Pochettino 'would choose' Man Utd over Spurs

Discussion in 'Tottenham forum' started by Mattj78, January 10, 2016.

  1. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    Ahead of our FA Cup tie against Leicester City this afternoon, worrying rumours surfaced on Sky Sports Sunday Supplement. Sky as usual stirring up things for Spurs, something the media seem to love doing.

    Jeremy Wilson of the Daily Telegraph believes the lure of Old Trafford would be too hard for Pochettino to resist, adding: "He is very ambitious, he moved quickly from Southampton when he got the chance and I don't think he'd hang around if he got the chance to go to United.

    Shaun Custis of The Sun believes Spurs would not be able to keep hold of Pochettino if United came calling.
    "If the offer came, and Pochettino decided he wanted to go, he would go,"
    "I know Daniel Levy hangs on to his players until the last minute but there is no way Tottenham would be able to stop Pochettino going."

    Understandably after yesterday's diabolical United performance, Van Gaal has come under pressure again. One thing that is certain is Tottenham dodged a bullet when he ignored us in favour of the Red Devils.

    So the media have decided to throw Pochettino's hat into the ring to replace LVG should he last until the summer. I am not surprised considering what Poch did with the Saints and he is developing a super Spurs team ( pun absolutely intended ) but I hope this remains a rumour.

    To lose Poch would, in my opinion, be an absolute disaster. We are in a position where we are doing well in the league, we have lots of raw talent and are going in the right direction with a huge new stadium to come. The last thing Spurs need is for the manager to jump ship for United.

    Levy in his tenure has sold Bale, Modric, Van De Vaart, Berbatov and we have all cried foul every time we have seen our top players walk out of the door.

    I think Poch is committed to the project at White Hart Lane. If I was Levy, I would be getting Poch to do what he failed to get Arry to do. Come out in public and openly state he is not leaving, he has signed a new contract and he wants to lead Tottenham for years to come.

    It's time Levy showed once and for all Spurs are back and glory is coming.

    As ever, Come on you Spurs!!
    bruski likes this.
  2. josh_b

    josh_b Active Member

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    To me, there's nothing that would excite me about the current United team. With us, we have our academy and new stadium which was a huge plus. With United, you've got an aging team, unrealistic expectations and a **** youth set up - I've heard the class of 92 send their kids to Man City to develop as players!
    Nomadico and Mattj78 like this.
  3. Fredrik Guest

    Pochettino already said he wants to emulate ferguson and wenger and lead Spurs for some 20 years If he gets the chance to.
    Nomadico, Mattj78 and Deggsy56 like this.
  4. Felon82 Well-Known Member

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    Lets wait till Poch actually achieves something before he gets this Legendary status hes recieving.
    notnats and Mattj78 like this.
  5. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    If Poch went to MU he would be forever under the shadow of Fergi,and why would he take a step down to a club that play's the game like plastic pop-up's,Poch like's football so he will stay at Spurs..
    Mattj78 likes this.
  6. Mattj78

    Mattj78 Well-Known Member

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    I believe he will stay. What i would like to see though is the rumours put to bed before the summer.
    bruski and Nomadico like this.
  7. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Correct Matt,Levy and Poch must both stand up and put all this talk where it belongs,in the rubbish bin......
    bruski and Mattj78 like this.
  8. Spursius Guest

