Positive vibes: Tottenham 4-0 QPR post-match thoughts

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, August 24, 2014.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Today reaffirmed exactly why I am so excited about our new manager and squad. I have said before that players do not become bad overnight but last season, many of our new signings were badly managed and played out of position.

    Today was about management simplicity. Why make things complicated when there is no need to do so?

    The only negative thing I am going to say is that the opposition today was very poor and much sterner tests await us this season. I predicted before this season started that QPR will go down this year, and if they play as poorly as they did this afternoon, I think I am likely to be proved correct.

    The Tottenham Way

    Much has been said over the years about the wish for Tottenham to play with style and flair and today they did just that. Dier and Rose were brilliant going forwards today and added real width to the side. Dier could possibly be one of the signings of the season in my opinion and I can see him making the full national team before long if he keeps developing in this Spurs side.

    Under Arthur Rowe and the great Sir Bill, we played with width and pace and flair, and I saw all of that today, I really did.

    Pass and move

    The third goal today said everything that you need to know about this Spurs side under Pochettino. 48 passes before the ball was powered home by Chadli. The passing and movement from all of the Spurs team today was a joy to behold and if this is how Spurs are going to set up and play this season, I think we are in for an exciting year at the Lane.


    I don't mind admitting that I do tend to be a pessimistic Spurs fan, but I really can't say how impressed I was with the whole performance today.

    The team looked coherent, knew what was asked of them and there were brilliant individual performances as well great team play. The understanding between the midfield and top three was encouraging to see and they all linked up and made space for each other all afternoon.


    Aside from the action on the pitch, what was pleasing today was the positive atmosphere around the ground. At times, the negative vibes in the stand have clearly affected players on the pitch but everything seemed calm and cohesive today. Anyone coming to the Lane this season is going to be in for a real game.


    We started last season solid at the back and after two games, it is good that we have two clean sheets to our name. Hopefully we can keep this up this time around.

    So, after two early London derbies, we are top of the league and bring on Liverpool. A terrific performance today.

    As ever, Come on you Spurs!!!!!
    notnats likes this.
  2. Spursfan099 Guest

    Just happy to see players getting into the box. It's a complete contrast to last season.

    & wait a minute, I spotted an error in this piece:
    Oh Dier! Chadli didn't score the 2nd goal.

    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Good spot squire! It was the third goal!!! You see, the utter excitement of the performance sent me into delerium!!!
  4. Mikee Guest

    A good result against a very poor QPR side. It seems that Poch has had a look at all his available players and has decided to play them on MERIT not reputation. A welcome change of attitude from previous managers. He seems to be able to inspire players to play for the team and he also isn't scared to use substitutes to influence the game if things aren't going well. Another European game midweek to try out various players, and then the first real challenge of the new season, (with respect to WH and QPR). The Scousers will show us how far we've come and, more importantly, how far we've got to go.
    It also looks as if Michael Dawson is on the way out of the club. I can only wish him all the best at his new club and thank him for all his efforts on behalf of Spurs over the years. I wish that all players would give as much for the shirt as Daws has done in the past.
    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  5. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    What a difference a week makes, eh?

    A great win, and performance, against QPR today, suddenly makes the win against West Ham feel even sweeter. Rome wasn't built overnight, nor was it constructed over two weeks, but given time, support and understanding from ALL concerned, it won't be long before we can celebrate many more enjoyable days, such as this.

    People can talk about how poor QPR were today, but the fact is, Spurs more than played their part in contributing to the failings of the visitors.

    Spurs harried, pressed and unsettled Rangers for the best part of 90 mins, this afternoon, whilst the teams movement off the ball seemed to bewilder the newly promoted side.

    In the first half alone, we saw Ade drop deep, Nacer switch flanks, Lamela operate more centrally and Eriksen pop up on the left, all in rotation. Poor old Arry, and QPR, didn't know whether they were coming or going, God bless em!

    Danny Rose was TREMENDOUS today, I thought. Aggressive, purposeful and defensively sound, Rose was epitomised everything that was good about Spurs today, with his use of the ball also impressive.

