Dier Set for Important Role; Kaboul & Chiriches to Stay

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by dnoll5, August 11, 2014.

  1. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    With Eric Dier’s strong performance against Schalke 04, do Spurs suddenly have a plethora of viable options at centre-back? We examine.

    Super Jan

    The only certain starter in the group is Jan Vertonghen. We all know what the Belgian is capable of and with Ben Davies now a fixture at left back and with Danny Rose as an adequate backup, we shouldn’t ever have to see Jan patrolling the left side again. And that’s a good thing, although his performances coming forward in a Belgian kit were rather impressive.
    Verdict: Starter.

    The Returners

    Many Spurs fans can agree that Michael Dawson’s time as a starter is gone. His time at the club may be coming to a close as well, with only Daws and his love for Spurs seemingly holding up the negotiations.

    Right now, he’s too much of a liability and his partner at centre-back has to continually monitor what Michael is doing. Let’s face it, Daws is not equipped to play in a system with a high line.

    Mauricio Pochettino needs a centre-back that can distribute better as well. Dawson’s long searching balls are often off target and would stifle what looks to be a well-rounded attacking core.
    Verdict: Transfer

    Vlad Chiriches will get significant time at CB this season. Whether he starts there at the onset of the season is of course unlikely given his recent injury woes, but Vlad has talent and after a season of getting to know what the Prem is all about, he should be better than last season.

    At times last season, he looked the part of dominant EPL centre-back, and at other times, he looked like David Luiz in his attempts to haplessly dribble out of the back. His decisions need to be better, but Vlad The Impaler will get plenty of chances at the heart of the defense.
    Verdict: He’ll start plenty of games.

    Younes Kaboul is an interesting figure. Blessed with buckets of talent, a huge stature, and a sculpted physique, he should be a no brainer. But, the injury bug always seems to come calling. If he could stay healthy, a Jan/Younes combo would be pretty good.

    As it is, that scenario is unlikely as a long term partnership as the CB pairing is one of, if not the most essential combinations to get right on the pitch. Spurs need to have a duo that will be on the pitch together consistently. Plus, those transfer rumours to Lazio won’t seem to go away.
    Verdict: Starter at the onset out of necessity.

    The Newbies

    The signing of Eric Dier could be a masterful move for Spurs. The former Sporting Lisbon centre-back is raw, athletic, and could play significant minutes for Tottenham this season. He showed his quality against a good, albeit young Schalke side on the weekend, giving the faithful at White Hart Lane a sneak peak into what could be a very promising star for Spurs and potentially for England.

    The tendency is to either rush young players along or coddle young talent too much. Poch has shown that he knows how to handle fledgling talent and take that talent to the next level. Let’s hope he can do the same with Dier.
    Verdict: EPL backup but cup starter now.

    Miloš Veljković is another interesting case as the soon to be 19 year-old could see some first team minutes in cup competitions. He has played more defensive midfielder than back line, but featured as a centre-back in Tottenham’s tour of the USA and Canada.

    Again, Pochettino is known for mentoring some young defenders (Luke Shaw, Callum Chambers) and Veljković could be next in line along with Dier. But, it does beg the question that if Spurs really believe that Veljković is close to playing meaningful first team minutes, why would they sign Dier and continue to be linked to several other centre-backs in the transfer market?
    Verdict: Spurs U-21 Player this season/Random appearances in cup competitions.

    The Great “What if?”

    Would the signing of Villarreal’s Mateo Musacchio change everything here? Yep, it probably would. The 23 year-old Argentine would have to acclimate to England and the Premiership, but if he is as good as advertised, it shouldn’t be long until he is partnered with Jan. Of course, the timing of the signing and the ability to offload others will play into this, but if he comes, expect him to start relatively soon.

    I would then try to offload Dawson immediately. People seem to think that Kaboul is a liability and should be offloaded too, but his tackling ability and size make him a keeper (at least until January) in my opinion.

    Five centre-backs of Vertonghen (age: 27), Kaboul (28), Chiriches (24), Dier (20) and possibly Musacchio (23) would be a pretty talented and deep group, don’t you think?
  2. Holsten Guest

    So glad Danny rose signed a new deal,unlike the clowns on Harry Hotspur,chiriches hopefully will stay too,Dawson and Naughton 1st out the door
  3. Bobster Guest

    Dier looks like a top prospect and a real bargain, especially for an English player who are usually over priced.

