Captain Kaboul: Complacent & clumsy leader

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Josh Bolton, September 16, 2014.

  1. Josh Bolton Active Member

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    Monday September 15th, Mauricio Pochettino announced Younes Kaboul as the new Spurs captain, following the departure of Michael Dawson to Hull in the summer transfer window.

    What had been a three-way shootout between Kaboul, Lloris and Vertonghen, quickly turned into a one horse race as Kaboul, occupied the captaincy for every game for far this PL season.

    So what can we make of Kaboul as captain – has he the qualities to be not only a Spurs captain, but a leader or even legend with the armband?

    Humble beginnings

    Originally arriving at the club in 2007 from AJ Auxerre for £8 million, Younes Kaboul was billed as the next best talent to emerge from France.

    Despite an emphatic equaliser in a 4-4 draw against Aston Villa on the club’s 125th anniversary, Kaboul’s inability to defend, combined with numerous errors saw him fall out of favour, before eventually falling on down to Fratton Park for a cut-price of £6 million.

    As Harry Redknapp swapped the South Coast for Spurs, Kaboul then re-joined the party in January 2010, with Redknapp adding that the player was "much improved" from his original spell at the Lane, and that Kaboul was a "late developer".

    Reputation repaired

    After a short spell at right-back in the starting XI, in which the Frenchman displayed exceptional power and pace, as well as a vital assist at the Etihad for Peter Crouch, our number 4 was then reverted back to his original position in central defence.

    Two promising seasons at the heart of the Spurs defence, capped off with a memorable winner at the Emirates in November 2010, saw fans and pundits alike rejoice at the birth of what seemed the real Younes Kaboul.

    As pessimists will assure you that no fairy-tale lasts forever, Kaboul’s fairy-tale truly did come to an excruciating halt, as he severely injured his knee in May 2012, ruling him out of that summers European Championship.

    Frenchman in full-cycle

    Since that injury, many (including myself) have doubted as to whether Younes Kaboul has ever, or will ever hit top form again.

    With a stop-start run in the first team, Kaboul has only shown glimpses of the quality that universally redeemed himself in the eyes of Spurs fans across the land. However, just as good aspects of his game has been visible in the Younes Kaboul of present, so has the bad – and I mean very bad!

    With every aerial duel, tackle and foot-race won by Kaboul, there has been red-cards, own-goals and school boy errors, a real footballer’s case of Jekyll & Hyde.

    And as we have opened the season under a new boss expected to raise the individual performance levels of those who underperformed in previous campaigns, Kaboul has done little to prove that he has evolved from the player that we had originally sold to Pompey.

    A sorry start

    Minus West Spam away, Kaboul has been the weakest player on the footballing field so far in our opening fixtures, I believe.

    Take QPR at home, a game we undoubtedly cruised, yet it’s important to look at one moment in particular. At 1-0, a simple long ball was hoofed up towards QPR’s frontmen. A ball that should be “bread & butter” for a centre-half 6ft plus was evaded by Kaboul, brought down by Matty Phillips – only for the former Blackpool winger to rifle his shot over the bar.

    Possibly a game-defining moment squandered by QPR, but it was an error by Kaboul that allowed this opportunity to arise in the first place.

    A week later and Kaboul was at it again. Although one of many to underperform in this fixture, our “captain” was bullied by Liverpool new-boy Mario Balotelli, whom despite not scoring, exercised his dominance over his opposite number all game long. You only have to look at how Philippe Senderos (YES Philippe Senderos) handled Balotelli last weekend, to understand how defenders should defend.

    And I haven’t even touched on Moreno’s goal! A super-strike of course, but how Kaboul allowed the Spaniard to advance 40 yards into our penalty area without a challenge or any pressure is beyond me. No responsibility, no spatial awareness from a defender and no commitment to the cause.

    The game at The Stadium of Light on the weekend saw Harry Kane score an unfortunate own-goal, but if you re-watched the black cats’ equaliser again, you’ll see that Kaboul is at fault.