    And Jan Vertonghen, a player who I have openly criticised in the past, produced the kind of display that I have seen all too few of, in a Spurs shirt, at CB. Commanding, confident and combative the Belgian was EXCEPTIONAL at the back, all game, delivering the kind of performance befitting of a former captain of a very successful Ajax team.

    To be honest, there were great contributions from individuals all over the pitch, for Spurs. Dier looks like a kid who has the UTMOST confidence in his own ability, and given they way he has adapted to life at Tottenham, it is easy to understand why.

    Young, Eric appears completely fazed by the challenge of playing for a club the size of Spurs - or in the EPL - and, instead, seems to be relishing the opportunity to show what he can do. Of course, these are still very early days in his Spurs career, but the early signs look very good, adding further weight to the argument that it is about making CLEVER signings, as opposed to EXPENSIVE transfers, sometimes.

    I think the best bit of news I had all weekend, was the confirmation that Memphis Depay had signed a new contract with PSV....Yes, strange, but true.
    Because while I believe that the Dutch youngster has great potential and is definitely one for the future, I have ALWAYS felt that Chadli is a much more complete player, at this moment in time.

    Quick, powerful, and technically adept, Nacer has ALL the tools to be a real success in England. The way he has been so intent on staying at Spurs, despite (unfairly) reportedly being made available for transfer on a number of occasions, leads me to believe that Spurs have a young, talented and ambitious individual, who is determined to prove his worth at a big club. Like I said after the Limassol game midweek, Nacer is perfectly suited to playing in a fluid, interchanging 3, and I extremely excited to see how the Belgian develops in that system, this season. The kid is a class act. It's as simple as that!

    I could continue to drool over some of the individual performances on display today, but the truth is, this was a SUPERB team display where we got to see the first glimpse of Pochettinos philosophy take form.

    Results like this will only continue to strengthen the teams belief, confidence and enthusiasm in/for the managers ideas, which can only bode well for the rest of the season. Bigger challenges ,obviously, await Spurs in the league, but 2 games and 6 points represents a excellent start!

    On a side note, I was DELIGHTED to see that MP has laid down a statement of intent by leaving Paulinho out of the matchday squad, today. I have nothing against the Brazilian ,personally, but his exclusion from proceedings this afternoon suggests that places in the side will be earned....and that the success of the TEAM comes first!
    Gimpster and Mattj78 like this.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I agree that MP has laid down the law and will pick on merit as all good managers should do. Capoue went about his business today very efficiently and looked really strong.
    Dier looks the real deal and we have found a gem there.
    Ramos43 and Gimpster like this.
  7. Gimpster

    Gimpster New Member

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    Garden of England
    If we carry on like this till the end of the season we will win the title.

    PL 38 Won 38 goals for 90 goals Against 0

    The stats never lie

    Ramos43 likes this.
  8. big fran Guest

    Like u say Ramos its early days but what a start we've had and the buzz is back. I've never been a big chadli fan and I know you've been banging his drum for a while now so credit where its due on that one and I hope he can maintain some kind of form from now on and sustain his level today. Agree also on paulinho the only way these prima donnas really learn is to be left out of the full matchday squad not the 11. That way its clear they haven't been simply rotated but dropped end of story.... He now knows what he needs to do and so the rest of the squad realise you fight for a spot.
  9. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I must also admit that I couldn't quite see why we had bought Chadli, but I saw enough from him in the World Cup to make me think he would come good and today he looked strong, hungry, intelligent and a true spurs style player with grit and style which is just what we need.
    I think Chadli and lamela really stood out today but Danny Rose was also strong. He looked fit and if he carries on playing as he did today, Ben Davies will be keeping the bench warm for some time.
    For me though, the unsung hero was Capoue. Quietly effective and I like that.
    As I said in my article, what was so pleasing about today was the coherence of the side, everyone knew what they were doing and for all the positive individual performances, it was the fact that the team gelled so very well that got me smiling the most.
    We are top of the league!!!!
  10. Spurs were fantastic today even if against a rather poor QPR team it has to be said. Cheered me up after the F1 went downhill.

    To me the jury has been out and still is to be fair with Chadli and Lamela but if they carry on like this I will be singing their praises. To be honest, we just did not see enough of them last season. Hopefully MP is seeing good things on the training pitch to have thrown them in today.

