Assessment of players form & my 11 to face Liverpool

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Bazza47, September 15, 2018.

  1. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Well all fellow Tottenham Live folk and fellow Yiddo’s, it’s good to be back on the forum once again and to see how we feel about taking on the ‘Pool this Saturday. I was nearly able to say we arrive in a rich vane of form, but then we did the Spursy bit and lost to Watford, who simply wanted it more than us.

    It’s been a pretty strange start all round hasn’t it. A nation-lifting World Cup, H as the Golden Boot winner, Tripps playing out of his skin and emerging as a genuine threat to the Dane at set pieces, and 3 wins out of 3, including a simply stellar performance at the Theatre of Dreams from H and particularly Lucas. Then we head over to Watford, all full of casual confidence, blow a lucky lead and justifiably lose.

    Add to that we are no longer Tottingham Hotspurs’, we’re Wembley Hotspurs, Stadium MK Hotspurs , one day Tottenham Hotspur Stadium Hotspurs, all in all a pretty sorry state, for sure.

    Notwithstanding the debacle of not knowing where we should lay our hats, or rather our boots, we have the matter of a rather difficult home Wembley match, first up on Saturday against an ever more dangerous Liverpool side. Last season at this time we simply blew them away…..I wish.

    So let’s try to look at an evidence based assessment of players form, both in the WC and the PL matches thus far.

    Hugo – well he was the winning captain, made a few good saves, one worldy ricket in the final and an even bigger one since with the drink/drive. Total disgrace there. Looks like he might be injured. Me thinks that our goalkeeping slot might be weakened at this time.

    Full Backs – Trippier, Rose, Davies, Mad Dog. We are all so pleased to see the improvement in Tripps, the best right back at the World Cup and with two stunning free kicks what an asset he is proving to be. With Rose and Davies we don’t seem to have the right solution. Davies a good standby player, squad man, Rose generally lacks discipline for me and has been very average until this week for England, when he was MOTM according to the pundits and the press. The trouble is he’s less of a defender, more of a wing back, which means 3 at the back…..mmm jury’s out there. Mad Dog – a worry in big games, so not this week please.

    Centre Backs – no problems for me. Toby back in favour, was 10/10 against Manure, Sanchez had a good WC, Jan is simply solid. Can I see us playing 3 at the back…possibly, but Tripps and Rose need to work really hard, up and back.

    Midfield – Erik the Dane. Has anyone told him we’ve passed pre season and it’s time to get his harris engaged, and you Dele – you’re a pro footballer first, advertising icon comes later once you’ve consistently proved you are worth a start. That England performance against Spain was dire. Which brings me to Dier. Well at his best he gets a place, and probably it’s Dier or Dembele, no room for both if you start Dele… there’s a thought.

    Up Front – H and Lucas. The real worry is how ragged H looks at this present time. Apart from the header against United, I’ve seen very little to show that he’s got any go left in him. Thank goodness for Moura’s start to the season, as without him we would be far less well off. Sonny returns to the fold and has got his golden pass-out to national service, so is a great option off the bench.

    So for me, assuming all are fit, it’s 1-3-5-2 – Hugo, Sanchez, Toby, Jan, Tripps, Dier or Dembele, Eriksen, Dele, Rose or Son, Lucas and H.

    As for Liverpool – I think I’m too worried to look too closely at what they have to offer.

    Come On You Spurs……
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    There's something off about how we utilise Eriksen , he seems to constantly go on international duty and score a brace and then he comes back to us and seems to be less influential.
    I don't think it helps when he has Alli who offers nothing unless he's scoring or Lamela next to him as niether have much pace or anything technically to trouble defenders 1 on 1 so it all becomes very flat.
    Ideally for me Son & Moura ethier side of Kane with Eriksen pulling the strings in behind would be my main set up going forward.
    Alli would make a good impact player and could probably do with the wake up call imo.

    Has anyone else noticed Pochettino seems to be getting glummer and more niggly with his attitude?
    While Klopps energy and positive approach seems to translate itself to the Liverpool team?

    On paper there is not much between the sides if anything , but whereas Liverpool seem to swarm forward with pace and movement we seem incessant on this gritty pass pass pass hope something can be manufactured here type approach.
    And now what's worse is Liverpool have a fat bench to effectively change it up and influence games.

    Unfortunately for us all our holding CMs look way off the pace and if people think Winks is the answer to they r delusional.
    We can't continue to play Davies as a wing back when he's just not fast or effective enough.
    Please don't put Aurier anywhere near this squad today.
    Hugo is injured I thought may not be a bad thing we don't need his erratic footwork putting pressure on us if Liverpool r on their game.

    The long suffering spurs fan I am inspires no confidence based on our performances so far , but we are capable of raising our game & turning this lot over.

