Spurs need to Wisen Up

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Felon82, May 2, 2016.

  1. Cheshuntboy Guest

    Because you said you loved EVERYTHING about the match! OK? Shame Wimbledon aren't around anymore, because you'd have loved supporting them!
    Felon82 likes this.
  2. Cheshuntboy Guest

    So worked up I forgot to quote on my previous comment.
    Felon82 likes this.
  3. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    You said you 'loved everything about last nights game'
  4. HGJASGK Guest

    I didn't mean it like that and you know it but come to think about it actually, yes I did enjoy everything about it. The game was a passionate London Derby, they hate us, we hate them. This is a blog site like that other pile of **** from Harry Hotspur. You are all regular commenters and have fun rubbing each other the way you like it. We didn't play anything like Wimbledon of old, it was the one game and hey Wimbledon have won the same amount of FA Cups as us in the last 25 years. The last couple of bookings and tackles were done for the team, Chelsea were in danger of snatching a third and the boys took one for the team. Hardly leg breaking tackles, more stopping a player and let him know. I loved it. You all know it doesn't happen every game and you all know how much Chelsea wound us before, during and after the game. Do any of you go to the games? Did you go last night? Ask the fans who were clapping the players off that were there what they thought of it. Brilliant stuff, entertainment, money's worth, glad I was there, Proud.
  5. Feri Guest

  6. Feri Guest

    My worry is if Pouch can lift the spirit of the team up for Sunday. It is a most win game .
  7. fred Guest

    In the first half Spurs played football & were well on top. At the interval Chelsea were probably told to start a fight knowing well that the boys would fall for it hook line & sinker. You have to hand it to them. They sucked us in good & proper.
  8. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    Everyone in PL knows by now how to play against Us.
    First, you have to press hard the entire game.
    Second, try to get under Spurs players skin. Pick the youngest, like Alli, Dier, you know. Say, push, pull, pinch, hit, trip, elbow, fist, hand, foot, etc. Progress with this sh""T further over all X, but harass defenders the most.
    Third, outplay Spurs for like 10 minutes. It is impossible to do for majority of time , but 10 minutes or so should be within a possibility.
    After correct execution of all 3 above, the fruits will fall into your hands, as Spurs will become agitated, nervous, mad and might be called off, could concede a goal or two or both.
    Not every club in PL can execute all 3 parts above. Whilst only few are not quite good at harassment, the most cannot press hard for long or even outplay us for short while. Hence, only few succeeded.
    The Rental Boys played their best game of this season. They have not pressed that vigorous as far as I can remember, perhaps, ever. They worked hard at all 3 components of the recipe above. Hazard scored arguably the most spectacular goal of his career to date. They escaped the embarrassing loss at the end. It was not a Spurs failure. No way!
    As for title, Spurs are not there yet. We are not Cinderella, we aren't one time wonder. Let LCFC be that. We are a legitimate perennial title contender, something they, certainly, aren't. COYS!!!
    Last edited: May 4, 2016

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