Title still on and goal difference boosted

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, March 20, 2016.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Anything other than a win today and even the most optimistic Spurs fan would have to agree the title would be gone.
    The manager and the players knew that and also know that we can only win our games and hope for a slip up of Gerrard proportions from Leicester City. I personally think that is unlikely but that chance always remains and while ever it does, Tottenham can still be crowned Champions of England.

    Spurs were out of the blocks quickly today and not even a minute had passed before Kane was celebrating after knocking home Walker's neat cross. Spurs have started so many games quickly this season yet not taken advantage of posession. Something that come the end of the season may ultimately cost us that title. Our game against Leicester at the Lane being a prime example.

    No such concerns today though. Kane made it 2 and Bournemouth were simply blown away by Spurs' energy and guile. The second half was more sedate but Eriksen put away a deserved third and sadly there was no hat trick for Kane. He did however look much fresher and that has to be a bonus as we approach the seasons end.

    The three goals also boosted our already impressive goal difference. That goal difference could be vital come May and certainly keeps Arsenal well at bay and is worth at least 1 extra point, if not 3.

    Spurs were professional and did their job. We looked back to our best and less leggy than in the previous 3 games.

    We must hope our England contingent stay injury free and we head to Anfield buoyed by today's win. Another win at Anfield could really put the pressure back on.

    It's Leicester's to lose. And while they can still lose it, that means Tottenham Hotspur can still win their first title for over 50 years. Now more than ever we must Dare to Do.

    Now, more than ever, Come on you Spurs!!!!
  2. Halabil Guest

    Audere est Facere!
    Mattj78 likes this.
  3. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    This was one of our best all round performances of the season for me. Okay AFC were pretty poor and a shadow of what we've seen in their last three games.

    The early goal/goals always change the dynamic of a game, but given we have had a few slips this season at home, we always needed the third. I thought the players looked sharp, with faultless performances from Toby, Eric and Harry. I'd like to see Erik the Viking turn and drive into the heart of a team more than he does - that so safe pass backwards frustrates me at times.

    But no criticisms and a thoroughly professional team performance.

    Nomadico and Mattj78 like this.
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Was saying to a mate its rare we have the game sewn up by half time but today we did.

    Good professional performance.

    2 huge games in our season on the bounce, we fluffed r lines v Sham n Scum we cannot do it v Pool n Utd.
    Mattj78 and Jonesy like this.
  5. Jonesy

    Jonesy Well-Known Member

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    Yep, I was having a similar conversation at the game too. The early goal settled everyone and we looked comfortable throughout. No nervy moments!!! A sound, professional performance.

    Now time to reflect and prepare for the final stretch. A win at Anfield would be good and a win at the Bridge would be even better - and long overdue!

    Game at a time, accumulate the points and see where we are come May.

    Felon82 and Mattj78 like this.
  6. bruski

    bruski Active Member

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    I know I've mentioned this before bit it is a very strange feeling not to be nervous watching a game. I have to confess I am still struggling with it! To watch our beautiful smart, young team play with such calm and ease, to witness creative individual performances and to see us 'managing the game' feels very alien. Is this really us? When is this dream going to end.....musn't enjoy it too much just in case!
    But the thing that excites me the most is not necessarily whether we win the Prem this year, but what this team with Poch at the helm can achieve in the years ahead. Having said that boy it would be good to win the Prem!!
    Yes our glorious Lilywhite's are actually looking beautiful.

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