It's a New Dawn .......

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, November 20, 2019.

  1. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Spurporter you really don’t answer any points you can’t win do you I asked about Juventus and Milan and you talk about Forest.Forest are not a big club but did have something other teams didn’t and that was an inspiring manager the late great Brian Clough.Aston Villa also won the European cup and were one of the big historical clubs who have fallen from grace because of mismanagement in the past.Spurs are still the TENTH richest team in football and therefore not MEDIUM and we are only a couple of million behind the great gooners soonto be above them so does that make arsenal medium???
  2. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    That I agree to. Mou may attract a few, who were unable to get to Pool or City or Chelsea, but so was Poch. Yet, the low wages at Spurs are by far more of a detriment than trophies, as an attraction.
    I am not insisting on keeping Poch anymore, he is gone. But Spurs need to rebuild, not to chase an elusive trophies they no longer able to win. For that you hire someone like Howe, not a former winner who preaches outdated football and is stubborn, inflexible being masterfully skilled in sulking, sniping and other trades that have nothing to do with football.
    Last edited: November 21, 2019
  3. Thomas Member

    Likes Received:
    Manchester United
    Spurs (under Pochettino)
    *Could have won
    *Might have won
    *Should have won

    Wow, you are spot on. He hasn't won anything since 2017. It's been two long years, one of which he was out of job and couldn't possibly win anything. If you set such high standards and expectations of others, I wonder why you set such low expectations for the club you support.
    Last edited: November 21, 2019
    Felon82 likes this.
  4. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I think Levy also looked at the same table and decided to hire Worst-among-the-best in Mourinho. Poch elevated Spurs to European elite from the basement we were prior. Mou will get us back in that basement, make us again a laughing stock of the PL and will blame everyone and their mothers for what happen.
    Last edited: November 21, 2019
  5. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    He did, but everything comes to the end. Mou is done.
    I wish I am wrong. I wish Mou will transform the club by getting Levy out of transfer business, by hiring D of F who is a great scout and by getting scouting up to the level Spurs deserve. If he will do that, the rebuild is possible and Mou will succeed eventually. I don't , however, think he has enough in his tank to pull it up and over. I do not think Levy will ever delegate. It will be another inner fight and it will end up in tears.
  6. Thomas Member

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    I don't believe in fairy tale endings. As with all other jobs, you need to deliver and know when to go. How many happy endings have you witnessed? Expect to find a manager and be married to him and live happily after? I am not expecting that. Mourinho, if he could pull us out of this doldrums and win us a trophy or two along our journey, I'll be extremely grateful. Just like I'm thankful for the work Pochettino has done except that I believe it's time to part. How will Mourinho end with Levy? Mourinho, I am sure has an inkling. It's just that at this moment, he needs Spurs and Spurs need him.
    Last edited: November 21, 2019
  7. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Firstly , I have to say that I am gutted for Poch and think he had a good chance of turning things around I can’t deny that we haven’t played absolutely atrociously in many games this year but we also showed that we have the class to turn it around, a few results going the other way, eg leicester var decision and rose’s brain fart against Arsenal and I think the vibe would have changed

    However having said that, I think Poch was ready to go and his statement before the cl game wasn’t the smartest

    Now I f’ing hate Mourinho, I think he is a despicable person (low point was when he snuck in and stuck his finger in the eye of someone at Real Madrid- although, the original Mousa did that for us as well. BUT I don’t think an Eddie Howe would work, he hasn’t proved himself, the players wouldn’t get a buzz about him coming and they may feel they are better/bigger than him

    So I actually think Mourinho is probably one of the best choices (I actual would have preferred Rafa). I think he will get respect from the players, they will feel that Levy has at least aimed high and gone for a winner

    Also, so far he seems to be saying all the right things, likes the squad etc and it looks like he is bringing in new young coaches that are well respected around the world
    Maybe we might go one further in the cl this year!

    Spurporter likes this.
  8. Big fran Guest

    I genuinely wanted poch to turn things round at spurs but it was happening. Results nor performance were improving and whether he, levy or the players are to blame there is only so long you can roll with it.
    Loved mourinho first conference today he looks fresh, rejuvenated and ready to go. The obvious links with zlatan and bale have emerged along with re visiting moves for dybala and fernandes. The thing is with Jose is he can handle big names and will replace big names if allowed to do so. Reputations will carry for nothing.
    The style of play and his Chelsea links have upset many fans already writing him off but who are we to turn down a serial winner given he has a bigger trophy haul than our entire history. Laughable really isn't it.
    However he does seem to be winning people over already and if he turns things round those fans will soon be on board. He's already matched pochs trophy count at spurs and only been in the job 2 days.
    I'm reading he's put together a brand new crack backroom with sacremento known for his ability to coach high press intensity sessions so a change in style maybe in the offing for the special one after his sabbatical from the game.
    Felon82 likes this.
  9. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    Spurporter what basement did poch rescue us from .wWe haven’t finished out of the top ten for way before poch appeared as most times in the top 6 even under Sherwood.And then there was the most exciting football. Under Harry when Bale was destroying Milan..Agreed we seem to bottle it on big occasion but that didn’t change under poch.and you still haven’t said if Milan and Juventus are big clubs as they are poorer than us which seems to be your yardstick.
  10. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    All this angst against Mourinho are Happy Clappers scared we might actually win something or what?

    Scared we might sign some proper players?

    Is it because it's what you've been against for the best part of 10 years????

    Whatever happened to get behind the Manager .......
  11. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Both Milan and Juventus are larger. They are less profitable than Spurs because they spend by far more on wages and transfers, something everyone here hopes Mou will force Levy to do. As soon as that happens Spurs will go down in profitability and ENIC will have troubles selling THFC. If ENIC wants to make a good sale, no spending should be committed. Mou will have to only buy players from proceeds obtained for players leaving the club. That is because Levy artificially inflates the value of the club to sell it in summer before Mourinho will take it down with himself.
    We were in the basement, Redknapp had been the first fairly successful try to get Spurs out of there. I loved Harry and I think his dismissal just is being repeated with Poch. We got the New Portuguese in Mourinho. Remember, they called AVB the Mourinho Light.
    I will accept Mourinho, as I accepted AVB. That didn't and doesn't make either right for Spurs.
    Last edited: November 22, 2019
  12. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Not sure that is accurate Felon. Looking at most of the posters, the majority seem to be getting behind him (some grudgingly). Only really seems to be spurporter that is fixated on it

    Maybe we can have a period of everyone getting behind the manager and the team and singing from the same hymn book that would be nice
  13. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I was behind Poch until he started managing expectations over the team , I don't want to hear about endless projects and waffle (neither did the players) whilst he neglected his core duties.
    That's what Poch had become and why he had to go.

    Mourinho doesn't set the bar at 4th and a cup run he wants to be the best and will stop at nothing to get there, does it always work/end well ? Not always but I want to see that drive from the Manager and my Club because that is the mentality of winners.
  14. Preed

    Preed Well-Known Member

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    spurporter do you know nothing of the spurs owner it’s not Levy and he won’t decide to sell the club. Mr Lewis is a very wealthy man and I suspect is not considering selling his golden goose just yet.You criticised me and others for being negative about pochetino but you really are the most negative person about the future I have come across
  15. voiceofreason Active Member

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    I think you missed my point. If you look at the majority of posts relating to Mourinho they generally seem to be agreement that this could be good

    So let’s draw a line under the past and get behind the new and present The glass is half full and we are going to keep filling it!

    let’s bring out a big performance against WHU to set this in motion


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