Transfer rumours: Schneiderlin, Soldado, Guarin, Townsend

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Jack Kennedy, August 17, 2014.

  1. Jack Kennedy

    Jack Kennedy New Member

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    According to the Daily Star, Tottenham will have to fork out £10 million and Roberto Soldado if they want to land Columbian midfielder Freddy Guarin from Inter Milan.

    Reports in Italy suggest that the Italian club have already rejected a £14 million bid from the North London club.

    Soldado joined Spurs last summer for £26 million from Valencia but he has struggled in his first Season at White Hart Lane.

    Schneiderlin U-Turn?

    The Metro report that Southampton midfielder Morgan Schneiderlin has given up on a potential move to Spurs.

    At the end of last month, Schneiderlin declared publicly that he wanted out of Southampton. But Saints Manger Ronald Koeman has said that the French international is not for sale.

    Schneiderlin started for the Saints in their season opener vs Liverpool today.

    Spurs set to reject Saints bid

    Various reports are suggesting that Southampton have had a £10 million bid for England winger Andros Townsend rejected by Tottenham.

    Spurs boss Mauricio Pochettino praised the winger before Tottenham’s opening day victory against London rivals West Ham.

    “Townsend is another player, he is in the squad. He is an important player, he is a player for the English national squad”

    “He missed the World Cup through injury. We need to recover a player like him because he has great potential and very good quality.”

    Townsend came off the bench in the 61st minute against West Ham and impressed.
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    With only 3 strikers on the books inconsistant Ade completely unsuited Soldado and youngster Kane im sure it would make great sense to move on 1 of them plus cash to aquire yet another midfielder.
  3. james coys Guest

    We do not need midfielders. We have tightened up defence but we need a cutting edge.Please sign Bony Depay and Guarin.We dont need the following Dawson Rose Naughton Kaboul Sandro Lennon Soldado and realise Lamela is not as good as his videos.He is our Torres,
  4. Marcus Guest

    I wish Lamela was our Torres. Torres was bloody useful when he first went to Liverpool and I'd still take him over Lamela.
    Seria A is a **** league where EPL failures like Gervinho look good. I'm not sure I want any of their forwards either.
  5. cheng Guest

    We do need a striker & a centreback but I also welcome the possible signing of Schneiderlin. Imo he is better than sandro, not just good at breaking up opponent attack, his vision, passing & technical ability are also superb. If you watch his video, you will agree what I say.
  6. derek herschman New Member

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    For Spurs to reach Top 4;
    OUT Soldado,Paukhinio,Benny,Dawsn,Lennon,Chadi,Noughton,Sandro,
    Dembele, Chirches,Cane!
    Morgan, Mateo,Bony,Chico,
    Top Winger, Remy<<<Jay, after injury recovery January window!
  7. stevethespur Active Member

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    There doesn't look like theres going to be much transfer activity at spurs before the window closes. At least not in the numbers poeple are talking about. Levy wont sell at an obvious loss as it makes him look bad, so Poch will be expected to develop what he has, for the most part. I think its a difficult task. As fans we have to support the team and the manager to do their best. I dont think the squad is ideal, and we could do with one or two guys to up their game. Lets hope Poch can work some magic and get this squad getting closer to its potential. QPR up next in the Prem, if i were a spurs forward i'd be relishing the prospect of pushing the ball past Rio ! Coys.
    Felon82 and notnats like this.
  8. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Still 3/2 deals to be done both ways (in and out) I believe. I expect a busy transfer deadline day, which will make a nice change as they are just not the same without the presence of Tottenham Hotspur.

    You heard it here first! ;)
  9. big fran Guest

    While I don't miss his tactics or lack of tactics do miss the gold old harry days winding his window down when asked about this or that player 'I don't nuffink about it you'll
    have to ask mr levy about that one. Only to be unveiled the day after and harry would say 'yeah he's a traffic pro works hard trains hard I'm sure he will be a real asset to the club a player I've been after a while now. You couldn't meet a more smashing fella to have around the place.'!!!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  10. stevethespur Active Member

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    I hope your right my dear Ramos. There must be a battle going on between Levy and Poch behind the scenes because the present Spurs squad isn't to play the Pochettino way. So Poch must be in a quandary as he's going to be pushing square pegs into round holes if he wants to play a high line high pressing game. The present squad isn't suited to that. Or will Poch prove to be more pragmatic and play a style that suits this set of players ? Its a conundrum but a bit of developing tension between coach and chairman could be on the cards. Coys.
    notnats and Ramos43 like this.
  11. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    'Arry was worth his wage for those moments alone...Pure magic! Lol.

    Ah, Steve you charmer, you! You certainly know how to get into my good books. Seeing 'My dear Ramos' still gives me a warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of my stomach. :rolleyes: *sighs*

    However, talk of a rift/tension between the coach and Chairman is a bit premature don't you think, as is the presumption that Spurs do not have the players required to play in Pochettino's ,chosen, way.

    The FACT is Pochettino still has 2 CB's (Verts and Vlad), 1 RB (Walker) 2 Cms (Paulinho and Dembele) and a very talented wide player/AM (Chadli) to welcome back into the fold.

    So before we start writing off the players we have, maybe we should allow those mentioned above to return, AND allow the team to find their rhythm before we come to any such conclusions.

    Pochettino's style isn't as much about physical attributes (in terms of type of player) as it is about mental. Of course the players have to be extremely fit but they also have to be very tactically aware, brave and determined in order to be effective, as a unit, in a high-pressing game.

