Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

  1. Guesty Guest

    If Vicario comes for that cross and is blocked..... by the two Arsenal players who's sole intention was to do just that....he wins a free kick

    Maddison...... I think there is still a good player in there.
    The issue for me is that when he gets the ball no-one is looking for it over the top..... Maddison to Vardy at Leicester stretched the oppo..... what we do is allow the oppo midfield and defence to form a solid wall.... and all we always do is have a line of forwards looking for it to feet.

    If we do get it wide the oppo wall just moves back...... and we cross the ball like Kyle Walker is still playing

    sadly I don't see that changing

    (NB...... Defoe was in the crowd..... I wonder if he had his boots with him)
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Only so far that vibes, smiles and "mate" can get you before the reality of being a complete novice and massively out of his depth Ange is.

    Told you before, they gave Jose & Conte a complete bag of **** to work with and yous had absolutely no reasoning or rationale about the genuine situation.

    But now you wanna give Lou Carpenter the kid glove treatment who's been backed with all he's said he openly wanted.

    Now not only can't we defend we're absolutely trash at attacking, possession fc but clueless with it and piss easy to slice through when out of it.

    Il say it again Vicario isn't what Spurs fans make him out to be and Romero is nothing more than an aggressive Eric Dier level defender.

    The forwards are championship level, and if Gray & Bergval can't get in this no hoper team then what hope is there.

    And don't get me started on the wets that were fawning over the academy in the summer, you have the club you deserve.

  3. Angelos Guest

    Let’s say 50 mill can get you Johnson or Sterling … we chose the former because we won’t pay the latter. And that’s the difference. We spend our big transfer fees on blokes from smaller clubs … be that Bournemouth Leicester or Lyon … because they will accept our less than stellar pay structure. You can pick up a few quality signings this way … but good luck finding a world class starting XI with this approach … particularly at the pointy end of the field
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    A lot of clubs wanted Gray and bergval tured down Real Madrid so why are we not using either even from the bench..I am not saying put them both in at the same time but even 20 minutes as sub to bed in would help.Being 18 does not mean you can’t hack it Rooney and Owen proved that so get some balls and try them and shake up the Sons and Johnson’s and Kuluveski (the snail)
  5. Big Flange Guest

    Vicario is terrible on any crosses and can’t deal with pressure at all. Romero is average and can’t really defend unless he is in the middle of the pitch. Udogie is sloppy with ball and gets caught out of position too easily. Maddison, Kulu and Son are not good enough to make a difference when it matters. Johnson and Werner are equally as terrible as each other and should be nowhere near the starting 11. Solanke was an awful signing for the amount paid and will not score anywhere close to 20 per season - Bournemouth robbed us blind.

    If Ange wants to insist on sticking to his style, he should play players that it might actually work with in the longer term (Bergval, Gray, Moore, Lankshear). If we are going to lose as we continue to get things right, do it with players that are young enough to learn and that are the future of the club.
  6. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Agree with your comments so why has Ange done nothing to shake it up.How sad to see Son who was a great foil with Kane now just a bystander.I said last year that we should not complete deal for Kulevski as he was not a winger and slows everything down and I was amazed we extended the loan of Werner.I wanted Eze and we get a pratically unknown from Burnley.I can’t believe this is down to Levy. I agree LANKSHEAR AND Moore look great prospects and need some time on the bench because they would be more effective than Verner as subs for a short period .tThe greatest goalscorer I have seen Jimmy Greaves played for Chelsea at 18
  7. Angelos Guest

    Both those lads were great signings … and they will get decent minutes this season … starting this week.

    But neither will peak for a few years. Exact same with Rooney and Owen in case you’re wondering.

    I don’t mind the club signing for the future … I applaud it. But in the process we’ve brought in one potential first teamer this summer. That’s simply not good enough for one of the world’s richest football clubs.

    The team is obviously short. We’ve made a few good transfers like van de Ven but also blown a few like Maddison and Johnson as well.

    Ange ain’t gonna wait around for 4 years for this team to figure it out … and neither will the fans.
  8. Angelos Guest

    Actually … make that two.