    Dawson could still be useful in the physical games, because he is great in the air against players like Andy Carroll. I wouldn't play Dawson when the other team has players with pace or quick passing movements.

    When Vertonghen and Chiriches return, our central defence looks good with Kaboul as well.

    I am more concerned about the right back position. Naughton seems to make less mistakes than Walker but is not as fast and less of an attacking threat. But Walker often doesn't know what to do with the ball in attacking positions and makes too many mistakes in defence. I would make the right back position more of a priority than centre back.

    Spurs also need to reduce the size of the squad. Paulinho is the worst midfielder I have ever seen play for Spurs. I just hope he is one of the players to be sold.
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Only under the leadership of Levy could you assemble a 35 man squad that lacks depth, balance and genuine quality. 5 below par 'defenders', 5 DMs, 4 wingers that cant hit double figures in assists or goals, and only 1 striker who can hit double figures.
    We have the numbers to field 3 teams and still have Naughton getting a starting spot.
    This is what happens when the Accountant meddles in all the transfers with only profit/sell on value in mind!
    Only Spurs- Only under Levy
  5. big fran Guest

    Must admit I was quite surprised I was very surprised to see how well dier performed as I was led to believe he was one for the future than the now. Could save us millions by either not bringing in another centre half or driving down the necessity/price for mussachio if were genuinely in for him. However if a centre half comes in I'd expect veljkovic to go on loan!
  6. PluckySpur Guest

    I get the feeling that as soon as Musacchio comes in, then, Jan heads out to Barca - that infamous 5 yr contract to max Jan's value. I think the players are learning to accept Levy's strategy of tying them up on big contract, and then, Levy holds out to the last few days of the window - gets Spurs a big fee and Jan a big salary.

    Also, Vlad is probably gone because of the infamous 'back niggles.' I hope not, but, MP hasn't talked about Vlad since the start of the summer.

    Finally, I can see Walker going to Barca, and his nagging 'pelvis injury' seems to have come up when the players got feed up with Sherwood's coach. At least, this helps explain why Yedlin is coming in.

    We've got to accept that we are a selling club. Gladly, we are buying players that are good enough to be wanted by Barca, Real Madrid, Roma, and Inter, and we've finally got a coach that will get them to entertain while we've got them.

    Baldini's gonna earn his money!
  7. stevethespur Active Member

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    There are a few bits on youtube of Dier talking football and he comes across as a mature, strong minded person. I think hes mentally tough enough for the prem now, maybe its being brought up abroad but he seems older than many of the young men who have come through the english club system. If they're good enough they're old enough, as the saying goes. Lets hope we found a good'n. Coys.
  8. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I don't believe that ANY player should guaranteed 1st team football at this point in the clubs evolution. Of course, have a core of 5/6 (outfield) players that, perhaps, start the 1st 5/6 games, and help the team find their rhythm, but after that, performances- and performances alone, should dictate whether that core (or indeed team) remains the same.

    Players such as Eriksen and Vertonghen MUST be pushed to produce their best on a weekly basis, NOT only by their teammates, but by their manager too.

    People are guaranteeing starts to players based on favoritism, past displays and reputations, and that is a dangerous precedence to set at a top level club.

    Because as good as Eriksen can be during games, how many times does the Dane truly grab a match by the balls, and dominate proceedings from start to finish?

    And for all Vertonghens classy composure on the ball, can we all honestly say that his presence
    has the solidifying and stabilizing effect on the back line, as a whole?

    No one is doubting that both of these players (I have mentioned as an example) are capable of moments of genuine quality, but are those moments so frequent that they should be assured of a guaranteed starting berth?

    When you have a squad with the quality and depth/size of the current Tottenham one, the challenge for the manager becomes keeping the vast majority (if not all of them) competitive amongst themselves, and motivated to contribute to the teams success.

    Doing that is infinitely more difficult when you, as a manager, are perceived to have favourites, who aren't forced to EARN their position.

    We saw it with Paulinho, under AVB, to the detriment of the team, and if we are not careful, we could be asking to see it again.

    For what it's worth, I DON'T believe MP is the kind of boss who will pick players on anything other than performances, which should in turn bode well this season.

    Players aren't stupid:
    • They recognize when they only get run outs C1 Cup, or against Yeovil in the FA Cup.
    • They can see when players aren't performing on the pitch, and yet are constantly being picked ahead of others.
    • They feel it when they give their best in training, only to be frequently left out of the matchday squads, without so much as an explanation, or acknowledgement of their efforts.