    While good pace at the back is preferable, mobility, anticipation, communication and an awareness of your positioning/surroundings are equally, if not more important.

    After all, a lack of pace can be compensated for by all of those well as a sweeper keeper, the calibre of a certain Hugo Lloris.

    We have to be patient with the team and manager. Many of the players have NEVER been forced to play in such a high-tempo, high-intensity, fashion/manner, and, as a result, it will take some getting used to.

    Some of them will forsake their egos, and their reservations, to commit to Pochettinos demands. And some won't. But ONE game in the EPL (with 10 men) isn't enough time, in my opinion, to make any kind of definitive judgement, just yet.
    Last edited: August 18, 2014
    notnats and stevethespur like this.
  12. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    My dear Ramos? don't get him started... oops too late.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  13. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Well this is Spurs after all, nothing like a bit of last minute business from our Mr Levy.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  14. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Hey, what can I say...I'm a sweetheart! :D

    I think the club will make a renewed, and concentrated, effort to sign Schneiderlin, and I believed they should. The value that having a player that sings from Pochettino's hymn sheet both in the changing, and on the pitch, can only be a MASSIVE boost towards what the Argentinian is trying to achieve at Spurs.

    I think we have to come to terms with the fact that Sandro does not appear to feature in Pochettino's plans.... and to be honest as much as that pains me, I can see why.

    Pochettino likes to have CM midfielders who can dictate play, and move the ball quickly between the lines. Neither of those traits, automatically, spring to mind when you think about the Brazilian. It's just not what his game is, really, about.

    However, these ARE two things that Schneirderlin has become renowned for, in recent years, as well as showing he isn't afraid to get to get his hands dirty. When he receives the ball his first thought is to get is head up and look for a forward pass.

    Simple but effect, Morgan is a complete midfielder in many ways, WITHOUT, really, being exceptional in anyone discipline. What he is very good at most of them, and by the looks of things, improving all the time.

    What impresses me the most about Schneiderlin is the way he reads the game from a positional sense. He always seems to get himself in a position to eliminate danger, WITHOUT necessarily having to engage the threat directly.

    For example, if an opponent is running in to a space close to the Frenchman and a team mate. Instead of both closing down the same player mindlessly, Morgan will let his team-mate engage them while he gets himself into a position where he can pick up the pieces, if need be.

    It's that type of in-game intelligence which makes him PERFECT for the high-pressing game that Mauricio likes to deploy, because Schnerderlin knows, more often than not, exactly, when to stick (hold position), AND when to twist (press). After, all there is a reason why the defensive part of his game was so impressive last term.

    (....Hey, perhaps he is exceptional at something after all; Reading the game/positioning)

    Good buy? Potentially great, but how much are you prepared to pay for potential? Especially when their are other potential targets that could perform the same sort of role without costing an arm and a leg!

    £17m would be GREAT money for a player who has only just come on the scene in the last 18- 24 months, at the age of 24, in my opinion.

    But if Spurs were to spend MORE than that sum, I believe it would be as a CLEAR/HUGE gesture from Levy to his new manager, by effectively paying over the odds for a player on the strength of his Pochettino's request.

    I think Mauricio leaving Sandro - the type of player who would typically be perfect for a derby day encounter -out of the West Ham game, may of been a message to Levy (that he hasn't got a place for the Brazilian in his system and) to lower his asking price, regarding his sale.

    Someone is going to have to go, in order to make room for Schneirderlin (or that type of player), and others, to arrive....It will be interesting to find out who.
    Last edited: August 19, 2014
  15. Durban Spur Guest

    We have to admit that most of our signinhs have not delivered...and ahould try to work out how come te hnically gifted players who have displayed tremendous form for their previous clubs have not replicated same for it attitude once signed...tactics at Spurs..attitude in the dressing room or the club after paying top dollar is prepared to fork substantial sages for mediocre performance...maybe Poch is the best signing but only if he has the backing of the club to stamp his authority and get the best out of the players...allow him to have a free hand in all transfer dealings so that withoilut sentiment and sticking out for more money move out non performers irrespective of their price tag and galvanise the players to play for the club and colours ...before signing a new player the player shoukd know whats expexted and Spurs will accept nothing less...time we should decide if we want to be title contenders or just club hoping to sell on ...We Are Spurs ..its a privelege to play for us and a performance is non a club we ate bigger than any individual and if a player cannot accept this we dont need him.We do not want mediocrity or prima donna mercernaries that just expecct top wages and know that they will get same irrespective of performance. The fans have been lonh suffering tolerant and constant..time the players delivered or leave. No such thing as hanging around to see if they can secure same or more mo ey at another dont cut it here ..piss off...we need honest ambitious players...COYS..
  16. big fran Guest

    Thing song from barcalona would represent less of a risk and level of investment on a loan with a view to a 15m deal. More of an enforcer who creates many more chances and assists..
  17. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I wouldn't mind Alex Song either, to be fair, especially, if like you say, he comes on an initial loan.
    But Schneirderlin is the better (overall) player, for me. He has more strings to his bow.

    I think the decisive factor in moving for the Frenchman is that he is a former player of Pochettino. He knows the Argentinians expectations, methods and philosophy, whereas someone else would have to adapt.

    I also believe that a transfer would be Levy's way of displaying his trust and support for Mauricio, both internally AND externally/publically.

    Despite Spurs', and my own, desire to see Morgan come to the Lane, I'm glad he has decided to knuckle down and get back on with his job of playing for the club that pays his wages.

    The last thing Spurs need is another Bale/Modric/Berbatov type in the midst of the dressing room.

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