Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

  1. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Remarkable post saying Ange not the problem and then you go on to criticise us for not having a decent defensive midfielder a front three not good enough for Everton and paying double price for Solanke.How much input did Ange have with these selections and more importantly it was him who wanted ( could not hit a barn door Werner).Maddison should be dropped until he learns to play and stop complaining when tackled.I think these are all to do with bad man mangement.So our football is better on the eye than Conte and Mourino but we are now 10th and next up Arsenal who don’t concede so good luck there.Who coaches the wingers to come in when a cross comes in from the other winger which we don’t do and chances go astray.Is this down to coaching or not and if so why is Ange not doing it.Agree drag was good and should replace Romero.I personally think Romero could play holding midfield as his passing is good and he is a goal threat .Far too clever though
  2. Needed to shift 12 players and with the exception of Regie, that part is done.
    It’s not Ange who controls incomings, it’s Lange and Levy so Ange can only specify areas he wants and agree with targets. He has nothing to do with what’s paid for players like Solanke. Give him another couple of windows and our squad will be very different and a lot better (especially when Werner’s loan ends).
  3. Angelos Guest

    You need numbers at every position, particularly if you’re playing Europe.

    Werner is an extremely cheap option who has produced at an extremely high level before. Smart move to bring him in for almost nothing as a last chance saloon.

    The problem is these f*ckers we paid 50 million for who can’t do **** for the club. Over and f*cking over again.
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    If Ange does not control incomings then why is he managing.Do you think Alex Ferguson let other people pick his players .Areyou suggesting that Ange wants a player but has to take the cheaper option given him by Levy because if this is the case then he should say so and resign .Wont happen as paid too much
  5. Angelos Guest

    Ange has the final say on transfers … in terms of what he is offered.

    It is not his exact f*cking job to pull Maddison’s head out of his arsehole. Maddison is pissed off he didn’t get selected for England? Well wtf has he done for us?
  6. Angelos Guest

    Apologies all … but I’ve had enough of this **** can team.

    All these blokes get paid 100K plus pounds per week.

    Stick the ball in the f*cking net you useless pricks. That is all you train for just about every single day of the week.

    Wtf is wrong with this team?
  7. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Weak mentality and a manager who lets them get away with it because he is too weak to drop them.Ie Son Bissouma Romero Udogie Maddison all performing way below standards .He evenpicked Bissouma after one game after his disgraceful balloon trick.I will say it’s nice to see some passion on this page Angelos after the rose coloured rubbish we have had for years.I suspect you are as fed up as I am of hoping for something different .No wonder Ferguson used to tell his players not to worry as it was only Spurs.It hurts even more to see arsenal signing better player for their bench
  8. He is Head Coach…not manager and certainly not technical director or chairman. He will identify positions to improve and will feedback on what he wants but the data decides on who is signed and how much for these days. It’s utterly pointless comparing Ange to Alex Ferguson who managed in a completely different era with completely different levels of control.

    It’s sad talking about getting him to resign or sacked. He needs time because ultimately he still has largely the same players as last season except for several under 20’s who we have signed and an injured CF.

    Be interesting if you change your tune when we start scoring…and we will start scoring

  9. Who else can he pick if he drops Son, Biss, Romero, Udogie and Madders?
    VDV, Richy and Solanke are injured. Please share your list on here because with the exception of Bergvall for Madders I’m not sure what/whoelse he can select for league games

  10. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I never said drop them all at the same time.But pulling them out occaisionally might shake them up.My biggest moan is that Son has not performed for over a season but is club captain and seems undropable and Maddison has reverted to his Leicester form .we have bought 2 young midfielder and have not used them at all.What a sad thing if you are correct and players are signed by computer stats and not because a coach wants them.Hope you noticed that I am not alone with being underwhelmed by Ange .I hope we do turn it and start scoring but we still need to be defensively strong.After supporting this team for over 60 years I believe we need a change in attitude as we had when Bill Nicholson was in charge.Its nice to see different posters adding to our web to make the arguments more interesting
  11. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    You asked me who I would bring in .Well Gray looked really good in preseason as did bergvall and yet they have not had a start.we do have a couple of young strikers who look headed for the top who could get some game time although they are so young in Moore and lankshear.I only. hope Ange does not do what he did last year and put all the kids in the league cup first round and go out early.
    Last edited: September 3, 2024
  12. Angelos Guest

    The young lads are all good signings for the club long term but you’re mistaken if you think starting 18 year olds is going to change anything. We’re already starting a 19 year old at forward and he sent a decent opportunity into the crowd as well if I recall.

