
Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, June 2, 2019.

  1. P reed Guest

    I see levy is doing his usual bidding way under valuation for Celso who is being chased by others and will eventually be snatched away by united and add to this he probably wants the same money for Ericsson. That Real Madrid paid for Hazard.Does this have a familiar feeling
  2. palmover Active Member

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    Time waits for no man, the season starts in 8 weeks, is that enough time to sign players and get them bedded in? RM have signed 4-5 players already and sold none, however, they have given the players a chance to settle into there new environment before preseason starts. RM will now try to sell the excess players, this is the model spurs should have used for this window.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    This is how big clubs operate, you know ones that win Trophies and don't bleat on about buisness models, micro breweries and match attendances.

    If you want to be a serious Champions LG outfit, a serious Title contender then you have to buy serious level players.
    The pretence that there's no money for players and that we can't compete is all part of the con that we are still a football club.
  4. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Absolutely. I am 100% with you. However, what you want is to spend on Ndobele AND Lo Celso Estrado. Both are awaiting on more offers from high wage clubs. So we do not yet see their desire to join. The latter one is now on MUFC list of targets, so we can kiss goodbye to Argentinian, unless UCL would matter to him. Yet, difference in wages offered may leave Spurs well behind regardless. The former, waits on RM to take him. The lad is making only 20000 a week, but wants 10 times of it as a raise with his new club. That takes him into Kane/Alli wage level. Do you want to give an unproven 23 y/o that?
    If Levy signs both it is 130 million. What, if Eriksen will stay? He goes nowhere, except RM. In this case we need only one, not both. No one would spend 60 or so millions for a bench warmer. Neither of the two lads want to compete with Eriksen for starting spot. It is better to wait for both sides. That is what Spurs are doing.
    I'd say the best for Levy now would be to sign Sessegnon. It is a safe move assuming Spurs will have no problem selling Rose he will replace.
    I predict Eriksen will get new contract and will play for us. Toby will get his 190 per week and will stay as well. Levy will sign Ndobele and Sessegnon -two large money targets in a few weeks. Then Spurs will chase another 3-4 minnows.
    Last edited: June 17, 2019
  5. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Big Fran I was with you up to the last para...whilst I may agree re being able to play left or right, as for us trying to buy, forget it - we're not even a close third. He will go to City or United, and for £200k plus a week, which we cannot and in my view should not try to match....
  6. Big fran Guest

    Oh so we are back to our starting 11 is so good that they are untouchable and nobody on the whole planet can replace them.. Om my word. The same 11 that has not won a trophy. Lo Celso and ndombele are no 8 players and eriksen is a no 10.
    However if he does stay and he's out the side every now and then maybe it will be a kick up the backside he needs to take him onto world class levels and add some consistency likewise alli. These boys aren't coming to warm no bench believe me. You've basically said ndombele is waiting to go Madrid because he won't get a game at spurs haha. So we're better than Madrid as well now are we..
  7. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    No, they are not untouchable, but Eriksen is proven and still not old. His value is higher than any of those two lads. There is nothing to pay to acquire him, he is under contract. Once he signs with Spurs, he will get better, as uncertainty with future will go away. Same for Dele.

    No it is not what I say. RM will pay him a lot and that pay will stay with him more or less for the entire career, even if they sell him later. RM are in shambles temporarily. Spurs have better season than RM, believe it or not, and you know it is the fact. It easier to get in starting XI at Camp Nou, compare to Spurs, if Eriksen isn't moved. Levy, therefore, has to force the lad to decide now or Spurs will look elsewhere. RM is still a lion that eats first. Then PSG, Athletico, Juventus, ManCiti and Liverpool. Then Chelsea, Spurs, Inter, MUFC, Milan. We used to be below that last group.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    The fact remains to move forward the squad doesn't need just a shake up with like for likes or replacements it needs bolstering and improving for us to not tread water and follow the declining trend.
    If we sign N'dombele that's replacement of what we lost from Dembele, Lo Celso will be seeming to come in for a going Eriksen, Sessegnon for Rose possibly etc it's still not fixing the problems for improvement ie having competition for places to keep levels and performance high.
    Had we not dicked about for the last 4 and more windows we'd be looking just to add pressure/support on the 1st team instead we're trying again to plug holes ignoring the deficiencies within sheerly based on the fact we muddled through last season.
    Spurporter likes this.
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Isn't it true, that at this level, any top 6 side that decides not to weed and feed for two transfer windows, will permanently lose ground to all of their peers.

    We never overspend, we never buy before selling at least not in recent times, then add the unknown of the stadium cost issues, and it's going to be able to match 2018-19. Sad but true.