    Provided with a solid opportunity to clear the ball on his stronger right foot, Kaboul willingly allows the ball to fizz past him in the danger area – suicidal defending to say the least!

    Dawson deserved of an apology?

    With Kaboul given the armband by Pochettino, it’s important to understand the no-one is questioning the Argentine’s decision on the basis that the Frenchman isn’t a figure who can lead.

    Instead, fans are actually questioning Kaboul’s ability as a footballer in the Spurs’ side, and believe that the player’s place in the team should be under close scrutiny from those in charge of selection. With Kaboul given this honour, it is more than likely he will be one of, if not the first name on the team-sheet, yet his recent form would suggest that he is more suited for a role on the bench.

    A captain who may be an excellent leader of teammates, but is let down by his limited footballing ability – why does this sound familiar? Oh, Michael Dawson!

    Just as Kaboom is about to enter the firing line for being el capitan, Dawson faced a similar torrent of abuse for a lengthy period.

    Was it deserved? Probably. But those who have said that Michael Dawson was not the same Michael Dawson without Ledley King next to him, are about to enter familiar territory with Younes Kaboul.

    Curse of the captain

    The problem with us fans, solely lies in the fact that captains are expected to lead by example on the field. Vocal or not, their performances must be consistent, disciplined and worthy of regular selection – three factors all absent in Younes Kaboul’s game.

    Win, lose or draw – Kaboul will be the man representing the players in the press, giving that inevitable “we must pick ourselves up” dialogue, after a sickening hammering to one of the top four.

    I can somewhat trust Poch’s decision to make Kaboul captain. He sees the players every day, so he will know who is most looked up to and most respected in the changing room, and maybe it is truly Kaboul who is that guy.

    Where I do hold my reservations though, is how a captain is expected to be a positive influence on his teammates game, when his own game holds so many flaws.
    Last edited: July 6, 2018
    Mattj78, Deggsy56 and Felon82 like this.
  2. Deggsy56

    Deggsy56 Active Member

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    The guy (Kabul) was the worst player on the pitch v Liverpool and was responsible for conceding ALL 3 goals . How can he be named permanent captain?. If it happens again I will be questioning MP's logic, thinking, integrity and man- management. Kabul could cost us dear! i.e. Think Chelsea and Costa !! Be afraid, be very afraid!
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. abe Guest

    Geez. Let's blame Kaboul for everything. Yes he has not been great, and he was really bad against Liverpool, but Vlad (and even Dier to a degree) were not better than him against Sunderland. And blaming him for Townsend's terrible error is not on. How many people expected Moreno to drive on and shoot. Most would have expected a run and a cross to a someone in the middle. Remember Kaboul is coming from an extended injury and we have not had a consistent back line for longer than anyone can remember. Fergie always to say rotate the strikers but keep the back 4. An extended run, hopefully with 3 other guys would be great. BTW everyone is thinking where this leaves Fazio. Well Kaboul made a decent right back for awhile so with Dier still raw, and Walker out, maybe we will see Kaboul marauding down the right. Was he not the guy to provide the assist when Crouch scored against Man City.

    Who would you have had as Captain. Sulky Jan?
    Ramos43 likes this.
  4. Dicie Guest

    Is Younis the first centre back on the team sheat? No

    Is Younis the second centre back on the team sheet? No

    Love the guy, but if he's on the bench then how can he captin?
  5. Suffolk Spur Guest

    Kaboul was poor last season as well as this. For a big man he is too often bullied by strikers physically inferior to him. His inconsistency is consistent, even commentators say he has a mistake in him. The only hope for our defence is if he becomes a non-playing captain, a figure head. Please tell me we are not going to be back in the situation we were with William Gallas, where a player was selected for his 'leadership' to the detriment of the defence as a whole. And John, I don't care if he has green hair, orange eyes or a purple skin, we are talking about a player who is simply not good enough.
  6. big fran Guest