    I could go on, but I think the basis of this post will go on to form an article.

    However, what I will say is that I was very impressed by the debut made by young Eric Dier. Assured, composed and unusually authoritative for someone of such inexperience (even more so when Kaboul was replaced) Eric did very well from a defensive standpoint.

    Although, the EPL though will present a bigger, and more varied, challenge, the kid showed plenty of promise.

    Holtby looks like a man possessed, at the moment. But then again, in truth I think he ALWAYS did. The biggest things going for him, right now, is his high energy style, composure and intelligent use of the ball.

    I DON'T believe that Lewis's best/most effective position is playing as deep as he has in some of the games this pre-season, but what he has done extremely well from that orthodox CM role is time his runs well into the box. The German has already helped himself to two goals (and 2 assists, I think) in these recent friendly fixtures, and could of quite easily of had more.

    What I feel that Holtby has been lacking though, is the opportunity to show why he is the most incisive passer in the squad (on a regular basis). And, that is something that would be better displayed in a more advanced areas of the pitch. He is the more mobile and more energetic reincarnation of VDV. He sees, and makes, passes that others cannot, and that ability, I feel, would be better used as close to the oppositions penalty area as possible.

    As a no8 he can be good. As a no10 he can be exceptional.
    Last edited: August 12, 2014
    notnats likes this.
  9. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    I agree with everything that Ramos43 says. Well stated, sir.

    Getting guys challenging each other week in and week out in training, fearing that they'll lose their spot if a guy gets an opportunity in the Capital One Cup (or something similar) and performs well, will be key. Hopefully Poch will be that type of manager that takes everything into consideration, not just supposed talent or past reputations.

    That said, a fully functioning Vertonghen and Eriksen are two of the best at their respective positions in the EPL. Maybe Lamela and Holtby (I love that guy) can be that way too. If Walker is actually pushed by a backup (Yedlin?), he could be there too.
  10. joph Guest

    Jan isn't a very good defender. People see his ability on the ball and are blinded to his many faults. He is weak in the air, has concentration issues, is a poor marker especially from set pieces, lacks decision making (will run alongside a player not effecting the play for 30 yds then either do nothing or foul them once they reach the box, did this at least 3 or 4 times last season vrs West Ham and Cardiff (removing the opponents shorts) he did it at the World Cup, too costing him his place in the side which he only got back when Arsenal's then club captain got injured). He lacks pace and doesn't even read the game or position himself well to compensate. He was shocking for most of last season and if his form is similar he will be benched.

    I have no idea why you think he will be a certain starter given his poor form and injury record for the past 12 months.

    Jan and Vlad can't play together as both are weak aerially and need to be paired with a more dominant partner like Kaboul.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  11. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Agree that Jan needs to lift his game to the level that he's capable of, id also like to see him take on some responsibility as a senior player and as a leader in defence. If he stays fit and his head is in the right place then theres no doubt that he will be the teams best and first choice CB. Stats show that Jan wins about 75% of aerial duals, not the best and should improve. Kaboul on the other hand wins over 90% These two will be our best CB pairing. If and when either of these two get injured for a prolonged period of time I think we might well struggle with the league and the cups. Whats happened to Vlad?
  12. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Ramos I like what you have said about Holtby and I think that this is his year to play an important role within the team under the new manager although I really think we could see him playing in a deeper role instead of the more familiar CAM role in fact I wouldn't be surprised to see him start alongside Capoue in some of the early games of the new season, he certainly has the energy and work ethic to put in a shift in the middle and with his vision and creativity could link up well with the forwards. Ive said before and I still like three in the middle with Capoue, Sandro/Dembele and Holtby as a DLP. He's a clever, industrious, high energy player capable of an incisive pass and could easily link up with a fluid top three. Having said all that its also probable that he might get a few runs in the middle and then mostly play backup to Eriksen and play as the number 10 in cup games although im not sure that he is quite strong enough in that position to be considered for first team on a regular basis.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  13. big fran Guest

    While I agree that no player should be guaranteed first team spot that goes without saying but in reality if you do not have six or seven that are good enuf to start every game when fit and disregarding fatigue or cup games then realistically your not going to get top four football. At present I think lloris walker Jan and
    Eriksen are have that status in the squad and its not enough. The spine needs to be established more with a regular partner for Jan that will compliment each other as the comment above touches upon and one or two cmids need to step up. My preference being Sandro/ capoue along with dembele and a no 10 in front of that axis. I'd expect the wide players and forwards to be rotated a lot more after that core of players mentioned. Cup games obviously will see more wholesale changes!
    Ramos43 likes this.
  14. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    There is no question, for me, that Jan is one of the most overrated defenders in Europe. The deficiencies that Joph has pointed out are more or less spot on, from what I have observed. And the scariest thing is that I could name a few more flaws in the Belgians game.

