Time for haters to hide as passionate Poch proves worth

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, November 30, 2014.

  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    After glimpses of improvement against Partizan mid-week, today’s game resembled what a Pochettino Spurs side should look like at home.

    A recent criticism of our Head Coach has been that he doesn’t know his best 11, but today’s selection, I thought, was spot on.

    Praise for Poch

    I wrote an article on Friday suggesting why I thought Chiriches should start at right back. A replying comment from Colin Edwards agreed, but suggested we not try it against Everton – to which I could not dispute.

    Even though Poch ignored me and Colin, he showed a tactical master-class in playing Aaron Lennon in front of the Romanian. Lennon was outstanding and covered ground tirelessly for us today – and although we didn’t shut Mirallas out of the game completely, by pairing Lennon with Chiriches, it was a case of damage limitation.

    Journalist Simon Peach, who was present at the game today, tweeted mid-way through the first half: “Always amazed at how many basic instructions Pochettino & assistant Perez give from the touchline. Surely they know when to push & press?

    To take this in a positive light, it’s brilliant that our coaching staff are constantly reinforcing their philosophy throughout the 90 minutes, no matter how basic their instructions. I was also delighted with Pochettino’s reaction to both our goals – hopefully it will be enough to silence those who twisted our coach’s ‘passion’ comments into arguing that the Argentine doesn’t care.

    Signs of Tottenham finally ticking

    Today, the Pochettino pressing game was in full-swing, as our three in behind (Eriksen, Kane and Lennon) made a total of 12 tackles.

    In addition, you only have to look Roberto Soldado’s goal. Not only did Kane’s tackle reflect our aim of winning the ball back high up the pitch, but when the ball hit the back of the net, there were a total of five Spurs players in and around the Everton penalty area. It earmarked the fact that we pressed with momentum and purpose, and had a desire to get men forward when the opportunities came up.

    It is common knowledge that Poch likes working with young players because of their ethos and their willingness to buy into his philosophy – and today our graduates, as well as Eriksen and Davies, showed just that.

    There was also a strong performance from Fazio, a player who had been hung out to dry in recent weeks. I’m not sure if anyone recalls the reaction to Per Mertesacker when he first came to Arsenal, for his lack of pace for the PL – but overtime the German adapted, and maybe Fazio can emulate this.

    Harry Kane is not as a good as we think he is

    Kane’s appearance against the Toffees challenged the view that he is a player who solely relies on his physical attributes. His display today was; smart, strong and had a touch of class. Today, Kane had; 4 shots (3 on target), 5 dribbles, 3 crosses, made 4 tackles and was second only to Eriksen in the number of touches from a player in white.

    Unconventionally, Harry is perfectly fitted to the ‘no.10’ role – for what he lacks in passing ability he makes up for in his tendency to drive forward from deep, creating havoc and panic amongst the opposition backline.

    Fans rejuvenated, but let’s practice patience

    Both Poch and his players improved today, in particular Christian Eriksen who is looking back to his Sherwood-era best.

    A goal from Roberto Soldado was also neatly taken and will do him a world of good, but we the fans, need to keep encouragement up and pressure off. We have already accepted Pochettino’s task is not a one-season project, so we need to take this game with a pinch of salt.

    It is without doubt that Pochettino’s side set their highest benchmark today, and with a little bit more encouragement from supporters, who were brilliant at the Lane today, we may finally discover the meaning of the word ‘progression’.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  2. When I saw team line-up today my immediate tweet was "Happy with Spurs team today. Poch picking form players. Time for Soldado to score and like Chiriches at right back
    Finally got a team of hard-workers
    Mattj78 and Josh Bolton like this.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Excellent performance. Lennon was superb and I did question why he was taken off because it was then that we started to look vulnerable, but other than that, this was a complete performance. Defensively sound, quick on the attack, fast passing and good finishing.

    Best performance of the season and full credit to the manager. Hopefully we have turned the corner and more of the same would be great on Wednesday.

    Two points of fourth, quarter finals of the league cup, last 32 of Europa league, FA cup still to come.