    Spurs are a great club but Man U are one of the 4 biggest in the world. You can't imagine he wouldn't run to them at the drop of a hat if they asked him to. With the resources they've got, he could potentially win everything with them whilst with Spurs, until the stadiums built and paid for at least, the best he can hope for is 3rd place and an FA cup.
    Mattj78 likes this.
  9. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Poch is NOT a mercenary,Man U stopped being a great club when Fergi left now they are also rans struggling to get top 4,a club need's a soul MU lost there's,No Poch will turn them down...
    Mattj78 likes this.
  10. Jeremy Wilson is a Man Utd supporter and this piece of speculative drivel in the Telegraph displays the usual pro Man Utd bias which is all too nauseatingly prevalent in the English media. There is absolutely no substance to the rumour whatsoever and there is no conclusive or rational reason postulated as to why Pochettino would leave Spurs to go to Man Utd. To work with Ed Woodward?? To work for absentee American owners?? To work with a bunch of over-hyped, under-performing egos, sporting over-inflated wage packets, where youth development (Pochettino's forte) has been sidelined in favour of an indiscriminate and injudicious waving of the checkbook?? Why would Pochettino leave? Spurs are eminently capable of matching any financial incentive that Utd could offer, plus afford a much more attractive proposition in terms of upwardly mobile player and club development, along the lines of Pochettino's own ethos. Man Utd are an ageing dinosaur of a football club, floundering in uncharted swampland, with a dysfunctional team and unqualified and incompetent ownership, hamstrung by the legacy of a great manager whose exploits now dwarf the club and its current managerial incumbent like a giant spectre. Pochettino is much better off staying at Spurs and rejecting out of hand any slimy overtures from Old Trafford, with the same dismissive nonchalance as one would reject the advances of an ageing tart!
    Mattj78 and Nomadico like this.
  11. Big fran Guest

    Firstly there is no reason for him to come out and say nothing to a piece of lazy journalism like this. The only link being that utd need a manager and Poch is doing reasonably well..
    Two wks ago it was mourinho, last week Pep and this WK Mopo!!!
    Secondly if he got chance would he jump ship? Absofrikinloutly he would. Who wouldn't? Why wouldn't he? Left saints for us right? Man Utd bigger than us?ERM yes!!
    Quite possibly the biggest club in the world and certainly in the top 3. Would get a pay rise and an open cheque book for sure. We thought we had no youth system until poch arrived to be fair. The beauty of him being he gives these kids a chance. I'm sure man utd have equally good youth if not better..
    Remember pochettino has absolutely no life long affinity with spurs!!
  12. The Cockerel

    The Cockerel Member

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    I suspect most of you have read this, but for those of you who haven't:

    Pochettino No To Man Utd

    It was inevitable wasn't it, Tottenham give Pochettino a stage to show he has the makings of a top-flight manager for years to come and stories start of clubs taking an interest in him. Manchester United is the current press favourite.
    If you want my opinion, and of course you do (lol), Pochettino is a loyal man. You'll argue that of course and quote his record, but if you look at his managerial career it has a beginning, then a vision was sold to him of Southampton winning the Premier League which fell apart when the chairman left. He failed to receive assurances and so left to join us with the goal of building the club and the team to win trophies consistently and to win the Premier League.
    The key word there is consistently, not a one-off victory but sustainable success. He has embarked upon a project and isn't simply going to jump ship because Man United come calling. At the moment you could argue that that would be a step down, they are below us in the league despite two and a half time our income.
    The reaction of Man U fan to the Mirror story shows how highly rival clubs supporters rate the job he is doing at Tottenham, yet some of our own fans still complain, there is no pleasing some people.
    Pochettino is happy at Spurs, he has created a happy environment where players know where they stand. He remains loyal to a winning side, gives players a chance and expects them to take it. If they don't that is down to them, a successful side is ruthless, you perform straight away or you are out and have to wait for another chance. Perform and age is immaterial, that is the kind of boost you the players don't get elsewhere.
    At Tottenham he has found a club where he could be here for the next 10 years, that is perfectly possible. I think it is a certainty, and have done since he was appointed, that he will be here after the stadium is built, he is a part of that project.