    John what an absolute nonsense shocking comment to make. Just shows how good ledley was to make
    Two decent defenders in kabs n daws look good players is my thinking. Anyone who thinks a top class defender doesnt sense danger and get across on the cover for morenos goal shouldn't be watching
  7. Malcolm cox New Member

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    What a joke
    A captain has a job to inspire his team mates
    The way kaboul is playing I would not be inspired
  8. spurgatso Guest

    I dont think even avb would have made that pick ,Poncho bad choice.But having said that there really isnt much choice.
  9. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Kabouls 'defending' is poor, he isnt solid in any aspect, he doesnt command or marshall the defence let alone the team, hes injury prone, error prone and shouldve been sold this summer. Instead we give him the captaincy its embarrassing, and the vice captaincy to Afcon Ade another shambles at fawlTy-HFC towers.
    It speaks volumes of this 'amazing' squad that we have no stand out- out field player that commands the captaincy on performance/pressence alone.
    It is no wonder we fail all are objectives and win naff all with constant clangers like this, kaboul is now garanteed a starter spot when on summary of his recent performances the only spot he should be garanteed is top of the transfer out list!
    notnats, Deggsy56 and oakvillespur like this.
  10. Andy Guest

    Should have picked Fazio or Stambouli as captain.

    Stupid choice picking Kaboul based on the fact that he has been at the club for a long time.

    A captain needs to inspire players on the pitch which is why Fazio or Stambouli would be the correct choice.
  11. Steve Guest

    A captain needs to have some football intelligence which Kaboul severely lacks.

    The amount of times you see him run with the ball on the right or left wing and then doesn't know what to do with it. Similar to Townsend in that regard. Another player with a lack of brain cells.
  12. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Just as I was watching one 'player bashing bandwagon' disappear into the distance, another one seems to of arrives. Complete with short-sighted, under qualified, nitwits!

    Am I surprised by the reaction of the, uneducated, masses? No, I've come to almost expect such a reaction from a group of people who seem to judge players largely based on things like current form, statistics, and transfer value.

    Am I the only one NOT shocked at this appointment? Perhaps. But isn't it strange how important the captaincy has become overnight, to a bunch doom mongers who seem to think serving their club is about regularly whining about it's fortunes?

    Listen, is who wears the armband on the pitch REALLY such a big deal, anymore?

    I think the majority of people are assuming that Pochettino views the captaincy as some sort of Holy Grail and therefore has awarded Younes with a guaranteed starting berth, but I don't tend to see things that way.

    Although, I see the decision to appoint Kaboul as captain as a natural one, given his qualities as a player, strength of his character and leadership skills he regularly displays on the field of play, I DON'T see Pochettino as the kind of manager who will pick a player based on whether he wears the armband, or not. And if half of those criticising the decision knew a little more about MP, they would know this too.

    Perhaps, Mauricio has been shrewd in giving someone who has, maybe, been a bit of a figurehead within the squad, until now, the opportunity to exert some real authority around his team mates, and in doing so, earning the trust of one of the most dominant figures in the changing room.

    Bottom line is, despite his recent dip in form, Younes, at his best, is still Spurs most complete defender. The guy is OBVIOUSLY someone who has the respect of his colleagues, and is always a consistent vocal presence on the field.

    Composed, commanding and combative, I look forward, with relish, to the Frenchman silencing his critics (much in the way Rose and Chadli are doing) and proving himself an astute choice to help guide/lead the group to glory.

    Last edited: September 16, 2014
  13. Siggy22 Guest

    I think to label Younes Kaboul as Tottenham's best central defender is a step too far.

    Yes, he may possess top attributes and qualities, but he does not demonstrate these qualities enough or on a consistent basis to prove himself a top, top defender.

    Kaboul is guilty is making the same mistakes that he was making 5/6 years ago at the club, and as the article suggests is not consistent enough to warrant a starting place, let alone the captaincy.