  4. FeralDuke New Member

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    Wasn't 100% buoyed by the line-up. After his impressive performance in the centre last week, was annoyed that eriksen had been moved back out on to the left. Would have rathered chadli or lamela start in place of mason, as defensively not as sound as bentaleb. However a great performance from the lads and definitely a result we can all get behind. At home too, who'd have thunk it?
    Mattj78 likes this.
  5. Barry WHYTE

    Barry WHYTE New Member

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    Something has to be said about the intensity and passion of the home grown young players today #effort
  6. jiggeroo Guest

    A much better home performance. Pochetino extra work with soldado seem to work. Chiriches looked uneasy and unable to cope at tye back tonight. As long as kaboul out of our team we look stronger and better at the back. Fazio and vertonghen look to be forming good partnership at back. Tough game come Wednesday coys..... let's give it our best v the potential league champions on Wednesday
  7. Thfc Guest

    When I saw the line up I thought it was possibly the weakest midfield four since juande Ramos era but in any sport there is no substitute for work rate, commitment and desire. That's the easiest day Hugo loris has had this season!

    Poch has stuck with mason and that guy wants to play for the shirt. He dropped kaboul and brought back chiriches. Davies is much better defensively than rose.

    He has set his stall out and the performances should not drop below this standard. Some players not in the sides today must be looking over their shoulders. levy has got Southampton's recruitment analyst in so hopefully a bit better planning might ensue. A good move. Now levy must back him in the transfer window and get rid of those who threaten to deceive, I.e., Dembele an lamela andpaulinho.

    Still a long way to go but the first signs of improvement well done Kane MOM with erikson not far behind COYS
  8. Great display today from the lads. Playing Lennon was a master stroke as his energy, drive and most importantly his tracking back, rubs off on the other players. High pressing, quick passing and defensively very sound today. Everton on numerous occasions were around our box but could only pass it sideways, then ended up going backwards. The crowd applauding this showing their appreciation was a help I believe. We are still a work in progress but today was how a typical Poch team is instructed to play and it pays dividends. On the Bobby goal, when KANE won the ball back, we had five players charging at Evertons defence! Glad Bobby scored and was a calm finish. A mention too for Mason and Bentaleb in the middle. Outstanding both offensively and defensively! I believe intergrating these young lads will improve us so much over time as they seem to understand what it means to wear the shirt and just don't stop running. Yea they make mistakes due to lack of experience but that's what happens, so important not to slate them when this happens or they will just start to play the safer option all the time. The future is white and bright for Spurs well done today
  9. Hotspur24 New Member

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    For one of the first times this season I can actually say well done lads, great performance. As mentioned in a few posts above, effort, ambition and shear commitment won the day. Its probably the first time this season that we showed a bit of passion, with some neat fast passing. I agree that with no Rose, Kaboul, Naughton and Adebayeeeorrr we look much stronger. Even Lennon showed his worth in defence and attack - he must be up for a new contract!!! What I liked was this Pochettino style pressing game with a high back line and pressure on the ball from the front. This midfield has some potential and energy, which im afraid lamela and dembele dont give us. Lamela has undoubtedly got talent and needs to be nurtured, but he is one fustrating player to watch. Eriksen is class and needs to play in all the major games. Stick with this team against chelski and if we get stuck in im sure we can get something out the game-look at Sunderland game. We need to stick a reducer on that Willian!!!!!
    Come on you Spurs!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. spurdon New Member

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  11. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Made up for the manager today, I really am!

    Why is it when Spurs supporters REALLY need to stand up, back 'their club' and show a bit of BOTTLE.... so many of the mugs come out, eh?

    It's EASY to to be proud, optimistic and positive about the club on days like this, but where are you when the chips are down and your team needs a lift? Sticking the boot into the very thing you proclaim to love, with your negativity, fear and shortsightedness!!!!

    Perhaps the way forward is to take something of a balanced view in future, because although I find great amusement in the fickle nature of the average/typical fan, I believe the club can find GREAT inspiration in the backing, enthusiasm and belief of the thoughtful and loyal supporter!

    Huge result and performance from the boys team today! Very good, indeed.

    But make no mistake, this is STILL a team in development, and far from the finished product.

    Who would of thought we would be looking at a Spurs team containing Mason, Kane and Bentelab all in the same team from the start, and complementing them all on their performances in a win against one of the leagues better teams.

