Europa Hangover is poor excuse

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, February 23, 2015.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Yesterday, Spurs again showed that no matter how poor they may play at time, they do at least keep going to the very end, and although 3 points were required yesterday, 1 is better than none.

    Against West Ham United, Spurs looked sluggish, tired and slow. The passing was poor and at 2 - 0 down, we looked doomed. So, the usual Thursday , Sunday debate reared its head after the final whistle and I am sick of hearing what is a poor and unjustified excuse.

    Teams play in the Champions league on a Wednesday and then play on a Saturday and still win games. It is the same time period in days as we have between Thursday and a Sunday and there is no excuse for the sluggish nature of yesterday's performance.

    The reality was that certain players are not good enough and do not put enough effort in. Paulinho spends most of his games going backwards and he is quite frankly awful. He huffs and puffs but he is just not good enough and doesn't deserve to be in the squad, let alone the match day team.

    And then we have Lamela. Lamentable Lamela as I call him. He constantly gave the ball away, ran into opponents and could take on anyone he came up against. We have seen the odd flash of brilliance from him, but he is, as with Paulinho , just not good enough. He offers nothing to the team and his performances are embarassing. That has nothing at all to do with playing on a Thursday and then a Sunday.

    In the last few weeks, Dembele has put in some good performances but he was very poor yesterday. What was annoying was that he didn't even look bothered and that is never acceptable. Again, that has nothing to do with playing on a Thursday and then a Sunday.

    In fairness to Pochettino, he has not used the Thursday Sunday excuse and it is time that fans and press alike stopped using it because it is simply not a valid excuse.

    We play again this Thursday and then have the small matter of a league cup final on Sunday against Chelsea. I don't think the players will need much motivating for that game but we will have to play much better than yesterday to claim the silverware.

    Play as slow and sluggish as yesterday and it won't be our name on the cup. Let's win in Italy, regroup and pick up that trophy.

    As ever, come on you Spurs!!
    Felon82 likes this.
  2. Ian Guest

    Actually, the data suggests that the "Europa hangover" is a very real thing, not a "poor, unjustified excuse".
  3. paul black Guest

    We have conceded 36 goals (same as A/V)and that could have been a lot worse,we cannot defend and if you take Loris,Erisson and Kane out of the equation it could have been far worse.We might be fitter but are
    we any better not convinced at present.
    Felon82 likes this.
  4. euro hangover ? they looked completely uninterested and why not....that premier league is a pointless exercise..two major games coming up in Italy and Wembley .real games...years trying to make the cut against muli billion clubs to finish 4th and jump around in underpants...when did football become about 4th place...trophies is football...need striker so inquire about a good one ...Wilfred bony.. bought by city so no one else can get him..he might make there 3th team.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  5. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    The data does show that but what I am saying is that there is no need for us to play so sluggishly after Europa games. We have as many days to recover as champions league teams do, so we should not be affected.
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. SM yid Guest

    Have to agree with you, except with the part about Dembele but read an article from one of the Nevilles saying playing on a Sunday throws the players of there weekend schedule and the stats lend themselves to this. All I can say is what a load of cobblers we have been playing on Thursday nights for god knows how long the team should be used to it, hope to christ they never have to get a real job and work nights.

    Spot on about Paulinho and Lamela both very poor players . Why do we always but brasilians that can't play football ? Lamela has no pace can't get buy a stationary dustbin. Bale did these things on a regular basis (didn't we buy him to replace Bale) Apart from that little piss and a moan up I like our young team I like our manager, Levy eat some humble Pie for once and sell the two muppets I just mentioned and we will be playing champions League football in that new stadium on a regular basis
    Mattj78 likes this.
  7. DannyMackay Guest

    Champions League teams who play on Wednesday - Saturday also lose games.

    The data across all the top leagues over many seasons was assessed a couple of years ago. The impact of two-day turnarounds was significant. The Europa League just creates more two day turnarounds that other contests.