    Glad to hear he is picking on form. Paulhino is an odd one really. A brazilian without the tricks and silky skills you expect. More like a Frank Lampard in that he goes box to box without much fuss. Problem is that he often does not produce from the chances he gets.

    I agree Dawson played his heart out for Spurs and I wish him well. I do believe he was not good enough for top 4 as his pace was lacking when played with a high line. He often made rash last gasp tackles when he should have stayed on his feet and then let them through one on one while he lay on the floor after missing the ball.

    I think early last season we passed teams to death and had more shots than anyone else without looking particularly dangerous. That seems to be changing as new players have bedded in.

    Erikson was sublime today and the entire team flowed. I lost count of how many times Lamela went into 50/50 challenges at speed and muscled control of the ball!

    Last season he would have ducked out before impact.

    My biggest wish is for Soldado to come good. He plays so cleverly and I truly believe luck has been against him. His confidence is not there yet but with more time I think he will score and make many more goals for others with his almost Sheringham like clever flicks and passing.

    I always kept faith with Ade as he has such a happy personality and plays with a smile. Kane looking sharp too. Good to see him signed up long term.

    Come on you spurs!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    At last! For the last couple of seasons iv watched Spurs in disbelief at how 1 paced and rigid the whole attacking set up was but today was a joy to watch, pacey, movement, interchanging attacking in packs coherently it was like a shot in the arm.
    Was it a good day at the office? Only time will tell but if thats kept up consistantly especially from the likes of Lamela and Chadli then things are looking alot better already. At least it looks like Poch has a plan and the players look like theyr happy and up for it.
    2 ugly wins and a dominant display today - Great start more of the same please.
    Ramos43 and Mattj78 like this.
  12. stevethespur Active Member

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    Great result. Cant argue with a 4-0 win. Liverpool will be a real test, but the magical biter has gone and we go into the game full of confidence. Coys.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  13. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    TRIFFIC! this was the performance that we've been wanting to see, there was movement, passing, cohesion, fantastic interplay and self belief not just as individuals but also as a team. On the few occasions that we did lose possession there was someone backing up and winning the ball back. Good all-round team performance from a team that so many had written off from last year. Yes QPR were very poor, this idea of playing three at the back is a bit fanciful and wont last, if I was going to look for a negative in the performance it would be our zonal marking and vulnerability in set pieces in which QPR were unable to take advantage of but a fantastic game. well done to the lads. happy days.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  14. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Great feeling to give someone 'a good drubbing' in the league, again. Been LONG overdue!!! May it be the first of many.

    Agree, that Capoue looks a real player in the CM area. The more games he plays in the EPL (in his favoured position) the better he will become. His purposeful passing from those deep areas of the pitch could be a great weapon for Spurs as the season develops, and providing he stays fit, I think Capoue is going to be one of the most important players within the squad/ chosen system.

    Listen, this was an excellent result, and a great performance, but lets not kid ourselves into believing that the team is anywhere near where Poch will want it to be. Spurs are a team in the infancy of their development, playing under a manager who has a very specific philosophy, so there days where things don't flow as well as they did today but that has to be looked upon as part of the process.

    The better prepared/equipped the opposition, the greater the chance of them being able to bypass the high-press and expose our back four. That is why it is so important to be able to become accustomed to, and master, that particular tactic, which will be no small feat.

    A good, effective high-press should not only be a synchronised movement within the whole team unit, but it should be done in a shape/ at an angle designed to eliminate/jeopardise EVERY conceivable/achievable forward pass an opponent has. That requires:

    • a level of intelligence/awareness from the players doing the closing down to understand not only their surroundings, but the angle at which the press from.
    • a trust within the team as a whole to know that when one presses, they ALL press so not to leave gaping holes of space behind the team-mate in front of them/ in between the lines.
    • an understanding of the areas of the field where to press and where to drop off and let the opposition have it.

    • the collective willingness to recover your position quickly should a line of the press be breached
    Obviously, results and performances like this will only help speed up this process of mastery, as the players attempt to adopt this specific gameplan as second nature. But like I said, there is a LONG way to go before Spurs are able to do it to the level of a Dortmund, Bayern or Barca (of a few years back)....forget S'hampton.

