Pochettino suggests Spurs have their new Gareth Bale

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, January 12, 2015.

  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    Among the average performances from those in the white of Spurs against Palace, there seems to be a unanimous feeling that Harry Kane, was again, the standout performer.

    Despite the lack of service given to the 21-year-old, he still managed to bag himself a goal and displayed fantastic work ethic for his team. The downside, noticed by a select view, was that Kane looked to be tiring in the final 20 minutes at Selhurst Park.

    What does this tell us and should we be worried? Of course, we have already established that without recruiting another striker in January we could risk Kane ‘burning out’ over time. The other factor is that Kane is our stand-out performer week-in, week-out – while it could be said that he is carrying the team. And this is something Mauricio Pochettino may be worried over.

    Too much pressure put on Kane – Poch

    After the loss to Pardew’s men, boss Pochettino admitted: “We always need to have a good performance from the team. But it is true that Harry in the last months, in the last games, has been an important player for us. But I think Tottenham as a team is not only one player.”

    What may be a pointless debate that we have already mulled over two seasons ago looks to have resonance again. Just as Gareth Bale effectively carried the team and single-handedly won us points on his own, it’s easy to put Kane in a similar bracket.

    If we took away Kane’s contribution in the last few weeks we would be much worse off – he is our most valuable player at the present time. This will probably seem like something that we shouldn’t fret over as fans, but we are seemingly left underwhelmed on a weekly basis, as to how many ‘passengers’ are in our starting XI – passengers that Kane himself is carrying at the moment.

    One man team? New material please

    The other side of this debate is that this suggestion pops up too frequently to have in impact or to make us lose any more sleep than Spurs usually make us do. Pochettino’s comment above was supplied by The Daily Mirror who headlined their piece ‘Pochettino: Tottenham teammates are relying TOO much on star man Harry Kane’.

    If that headline was written two years ago you could easily swap Kane’s name for Bale – and even more recent, if it was a year ago you could swap Kane’s name for Eriksen or even Lloris. The point is that we always seem to have on stand-out, in-form player who the press attach the entirety of our good form to.

    If it’s not Kane, it’s Eriksen and if it’s not Eriksen it’s Lloris – we are in constant flux of being a one man team. It only took one game, against Crystal Palace, for a number of us to admit that we are not the same team without Ryan Mason, or even Nabil Bentaleb. This alone would suggest we are far from a one-man team. But maybe we do rely on select individuals!

    Delving deep

    As mentioned above, we have originally discussed the problem of Kane over-exerting himself in games at the expense of the passengers surrounding him. Our worry is of Kane burning out in the long-run, but as it’s Spurs – the problems could go even deeper.

    Kane’s well-being is obviously top priority, but does this one-man team argument highlight an underlying problem? Season-after-season we seem to be a one man team, but the big different can be shown between Bale and Kane; two players I have suggested we have been heavily reliant on.

    Bale’s footballing brilliance won him plaudits and us points, while Kane is obviously showing promise, but it is his work-rate that is most remarkable. The issue remains, where Bale was out-shining his teammates in his ability with a football, is Kane out-shining his teammates in terms of his work-rate and attitude.

    And if that proves to be correct, in relation to Kane – it’s only a matter of time before attributes like desire, passion and commitment will be questioned once again of many Spurs players.
  2. ultrapunch Guest

    It's the same for Arsenal. Take away Sanchez and they wouldn't be doing too well. The same with Liverpool this year without Suarez or Sturridge.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I always hate this what if we didn't have bollocks. It is irrelevant because we do have him. People put ridiculous posts about without bale we would have finished in the bottom half but we had him so it is a pointless argument.
  4. J O'Neill New Member

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    What if ? the question should be... what if we had a few more players who earned their bread, instead of just going through the motions each week, where would we be then ? challenging at the top, that's where
  5. Bazza Guest

    without bale we were gonna be toast, we achieved 3 points less than our best ever in the prem?
    We spent £100 million? Did we bollocks, we made £12 million profit that season.
    Without Kane we would be toast? More bollocks we didn't have him last season or the 100 seasons before that.
    What we got, is far to many journalists with **** for brains following whatever someone else dreamt up.
    FFS, dig up a proper story, look into the clear corruption in the fixture list, find out why players have all the power, why can't a team sack a player for being useless? Do players actually use the boots they advertise or are they just taking the money and ripping off the kids? What pace can a premiership player do the bleep test?
    Anything, anything relevant just stop churning out this mind dumbing drivvle that does nothing for anyone.
  6. Fuzzy Nestor Guest

    I never post comments but felted compelled to this time. First, I love Harry and always believed he would develop into a talented forward. But this drivel about we are nothing without Kane is too much. It is his job to score 20 or so goals for us. He is a forward. Now if Lloris was scoring 20 goals... then yes... maybe we are a one man team. All teams who lose prolific scorers are at risk if they do not replace them but it does not make them a one man team. Everybody has a role. We need another scoring forward though. We have needed fire power since the Berbatov days. What I always say is if Spurs had some scoring depth, we would be a contender for Champions League place whether Bale + forward or now Kane + another. Depth is what we need. Alternatives to add to our already budding team.
  7. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    How quickly things change in football, it wasn't that long ago that several people were getting on here stating that Harry was rubbish and a championship player at best. Harry has proven a lot of people wrong and won a lot of fans over in a very short time, now he's our most valuable player and carrying the team. Phenomenal work rate but burnout is a very real possibility. Needs more support and more goal scoring opportunities other than the ones he makes himself. Not only has he become undroppable, he's also become irreplaceable. If he gets injured we are in real trouble.
  8. Siggy22 Guest

    Just as the media do, us fans love us a pin-up boy to worship and idolize, and at this very moment - Harry Kane is our man.

    As read above, Bale was leaps and bounds above some of those around him (Dempsey, Rose, Huddlestone, Defoe, Townsend etc.) in regards to what he could do with the ball.

    Kane is putting a HUGE shift in game-after-game, and you can't help but love the boy's commitment for the cause.

    We should ask ourselves this - is Kane working hard being put on a pedestal because it hasn't been seen before. (Probably not)

    Or is it because his work-rate is only viewed as phenomenal because it puts to shame his teammates when it is compared to the 10 players around him? (Most likely yes)

    Take nothing away from Kane who has been a breath of fresh air for us, but what does this say about our squad as a whole?
  9. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Just had a look at an interesting article about Premier leagues marathon men, that is highest amount of ground covered by players in the last ten games.
    At no2 we have our own Christian Eriksen on 118km and at no4 its Harry Kane on 116km which is something around two and a half marathons each so I think that comes close to being phenomenal work rates and not bad for the few Eriksen doubters when you consider how many late winners he has scored. Fantastic enthusiasm from these two lads.
  10. Our standout performer has been lloris no question about it. It just shows that rose naughton walker kaboul chiriches dier are not gd enough if playing/played out of position (dier's case). Davies looks first choice but we keep persevering with rose who is the definition of "should be left back in the changing rooms" . Apart from a fluke against the scum and that goal against chelsea (which if he had'nt scored would have left us horribly exposed AGAIN) he is a townsend quality winger(not a compliment) posing as a left back.

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