    Look, I know it may seem like it to some, but I have nothing against Jan. Nor do I wish to against the grain, simply, for the sake of doing so.

    But as a football man I have a responsibility to call things exactly how I see/ analyse them, and unfortunately for Jan and his avid supporters, some of my findings are not that favourable. I have been saying since his 1st season that Vertonghens best form has come at LB, for Spurs.

    Some of his basic defending is average, at best. This may be due to some complacency on his part, with him being virtually assured of a starting role since breaking into the Ajax 1st team.

    I mean, besides being a good tackler and possessing excellent ball-playing skills, I often question what Jan excels at. The two qualities I have mentioned are good to have as a defender (or ANY player for that matter) but they are hardly unique qualities for defenders to have in the modern game, are they?

    The good thing for Jan is that Pochettino is a former CB himself, and as such will be able to spot and rectify any weaknesses in the Belgians game, providing Vertonghen is still open to learning.

    So whilst I believe Jan possesses the POTENTIAL to be amongst the best in the EPL/Europe, as things stand he isn't even the best at Spurs, and isn't really close to be that either, in my opinion.

    Moving away from that topic I think it says a lot about Nabil Bentaleb that he has returned to Tottenham Hotspur in what appears to be GREAT condition. If memory serves me correctly, Algeria were eliminated at the same point in the World Cup as Belgium, yet while the Belgian boys are undergoing intensive fitness sessions in order to catch up with the rest of the squad, Nabil has already played 2 games!

    Now, as far as I am aware, Mousa's missus is expecting their 1st child, so him taking his extended break after a hugely disappointing/unfortunate WC Cup campaign, on a personal level, with Belgium is understandable.

    But Chadli, a player that I am a big admirer of, has no such excuse. Hey maybe I'm being a little harsh considering that neither man would have had much of a break from 'football' had they not taken some time to unwind following the WC.

    But at the same time, I can't get away from the fact, neither of them endured particularly grueling seasons. Neither man played more than a bit part in the WC, and BOTH men have significant points to prove this campaign.

    I suppose what I am saying is, it would of been nice to see Nacer and Mousa perhaps, go that extra mile to ensure that they are in the best possible shape to make a positive and lasting impression on the NEW manager.

    As it is, both could find themselves surplus to requirements without ever getting the opportunity to show Mauricio what they are capable of in a match setting.

    I am not neccesarily suggesting that either of them should have come back to training early, although that would of been a wonderful sign of their commitment to succeeding at the club, but at LEAST get yourself a personal trainer on your holidays in order to maintain a high-level of fitness so that you are ready to hit the ground running upon your return to the fold.

    Anyway, credit must go to Nabil who clearly has done some work towards keeping himself in good nick, regardless of whether he is a 'naturally fit' person or not.

    The hardships Bentelab has had to overcome in his short professional career seems to have given him a desire, commitment and drive to make the most of his time at Spurs.

    The kid still has a long way to go to reach the kind of standard of those set before him in that midfield area, but his attitude, along with his talent, are certainly seeing him head in the right direction.

    To be honest, I think Nabil is better suited as a box-2-box/ orthodox CM in a 3 man midfield, where he has the opportunity to stretch those wonderfully long legs of his. I think Nabil would benefit from have a natural DM beside him, allowing him to be slightly more expressive in his game. Identified as the man who broke-down in the dressing room, following Spurs' gallant exit in the Europa League, at the hands of Benfica, Bentaleb is an emerging talent whose progress I look forward to, carefully, following over the coming season.

    No doubt this cameo display, making his debut, at St Mary's has left a lasting impression on Poch.

  15. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    I don't believe Holtby should be ANYONES 'back-up'. Hence the reason I was, and still am, of the opinion, that if Lewis isn't given the opportunities to play 1st team football in his most effective position then he should be sold!