    This was a team display from start to finish, and ALL of the lads deserve credit for their collective and individual efforts, but special mention must go to Bentelab and Mason for the extremely mature, confident and disciplined performance they put in at the heart of the midfield.

    I thought both players were outstanding throughout with Bentelab backing up his claims that he had come back 'stronger' from his recent injury.

    The kid has looked like a Rolls Royce since his return to the side last week and long may that continue!

    Poch will definitely fancy his chances of improving the young Algerian, by encouraging Nabil to take more responsibility (more often) on the pitch.

    Listen, I could write about Spurs all day to be honest, but MOTD is on and I intend on reliving todays events in the company my old friend Lawro, and the only player to ever make Ramos look a (slight) fool, Jermaine Jenas. ;)

    So how about we enjoy this result and performance in the knowledge that ,although the team still has a LOT of improvements to make over the course of the season, we have a manager (sorry Head Coach) who has a CLEAR idea of the direction he wants to take this (young) team in and a growing core of players who look ready to follow his lead.

    Mattj78 likes this.
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    As i have said before turn up and put the effort in play as a team and the fans will applaud you.
    Thats exactly what we did today worthy of the 3 points and the plaudits.
    No time for clowns, passengers and posers most of whom were dropped for todays game and just goes to show their worth to the team (sell as many of them as possible)
    Poch got it right today and it looks like hes found a side willing to bust a gut for the cause.
    But lets not get carried away- what we need now is consistency from the 1st team, a few tweaks here and there according to tactics/injuries but we need consistency to implement and grow an identity as a unit something weve lacked for while.
    A shut out job at the home of the Chavs will do nicely but again it will need a disciplined team effort to succeed.

  13. jiggeroo Guest

    A mucg better performance from the lads. Early days though for the boys. Stick with pochettino and lets give him time to put his stamp on our team. Lennon was energetic effective and looked ten yrs younger. Lamela has talent but needs to play with rest of the team too selfish at times. Man if match harry kane looking so much better as each game goes on.

    massive game away to Chelsea we have nothing to lose and all to gain. Coys lets give it a go at Chelsea.
  14. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Don't really understand the title of this one, haters? we all want Poch to succeed but recent criticisms have mostly been deserved, 4 losses at home and some of the most spineless and disinterested performances at the lane have not been acceptable. All we wanted from Poch was to identify where we were falling short and make the necessary changes. Yesterdays performance was overall our best team performance of the year and im happy to say that a few tweaks here and there have made a massive difference, some of the changes made thru injuries and some players finally being on form. Jan and Fazio could be our best CB pairing but will Poch pick Kaboul as soon as he's fit ? for me I think that Davies has done enough to earn a decent run of games to gel into this team, so will Rose start at Chelsea if fit ? I will give the manager credit for bringing Lennon back into the team, not because he's the best player but because he brings balance, shape and the much needed width that was so glaringly missing for so long, dropping Lamela was a big call and one that Poch had to make. Credit for giving Harry a deserved run, his energy and enthusiasm has clicked the forward line together, surely he's undroppable at this time ? Eriksen who a few weeks ago was being made a scapegoat and on a few occasions wrongly dropped at half time has finally been given the support and team balance he needs to pull the strings without tripping over Lamela and Chadli every time he picks up the ball, captain anyone ? or at least vice captain. This was a great win but we need some consistency before we start getting too excited.
    Felon82 likes this.
  15. Hotchpoch Guest

    At last a balanced and committed performance. Simply by dropping Captain and Vice Captain. I hope Levy gets rid of this poison who are clearly willing to sacrifice another manager so they can coast along and pick up their paycheck each week. Disgraceful performances and attitudes and rightly dropped..
    Mattj78 likes this.
  16. big fran Guest

    Was a good performance but one not to be carried away with as by the law of averages we were due one v an Everton side that are not firing on all cylinders as yet and also have struggling after playing Europa league midweek. None the less I would hope that this can be used as a spring board for poch and his team which looks to be getting more settled 11. Partnerships look to be forming fazio/Jan and soldado/Kane. Lennon has been a big plus coming into the fold a proper spurs man. Hopefully Townsend and walker to return soon and dembele lamela still to reach their potential as yet for the club.... I do however feel for the future of dembele whilst
    Pochettino clearly doesn't fancy him.
    Mattj78 likes this.

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