own.
    Danny Rose is not a LB and never will be but he's good on the ball and good going forward he's also fearless in the tackle when needed. Paulinho on the other hand has a heart the size of a pea. What was it that he did exactly that deserves an inclusion to the team ?

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