    It's important to remember that Kaboul, just like scapegoat Dawson, was at the heart of many of our "capitulations" last season at a member of our back line.

    Of course Kaboul may be vocal, but if you have ever played football at any level - you will agree that captains do not simply influence the game by what they say - but by what they do!

    If you look at the captains of the teams challenging us for a top 6 place: Chelsea (Terry), City (Kompany), Liverpool (Gerrard), United (Rooney), Arsenal (Arteta), Everton (Jagielka).

    Near enough all of these players are a big influence on their teams game - whether it be in defence or attack, and are not merely the loudest voice on field.

    Being captain of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club is, and should be a great honour, not just given to someone because they've been at the club the longest.
  14. big fran Guest

    I agree being the captain of any team should mean something let alone our team. Behind every great team is a great captain and should be an automatic pick. Kaboul on the basis of his last two years at spurs should not and cannot be an automatic pick not on the basis of the last two games. This is no knee jerk reaction and lets not forget only 12 month or so on his contract!! Rose and chadli have improved granted but they ain't pulling up any trees in my eyes and are far shorter quality than top four material. Indeed like the rest of the squad at present... Would any of the top five from last yr swap their left flank for ours. Most certainly NOT. Would most of us swap ours for Thiers absofrickenlutley!
    Felon82 likes this.
  15. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Qualities of a club captain should be heart, desire, discipline, motivator, leader, organiser, consistancy- i fail to see where kaboul demonstrates any of these, he watched moreno waltz into the box unchallenged and score for liverpool and the cross for sunderlands 2nd any semi decent center half wouldve met that any day of the week- neither action (or total inaction) shows dedication to the cause which is the least to expect from a player let alone the club captain.
    notnats likes this.
  16. Doug Guest

    I could not believe the news this morning that Kaboul has been appointed captain of Spurs. This guy is an accident waiting to happen, look at his performances this season, out of position , lets players run straight past him without a tackle . I would have expected the new bloke Fazio or Verts to have been given the arband, not Kaboul. Even worse it means that he will be playing every game. Pity help us when we play the top sides they will have a field day against him .....
  17. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Look, you don't need a telescope to see that Kaboul has been struggling with his form of late.

    His composed, commanding and combative demeanour on the pitch has given way to a game that appears nervous, unconvincing and uncertain.

    But instead of slaughter, mock or claim incompetence, why don't people take the time to ask themselves why he is performing in such a manner? Nobody ever asks why, anymore!

    I haven't read many of the comments above, but I can take an educated guess off the top of my head and suggest that no more than 1, MAYBE 2, people have mentioned a word that helps determine/influence the performance of a player, arguably, more than any other.... and that is ....confidence.

    Now, when I look Kaboul, I DON'T see a player who is struggling in terms of his physical or technical capabilities. He still looks quick (enough), strong (both on the ground and in the air) and technically assured enough to be able to thrive in the EPL.

    What I have seen though is a player who looks like is struggling with his (body) positioning, decision making and anticipation. These are attributes that are affected when a defender is short on confidence, not past his sell-by.

    Pochettino can obviously, like myself....;), see these things, as well as the players potential, which is probably the reason why he has been picked to play in every league game thus far, and been made captain.

    Kaboul is a class act, as a player, and at 28 year should be reaching a stage in his career where e can use all the experience he has gained to date, to make himself a more rounded and consistent performer.

    That being said, ANYBODY is susceptible to a lack of confidence. So the question then becomes how do you deal with that situation?

    Well, Mauricio has clearly decided that Younes is a talent worth persisting with, and rather than taking away the captaincy from a player trying to regain his best form/ self-esteem, he has chosen to entrust the player by allowing him to keep the captaincy.

    Crazy decision or great man-management? I'll let you decide but I'm more inclined to go to with the latter, especially when the rewards of having a fit an' firing Kaboul so big.

    But, hey, who cares about that lot when there is a chance for a moan-up?

