Complete Spurs down City with high powered performance

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, February 14, 2016.

  1. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    A very telling thing for me personally is that I've changed my phone wallpaper from VdV, Bale and Modric to Kane, Lloris and Poch. Really is time to look forwards for the mighty Spurs.
  2. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    All of us, young and not so young, wake up today and feel that there is something very different and very special about this Spurs team.

    We've watched our young side develop and show such character this season, and today the lads became men, they came of age.

    As supporters, whether in our teens or our sixties and seventies, we know we've rarely if ever seen a better Tottenham"team". Playing for each other like no other team I can remember, there is a top to bottom passion that is there for us and all those watching, that shows that it might, just might, be their moment.

    We had the breaks, rode our luck, yet in an instant took our one real chance and turned one point into such a valuable three. I don't think the weekend's results could have gone any better for us.

    Today is not one for naming names, good or bad, this was immense as a collective team result, for all the lads and all of us fans. How good was that and how good does it feel to be a Spurs fan....priceless.

    Nomadico likes this.
  3. Skopje Guest

    I'd like to say I'm pleased we have Lamela in the squad. So many people ranted about him but he came through when it was needed the most. I think our players looked tired in the last 5-10 minutes but Hugo saved the game with his last minute save. The players will start to feel the pressure more and more. They looked a bit nervous today at the beginning stages of the game but settled nicely later on. All in all, a good team that plays exciting football. I won't be disappointed if don't win the title cause this season most of the games were a beauty to watch. CL football is what this team deserves and it is what they will surely get at the end of the season and maybe they'll manage to spice it up with some silverware.

    Bazza47 likes this.
  4. Magic Slim New Member

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    I know I an horribly biased but the penalty seemed right to me (provided it did hit the arm - couldn't see that from the replays). He went to block the cross and didn't control the arm which interrupted the flight of the ball. Irrelevant that he had his back to the ball.
    Chris #2 and Bazza47 like this.
  5. Big fran Guest

    Looked leggy late on and hit a similar crossroads to last season when going well in all comps.
    Possibly need to rest and rotate players in the next two games in the cups..
  6. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Good point Magic Slim. His arm was raised and he only turned away to save his face from being hit in my's a pity the law talks about the action being deliberate, not that I'm an expert on the laws....nonetheless it was deemed to be so....Hey Ho!
  7. guesty Guest

    on 'deliberate'....the problem is always what happens if the ball is going in the goal and hits an arm accidentally.
    ......generally hand ball is given even if it is not deliberate.

    perhaps the rule should be about a) gaining an advantage....b) preventing the ball going in the goal....or c) peventing the ball going into an area where there is another attacking player

    On Sunday I can see why its is given (as Sterling has his arm up) but I can also see what it shouldn't have been given (the referee couldn't see the impact point)
    ....then again....I think Clattenburg is a (closet) ManU fan so always good to have him when you play City!
    Magic Slim likes this.
  8. Magic Slim New Member

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    That is funny!

    You are right in those circumstances deliberate doesn't come into. I like the gaining advantage definition but again will be criticised for referee interpretation.

    He had a perfect line of sight - it may have been tough to judge the depth tho and whether the ball had gone all the way passed his back and on to the arm.
  9. Chris #2

    Chris #2 New Member

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    Afaik, the rules state that if an arm is hit while in an unnatural position, it doesnt matter if its deliberate or not - its a foul. The "chicken wing" arm position cannot go for a natural position and therefore I believe the penalty was ok.
  10. Bazza47

    Bazza47 Well-Known Member

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    Got it. It was so and it caught the underside of his arm and his back. Guilty.
  11. Spurporter Well-Known Member

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    I agree. Should Sterling not to stick his chicken wing out, the Rose's cross would have gone through. Hence the ball was blocked with illegal part of the body.
    I have no issue with Cluttenburg. One of the best out there.
    GREAT F@###G RESULT!!! We doubled on Citizens ! That alone must last the lifetime!
    Bring on Italians now!!!COYS!!!
  12. johnnyhrvat Guest

    The law is ambiguous - the only person that knows whether it is deliberate handball is the defender (Sterling in this case) - ask any defender if it was deliberate and he will say NO! It therefore comes down to the referee's view of whether he thought it was deliberate - and so the referee's decision must be correct whichever way he gives it and you just hope that he is consistent.
  13. guesty Guest

    one aspect for me is the front 4. yes we have generally had a good front for going forwards.....but for me they are working harder in their defensive duties to win the ball back. previous seasons we have had to rely on the CM one or two to win the ball and make progress. this season, yes they have to win the ball, but the energy in the front 4 is something else. the CM pairing know they will be helped out...making their passes to the fron 4 shorter. really great team togetherness

  14. guesty Guest

    agree....hence I was just suggesting taking deliberate or acidental completely out of it.....and basing it on gaining an advantage

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