Benoit Assou-Ekotto causes more chaos to Spurs fanbase

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, December 6, 2014.

  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    A slow, shoddy performance against Palace has got us down in the dumps again, but events off the pitch have done nothing to improve the mood.

    After mass tweets rolled in lamenting Pochettino, the players and, of course, Daniel Levy, there was someone waiting in the wings ready to have the last ‘LOL’.

    Twitter page more active than his career

    Surprisingly still alive and still a Tottenham player, Benoit Assou-Ekotto twiddled his twittering thumbs again to cause more chaos.

    The former fan-favourite took to favouriting himself, this time tweets from disgruntled fans. It’s worth noting that Ekotto has only favourited 74 tweets, despite tweeting 2993 times, and it is his last two favourites that have stolen today’s show.

    The first tweet, from @SamRamm, read: “We've beaten just THREE teams at home this season - QPR, Southampton and Everton. Completely unacceptable. #THFC”.

    And then, the second and most damaging from @BarryBRB, was favourited by Benny, had said: “Worst squad I have ever known at spurs we need to ship out a few in January & hopefully bring in a strong star player to lead us”.

    Fan reaction

    Reaction from Spurs fans was rife, where some were obviously riled by the Cameroonian internationals actions, others agreed with his both the tweets and Benny's decision to bring them to attention. Here are some of the responses:

    @paulm2k10thfc – “Ekotto is a wage thief.

    @yumiL15 - “Assou-Ekotto is a ***** all the time. Not surprised that he favourited that kind of tweets.”

    @LewisGibbons – “@AssouEkotto We're playing shite and you still don't get a look in. "LOL."”

    @SweetCarolineD – “I'm sorry but @AssouEkotto has a point. Spurs are in an awful state. Anyone who disagrees needs a reality check. There is no passion.”

    @DoliveraM - “Where The Hell Is @AssouEkotto? We Need Him Back In The Squad Man #COYS #THFC

    @tottenhamsam - “@AssouEkotto who pays your wages? As long as you're alright, hey.”

    Sorry state of our club

    I know a lot of people will say - why should we give airtime to Benny when there are other serious underlying issues to be solved at the club? But the fact is that, someone like Benny is still on our wage bill and with him doing things like this, is a sorry state of our club.

    Back in November, the Tottenham Hotspur Supporters Trust quizzed the Tottenham board about the left-back in their meeting with them.

    Their reply was shown as follows: “THST asked a member’s question around Benoit Assou-Ekotto. THFC confirmed he was still under contract and remained on the payroll. He was not training with the first team and is not included in the 25 man squad for this season”.

    It is rumoured that Assou-Ekotto is on around £40,000 a-week, a high price for someone who is doing very little at the club. Then again, are their many other players doing much more?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  2. Philip Brady Guest

    I follow BAE on Twitter. The last tweet he sent was 27 October, unless todays ones have been removed already
  3. BAE Guest

    Tweets he favourited, not tweeted himself.
    Josh Bolton likes this.
  4. Who gives a f*uck what h'es favourited for f*cks sake grow up you mugs! One minute you're all moaning at how f*cking **** we are and the next you're not happy cos Benny's favourited a couple of tweets! You bunch of two faced mugs!
    Face facts..we have the biggest pile of shite squad in the PL and yes it is the worst we've had since the 90's. The last few signings Botchetino made in the summer are shite as are the whole 7 players we signed after Bale baled out on us. We should NEVER have given the manager's job to that mug. He is way way out of his depth at Spurs and i for one was astounded we gave him the job with a 37% win ratio at Espanyol and the same at So'ton. Was AVB or Sherwood really that bad ffs? We can't even score anymore and after 15 league games our strikers are on 1 each in the league. Mid table mediocrity is where we're at after wasting 150m on a pile of shite!!!
    Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  5. I whole heartedly agree with the last comment made. Every penny of the Bale money p****d away. The worst thing is that when we really need to make a decision like sacking this Manager were gonna look f*****g stupid because of past decisions. It really is time to put an end to the Daniel levy era. Bochetino really is mediocre and his signings.
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    BAE has done himself no favours with his behaviour last couple of years. For that hes a c*nt.

    But hes still a better LB than Rose & Davies all day long.

    And even hes not that good either.

    Ming & Enic OUT !!!!!!!
  7. Michelle Guest

    Who cares about what he says or with what he agrees: the team is **** and it is obvious to all of us
  8. Odera Guest

    It's just so sad but spurs kinda deserve what's happening. The manner with which the team has been overhauled of late has left the dressing room with little passion. New players coming in barely have anyone who understands what it means to play for spurs welcoming them. How then can they buy into the culture? It's as if we have ourselves a band of mercenaries....and they're not even of the high grade (like City do).

    That said, it's not the players that deserve to be blamed all the time. Poch has been part of his own problem. His team selection yesterday was terrible, his substitutions horrifying. I don't like the hiring and firing but if he continues to put out teams like yesterday's, it might be the pink slip before long. And I won't lose sleep over that.
    notnats likes this.
  9. Lorenzo Guest

    Spurs need to get rid of this guy I'm suprised he's still around, no one wants him that's how **** he is. Couldn't even cut it in the Championship and even Harry's washed he's hands of him, stick to your Twitter Benny that's about the only thing your good at.
  10. Sport Guest

    From a member that has posted for years this is closer to the truth. The fact is he was a stable member of the team that got us to 4th in the PL and the quarters of the CL. Whats sad is that this gifted footballer is not in the squad if not in the team.
    notnats likes this.
  11. Yes we are in mess but that is only due the constant changing of managers and the structure of our scouting system !! It's inept and at last we have a manager that will do something about it Mitch is now on board and I believe knowing the scouting network well we can now sort out our recruiting policies and bring in the right players for the right reasons who can play the way potch wants. Fans have to be patient and so will levy, as for benny he is just not worth mentioning !!
    The Cockerel likes this.
  12. The guys not even got into the squad has he so far this term? The club have treated him like shite so no doubt he has a word or several to say about his treatment. I say go Benny find a team that values you and forget these people at the club who have treated you like this. Don't forget he still turns out for his international Team. Real Tottenham know the score, its just that theres certain rather ransid apples in suits at the club who need to take a hike, if you know what i mean ; - ). (Not including the Chairman bty).
  13. RIch Guest

    We'll said Sharon, we have some *****ic fans, what do they want ? Yet another change of manager, and who would that be (Harry). Yes the performance's have not been great but give Pochettino some time or we will never get out of this mess. We may have wasted a lot of the Bale money but that isn't Pochettino's fault, there would have been lots of moaning if we hadn't spent it. I have been going to the lane sine the late 50's and I can't remember a worst atmosphere than last year, let's support the team and stop moaning.
  14. 205nuts Guest

    Just get behind the Team we are going to have to wait until after the summer to see if Poch has got it he inherited a lot of mercenaries give the Guy a Chance Rome wasn't built in a day.
    P.s Go do One B.Asshole.E

    Let's hope B.A.E is moved on in January with the Rest of the C**p Poch inherited
  15. mikespurs New Member

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    I always rated Benny. He is a far more sturdy lb then rose and better going forward. We need to buy players WITH PREMIER LEAGUE EXPERIENCE its as simple as that. Shawcross Schneiderlin and a half decent striker would be on my shopping list in January.
    notnats likes this.

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