    If some of you supported the club, players and all that goes with it as much as you supported your own egos than Spurs would be a much greater club for it!

    Like I said before, to assume that because Pochettino holds the captaincy in the same regard as many of you is NAIVE to say the least. Especially when you consider that Lloris AND Ade have both been made deputies for the role.

    MP is a ruthless so and so, who is fiercely ambition, extremely demanding and driven to succeed. Do you think he would let something like who wears a bloody armband get in the way of any of those things?

    In all likelihood the Argentine would of sat down with ALL three players (either as a group or individually) as well as the rest of the squad and explained the situation, regarding who wears the armband in the event of a loss of form, lack of fitness or a tactical reshuffle.

    So Kaboul was involved in a few heavy defeats last season. So was Vertonghen and Lloris and I don't see anybody calling for their heads.

    Part of the reason I fell in love with Tottenham Hotspur FC was due to the amazing support the club appeared to get from the fans despite having very little reason to. Spurs supporters were proud of their club and would not be shy in telling people just that.

    How things have changed, eh! Now there is a section of the clubs 'support' who appear more like rival fans trolling these type of social media outlets and have very little good to say about the club they purport to care about. It's almost embarrassing!
    Last edited: September 16, 2014
  18. big fran Guest

    Ramos u can't expect poch to carry on picking players in the hope they pick up form. Its a results based industry and the team comes first. I'd suggest kaboul has only started each game due to a lack of centre halves with chici only just back from injury dier covering at right bk and fazio finding his feet. The fact that two vice captains have been named shows that kaboul won't be a guaranteed starter... I think everyone on here loves the club and they have every right to criticise what goes on within the club so why u take issue with this week in and out I don't know but I'm sure u that's why u received a ticking off the admin team. Personally I would comment if I truly believe it doesn't matter who captains the side in the first place...
    Felon82 likes this.
  19. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Big Fran

    You have a wonderful way of taking something I've already said, and somehow, making it sound as if it is an idea that has just appeared to you from beyond the ether! Lol

    If you missed it, I previously stated: ' to assume that because Pochettino holds the captaincy in the same regard as many of you is NAIVE to say the least. Especially when you consider that Lloris AND Ade have both been made deputies for the role.

    MP is a ruthless so and so, who is fiercely ambition, extremely demanding and driven to succeed. Do you think he would let something like who wears a bloody armband get in the way of any of those things?

    In all likelihood the Argentine would of sat down with ALL three players (either as a group or individually) as well as the rest of the squad and explained the situation, regarding who wears the armband in the event of a loss of form, lack of fitness or a tactical reshuffle.'

    Or when I said in an earlier post:

    'Although, I see the decision to appoint Kaboul as captain as a natural one, given his qualities as a player, strength of his character and leadership skills he regularly displays on the field of play, I DON'T see Pochettino as the kind of manager who will pick a player based on whether he wears the armband, or not. And if half of those criticising the decision knew a little more about MP, they would know this too'.

    So, my friend, I am under no illusion as to what will happen if Kabouls form doesn't improve in the next few games.

    To be fair to the Frenchman though, I thought there were definitely signs of progress as far as his last display against Sunderland was concerned.

    You can suggest whatever you like, however Pochettino has NOT been without options for the clubs first 4 games. With Kyle Naughton still at the club, the Argentine could of EASILY moved Dier infield to partner Jan or even swapped the roles of Kaboul and the young Eric if he believed the Frenchman was not up to the job of starting at CB.

    Perhaps, allowing Younes to keep the armband is a sign of the kind of regard Pochettino has for the player....

    As far as my 'ticking off from admin' goes, I'd suggest you have a scroll back through the archives so that you can be sure of your facts, before you go jumping to assumptions/conclusions...Hey, just a thought! ;)
  20. Dicie Guest

    How can a squad player be skipper?

    I Dicie show leadership qualities be i don't want to skip.

    You ask who for me? Ad sip

    Mossa second sip Van thrd skip,

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