    The kid is a KILLER (passer). And you don't want 'killers' by the halfway line, more often than not. He is trained to do damage with his passing, NOT simply 'link' play . And while he is capable of looking neat and tidy in a deeper position 'linking' play, you are removing/dimming what makes the kid so special!

    'Back up to Eriksen'? Get out of it!!! Lewis is a BETTER no10 than the Dane (not necessarily player, but a no10), for me. The problem is Lewis has not had enough opportunities at Spurs, in that particular role (the one he was brought to fill), to show exactly what he was capable of doing.

    When he WAS given the chance to prove his worth in that no10 position, this is what happened:

    The killer in Lew: 1.07

    Last edited: August 12, 2014
    notnats likes this.
  16. big fran Guest

    All about opinions and the main thing is the season is upon us and were all clearly passionate about spurs. Here would be my team to start vs the spanners who will no doubt be physical as always. Lloris naughton :( kaboul Jan Davies Sandro capoue eriksen lamela Townsend adebayor. Compete early on especially in the middle of the park and maybe open up later on with the intro of maybe Fredericks lennon and soldado/Kane. But stay in the game early doors first and not capitulation as last term.
  17. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    Holtby has to be in the starting lineup in my opinion. His motor and his vision will benefit Spurs in Poch's system. Who better to consistently pressure West Ham (and others) for 90 minutes?
  18. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Naughton has been one of the teams best/ most consistent performers this pre-season, and looks more than ready to start the season, if need be. If your looking for an athletic, attack-minded, physical, full-back -then Naughts ISN'T your man!

    But if you are able to appreciate a ball-playing, intelligent 'footballer' (not 'athlete'), who maintains possession well, can pick a pass and relies on clever movements, rather than pace, to supplement the attack, Kyle N is a good option. A more agile Vedran Corluka type.

    Defensively sound, technically assured and tactically aware, the problem for Naughton is that he has no REAL ,apparent, X-Factor (in his game) that is obvious the casual punter can see/identify with. He isn't particularly outstanding in any one area. But he is certainly good in most!

    He is a player that has based his game on mental and technical qualities, rather than physical. And those attributes are sometimes more difficult to appreciate, so easily. Especially in a full-back, that most prefer to be more of an ‘athletic’ type.

    There is a reason that Swansea (of all teams) are pursuing him.

    I agree though that West Ham will present Spurs with a physical challenge to overcome before we can capitalise on our teams superior technical ability. I think this will be the one game where Big Sam will be allowed to play for the result, rather than to please the crowd. Although it will be interesting to see how the hammers set up, after the co-owners scandalous, succession of public statements designed to undermine their manager.

    I like your team Big Fran, but I wonder if Lamela might be better used coming on from the bench in this one. West Ham will undoubtedly target the Argentine for a good kicking, as a ploy to test/diminish his influence/confidence, and given Eriks inexperience of this kind of derby, perhaps Lennon would be a wiser choice to start.

    Does anybody think that Poch will start players that have yet to play any competitive football this pre-season? Will be interesting to see how he plays it, but personally I think it is more likely that the WC players will start in the upcoming EL clash next week.
  19. big fran Guest

    You could be right regarding lamela but I'm just thinking this season he maybe backed from the off this season rather than the bench as to show some real faith in him. Similar really to how real backed bale even tho he had no pre season allowing him to play his way into form rather than catch up. My thinking is that the solid platform of Sandro and capoue will allow the three MIDs to have a little more freedom to express themselves.
    Ramos43 likes this.
  20. Ramos43

    Ramos43 Active Member

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    Like I said, I like that team a LOT. Especially the solid platform created by Sandro and Capoue, although I think Dembele with any of them two (perhaps even in a 3 for special occasions), could offer an equally solid base, and something a bit different (in terms of being a ball carrier, centrally .i.e all Modric) to build upon.

    I can't believe that neither AVB or Sherwood chose to turn to that trio, as a two or three, throughout the course of last season.

    Scandalous doesn't quite do that decision justice. Especially, when Dembele and Sandro are both sat on the bench as the team traveled to Anfield, in a make or break clash, in favour of the midfield combo of Bentaleb and Sigurdson (who I am still slightly disappointed has left...The guy is class).

    If Poch is picking on form, I imagine Lennon, Lamela and Holtby will all be shoe-ins for the weekend, with Eriksen on the bench.

    My prediction for the team vs West Ham, providing everyone stays fit, is:


    Naughton Kaboul Dier Rose


    Bentaleb Holtby

    Lamela Lennon



    Kane/ Davies

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