    We've been here many transfer windows, not just the last two. 3 players, 4 even, would be great. Does that take us forward, stand alone yes. Peer to peer, no because of the lost ground. But I'm a Spurs supporter man and boy and it's not likely to materially change in my ever COYS
  10. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I agree. I believe that what Pochetino's message was (no one can read him clearly). I, so far, can see the old Levy approach, based on what is available in press. I only hope being wrong in my predictions. Because , if I am right, then Poch has no future at Spurs. if he buys both Ndobele and Lo Celso and shells out 120m at minimum, then thing are changing and Poch is winning his summer. LoCelso is not in play until Argentina is out in Brazil (or gets all the way to final of Copa America in worth case scenario for Spurs), so that maybe the delay that appears being indecision.
    Last edited: June 18, 2019
  11. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    No, wrong peers. Our peers are Everton. New Castle, Aston Villa are larger clubs, but may also be considered as peers due to their mismanagement. We have overachieved and it is hard to maintain overachievement, let alone progress from what not even supposed to be our place. We surpassed Aresenal and Chelsea. Chelsea will come back, they even did this season somehow. I hope we will not allow same for Arsenal. Everton spent 100m and went in right direction. If New Castle gets sold to Oil Money, there is a reason to worry.
    BTW, if you consider City our peer, they will miss a window or two. Same with Chelsea. So Spurs may catch up .
  12. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So hang on a sec , we're the biggest club in London yet Everton , Newcastle , Villa are even bigger clubs than us ?

    What decade are you living in?

    Put the pipe down Spurporter
  13. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    We are the best club in London, not the biggest. Size wise we're close to Everton. Size is determined by number of supporters worldwide. MUFC is huge because of support outside England. Same with Real Madrid and its support outside Spain. Levy tries to expand the support base in the countries where football is gaining. Those folks will contribute by buying shirts and other merchandise. Revenues permits to pay wages and buy players. Large revenues make it easier, but even large clubs try to sell players with profit, when they must. do it. Jenssen and Nkoudu come to mind. Levy is afraid to spend and not able to recover costs when player busts.
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    If u think Everton , Newcastle and Villa have a bigger global fan base again that's delusional not 1 of those clubs has been anything in 20 years at least , granted we've probably not won anything more than them but we are miles ahead of those clubs and have been for a while stop with the little club mentality your living in the 90s.
    We are the 10th richest club in the world FFS time we started acting like it stop with the Pauper nonsense
  15. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Felon82, youre still confusing "bigger" and "better", as if you're a woman. That said, I agree with you that Spurs must act like Europe powerhouse they have became.
  16. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    With the very greatest of respect Spursporter, you are talking through your backside. As Felon points out we are in the top 10 clubs in the world - record revenues, record profits, top 4 consistently, in heavens name do you compare us with Villa, Everton, Newcastle....are you smoking something.....
    Felon82 likes this.
  17. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I only compare by size, not by anything else. That is how financial strength being determined, by number of supporters. That is the base. On top of that base come club accomplishments in last season or two. That determined additional money coming from TV rights, UCL finish and, obviously EPL position. Both cups are nice to have, but not as important, as they bring very little pounds.
    Accomplishments of the club may change, sometimes it vary dramatically, while number of supporters contributing doesn't as much. Therefore, size of the club determines your peership first and foremost.
    If you have money to buy an EPL club, you look at the size first. Then you check, if they have a stadium - that is where revenues are going to come from. Then you look at how much debt they got. Spurs would be in by far better position should they have gotten Olympic Stadium. ManCity got their stadium for free practically from city of Manchester, other successful clubs have to build their own and have trouble to compete as a result.
    So you decided to buy the club. After that you spend money to get the club the accomplishments. Again it is a glory, but most importantly it is the revenue that comes with those.
    I could go on, but, I guess you already got my point.
    If Newcastle is sold, they have many things in place to turn them around rather quickly. Spurs were not wanted by Oil Money for the reasons of being not very large in size and having small stadium. So be thankful to ENIC, Lewis and Levy would not've got into Spurs if they weren't supporters. They are not very good only because they were not and are not wealthy enough to overcome small size club mentality. Money they made after Poch hiring can change that, but not momentarily. As I said, I wish it will change sooner rather that later. So does Poch, I guess.
    However, one cannot demand from 10th club in Europe to act as if we were 2nd, 3rd or even 5th. The distances are huge out there. Levy will not subsidize THFC from his personal wealth.
    Last edited: June 19, 2019
  18. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I will remember to tell my son's and their kids about the 20+ years of financial prudence and careful growth we experienced through the 'punching above our weight years' how we didn't do a Leeds and gave a good account of ourselves.
    I'm sure they'll be giddy with excitement that we were the best club in London and left our peers the newly promoted villa behind in the race for globally recognised fan base and merchandise.
    And who could forget the amphitheatre of cheese which we got to pay more for the privilege of watching it in.
    It's what we all got into football for after all, the stuff dreams are made of.
    Unless of course your a weirdo that believes in Trophies etc....
  19. Great article.. I have been going mad all season at how pathetic our build up play has been.. Am I the only one who's has noticed thT this passing back to lloris has gor beyond stupid.. I have counted in the last few months at least 4 times from corners when losing or drawing games we have passed all the way back to lloris ffs... How can you score doing that.. Whos coaching these players.? Coco the clown all we did in the final was go backwards with no one prepared to be brave and do something like take a player on too create space for others... 40 yrs I waited for this moment and enjoyed 22 seconds of it.. Gutless is prob the best word you could of used
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  20. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Well I'm glad I'm not the only one still p;ssed off with that 'performance' it was pitiful.
    To me the whole set up looks like it's ran out of ideas which I believe is born out of little competition for places & proper winning mentality.
    Every other top 6 side especially top 4 sides have collected trophies over the past 2 decades except us (1 lg cup aside) yet according to some it's either impossible or not important and with that type of acceptance/attitude from the fan base and a board that doesn't give a sh;t enough to give the manager a proper full strength squad then this Bridesmaid Championing culture is allowed to fester for what seems an eternity.

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