It's a harsh lesson but one that we'll learn from

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Socrates, March 15, 2015.

  1. Socrates

    Socrates Member

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    Nothing clicked for Spurs today as United ran out 3-0 winners at Old Trafford, virtually ending Spurs’ hopes for a top 4 finish.

    Chasing Shadows

    We were poor from the off today. The usually industrious Mason & Bentaleb and potent Eriksen & Kane combinations were not to be seen. We lost almost every battle, couldn’t string more than a few passes together and left ourselves far too open at the back.

    Although United haven’t exactly been brilliant this season, they still possess far too much quality and duly punished us.

    We’ve been raving about the youthful exuberance of this Spurs team but today’s performance highlighted the inexperience that comes with having such a young group of players.

    A poor defeat but there’s no reason to panic. Although our results don’t necessarily reflect it, our away performances this season against the big teams have been fairly good.

    We got a well-earned point at Arsenal; we went toe-to-toe in a brilliant game with Liverpool; played well against City for the majority – only the Chelsea game saw us well and truly blown away, the opening 20 minutes aside.

    Unfortunately, today had shades of last season and is perhaps our most disappointing performance under Pochettino, certainly away from home. Had United not taken their foot off the gas in the second half the result could have been much worse and we could have had no complaints.

    Usual Suspects

    Without wishing to come off as a knee-jerk reaction, today highlighted the same problems that a lot of Spurs fans have been complaining about for too long.

    Everyone was awful today, yes, but names like Townsend and Walker are mentioned far too often and not for the right reasons. I don’t think these players are particularly terrible, we’ve certainly seen worse, but for a team with top 4 aspirations, questions must be asked of these individuals come the end of the season.

    I’d group these players along with Soldado, Lamela and Adebayor as being no more than just ok. If they find themselves at the club come August they’ll have done very well.

    A couple of wide players are a must in the summer.

    Season Over?

    With no cups left to play for, today was a must win to keep our already slim top 4 chances alive. It might seem a little too soon to wave the white flag but it’ll take something truly extraordinary to finish 4th from this position.

    With that being said, I neither want nor expect our players to start thinking about the beach already. I was impressed with our mentality in the Swansea game following the cup defeat and I expect this Tottenham side to bounce back next week as well; I’ve got a lot of faith in Pochettino and the mentality that he’s instilling into the whole club. It’s been a solid first season under him and today doesn’t change that.

    A bad day at the office, needless to say, but nothing to go into meltdown over - we’ve seen far, far worse.
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I think everyone looked tired today. New blood needed in the summer and a team that Poch wants. He can take us forward but it could be a tough summer.
  3. Steamybrain Guest

    This defence have been nervous all season. When we were 2-0 up on Swansea and we conceeded a late goal and Swansea perked and pressed us, the defence paniced and the defensive midfield disappeared. It happened again today. A ball over the top or a counter attack by the opposition and Spurs look like pussycats.
    This defeat has been coming for a long time. Pochettino isn't as good as he's made out to be. Look at Southampton. Away to Chelsea, left with a point and unlucky it wasn't three.
    Pochetinno still has my support, but he needs to get this team in shape for next season. Get rid of the 'ballet dancers 'Chadli, Townsend, Paulinho, Capoue, Adebayor, Chiriches, Lamela and Soldado and get some players with guts and intelligence.
    bruski and Felon82 like this.
  4. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    We've been ticking over pretty well recently, so haven't felt the need to contribute to the forum these past few weeks, however I've decided to have my twopenneth on Nacer Chadli, as well as a few words on today.
    A little while back there was a forum devoted to him and his importance to the team. Now personally I just don't get it with Chadli. He's lazy, ill disciplined, seems lacking in pace to me, deceptive possibly, but works for the cause, never.
    Now today had several shite performances, hardly worth a score - Walker, Dyer, Mason, Vertonghen, Bentaleb....where do you stop.
    Chadli's has had one decent game all season - Chelski. Since then absolutely zilch. I don't get it with him. Somebody tell me what position, in a 4-5-1 he plays in. All those people who sung his praises on this forum recently, what do you think now.
    The is the Premier League. Mistakes will be found out - today Mason/Walker/Chadli/Dyer/Bentaleb all made schoolboy errors, which cost us three goals.
    To a man, with the possible exception of Danny Rose, they should be ashamed of their performances today. Several thousand fans travelled hundreds of miles to watch them capitulate in minutes.
    I have never seen such a poor performance as this, and I've seen some this year and in times past.
    I thought we were getting a real good team together here, albeit I felt we flattered to deceive at times. Today we were so found wanting. Hold your heads in shame you players today. Disgraceful.
    bruski and A/town spur like this.
  5. Neil Guest

