Takeover talk, bid and reaction

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by George S, September 12, 2014.

  1. George S

    George S New Member

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    Tottenham Hotspur have been the talk of the town this week after it emerged the club were trying to interest buyers by revealed current owner Joe Lewis would sell for a staggering £1 billion.

    It seems those press briefings have worked to a certain extent as the Daily Telegraph report the club are preparing themselves for a bid.

    A preliminary approach has been received from a private investment company, Cain Hoy, to buy the club on behalf of a group of American businessmen.

    Takeover bid imminent?

    Jonathan Goldstein, the head of European investment for Cain Hoy is believed to have been in contact with the club over launching a takeover bid.

    It hasn’t been revealed how many businessmen are interested in being involved in the takeover but whoever is involved in the takeover will be dealing with Daniel Levy, and not Joe Lewis who actually owns the club.

    Telegraph Sport understand Levy will be charged with getting a good deal for Lewis, though he will hope to remain at White Hart Lane despite the takeover.

    It hasn’t been revealed how much Cain Hoy are willing to spend on Tottenham, with Lewis demanding £1 billion especially with the stadium development underway.

    US interest in Premier League has risen

    The takeover approach does make sense though with the Premier League becoming more and more popular in the US over the past few seasons and a takeover would likely be welcomed by Spurs supporters.

    However, one ‘Spurs fan’ doesn’t believe Lewis will get anywhere near £1 billion for the club and described the story as “made up”.

    Former chairman Alan Sugar was quoted by talkSPORT about the rumours and blasted the reports.

    Made up story?

    Sugar said:
    “This is an over enthusiastic journalist who made it up in the Daily Mirror. They're not selling, they've got no buyers and there's no one buying it for £1billion.

    “I suppose it’s like me saying, ‘Roman Abramovich is going to sell Chelsea for £3B’. I’m sure he would if someone came along and offered him £3b, but there’s no one around offering Spurs £1b.

    “It’s total nonsense. If you ask any businessmen, ‘Would you sell that for £1bn?’ You might get their attention. It’s not for sale at all. Someone has started a bit of a rumour for no reason at all.

    “If you’re a billionaire, you do not shell out £350 million in cold blooded cash to go and build a football stadium. No one’s ever done it and no one’s ever likely to do it. You do not become a billionaire making irresponsible moves like that.”

    Sugar spot on…

    Although Sugar can be known for his outlandish comments, he is spot on when he says nobody will bid £1b for Tottenham.

    The club is more likely to be worth around £800 million, with the stadium plans, so if Lewis hopes to get over that price he could be waiting a long time.
    However, Cain Hoy have only been registered in the UK since February so they are looking to put down a marker in the global investment sector and a takeover of Tottenham would certainly give them that.

    Although the takeover talk only started earlier this week, expect musing of the future of Spurs to continue for quite some time with it apparent that Lewis is looking to sell, despite him insisting the club isn’t for sale.

    For the time being Tottenham remain in Lewis’ name but it is getting more increasingly likely that his tenure as owner will come to an end sooner rather than later.
  2. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Ultimately ENIC will sell. From day one that IS exactly what they said their intentions were. They are an investment company and investment companies buy projects, build them up to a point of profitability, and then sell. The statement yesterday that no such sales is imminent is probably true, but that doesn't mean that the club won't he sold in the future.
    As for levy remaining in charge, that wouldn't please me, but nor would it surprise me as he is part of Lewis' extended family.
    In eleven years, Spurs have gone from a Top ten team, to a top six team. We have seen record breaking points totals, but league position start to go backward.
    The finances are stable, but we are no closer to success in reality.
    We are still trailing behind Arsenal in terms of league position, silverware and revenue.
    As seen on this site, the word FACT is questioned but these are facts. Cold, hard facts.
    In Enic's tenure: one trophy.
    Two top four finishes.
    One champions league campaign.
    Managers in, managers out.
    Stadium put back, put back, put back.

    This is not based on any jealousy, or in built hatred of levy or ENIC. These are facts.
    Yes, it takes time to build success, but eleven years? In 2018, we will be only three years away from 20 years of ENIC and will we still be waiting for another trophy, another top four finish, a new stadium?
    I wouldn't bet against it and will you all still be praising ENIC then?
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion all of the late moves from enic target Josif. Construction delay announcement spells : " we are ready for a lengthy fight with you, Arch Metal". The takeover gossip planted means: " Just see what new owners might offer you, Josif, for settling relocation inconvenience. those Americans may leave you with nothing". I do not take seriously any of these news therefore.
    enic just want Josif to accept settlement money offered. Once that happens, no delay will be in order.
    Last edited: September 13, 2014
  4. Dicie Guest

    Sell the club now.

    The new stadium looks like Highbery sell it now. The Yanks have more care for tradition than the down it in one dirty lot at the club now.

    My eyes did see the glory at the famous whl, then they scared off the real top players with a new group that looked quite lame..
    I thought of our great player such Van der Art, Luka and co, and i thought you know those yanks will probably put on a better and decent show.
    Shelf side block 31 till i die, cos i know i am i sware i am, i'm 31 till i die.

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