Should Spurs Give it a Whirl in the Europa League?

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by dnoll5, August 5, 2014.

  1. dnoll5

    dnoll5 Member

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    If there’s one competition that English teams don’t care for, it’s the Europa League. It’s seen as a waste of time, a second rate competition, and most significantly, a travel nightmare. While two out of three of these things are technically true, it’s about time Spurs give a proper run out to the Europa League and actually try to win in. Here’s why.

    We’re Seeded

    First of all, Tottenham will not need to use many of their typical first team players in order to get out of the group stage. During the last campaign, Spurs rolled through the group stage winning all six games and racking up 15 goals to two.

    This season should be no different as Tottenham are a seeded team again and should play some pretty easy teams in the group stage. After that, it obviously becomes much more difficult.


    Sure, travel for the EL can be an obstacle for your domestic campaign, but is playing on Thursday and Sunday really that different than playing Wednesday and Saturday which many Champions League participants do on a regular basis? And I understand that they also play Tuesday/Saturday with an extra day off half the time, which makes that schedule better than anything the EL can offer, but with a squad the size of Spurs, it shouldn’t matter all that much.

    And I know it’s terrible taking a late night jet from Moldova to London, but is it honestly that much different from the teams that routinely fly from England to Russia, Ukraine or Turkey in the Champions League? I argue that it isn’t, especially if the squad is properly rotated.

    Taking it Seriously

    Spanish teams always seem to take the Europa League seriously, and a Spanish side has won the competition six out of the last 11 years. Winning the Europa League doesn’t seem to have been a burden on Atlético Madrid, Valencia, or Sevilla. Those teams have recently played in the Champions League, been highly competitive domestically, and won domestic cups. Why can’t we do that? Perhaps under Mauricio Pochettino, we can.

    Comparing Sevilla to Tottenham

    Sevilla FC and Tottenham are surprisingly similar in many ways. Think of some of the greats that have played for Sevilla before moving on to world powers- Sergio Ramos, Dani Alves, Álvaro Negredo, and Jesús Navas to name a few.

    Spurs have a pretty similar recent history in developing guys on the cheap and selling them for huge profits. Gareth Bale and Luka Modrić are the prime examples.

    So, these two clubs (typically) buy smart and sell for profit meaning that their respective youth systems are ripe with some talent, a good sign for deep cup runs, especially if that talent is cultivated properly and given regular run outs with the first team. Look at Harry Kane and Nabil Bentaleb last season under Sherwood. For all the flack that Sherwood took, developing those guys and giving them a chance in the EPL was massive.

    More Comparisons

    In Spain, Sevilla are really only playing for fourth. The top three places are locked up and that fourth Champions League spot is a battle between a herd of teams with Athletic Bilbao, Valencia, Sevilla, Sociedad and others all battling for that elusive spot. SFC honestly had a better chance of advancing deep in the Europa League than beating out five or six other teams for that one UCL spot. Spurs find themselves in a similar position with seven teams and maybe a surprise or two at the start of the season fighting for four spots. The odds seem to be better for a few deep cup runs than a top four finish, especially since there is new management and time is needed.

    Holding out for the Top Four?

    I know everyone involved with the club desperately wants Champions League football as soon as possible, and many think that Mauricio is the man to do it, but why this year? When City are loaded, Chelsea have reloaded, United look reinvigorated, Arsenal have actually signed a striker, Liverpool have bought everyone under the sun, and Everton have bagged Lukaku, the chances are minimal.

    I trust Mauricio, but his track record says that we should be asking for patience and if we do, good things will come in the league soon thereafter. So why not battle it out for a major trophy when no one in the club is demanding a top four finish for a change?
  2. Mark45 Guest

    And of course winning the Europa league qualifies you for next years Champions League. Best reason of all to take it seriously
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  3. Muller Guest

    Plus the EL winner gets CL the following year don't they?? This season the 3rd place CL teams don't drop into the EL this season either! Therefore go all out in the EL win it and then if the goons or chavs finish fourth we will have their place :) and a trophy. :) :)
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  4. j-king Guest

    Hi mate you forgot to mention that if we win the damn thing we actually get a Champions League Spot!!! cheers for the article though was an interesting read, I think your right we have to stop making exscuses
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  5. S-P Guest

    I agree with everything you say - and the Europa would be four major European trophies to the Goons one, let them 'ever in our shadow' that one :)

    Until the very end, I just don't get this 'chances minimal' for a top four spot lark. I know so many Spurs fans who are taking this tack. The truth is we have a very good young squad, and I believe it is being underestimated quite badly. Chelsea and Citeh probably should be locked on for the top spots, or challenging them, at least. But the Goons, United, Liverpool, Us and Everton (in that order of probability) all have any number of factors that could go wrong or right and determine whether it is a great, good, average, mediocre or awful season. And for just playing the games, cheering the team on, aiming to win every game (but knowing that won't happen), and seeing where we end up at the end of the season. Who knows, it might be top four - and thinking like that is much better than the negativity of just asserting outright we have no chance (which seems to be based on just assuming the lowest common denominator for us and highest for all our rivals).

