Capacity for success?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, February 23, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    As I wrote about recently, we now have the go ahead to build our new stadium, and of course that is good news, but there is still something that doesn't quite make sense to me, and that is the proposed capacity of between 54 and 56 thousand, an increase of about twenty thousand.

    Whilst any increase is good for increasing revenue, I can't quite understand why the capacity is not bigger, at least matching that of our rivals at the Emirates.
    We have the space, we have spent lots of money on court cases and settlements to move businesses so why would we not build a stadium to hold 70 thousand spectators? There are upwards of 25 thousand fans still on the season ticket waiting list, so surely this is a missed opportunity?

    We already have one of the best training centres in Europe and the plans for the new stadium look good, but for me , they don't show enough ambition. We have a huge fan base and by only increasing the capacity by 20 thousand, I feel that we fans are being sold short yet again.

    We already get stung by Enic's obsession with Stub Hub and the fact that we still have to pay for the majority of home cup matches in contrast to other clubs who include most cup home games within the season ticket.
    Having a massive stadium is no guarantee of a great atmosphere, as the Emirates proves, but there are Spurs fans who want to create that atmosphere , but will again miss out.

    Yes, it is great we can go ahead and get building, but what do you think about the capacity of the new stadium? I don't feel it goes far enough but I am interested in the views of others.

    As ever, come on you Spurs!!!!
  2. Spud Guest

    I agree but i think it may have something to do with the transport links. Look how bad it is now. With more than double the amount of people at the game i would get home just in time for motd. Maybe we wouldn't have had the ok.... Anyone with other ideas, please inform.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. everywherewego New Member

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    You're right. I don't understand why they were projecting a stadium with a capacity 4,000 shy of Arsenal's.
    However, there are now revised plans for a 61,000-capacity stadium, making it the biggest club stadium in London. As is surely right.
    There were claims that the original design was intended to capture noise and create one of the best atmospheres of any ground in Europe. I hope this is still the priority.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  4. Brad Guest

    This size works for both ENIC and the fans imo.

    ENIC expand their stadium by 20,000 seats accommodating more fans, ST holders and raising revenue higher, while also maintaining a full enough stadium to keep warranting and demanding a relatively high ticket price without looking stupid with a half full 70,000 stadium.

    On the other hand fans are guaranteed a fuller stadium still which will no doubt produce a better atmosphere.

    There's still competition for getting seats (particularly for general sale buyers), but just more seats.
  5. BillyTheYid Guest

    Correct, the original plans have been revised and court documents revealed last week that the new capacity is 61,000+ but discussions/rumours in the past about a partnership with a new london based nfl franchise suggested a capacity of 70,000+ and a changeable pitch but we won't know until the first shovel is put in the ground.
    Mattj78 likes this.

    As 'everywherewego' says, we've actually revised the capacity to 61,000 in the plans to make the new stadium the biggest club venue in London. Largely this will be because the club needs to attract the NFL and be used as a gig venue, so the tag of 'largest stadium' will be attractive.

    Also worth noting, that even though the club has 25,000 season tickets on the waiting list they don't expect everyone to take up the option. To this effect I believe they surveyed the season ticket holders (and the members?) to see what their appetite was around season tickets, pricing, etc. This happened 2 years ago if I remember rightly.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  7. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    61 thousand sounds better. I don't like the nfl idea though.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    When your spending 400mil on the project your damn right we should be building the biggest and best club stadium in London.
    The aim has to be to become one of the top clubs in the world we never will get a chance like this arise again so build it big think big and we will fill it!

    Mattj78 and everywherewego like this.
  9. Mike Guest

    To be quite honest, lets get it built as we have been treading water for the last 7 years. With the news from the court case that the capacity has been increased to 61,500, it will be the 2nd biggest club stadium in UK, just for a short while as Citeh will be increasing theirs to 62k.
    To be Honest the club will have to readdress the season ticket cost as, I personally do not think we can fill the stadium with the prices that we are paying at present.
    £71 for match day ticket for Wet Spam is daylight robbery. All this talk about 25000 on the waiting list is hog wash, they are bronze members. That entitles them to buy tickets when they go on general sale only. I will wager anyone that only 20% of the bronze members will take up the option or purchasing a season ticket.
    Needless to say we cannot fill WHL for a EL game what chance of filling it against burnley???
    Anyway onwards and upwards COYS
    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. Turbowoowoo Guest

    61000 capacity will not be filed with the season ticket waiting list as best estimates will be 50% take up. But will be filled with new corporate fans and also the supporter who attends on an ad hoc basis. I imagine the St holder will increase over time as we get used to bigger stadium, better team and bigger games
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I hope there is Not too much corporate take up as it is those people who destroy atmosphere, seeing games as a business meeting rather than a time for singing yourself hoarse.
    Prices are getting out of hand and £71 for the wet spam game is simply scandalous.
    Last edited: February 23, 2015
    Felon82 likes this.
  12. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    Do Londoners want a full time NFL team? Does the two games per year that the NFL plays in London satiate the masses or is there a strong local push for a full time franchise? It's hard to tell from here in the US.

    If it is imperative to building a new stadium that it at least accommodates an NFL team, I say we have to do it. Perhaps the games that are being played at Wembley could be at the new stadium in the future and that revenue could provide the board at THFC a chance to lower ticket prices? I know that all new NFL stadiums that are built in the US are built to accommodate a regulated FIFA pitch so big time friendlies, US World Cup qualifiers, as well as big tournaments like the US Gold Cup and the 2016 Copa America which is being held in the US can be held in almost any US city. Also, we wouldn't have the (semi) catastrophe of a temporary raised playing field in NFL stadiums so a "soccer field" can fit like we had to do in many stadiums when the USA hosted World Cup 1994. The only problem with hosting NFL games and other concerts, etc, is that the revenue from those events very rarely, if ever, goes back to the fans. The only perk is that season ticket holders get first crack at tickets to those events. Big deal.

    Also, I have experienced this when I went to a Barcelona game at Camp Nou- there are so many tourists there that the place loses the atmosphere. Would this happen at the new stadium if the capacity were too large? Perhaps it happens at the Emirates? Just a few observations from a Spurs fan in the USA. Feel free to disagree/respond as you guys are much closer to the situation.
  13. stevethespur Active Member

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    Yeah think you're right dnoll5 about too many rubberneck football tourists harming the atmosphere but we're all tourists sometimes so i guess tolerance is called. Must say some of the NFL stadiums or dromes in the states are awesome, we have nothing to compare with them in Europe, like that huge thing in Dallas. Amazing structures. Coys
  14. andyinfinity Guest

    This is going to sound petty, but I hope the new ground has navy blue and white seats, not Chelski blue! I'm a member and only go three/four times a season. Would love a chance to see one of the big games, so 61k would be great.

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