    Will we learn? i don't think so mate! we are supposed to be going for top 4! where is the evidence of that by today? it was a TOTAL SURRENDER today FFS! we always crash and burn at the important end to each season! underachievers yes! bottlers yes! At a loss to how bad we were today and you can't blame tiredness, even with the ball we couldn't string a few passes together and i think we had one shot on goal, the defence were playing like strangers conceding very soft goals and let Rooney waltz through to score, there was no tackling, urgency or desire, apart from Rose and Kane! we gift teams so many opportunities and we create hardly any! we have no creative midfielder in centre midfield(like a huddlestone passer) that can pass forward and set off attacks so we just faff about in midfield going to each wing then back to the centre then back to the wing then back to the centre then to the wing before getting closed down only to pass back to the defence etc etc etc! we have Eriksen our only playmaker and he is further forward so we have nobody in centre mid to create anything! teams know this and just push us back from the wings and pack the midfield! all that Bale money got spent on players like chadli, Paulinho, Soldado, Lamela and Eriksen who is ok but doesn't impose himself on the game enough! Why is Baldini still there after buying such dross for £100million? is he Levi's love child? another damning thing is our really dire starts to games where we gift the opposition a goal or two in the first half and have to come back! does Poch not know how to motivate them before they get on the pitch????? i could go on and on but am bored now at so predictable we are at failing year on year! and yes i do blame Levi as he has always failed to get us where we want to be by his really bad decisions! going for a big stiff drink or 10 to forget how painful supporting Tottenham really is!
    Deggsy56, Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  6. Steve Wilden Guest

    It out defence that lets us down time after time. I my honest opinion Be no it Assou-Ekotto should never have been sent out on loan. He faster than Rose and didn't F*CK up as much as Rose does time and time again. Our central defence is not working that needs addressing too. Some VERY EXPENSIVE players joined our glorious club, but have yet to prove they're worth the money the joined us for.

    Why Lennon was sent out on loan puzzles me his speed and work - ethic were exactly what was needed.

    What is the point of having top notch strikers, if the isn't anyone to pick up the ball and pass it to them. And having a defensive line running around like headless chicken unable to stop even the worst players our opponents can field.

    Our Defensive line is what let's us down over and over again.

    I watched Rose play in the under 19 's European Cup in Denmark a few years ago and he failed to impress then.
    The only thing I can recall Rose doing to impress is his screamer of a goal against The Woolwich Wankers. Apart from that. What has he done?
    If someone can mention something I may have forgotten or overseen please remind me.
  7. Olly Guest

    We are relying on a few players to carry us along which isn't enough to be top 4 or be in the champions league, Kane, Eriksen, Verts, Lloris are the only consistant performers that are carrying the passengers and 4 players do not make a team! is this enough? of course not! Chadli has one good game in 20, Paulinho £17 million? Solbarndoor £29 million! Lamela £30 million?? great spending of over £105 million from the chuckle brother's Levi and Baldini and we wonder why we cant get top 4 with these clowns in charge.
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  8. james coys Guest

    In reality this has been coming.Pochettino and the team have had a fair bit of luck with 2-1 scorelines but it is masking serious issues. Forget Champions league because this team would be hammered.we are not ready. Today was extremely poor but my comments are not in reaction to this result.The back 4 are all shaky especially the full backs. Dier will get there eventually under Mopo but Fazio wont he is slow and cumbersome but dominant in the air.If Verts left it would not be the disaster some imagine. We need a midfield general and not two enthusiastic but industrious developers like Bentaleb and Mason.Kane will starve of supply if Chadli Lamela and Townsend are the wingmen. Get rid of all 3 for the best price and buy 2 proven wingers not recommended by any Italians!Adebayor has to go and be replaced by a player like Ings or Berahinho to support Kane.Timefor Dembele and Soldado to move on.
    Pochettino has a big squad but the quality is not there.Imagine if Kane had not emerged we would be in trouble. The recruitment and signing of players is moving in the right direction and needs to because the ground will soon be a priority so we need smaller squad with more quality.
    bruski and Bazza47 like this.
  9. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    The team needs a rest. The same 4-2-3-1 formation was used yet again and we came unstuck against that oiled up pr!ck Van Goal. Man for man we are stringer than United but today we weren't on it. If we bring in several players in the summer maybe we have a chance. Don't give up on Poch yet
  10. Azzo Guest

    It was horrific. God it was horrific. From the off the thing that immediately struck me was that the team wasn't running. They looked completely off the pace. Surprising, considering the energy levels of this team on any other day. It wasn't a case of lack of quality at all. We've been playing really really well in general, excepting some terrible defending this season. It was a lack of effort. So much so that it reminded me of (ugh) the villas boas days.