    Odobert … even at 19 … and for half the price … is an obvious step up from Johnson. Simply must start every week now.
  9. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Let’s hope that Ange does not do what he did last year and make 11 changes and sacrifice our p!lace in the league cup.We need to get a cup run to get the support back believing.Yes give Bergvall and Gray some time but not a complete change or we will get turned over again and I think the support will be on Anges back big time
  10. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just looking at the results for the end of last year and the first 4 games this year.Read played 11 won 3 drew1 lost7 and the wins came against Sheffield United Burnley(both relegated) and Everton who escaped relegation by the skin of their teeth and are currently bottom of league..Not great reading and we have improved according to the rose coloured.To me that is relegation form especially as the only top side we have beaten in months was Villa.When will people stop going on about the football being more watchful under Ange (which it is) and realise results matter.I don’t believe that Ange knows his best team and does not know how to get the best from Solanke.How much on the training ground is wing play and crossing because we are the worst team I have seen for a long time when delivering the final cross or pass.I hate to say it but Richarlison if he ever gets fit would make a perfect foil for Solanke but he is so injury prone.He is the only front runner that harasses defenders unlike the lightweight Johnson
  11. Guesty Guest

    I did mention at the time that Solanke was a lot of money….
    but then we have been good over the years at spending lots on poor forwards….

    having sad that…..we take soo long getting the ball into a position he might score in……we would have been better buying a forward who can receive, turn and run on his own
  12. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    See a Ange bull shitting on tv to day saying he can’t understand why his comments about winning something in his second season were taken with a pinch of salt when he was only speaking the truth.That may be but the context he said it originally was said with the promise it would happen this year even if not in words.Perhaps he is letting the pressure get to himI suspect some Aussie logic being used
  13. Angelos Guest

    They better win at Coventry, that’s all I’ll say. Not because the League Cup means a great deal, but because it would be an existential crisis otherwise.

    Just read Ange defending Johnson, calling him a great footballer. Well, perhaps the big man is out of his depth after all.
  14. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Myself and Felon told you this last year that he is way out of his depth and can not play according to the opposition..We have 4 very good defenders but a **** defence Why?Make up your own mind
  15. Angelos Guest

    Why are you aligning yourself with Felon? He hates every Spurs manager not named Jose. Go figure that out.

    The jury is out on Ange presently for sure. But he’s shown enough to be considered highly; however, results will have to follow soon.
    voiceofreason likes this.
  16. Angelos Guest

    I should add. Every Spurs manager I can remember has had an unnatural crush on one or two players I could never understand. Ange’s is with Johnson … doesn’t necessarily make him chuff but it does beg the question.
  17. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    No no you are wrong Felon did like Jose buy we all have one blip but he has only told you that we are not improving and so far as I can see he has been 100% correct.I would point out that Jose never got the money Ange has had and I am sure he would not have bought Johnson..H certainly sussed outAli very quicklySEEMS WE ARE THE ONLY PEOPLE INTERESTED IN THIS SITE SHAME ON US
  18. Angelos Guest

    I agree that the club is not progressing as it should … it makes an awful lot of money these days … but still pushes the same mentality from 10 years ago when it comes to putting together a squad. It’s really no different to when Poch was here. We only buy younger players on the relative cheap and hope they will become something else.

    I think the point here is that it is not necessarily a managerial thing. Yes managers will be judged on what they can do with what they have, and some will fail miserably in that sense no doubt, but at the end of the day, they’re all hobbled. As I’ve said, no one was offering Ange a Barcelona forward. We still buy from the bargain bin for some inexplicable reason. And it would seem no matter how much we make, that will remain the case.

    I’m as pissed off as you are after having the better of Arsenal and frickin’ losing to them again. Just seems to me now that’s the lot of being a Spurs fan, and there is nothing that can be done about it.
  19. Angelos Guest

    Never been one to care much about the League Cup, but if Spurs don’t win tonight, I predict dark days ahead. We’ve already blown 3 games we should have won, lose tonight and that’s enough.
  20. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Wait and see his team selection.No to 10 changes and get beat saying resting players for Europe because that won’t wash.This cup is our best chance so don’t be a idiot and follow the sheep who do it regularly like Everton and Fulham and get beat

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