Matchday discussion

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by bigfran, September 14, 2018.

  1. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Ooops... I suggested to sell Hugo over a month ago. We dominated the game, which is rarity as of late and should have pocketed 3 points. Now we have to get some wins to move to Europa.
    burnt and Bazza47 like this.
  2. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    That's what's wrong - far too much should have, could have and absolutely no did do.
    burnt, Spurporter and Bazza47 like this.
  3. Peter reed Guest

    I have been listening to a phone in on talk sport as to discuss have Spurs improved since their last trophy under Ramos.although most fans said they had they still want a trophy.I am amazed how all the presenters on this program think Pochetino is a god worshipped by the players and no one mention that he has managed a few clubs but has never won anything.Ithink he has done a reasonable job but I am afraid he leaves a lot to be desired in my eyes as I don't see passion as per the Man City and liver pool managers.Dreading the game on Sunday made worse that the scum are starting to look like top four definites
    Gordon Mc, Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  4. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    So very true palmover - painful to hear the excuses, with Poch speaking DL's words on squad strength.
    Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  5. Cheshuntboy Guest

    When Pochettino took over in 2014, Spurs weren't in crisis; we'd just finished 6th with 69 points, but we'd certainly fallen back from Redknapp's two top fours in three years, and needed re-focusing. Most of our best players were already at the club, and the newcomers were really an unexpected bonus; no one (but NO ONE) expected Alli to start at the absolute top of his game (and has he already shot his bolt?), while Alderweireld had been around for a few years without pulling-up trees, but credit where it's due; Pochettino coached them into a good, but not good enough, team for a couple of years to 2017. They've undeniably gone backwards since then, and I've seen nothing to suggest that this team under this manager can recover, even to the extent of a top four spot, given that the transfers have been patchy at best, while the much-vaunted academy has produced one fringe first-teamer in Winks, and nothing else. Above all, Pochettino himself seems distracted and distant - he took Levy's loot back in the summer and probably lost his self-respect in the process - altogether a pretty poor outlook (but the stadium is certainly very shiny!).
    Bazza47, Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  6. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Yes, Spurs screwed up, yet we are not a hopeless losers this group is picturing. There is nothing like "absolutely no did do". We had and and still have some irreplaceable performers out injured. If we win Monday, we are top of EPL. What is wrong? Absolutely nothing. It is a game. You may be down, just pick yourself up. We are consistently top 6 club striving to be regular top 4. I do not see any valid reasons why we cannot win nex 3 games in UCL and move to next round. We need to start with Monday win. COYS!!!
    Last edited: October 26, 2018
  7. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    I respect your views but differ totally. Who are the irreplaceables ? Dele - could have been considered 2 years back, but his progression has stalled badly since. Rose - was an undisputable first choice but somewhat blunted by injuries now: if he's irreplaceable it's only because Ben Davies is far from it. Wanyama - ditto on the injuries front. None are irreplaceable at all unless, when fit, they start to deliver a damn sight better than they've been doing for quite a while. I can't think of anyone else other than Vertonghen and he is, granted, a huge miss. As for "no valid reasons why we cannot win the next 3 CL games" - I've seen enough evidence in the first three to suggest we might not win any of the remaining ones. Seriously.
    Last edited: October 26, 2018
    palmover likes this.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Well some rumours emerging that Real Madrid r sniffing about for Pochettino and may just put an actual bid in for him......

    Should've been backed and backed properly these last 2 years instead he was left to hang out to dry while his well oiled machine has not been serviced and is now idling.

    If a solid offer comes in for him who could blame him for going?
    He wasn't backed and isn't likely to be...

    I've said it before il say it again he is flogging a dead horse at Spurs!
    Just like our last 25 years of support , until there's significant investment in the Team (not buildings) every Manager or Group of players will constantly be hamstrung.

    The Ownership is a money sucking penny pinching parasite that now has us in the biggest debt in Europe and flirting with yet another Transition.

    The squad needed a shake up/freshen up everyone knew it and the club ignored it and truth be known its because of the absolute shambles of a stadium project thats haemorraging money and that's been grossly mismanaged and completely over the top.
    palmover, burnt and Gordon Mc like this.
  9. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Breaking news is that club confirms all 2018 'home games' to be played at the souless bowl Wembley
  10. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    No games at the New Lane 'til New Year at the earliest, a HUGE debt round the club's neck, a mooted change of manager, an exit from CL looming and a squad that is underperforming and inviting a good old-fashioned tonking from Manchester City on Monday night. Oh well - we've got the longest bar and the biggest megastore in Europe at the Theatre of Cheese'n'beer to be happy about. Let's all hear it... Hip Hip....
    palmover, Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  11. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Again Spurporter I wished I shared your optimism....
  12. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    The Stadium...... Truth or Lies....