    Maybe Spurs fans have just complacently overlooked it because Spurs cope so much better than most - still finishing regularly in the top six despite the disadvantage?
  8. Pickleman1967

    Pickleman1967 Member

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    I agree that it was a poor performance, I can't really name a player who had a good game. Dembele and Lamela blow hot and cold, I'd say Dembele is a more complete player than Lamela which makes it so frustrating when he plays like he did yesterday. His 'laid back' body language is part of his personality, you will never change that. Like Adebayor, I suspect he is a tad too 'comfortable' earning a massive salary at Tottenham. If the desire and motivation isn't there inside the player, no coach can implant it, no matter how good he is.
    I was hoping Lamela would 'come of age' this season, a young player perhaps but he has had plenty of Premier League experience now. In fairness to the boy, he usually has two or three defenders around him as soon as he gets the ball, but that is why he needs to learn to release it a bit quicker. He tries to dribble his way through a wall of defenders, and he just isn't good enough to do that.
    I agree that Europa should not be used as an excuse for poor performances like that, more games come with success, it just has to be managed in the best way possible. The concern is that when we play the "B team" in Europe or in the Premier League, they just don't look good enough. It would have been nice to rest Eriksen and Kane yesterday, but the likes of Soldado, Adebayor, Paulinho and Dembele just aren't up to it. Townsend is another who lacks consistency and effectiveness.
    However, on a more upbeat note it was a great comeback and so important to the team psyche not to lose that game to our Pikey neighbours. Lets be honest, it should have been 0-3 before Rose's slightly fortunate goal ten minutes from time. It was good to see a bit of will and determination to silence the unpleasant mob in claret and blue. To win in Italy, and then beat Chelsea in the cup final is a tall order. If I had to choose one, it would be to beat Chelsea, for me that is the greater priority. We are one win away from a trophy, and it would be so sweet to beat Chelsea for the second time this season. If Poch can mastermind that I'm building a shrine to him in my living room.;)
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Siggy22 Guest

    As poor as Lamela is, Townsend is even worse in my book.

    Too predictable, receives the ball with the intention of going backwards or across the field (inviting the defender to tackle him) and runs down blind-alleys.

    A poor footballer, with an even worse footballers brain. Remember when some of us thought he was our answer to Gareth Bale. LOL.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. How can it be a poor excuse as it happens so often, and has happened too often in the 6 or 7 seasons we've played in this poor excuse of a competition? Equally playing Townsend in the PL, is just as bad, as he's rubbish and has had enough game time to prove himself, but hasn't once had a stand out game at the top level. How Lennon's away on loan, and that useless showboater is playing is totally beyond me?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  11. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree about Townsend. He goes past a player, stops, turns around and then does nothing. Very poor.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The majority of the EL this season weve played a 2nd string team on the Thursday then a 1st team on the Sunday and moaned about a hangover from midweek football.
    Its the usual excuses culture we have at the club for failure that the deluded fans dress up as seeing 'the bigger picture'.
    We will know by next Monday how successful this season is we could be riding high with a trophy and fully focussed on Europe or it will be yet another season of nearly men.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  13. Burnt Guest

    Agree with most of this , exvuses , excuses ... I don't buy it especially when your playing at home in both games .. No one ever use,s it as an excuse when their playing domestic cup games midweek .. By the way we don't need to win in Italy .. Obviously we need to score so id settle for another Desmond 2-2 on thurs and then roll on sun .. Hard to be confident about either but hoping for the best .. Blue scum aren,t playing all that great at the moment either , lets hope they keep it up for another week .. Pivotal week for us ..
    Mattj78 likes this.
  14. butler Guest

    Got to say if I had to pick I'd go for the cup it's a final rather than Europa league as I just don't see us going all the way but the way we defend I can't see Chelsea not turning us over and doing it well . We still have to many players you can't count on verts,lamela,paulinio,Townsend,cchadli ,walker and rose can't defend so when you look we have mason,bentaleb,Erickson,Kane, who you hope can pull something out the bag .
    Mattj78 likes this.
  15. johnnyhrvat Guest

    Actually, Spurs have not had a 'Europa hangover' in recent years according to the statistics. Go back to 2007/8 and we lost six places, but that had more to do with Juande Ramos than the Europa League. Since then we have gained three places, gained one place and lost one place.
    Have to agree about Lamela and Paulinho. Lamela has at least put in some effort but so would we if we were playing and none of us would cost 28 million. Dembele is an enigma, either a unique asset or a unique liability.
    If we don't succeed on Thursday, I cannot see us succeeding Sunday - it would be going into a cup final after four games without a win. We have to have the best team on Thursday and our best team again on Sunday - anything less is gambling with the devil.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.

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