Transfer talk & rumours

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Jesper, February 19, 2020.

  1. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    That painful rebuild Chelsea are having must be agony for them..........
  2. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    United interested in van Beek Thiago and grealish we are interested in King don’t it fill you with confidence
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Proper club Vs Mickey mouse
  4. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    I still don’t get the every day comments in the press that spurs can’t afford this player and that player.Were not other clubs affected by the virus.Why if ndombele is not rated by Mourino is he still at the club.?The proceeds for him could help us buy. Centre half or even a imaginative midfielder or a left back.Talking about centre half’s I notice that Carter Vickers has been playing in the friendlies .Does this mean Mourino has worked a miracle and turned him into a player because when I have seen him play he is a slow lumbering championship player at best.I know he is fairly young but none of the loan clubs have fallen over themselves to sign him.When are we going to unload some of the pretenders who are a strain on our wage bill.???
  5. THFC Guest

    If the reports in the press are true, we made a late bid for Van Beek but too late to change his mind....brilliant

  6. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Because they are the only ownership that gets away with this drivel , we are the only fan base that laps it up.
  7. Big fran Guest

    United get van der beek and fernandes for around 100m we paid for gio and ndombele ffs.. Ours probably on higher wages too. Thrown in gedson fernandes will a buy out of around 45m to make permanent.. What is going on.
    Felon82 likes this.
  8. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    What is going on is what has gone on for years.An appalling scouting system and a chairman who lies through his teeth to make sure he pleases Mr Edwards the owner and makes him money.Any other chairman would like to be involved with a team seeking trophies but not this idiot .Until both of these go things won’t change and it makes you appreciate how well people like Harry did under those circumstances
    Felon82 likes this.
  9. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just watched the first 3episodes of the Amazon documentary on spurs.Impressed with the segments where Jose is doing team talks and the passion he shows.Cant wait to see the rest.Levy still comes over as a business man but not a football man.Must admit the training facilities look absolutely fabulous with a dining area fit for a hotel.I wonder if these players know how lucky they are to have these facilities.Jose has grasped the English swear words and his team talks cover the whole spectrum.His one to ones with the players were very good especially with Dele Ali where he told him he was a lazy trainer and was not reaching his potential.Well worth a watch
  10. Guesty Guest

    Sell to who? team with CL ambition will buy our rubbish.
    No team outside of the CL will pay the money DL wants.

    we had a chance with Winks (£40m to Man City)..... but I fear that was probably an April fool that got lost in the lockdown
  11. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Season starts in 10 days time the fixture list in the 1st 20 days is ridiculous, yet here we are about to start another 4 competition season with only 1 senior recognised striker, 1 senior left back, no Jan/Rose/CE/Jansen/Lorente replacements.
    Still a stockpile of the same perennial failures stealing a living at a club that's supposedly 'ambitious' and 'competitive'.
    The signings so far have been an attempt to plug 2 holes that have been neglected for 2-3 years and a 3rd choice keeper.
    Although Hojbjerg & Doherty look like solid if not a bit bland signings does anyone really believe that this is a team/club that's actually striving to do anything ?
    It's gonna be another whimper at all master of nothing season, a couple injures away from mid to lower table.
  12. Guesty Guest

    If JM gets rid of NDumb, Foyth & Aurier......he will have moved up a step in my opinion! :D

    Strikers...... looks like we are talking to one or two of the Bournemouth lads
  13. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    My point as previously stated and agreed by Felon all the clubs that will be in contention have practically done their transfer business so the players can integrate before the first game.Once again not us we will still be chasing second rate players in October and will be 10 points behind the top four by then.We need to unload the free wheelers but there won’t be many takers which says a lot about our scouting in the pastTalking of which I see the man responsible for our useless scouting team has just been promoted.We have just brought in a head of football matters from Swansea whatever that means. A certainMr Birch
  14. THFC Guest

    Me Birch did wonders for Swansea....

  15. Big fran Guest

  16. Big fran Guest

    Take a read guys scary numbers.
  17. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Just read the article referred to and I am shocked to see the figures in black and white.Net spend of those in the premiership over the last 5 years of those in the premiership now is us in 19th place with spend of31 million.Money spent on signings since2018/2019 as a per cent of earnings 3 per cent which puts us bottom of the 20 clubs.Money spend on wages has us 20th.If you have 10 minutes to spare and you love the club as I do please read this article and see the real storey of levy and Edwards and be shocked that they have got away with it for so long
  18. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    As I said in an earlier post €31 mil put into team over last 5 years, 4 of which were CL participation seasons.
    Where's all the money gone?

    Ming the Penniless, the bald parasite is having us all over and people actually excuse it.
  19. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    As I said in a previous post Read the articles from world of Hotspur on the net. They are well thought out and get to the root of tottenhams problems since ENIC and Levy took over.I have always disliked Levy’s attitude but these articles have opened my eyes even further.Those supporters who think this is just another moan need to read these articles and then come on here and justify their Rose coloured attitude.I know there will be a certain personal opinion in these articles but they make me think that there is no way things will improve while the current people are in charge.The most damaging point in the articles is that Levy supposedly approached Edwards because he felt that football was an untapped money cow.See also how the Liverpool owner came with the same attitude but soon learned that this was not the way to run a famous club and look what happened.As I say please read the articles but be prepared to be left wondering if we will ever compete on a level playing field with this shower.Finally the articles mention my pet hate that spurs were the first club to grab on to the government aid to treat the staff at the club appallingly during Covid only to be embarrassed to reverting when the supporters showed their disgust

    the supporters showed their disgust
    Felon82 likes this.
  20. palmover Active Member

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    Levy has always come across as a business man 1st and is primarily invested in the Land/ property side of the club rather than the football side.
    One trophy in 20 years on his watch is a very poor return for a club the size of Spurs over that period 4 trophies would be par for the course.
    A bit off topic but Arteta (whose been in management 2 minutes) has just won two trophies (Which really pissed me off) with worse players than what Mp and Arry had, it just goes to prove that being flexible and smart will be more successful than a Philosophy and "run about lads" approach. Highlighting the need to appoint the right manger and having the right structures in place to aid them.
    The one difference this time is that DL has hired a smart manager capable of putting together winning teams.

    Spurs have to get a CF before window closes and it looks like serge will leave apart from that its wait and see.

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