    If Spurs could get the likes of (the unwanted) Sandro and (the under-performing) Paulinho off the wage bill before the window closes, and replace them with Asier Illarramendi/ Reuban Pardo/Morgan Schneiderlin and Fabien Delph then the club would have done GREAT business, in my opinion.

    Personally, I get the feeling that any money recouped on any transfer sales, now, will go towards a new CB and a renewed (increased) bid for Schneirderlin. I suppose any potential deal for Remy would hinge on whether the club can find a buyer for Soldado. But, speaking only for myself, I would like to see the Spaniard get more time to prove his worth at Spurs.

    He is CLEARLY a player of great quality, who has shown a GENUINE affection, and desire to do well, for the club since joining. I just get the feeling that one (good) goal (and yes the quality of the actual goal is important, in my book) in the league and we will see a very different striker in regards to the conversion of chances/half chances.

    Speaking of strikers, I thought Adebayor put in a MUCH more committed display for the team against QPR, than he did a week earlier Vs West Ham.

    I was extremely critical of the Togolese frontmans efforts OFF the ball at Upton Park, last week, and therefore decided to leave a constructive and, somewhat, motivational tweet for him to read after he posted a message celebrating that victory.

    Now, I don't no how much of an impact that would have had on the strikers performance yesterday :rolleyes:, but he was certainly a different animal to the one ambling around at the home of the hammers.

    What came as no surprise to me, however, was to see his hard rewarded with a goal and an assist. If Spurs are going to be a success this term than having a hungry and on-form Adebayor is ESSENTIAL.

    ....If only Paulinho spoke/understood English,eh! ;)
    Last edited: August 25, 2014
    Gimpster and Mattj78 like this.
  15. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I think Adebayor is a great player and I suspect his issue against west ham was that we were down to ten men. He has a habit of digging in when things are going well, so pochettino's task will be to get him committed in all games.
    I hope Soldado stays but while Adebayor is playing well, it seems unlikely he is going to start many games and I think he will want to be playing regularly.
    As for Remy, he has talent but I am not sure he is a player we need. Next week will be a tough game but it will show us how we are developing, no matter the result although another four nil to the spurs would do very nicely!!!
    Ramos43 and Gimpster like this.
  16. Ben Guest

    Lamela erickson chad lie which other manager would have played these behind striker jus brilliant

    If soldado comes good like we know he can play we will be right up there think it's right to get 1 top top striker n schneiderlin let them take Townsend on loan for a season will be good for him and I believe we can take the league
  17. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I thi
    I admire your positivity but I think talk of winning the league may be a touch premature. Our seasons won't be defined against teams as poor as QPR but we certainly
    Ok to be heading in the right direction.
    What yesterday showed is that tactics and management do not need to be as difficult as some managers try to make it. Play people in the right position, give them your trust and let them express themselves within reason and you get performances like yesterday more often than not.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  18. Paul Guest

    A good game and i suspect QPR is better then we give them credit for and it was the formation that was wanting. Also wanted to add my support for Soldado. Last year he played like a striker who either lost confidence and/or struggled with the pace of the game (rushing his shot). Yes his job is to score goals, but his off the ball movement, ability to lose a defender, and ability to assist is very, very good. if MP can get the most out of him, then we will have a 20-25 goal per year player with many assists. On top of that, his runs in the goal area distract defenders forcing them to make decisions which ultimately creates space. but all of these are big "ifs" at the moment. coys
    Mattj78 and Ramos43 like this.
  19. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    I was away, so only saw the MOTD highlights and skipping through the reports and the content here.

    We're getting ahead of ourselves somewhat. For me THE key metric will be our ability to turn that 1 point from 18 and 2 goals against 25 against the top 3 into something worthy of a leading PL outfit.

    For sure there were good signs, across both games, for sure. However let's reflection where we are at around 6 next. Sunday.

  20. Gimpster

    Gimpster New Member

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    Garden of England
    Liverpool did not look good to me. Plus picked up some injuries. So I think it's looking good for sunday.

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