    The football and the stadium go hand-in-hand. With a stadium to be built the club needed a manager who would be here building a side while still challenging, Pochettino is showing he is the right man to do that job. All the talk of he'll be gone in 6 months, 1 year, 18 months simply demonstrated a lack of understanding of what Daniel Levy wanted.
    It was obvious he was searching for a man to fulfil a strategy and you only really know if someone is capable of achieving what you want when they are actually doing the job, common sense tells us that much.
    There are some managers who want to finish what they start, Pochettino is, I feel, one of those managers and will be with us for the long haul. (TBHN)
    Nomadico likes this.
  13. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Going to MU would be a step down for Poch and a risky one,here at Spurs he has a dream and it is working,if he left he would go into a poison chalice,he would have to win the PL/FAcup all in his first season other wise the so called fans of MU will demand his head just like Moyes and now LVG no one can be the next Fergi alas any one going there is judged against the success of the Fergi era,an open check book is not enough, you need passion as well as skill,non of which is at MU,so NO he will not go.....COYS
  14. burnt Guest

    Jeez get a grip , we,re all Spurs fans here but saying going to Manc Land is a step down is just crazy talk , its the biggest Club in the country , top 3 or 4 clubs in world football ... Any ambitious manager would have to consider it if offered no matter what the Mancs current predicament is .. After all they,re having a stinker of a season but are only 3 points behind us .. I'm not saying its going to happen but to say its a step down from the Spurs job is , well lets just say you've got your Spurs blinkers on .. You also claim it would be unacceptable to the Manc fans if he didn't win the League straight away well lets see how acceptable it will be to our fans if we finish 5th or 6th ... Me thinks your speaking with your heart not your head .. For me Poch is doing well here at the moment but he's got plenty to prove yet and as Felon put it lets not anoint him just yet ... Opinions can change fast ......
  15. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    I agree with you Burnt that MU are one of the big boy's of world football but that was under one of the greatest manager's ever to grace our great game,but now it is a club in crisis,we went the same way with all our manager changes,and on top of that the loss of some of the best player's in the world.MU had a team built up from player's who were together from kids that plus Fergi made them a force in football now all that has gone,there fan base is so used to title after title now any thing less is a "step down".Here at Spurs we now have a team built starting with the kids and a in Poch a man who wants to prove himself and player's who "want" to play for him just like Fergi had when he started.My first match watching spurs was in 1960 so I grew up with the club I love playing the type of football I love,is it "Acceptable"to finish 5or6 NO I want spurs to finish on top every year but logic and common sense tells me that we will not,will I still follow my club if we don't,DAM RIGHT I WILL,COYS
  16. guesty Guest

    Firstly......I do not think Pochy will go. And I certainly don't want him to.

    But.....'poison chalice'.....now there is a term you wouldn't expect to hear about the manager's position at MU. ...and...very much like the England manager's job....the term lends itself to manager's believing they are the ones to turn the fortunes of the team. because doing so elevates your name considerably. I would think Fergie thought that when MU came calling after Big Ron(?).
    Should LVG not recover the teams situation he will be gone. IMO Pep and Mourinho would be high on their list....but who after that??? .......Pochy must be pretty close to their thinking. (especially his ability and track record with englands youngsters) ......and if he wasn't.....the rumours now certainly have put him there
  17. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Guesty,I meant "Poison Chalice"in a negative way not positive,Poch would not want to go.....
  18. guesty Guest

    Nomadico.....no I agree with what you had said....I was just suggesting that in some cases the negativity about the challenge sometimes makes manager's want to go ahead and try to sort it out! ..to be the one! ......very much like the England manager role.

    ....which by the way I think we should give to Big Sam. ...forget all this tippy tappy international football nonsense. what everyone wants is action and goals at some risk yes. ...so lets not try and play a game English players can't play....and just play 3 forwards and 8 defensive minded players (Gk included)....and hoof the ball up the front....and break up the play of anyone coming into our half!
    ....anyway....apologies I've digressed
  19. Nomadico Well-Known Member

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    Guetsy,I"m sure you can remember the saga around Harry Redknap,as soon as the talk started about the England job his focus shifted from Spurs to England,I do not want this to happen with Poch and MU,Poch,if he continues the path he has started he could become one of our greatest manager's but that's a long way off,but for now I will relish the late night's and enjoy listening and with luck watching the start of a new spurs era,COYS

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