    ... so first it was delayed because of failure of the critical safety systems. But....DMC said that apart from that, the stadium would have been finished by Sept 15th. The delay allowed other external items to be brought forward, without saying what they were. Was it the veil - not judging by the pace of that. The Skybridge - possibly. But now it seems DL says it's the WHL and Northumberland Park stations....really. Making it up as they go along.

    So we miss the date by 6 weeks so far, the outside public areas are still not finished, the a**e is still hanging out of large parts of the West and East stands, there is at least another 8 weeks to go......and we still don't have a date, no idea on the test event dates, have to travel to Wembley on Boxing Day FFS......but the stadium would have been ready, apart from the CSS problems. Right.

    A public apology from the Chairman would not be far off being the minimum that Fans deserve.

    A fecking mess....views?
    burnt and Felon82 like this.
  13. burnt Well-Known Member

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    Always looked a hughly optimistic timescale to my uneducated eye . You'd wonder why you'd put yourselfs in such a position . It was a massive undertaking and why not give yourself ample time to get the job done properly and not leave yourself open to these kind of shenanigans , would 6 more months really have been that bad . It would still have been a fair feat to complete it in that time frame i.m.o . You'd wonder sometimes how some people ever became so successful in the first place . The crowd that took on the project aren't coming out of this smelling of roses either and if Levy is the tight arsed business guru he's supposed to be , one can only imagine the penelties and sanctions involved for them in this debacle . We might end up getting this stadium for half price by opening day .........
  14. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    This is assuming that Levy (pennywise/pound foolish) isn't the complete charlatan this project is exposing him for....
    Totally agree it was optimistic if not naive for a build of this magnitude to be open anywhere near on time, but of course honesty and transparency isn't in the parasites nature when season tickets need to be sold and money to be milked.
    It's yet just another play in the smoke and mirrors routine from Ming the penniless that has everyone else laughing at us the supporters.
    The only plus is a lot of the fan base are slowly waking up from their post 90s traumatic stress stupor that they've been gleefully clapping in championing the crumbs and triumphant failures.
    Last edited: October 27, 2018
  15. Peter reed Guest

    sorry to see my idol glen hoddle has been rushed to hospital after collapsing at the BBC.wish him well and pray he recovers.
  16. palmover Active Member

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    “The circumstance that happened in the last years, I think the club is not focused completely in winning titles or winning games,” Pochettino admitted.

    Strange interview to give, especially before a big game. Is this a statement a winning manager would make?

    I agree with the statement, however, i would say enic have never shown any ambition to win any trophies.
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    From the mouth of the guy that treats cups with contempt and hides all transfer window.....

    He was 'happy with the squad' and the 'Bravery' and now wants the violins out for him?

    **** it up Poch you've dined out on the praise and the myths, whilst delivering zilch.

    If he's found his voice at last , let's hope he speaks up in January or its just more hot air.....
    Last edited: October 29, 2018
  18. Peter reed Guest

    Nice to see that pochetino has found his voice at last .Pity he didn't do it in the close season when we needed reinforcements.He has finally seen the light or is he preparing an out.Maybe all the poch worshippers who criticise us who don't think he is a god will start to see the light as well.this looks like a desperate ploy to get a performance against city tonight but I'm afraid we will need a miracle based on performances so far irrespective of the points we have somehow stolen.I don't know if he is aiming his remarks to the players or Le vy.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  19. Peter reed Guest

    just seen the team to play city Erickson winks Ali son on the bench sissoko playing is he trying to get the sack to save money by resigning.Surely your best players should play or has he surrendered so he can go strong at the hammers.I am fast losing any faith in the man .If the players are not fit .why are they on the bench please pray hard
  20. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    1 shot on target in 95 minutes sums up the quality of our play.
    47% possession to 53% yet we create 4 chances to 13.
    Plenty of huff n puff but nowhere near enough intelligence or tactics to our play.
    The plusses?
    We weren't spanked nor overly outplayed.
    The minuses?
    No cutting edge, inability to keep meaningful possession and yet another loss in a big game.
    Gordon Mc, Bazza47 and burnt like this.

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