    The result will be telling of our credentials for this season.
  3. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Sadly, it looks as if this game will be a test of whether Liverpool can push-on from last season, and whether we can simply hang-on to our top four spot, a serious title challenge looking out of the question. Kane's form, fitness or both look to be key to everything this season might hold for Spurs, and I really must question Pochettino's legendary man-management if it's true that Harry 'insisted' on returning to training with virtually no break after the World Cup - he may think he's indestructible, but Pochettino is supposed to look at the bigger picture, and if Kane doesn't show some form soon, the possibility of dropping him for the good of the team (not just for his own good) might become real. He's obviously proved that he's not a one, two, or even three season wonder, but there's no guarantee that the goals will just keep coming - Michael Owen and Robbie Fowler both started like express trains for Liverpool, but both were more Thomas than Gordon after a few years, while people of my vintage will remember how Martin Chivers had three years as the terror of the old Division One, and then just lost his edge, and seemed devoid of inspiration - too much like Harry Kane 2018 for comfort. A couple of goals this lunchtime, in a nice stylish win, and I'll shut up (for today).
    Bazza47, Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  4. Big fran Guest

    Looks a very negative line up for me. Not many out balls so we could be defending for much of the game. Hope eriksen fares better in the no10 roll and proves me wrong.
  5. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    What a p;ss poor performance.

    1-2 flattered us and Liverpool weren't even that good.

    'Team' lacked everything today, had no game plan, no bite, no work ethic, no pace, no effort awful.

    Pochettino is reaping what he's sewn from being so 1 dimensional , running his side into the ground, burying his head in the sand all summer.
    Looking moody and glum is not a plan B, you've not been Brave, you've been arrogant bordering on neglegent.

    Is there a target per match of how many passes we can make in our own box?
    Dembele , Winks & Dier were an embarrassment, Eriksen & Kane were complete no shows, again Moura trying to carry the entire team seemingly the only player that has the ability to sprint.

    As regulars know I'm not a fan of Lamela but at least he actually looked like he wanted to get involved, took his goal very well.

    The whole team and Poch need a massive wake up !

    Sh;te window has cost us massively there is no title challenge here and this team is not getting better
    Spurporter, burnt, bruski and 2 others like this.
  6. Peter reed Guest

    Just finished watching spurs surrender against Liverpool.Thank goodness liverpool strikers are so greedy and don't pass to other forwards in better positions or the score could easily be 6 or7..Spurs non transfer policy now starting to show fruit and why does poch keep playing vorm who will cost us points ..would Dier get in any other premiership team.Dreading midweek in Milan.Surely we must go back to 3at back so our full backs. Are not exposed.Please get wanyama and son in and show dembele the door.Poch keeps saying no problem with Kane who looks no better than a championship player at the moment.
  7. Gordon Mc

    Gordon Mc Well-Known Member

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    Another p*ss-poor showing; things are looking a bit grim methinks - and none of the "it's early days yet" that I'm hearing from local Spurs, please. I only saw the first 45 and from what I'm making out of the rest of it, I'm glad. Some shockers on display again, Eriksen, Winks, Dier (especially Dier, 'cos that's what he was, although spelt differently,) Rose, 'Arry. Our back-up 'keeper continues to scare the life out of me and I'm feeling a bit uncertain about our direction this year - something badly wrong here. This isn't anywhere near the team of the last few years and 9 points from 9 at the start has only papered massive cracks and Pochettino looks and sounds somewhat lost to me, too. Oh, and finally, a couple of words to Michael Oliver: You Dick.
    Spurporter, bruski and Bazza47 like this.
  8. Peter reed Guest

    Can anyone explain to me what pochetino and Southgate see in the appalling Dier.Its bad enough that he gives the ball away for us but for England as well .A complete mystery to me and I assume most of the country as well.Unfortunately he is backed up at club level by dembele who is worse.Why do the tv critics rave about him.As much as i have my doubts about lamela I think he should join wanyama and Erickson in our midfield and son and moura should be up top and Kane dropped to gee him up
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    After the surrender against Watford, and three wins flattering us, I was bricking it today against a side who have spent well on three top players, to turn themselves into real contenders.

    We were shown up, seriously shown up. Could have been 5. When you get below par performances from several, ney most of the side, you don't deserve anything, and that's exactl what we got.

    So many mistakes, and so, so pedestrian. All of a sudden the long hot summer, no signings, and the stadium delays are showing in our legs and in our confidence.

    Where do we go from here. Difficult to know where to start, but over the next few days Poch needs to get his arse in gear and solve things, so that we at least come back from Inter with a point.

