Ca Sera Sera.......

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, August 18, 2018.

  1. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    There are no guarantees, some players improve and others don't. Smalls digs at Poch does nothing to move the club forward, best kept to oneself. Believe we are all in agreement that he's a good coach, but he has his flaws just like anyone. When it comes to developing players, he does a decent job; not all players go on to be stars.

    Although Mason had a short career, Poch definitely had an influence on him; same applies to Bentaleb and a few others(Walker, Rose,...). Some just didn't work out, Janssen seems to be in that category.
  2. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    I believe the reason you feel the need to contribute such well constructed posts as 'where's the yawn emoji' is because when the truth is spoken it hurts ?
    Else why the need?
    I don't see much contribution from you at any other time VoR.
    I'm flattered by your obsession of course but here's an idea...
    How about you post something of your own accord/account to do with Spurs next time?
    Would be much more interesting for all.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Remy although I agree with most of this post, the idea that being critical of Poch is best kept to oneself is absurd.
    I've seen numerous posts on this and other forums where Pochettino is regularly compared to a young Sir Alex Ferguson, now although he's done a relatively good job so far he's still been found wanting on numerous occasions and his transfer dealings barring a few gems produced by Pleat & Mitchell have been very poor to say the least.
    When this is highlighted it's made out that it's the players fault for not buying into Pochettinos regime , it's never Pochettino's fault for not managing players and skill sets better?
    Or not pro actively scouting and purchasing better?
    He's left both Jannssen & Llorente stranded when they've got game time because he hasn't altered the team to play to their strengths.
    Football isn't constantly about working hard , working hard is a basic necessity but there's so much more to the overall game.
    And the utter BS and cryptic language used this summer before doing a complete U-Turn when the whole farce of a window came to a close was pretty poor imo.
    Pochettino still has a lot to prove imo, he's got to be more pro active during the off seasons to improve his squad, he's got to create some no nonsense leadership, 2nd isnt good enough mentality within the team, he's got to tactically out smart other teams players & managers when it's crunch time.

    I will be the 1st to laud him if he finally brings some silverware to the club because he will have done what proper Top Managers do - Won Something
    Until then he's a good coach nothing more.
    palmover and Remy Uwilin like this.
  4. antony Active Member

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    Poch is the best manager in all structures/departments of the club we have had in over 2 decades!

    That cannot be argued with!
  5. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    It's fair to state that there are lots of areas that he needs to improve in, ultimately speaking...I agree with you. Comparisons to Sir Alex are absurd; far to early to make such statements. There's great potential there, but until he reaches some of the same heights; it's too premature to call it.

    I also believe there are distinctions between critique and a dig, one's constructive the other aims at bringing someone down. I may have misconstrued yours but it seemed like the latter to me. This is where when it comes to Poch's player development; I have a bit of sympathy for him. When given a talented investment, ei Sanchez or players who fall in directly with his vision / diamonds in the rough (Dier, Alli and the likes), ultimately he has delivered. Unfortunately, Tottenham/Levy haven't invested in those expensive young talents...aimed more for the relatively least expensive talents (Janssen, Njie, GNK) and those are more so a hit or miss.
    Felon82 likes this.
  6. palmover Active Member

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    Fergie wanted to win everything, he didn't pick and choose which cups were important, he wanted to win all of them. Botch said wining an Fa cup wouldn't change your life. Fergie never would have said that, fergie had a fire a desire to win, Pep has it as well, i don't see that fire in botch.
  7. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Thankyou Palmover someone else that sees it.
  8. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    So old Hugo has been done for drink driving....

    Think Pochettino would do well to use this opportunity to strip him of the captaincy and give it to a proper leader without it seeming personal.
    Lloris fooked up and must accept what punishment comes his way, with a captaincy comes responsibility and he has let the club down.
    Bazza47 likes this.
  9. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    No doubt about letting everybody down - French Skipper, Spurs Skipper, World Cup Captain.... Just not good enough Hugo. This will be a test for Poch. Hugo could give it up, for sure, but who would it go to Jan or our England Skipper H.... Interesting, but shame on you Lloris.....
    Felon82 likes this.
  10. Remy Uwilin

    Remy Uwilin Active Member

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    Either Harry or Jan I'd be okay with. Most consistent leaders within our squad.
    Bazza47 and Felon82 like this.
  11. voiceofreason Active Member

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    Hey. We are in agreement ;)

    I would definitely give it to. Harry. I don’t think Jan is right. Other than that maybe Sissoko:)
  12. DangerHereDuce

    DangerHereDuce Member

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    What the hell Hugo? Without seeking to diminish the seriousness of the offence, I can only hope this offence is more of the "shouldn't have had that extra glass of wine" as opposed to being blind drunk at the wheel variety.

    It was discussed here over the summer over whether Hugo's performances had been up to scratch lately. This, coupled with his glaring World Cup final gaff, points to a distracted mind, something critically harmful for reflex-dependent keepers.

    I don't think keepers should be captains generally, I always think it should be someone in the backline, so it would be Vertonghen for me. Harry might like the prestige of being club captain, but I prefer strikers to be unencumbered with the baggage being captain brings, leaving them free to do what they do best - score the goals.
    Bazza47, Remy Uwilin and Felon82 like this.
  13. Tappaspur New Member

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    Liver who? TOTTENHAM gonna "tuck em up" we usually do. COYS

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