    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. Stoner Guest

    I think we should go all out and try and win it - after all a cup is a cup no matter what one it is. Also as been pointed out already the winners of this seasons Europa League qualify for next seasons Champions League.
    Deggsy56 and Mattj78 like this.
  7. j-king Guest

    Lol we all said the same thing, but just to clear it up we don't actually steal 4th places CL spot if we win the EL we just get our own separate spot. I.E. there will be 5 English teams in the CL.
  8. If you are not going to take the competition seriously then there is no point being in it- (just look at Scum in the CL). I'm quietly confident that Poch will use the squad properly to achieve maximum success out of it, something Arry, HIV and Timmy all failed at miserably often causing point drops, burn out, injury or just mass confusion. Used correctly there is no reason we can't win it and based on our stature we should be aiming for just that a European Cup is a glorious achievement and something we can all celebrate and remember for years, CL Q is just an added bonus incentive.
    Deggsy56 likes this.
  9. stevethespur Active Member

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    Every year we're in the europa lge an article like this appears then we do exactly the same thing we always do, have a half hearted attempt at it. Good article and well written , but.....! Would love to win it but the premier league will take priority. We should breeze through the group but then we'll face some good sides. Thought Juventus and Benfica were better sides than us last season. Its not an easy tournament to win, its not just waiting for us, we'll have to be at our very best to even get close. Coys
    notnats likes this.
  10. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I agree that we should try and win the trophy, but I am also old fashioned and believe we should try and win every cup competition we are in. I have said here recently that finishing in the top six and winning any silverware will be a great season, but do not be deluded about the pressure Pochettino will be under. Levy will give him this year to build a team, but next season he will demand the top four.
    It saddens me that finishing fourth is what we , as fans have to aspire to nowadays. How on Earth can a competition be called the Champions league when you don't have to be a champion to win it!!!!
    The top four brings modern day success but I want trophies. Give me the FA cup over finishing fourth.
    My realistic side knows that the top four is what it is all about these days but I am a Billy Nic Spurs fan. Football is about winning. If you accept second best, you don't play for Spurs.
    Evidently fourth best is the football world we now live in.
  11. notnats

    notnats Well-Known Member

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    Yep, here we go again, but it is a tough one as always, its hard to know how to prioritise the Europa at the beginning of the season. Obviously it would be fantastic to win it, but its a tough competition and the most important games are played during a very demanding and sometimes difficult time in the league. Do we put out very strong teams or do we go with youth and fringe players ? A lot depends on injuries and form. In the early stages im all for it, good competitive games in Europe for the squad and to keep them all match fit and sharp but when it gets closer to the business end the club needs to make decisions and how we prioritise our standing in the league and do we risk it with an all or nothing approach to the Europa. Also this is Poch's first year managing European competitions and it will be interesting to see how much importance he gives it. Personally I think we have a very good squad and could give a good showing, my biggest concern is injuries particularly in defence, im hoping we don't have to put out a CB pairing of Capoue and Fryers for these games.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  12. Deggsy56

    Deggsy56 Active Member

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    I actually thought we had a good enough side to win the damn thing - we weren't (good enough) but should've been. A regular first eleven should be priority and just change a few for Euro Lge. I watched the EL final and the Seville fans/players when won it celebrated like it was the WC. I wanted us (Spurs)
    to be there and still do. Hell just reaching the final - and losing would be an achievment. We are better than some of the Euro sides. Go for it. We should be capable of winning one of the cups at least and remain top 6. If Erikson had another good season and Lamela clicks we will. I want to be singing Glory Glory Tottenham Hotspur again.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  13. stevethespur Active Member

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    Yeah, would be amazing to get to a european final. In the later stages the competition comes to life. To be honest i enjoy the thursday nights watching spurs, what else is there to do on a thursday night in a british winter ! Coys.
    Deggsy56 and Mattj78 like this.

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