    The problem is these blokes up front we’ve spent significant money on. The manager is putting them in the perfect place to succeed but they are not cutting it when it ultimately matters.
  13. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Who chose these forward players Levy orange.Why do you think that I am suggesting sticking all the youngsters in at the same time.I am not but players at 18 have been known to perform at the highest level Ie Owen and say young Oder sent a shot way over the bar so what that just means he has only about 50 more to catch up with the rest of our strikers
    Last edited: September 4, 2024
  14. Angelos Guest

    Lol give him enough opportunities this year and I’m sure Odobert will catch up. And no mistake he is a good prospect!

    But yes not much is going to change this term. Champs League is still very much on the cards, but the quality of finishing is generally so poor. Don’t blame the manager, he’s got the right idea. We’re having a right go, but no one at the club is offering to buy him anyone of note. He’s doing the very best with what’s he got/what he’s offered.
  15. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    How do you know that what he is going with is what he was offered or are they his choices.Can you imagine Pep not getting @.the players he wants.If he did not get them he would walk.If the same thing continues .Does that mean that he will always have to settle for players picked by someone else because if so why is he wasting his time.I appreciate that some clubs are financially resticted but spurs shoul not be able to use that as an excuse .I agtree that Oderbet will be a good buy
  16. Guesty Guest

    perhaps in Ange’s eyes the players are better than he has had at his disposal before……but are they PL ready…..
  17. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    If not ready for premiership why buy them.I agree s we need youngsters for the future but after 25 years of no trophies we need urgent results because I am totally fed up of watching the gooners laud it over us not just on the pitch but in the transfer market,.They have bought Merino Califorri and Stirling who would get in our first team for their Bench
  18. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just an aside to the plus and minuses of Ange look how easy the failure at Leicester is managing Celtic.Should wake us up that we are in the premiership not the Scottish league
  19. Angelos Guest

    Mate you can compare Ange and Pep in terms of style and you would be right. But comparing Spurs and City in terms of expenditure and overall squad strength is a joke. City (through no natural sponsorship) are one of the richest clubs in the world. Spurs are wealthy, but a country mile behind.

    There’s no comparison and it has nothing to do with transfer fees. Spurs (thankfully) have finally shown they can spend fairly equitably in that regard these days. But we don’t pay anywhere near the wages of other clubs. Which is why we break our transfer record on blokes from Bournemouth rather than blokes from Barcelona or Bayern. We don’t pay players you know.

    So in terms of what Ange is offered? Yes … it is a limited scope. If we want a star centre back, we buy him from Atalanta. You want another? We buy him from Wolfsburg. Sterling is on loan? Well forget for a second he’s contracted at Chelsea … we ain’t paying his astronomical wages.

    So yes there is a definite hard ceiling financially … and it has always been below what it should be. Blame the owners, not the manager for that.

    Do I agree with everything Ange has done? Signing Johnson for 50 mill? Absolutely not. A f*cking waste of money. But at the end of the day … there is no Barcelona forward we could have signed in his stead with what we are prepared to pay.
  20. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Financial fair play will stop city spending over the odds in future we hope and the league should also look at Chelsea giving contracts out that they will never honour for eight years or more
    Newcastle have mega rich owners but are still restricted in spending but some how Arsenal seem to buy quality although not as rich as spurs .Could be they qualify for champions league more than us.Still it’s nice to have someone as passionate about spurs guesting on our web well done Angelos

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