    I can't figure it out, why TODAY of all games would they choose to show up switched off? Inexperience? Perhaps. Unlike all the doom mongers, I don't believe at all that we won't bounce back, that Chadli and eriksen are **** etc etc. It was a mental failure today, the first real mental failure of the season. 'Capitulation'. Though walker worries me, he's been making some 'chiriches' branded mistakes, and that **** ain't gonna fly. That kid needs some competition ASAP. We have to start blooding yedlin in. Now everyone vent and then calm down, let's keep up the support and belief. It's symbiotic.
    Bazza47, Mattj78 and stevethespur like this.
  11. Peter Guest

    I just don't get it. I am not a big Fazio fan, but in the home game against Manure he was great and exceptional at heading, probably his best match. Why didn't he play? To be honest, we don't have a single reliable defender. Vertonghen is fine if he is partnered with someone with positional sense he's lacking, which means no Spurs player for the moment. Our full backs are average, no need to say it again every week. Playing Townsend ahead of one of them is a tactical blunder. Lennon never should have been loant out. Verts needs a decent partner, LB really has to be adressed, Kane needs a partner and in CM we need an experienced guy with character and a good pass. Some speedy wingers are also welcome but no donkeys like Townsend. Sell half of the team and buy what we need.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  12. burnt Guest

    Can someone please point out to me what's so great about this so called Super Jan .. I don't see it at all .. lots of our fans seem to think this fella is bombproof , for me he's been a constant in a shocking defence
    .. He's no more than ordinary i.m.o and what really frustrates me most about him is he's gutless .. I don't see it at all .. In fact gutless is a word i use a lot when im watching a lot of these Belgians over the last few seasons ..
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  13. Colspur Guest

    With you all the way
    No pace and his positioning is poor
    No where near good enough
    One of the most over rated Spurs player ever
  14. ilovespurs Guest

    OK This is why Spurs fans just annoy me. You do realise this was the exact same score line that Liverpool lost to United a few months ago...? Ok today was bad- the worst 45min we have had this season but as the youngest team in the league, this is going to happen and as a team they need to learn from it. The only way to gain experience is to play in these games and learn from them- Dier, Mason, Kane- how many games of Premier League football have they had? For them, it was their first ever game at Old Trafford. In no way am I happy with that performance, it was not good and they know it but this is a learning curve, we still have 9 fixtures in which a lot can change. The point is its just 3 points- weather we lost 10-0 or 1-0 its 3 points lost. If Manchester United loose to both Liverpool and City and we beat Leicester City and Burnley we will be on the same amount of points again. There are so many games to play this season and with a lot of the teams around us playing each other in the next few fixtures, I would not rule us out just yet. Considering we have played more football than any other team in the league, to be where we are with the team we have is not doing too badly. Our next 4 fixtures are all winnable, judge the team after those fixtures not after loosing to Manchester United at Old Trafford. Poch is building a foundation which still has it flaws but this team have shown more grit and determination than other pervious Spurs teams and I'm sure they will bounce right back. We as fans loved and supported them when they beat Arsenal and Chelsea- we should give them the same support when they loose as our support (which was brilliant at Old Trafford) could be the difference in us challenging for those top 4 places.
    Josh Bolton, bruski, Bazza47 and 2 others like this.
  15. EUGENE JAMES Guest

    i also dont get it with vert.he was **** against qpr too and overrated and walker too.also chadli is too slow to be a winger and by the way when ade came on we were better .also agree that lennon is better than townsend

    vertongen is ovverrated and doesnt know how to deal with high ball.loris must have nightmares every time he plays

    Lloris will bale the ship come season end cause spurs defence is too error prone and we dont have good replacements.difference between wo teams was utd pressed the ball but we allowed them room . sorry but i thought dembele should have started .
  16. deano Guest

    Worst performance ever this season except rose won't make top four now have to win all games basicly I wernt expecting top 4 this season I personally think poch has had a brilliant first season yeah he made his mistakes like today not changing the system around van gal new how we would play just hope Levey just gives him the backing and time to create his own squad and keep the young blood together get rid of the shite
  17. mike Morris New Member

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    Hands up from me bazza47. I defended chadli earlier in the month but he was terrible today. There is not enough quality in our squad to rotate players and the players that are good are now looking tired. Can't wait for us to get all those AVB and Baldini players out the door.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  18. Dace Member

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    If we win the next match and ManU lose we will be back in the same position for the top4 . We beat Arsenal then lost the next and look where they are now, I think we did the same after beating Chelsea . Each game is a WIP, as I think we all new this season was going to be. We do not win many at ManU, I know we won the last two but this is a game we should not expect to win, the next 4 are though.
    Not happy with the capitulation but trying to be reasonable about the game.
    We do need some additions and hopefully we will see some come the Summer, doesn't help us now I know !
    One concern I do have is the players bought by Poch, they don't seem to be playing, is this a case of cheaper options being bought as we could not get our first choice, or more worrying are they just not up to what he wants ?
  19. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Seasons over, Nohoper League for us again, bottled it n burnt out business end again, another summer of tinkering on a swapsies budget, there wil def b unsettling interest in Lloris & Eriksen, we wont buy any1 of any note, Scum Chavs Citeh Utd Liverpool will all add to their squads with genuine quality, wel start next season talkin bout top 4 europe and cups have a half hearted go at all of em master none of em, say its a transition and then repeat !

    BORING !!!!!
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  20. Errol Guest

    We learnt that if we get CL we will be out before we step on the pitch. Also, Townsend does not defend.


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