    Before today I was concerned......mmmm
    Gordon Mc, burnt and Felon82 like this.
  10. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    It's the ex accountant in me Fran, risk averse....turned out being defensive became the order of the day...poor wasn't it.
  11. Peter reed Guest

    have just seen pochs after match remarks and wonder if he was watching the same match as me.Hesaid we were competing which could not be further from the truth.He also said don't worry about him but I do because he has lost the plot completely or is he toeing the party line because of the new stadium and the refusal of levy to spend any money.I get the impression we are not being told the whole truth and the only way to show our displeasure is to stop paying the entrance fees for a while and see if levy reacts
  12. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    Their is definitely something not right with Poch. He has been niggly for months and it's not what we're used to. I don't think it's accidental that it coincides with us playing so badly. Something is not right in the camp. Of that I am convinced.
  13. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    Yes Peter. I do believe the team needs shuffling. Not so much for a kick up the arse but genuinely because our current 'first team' isn't cutting it.
    Gordon Mc, Bazza47 and Spurporter like this.
  14. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    I also believe Poch is toeing the party line but he's not doing a very good job. He's spinning yarns that frankly are ridiculous. Does he think we no nothing about football? We all watch the same game ffs!! We're not stupid. So unlike him. What's going on?
  15. burnt Well-Known Member

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    Bad day at the office lads but the signs have been there all season , we are flat as a pancake all over the pitch at the moment . This has all the hallmarks of something that could get very ugly very quickly . We've absolutely left the door wide open for this situation to happen I'm afraid , that's the most frustrating thing . There's no inkling of us turning this around yet either bar the hope that things can change quickly ... Awful stuff ... C.O.Y.S .....
  16. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    1. Poch lost to LFC before the game started by making bad selections and deciding to play 4-3-3 we are not good at.
    2. We need to sell both Vorm and Lloris while they have any value and buy as soon as January one that is on par with the rest of the squad.
    Right on the money, well put.
    Poch should stop being clean shaved, wearing Levy's suit (literally) and get back to a warm-up set, unless he sends some kind of message this way. Coaches lose their jobs over games like that. My take: Poch would like to get fired. He is Mou replacement at MUFC. Sincerely hope to eat crows on that, but...
    5. We will see on Tuesday whether Poch tried to save Son, Wanyama and Lamela for Inter tie. Those we clearly missed against Klopp.
    Oh, I agree. No matter how poor the Spurs were, there should have been a penalty for leveling Son and the possible draw should have resulted.
    Last edited: September 16, 2018
    bruski, Felon82 and Bazza47 like this.
  17. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    And as Utd & Arsenal's poor starts were widely news they now currently sit level on points with us , just look how far they've come, I wonder if they're enjoying the ride?
    Bazza47 likes this.
  18. Edinspur Guest

    I feel this team has missed the boat in terms of winning trophies (last season's FA Cup had to be won with Wembley being home turf.)

    Clouding everything now, looking to the future, is a bill for 1 Billion pounds.

    Were Leeds or Portsmouth (or any football club) ever on the hook for such a sum of money?
    Felon82 likes this.
  19. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    So you are a knackered professional footballer, say like Kane/Son/Eriksen, you see the Club fail to sign a single player, you know your top opponents have spent Zillions, most many millions, your new stadium is a mess, your playing at Wembly and Stadium MK instead.....your club captain gets done for DD at over twice the legal limit and your manager is totally pee'd off.....Wtf!!!

    I'm not making excuses for them, but these f**k-up factors are all contributing to the total mess on the pitch.

    I've gone from being Worried to being Very Worried & Depressed. A mess for sure.
    bruski, Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.
  20. Graham Wood. Guest

    As we can all now see, the chicken is coming home to roost. Saturdays defeat by Liverpool showed us a team
    which will struggle to win against most of the recognized top six clubs. Midfield was largely missing and Erickson had another poor game. Misplaced passes leading to both Liverpool goals. Our boys looked tired and devoid of ideas.The only really bright spot was the play of Lucas Moura who is trying his best to win games single-handedly. Dier had another nightmare and Dembele ran out of steam in midfield.
    I will not go on as we all saw the game, presumably, and each of us has our own opinion.
    For what it is worth the "no signings policy" is coming back to bite us big time. We seem to have successfully antagonized and alienated too many of the clubs we seek to do business with. Hence, we cannot even sign a
    promising Championship player. Couldn't sign Frankie de Jong and looks like the same with Matthijs de Ligt
    both of whom could have helped us now and in the future. Until Mr. Levy sees the light and focuses on the team we will be forced to pay way over the odds to sign anyone. His pet stadium project needs to be put firmly on the back burner and focus fixed on getting the team some good new fresh blood to shore up the gaps.
    It's no good building a castle if you do not have the troops to defend it.
    bruski, Gordon Mc and Felon82 like this.

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